week for big time fights last saturday so all the triumphant return of the to the octagon of the notorious connor mcgregor this sunday will see 30 w w e superstars compete in the ad you will while rumble to see will headline wrestle mania but none of these none of these battles. can compare and have captured the big fight feel as much as the world heavyweight title fight over climate change that took place in davos switzerland this week yes the brand name in chief u.s. president donald trump and the climate change voice that roared swiss teenager gratitude berg both appeared at the annual world economic forum this weekend both took to the podium to fire up some uppercuts and roundhouse kick so over the crisis of climate change berger spared no punches telling the media telling the meeting of business and financial elites that quote i wonder what you will tell your children was the reason to fail and leave them facing the climate chaos you knowingly brought upon them she then added our house is still on fire your inaction is fueling the flames by the hour speaking of hours just a couple hours later following her speech u.s. president donald trump took to the stage like a campaign stump speech talked about how great he was and how great the u.s. is and then declared the following. but to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse . they are the heirs of yesterday's foolish fortune tellers and i have them and you have them and we all have them and they want to see is too badly but we don't let that happen. yes my friends that was us president donald trump telling us not to sound the alarm about the burning of the amazon the burning of australia or the melting of the glaciers and all of that climate change hullabaloo because well that's just being a negative nancy yes that's what he just told us i think i think we all know who's going to win this fight and friends it isn't going to be the one that was born in new york with a silver spoon in his and well and start watching the hawks. on a city street you want to. be so let's see this is this. state. rice is great see this least systemic dissent says so but she's. so. welcome ramona watching our. tour and joining me today is nick brown of the extinction and you've been watching what's been going on in davos this week you know ground 0 spoke trump spoke extinction rebellion is there i understand what are they actually doing there what's there on the right were what they were blocking the road to davos making a lot make it a little more difficult for the one percent to conspire against the rest of the world. that is basically what they do in davos from what i understand there's been a lot of big bites in the media this week. like a sudden it was bigger than it seemed to be grad and donald's war world war of words over climate change will either in your opinion after watching davos and watching this world economic forum over the last few years will either of their speeches actually make an impact on this crowd you know those speeches and the big words that we hear do they actually mean. you know they make an impact it's a show it's a public relations what they do there what what what has happened is that they understand that they can no longer ignore the crisis and so they put together you know beautiful speeches flowery words to say about it that take the place of real action and they've been doing that really for decades what the clip you just rolled of trumps speech is incredible because he was denouncing the world scientific community as the prophets of yesteryear essentially equating science to witch doctors scientists to which actors that's incredible when you really think about it in the context of the you know and to me it's like that idea of oh there prophets of doom or oh it's all doom and gloom and we should only focus on the positive that's not going to solve the problem focusing on the positive you know one of the big projects that was talked about at the world economic forum was this one trillion tree initiative i don't know if you've heard of it yet where the u.s. and other countries would plant 1.2 trillion trees essential deal to offset the last 10 years of c o 2 emissions now this is a big bold plan and i don't think any of you neither you or i was going to complain about reforesting the world that's a great idea. but is that just kind of another band-aid to the climate change carbon emission problem we've gone through so many iterations of delay from 1st of all industry spinning putting up false experts muddying the waters running tobacco's style campaign of disinformation so that we wouldn't do anything then they've migrated to things like claiming that the only thing that matters is consumer behavior you know so if you just use plastic straws we're fine with that and now we're migrating to these kinds of projects you know or carbon offsets and so the bottom line is that throughout each of these situations it's just the way it's just another form of public for the nation's manipulation to prevent what the actual issue is and that is an economy that is based and run off of massive fossil fuel extraction and burning and that's what we need to stop and that's the government's role and can we do that that's the big question of everybody always carefully true you see a world without the burning of fossil fuels is the possible care to be done to help quickly. so there's 2 parts to that question the 1st is technological can it be technologically done absolutely we can absolutely shift off of fossil fuels in the next 5 years as extinction rebellions demand to net 0 by 2025 the 2nd part is political and that's where the challenge comes because for decades corporations have known about it governments have known about it and as gratis said so eloquently they have done not a thing and so what extinction rebellion has done is that we went back and we looked at the past century of how campaigns for civil rights human rights had succeeded when they hit the same kind of wall the one the movement for women's suffrage for example in the u.s. the u.k. and other countries hit that wall through traditional politics the movement for colonial independence in india the movement for civil rights here in the united states all of those movements turned to mass civil disobedience and won through the . technique when they hit the end of the road with political politics and traditional politics fail and i think we've hit the end of the road when it comes to climate because i don't i don't see you know i don't see the democrats moving forward on this they like the kind of say they are but like at the end of the day i haven't seen enough votes from them here at least here in the us of actually making a change republicans will their sticks in the mud bank going anywhere on this subject so now i think the next step is exactly what you're talking about it's interesting with davos the world economic forum you know you mentioned earlier it's really all just a media show and things like that should should people who are looking to change but at the same time i think a lot of people argue but hate the elites or they're the people that can actually change the world and have the financial ability to do so are sitting there is it still not good to go in like actually confront them on that i mean you guys are there on the streets but isn't that still could could what are you saying a showing up and being there and speaking to these people might make a difference we have to confront them it's their children's future at stake too if we have the kind of civilizational social collapse that the science is actually predicting if you get to 4 or 5 degrees if you get into a hot house earth type scenario which is the which is what happened during the earth's biggest mass extinction which is also prompted by climate change by global warming from carbon emissions from volcanoes at the time. then. it's just a fantasy to think that the that the children of the wealthy or anyone is not going to be affected. why do you think they're so why why is the the folks in davos are so you know like you said they got their sticker that says i support climate change but there still are actually doing is it purely just greed i mean is it purely just i just don't want to stop making the amount of money i can off of fossil fuels is not really what's preventing it i believe it's systemic the problem is systemic because if any one company was to go and say you know we're going to become more green they'll get out competed by. other company that doesn't care about being you know they're simply as ruthless as possible so we have to transform that calculation and we can with pressure you know by saying we're simply not going to buy from companies that spend here we're going to demand that banks divest for example. it's that kind of impetus that's going to make the change but the ultimate change needs to be a much deeper structural change and we believe that that can happen through citizens assembly as a process happen in the u.k. as it's happened in ireland before there was a deadlock on same sex marriage that was breaking through in ireland by a citizens assembly that is calling people from all walks of life representative of the population to come discuss hear from experts and decide for themselves in place of the corrupt representatives that have paralyzed our society our economy our lives for decades that's brought about a number of the before that's a really good that's a really good concert i hope that we see and we have more people like yourself and more people out there making a difference and pushing this forward and you know trying out the new angles that we need to do because at the end of the day i don't care you can argue with me all over it all day long about whether it's manmade or not manmade i don't care about that the problem is that it's happening at the end of the day it's happening we have to do something about it the argument the time for argument is over so i want to thank you very much for coming on today to educate my audience always a pleasure mick brown of the extinction thank you so much i was reading here tyrrell already ask anyone who's lived in hollywood or washington d.c. for any amount of time and they will tell you that the amount of plastic people in this world is truly staggering but you know what's more staggering than that is that those amount of plastic people are nowhere near the staggering amount of actual plastic in this world just plastic that we have those small blue planet according to recent numbers published in science advances since the 1950 s. human beings have produced roughly 8300000000 tons of plastic 6300000000 tons now consider waste we are drowning in plastic my friends well thankfully. a few companies have developed an organic way to combat our plastic addictions in los angeles are 2 murders latasha suite of more. but more than $100000000.00 tonnes of plastic being thrown away every year it's no surprise scientists are working on an eco friendly alternative so imagine a plastic that can break down to be recycled in 10 hours compared to 400 years when you see reusable bags and plastic touted as being more cycle some wonder if it's really that black and white according to the university of georgia there is reportedly 100000000 tons of plastic waste being thrown away every year half of this waste ins up in a landfill taking some 400 years to fully decompose and only a quarter of it is incinerated producing toxic smoke and there were maiming quarter of that is actually recycled but now efforts are being made to do something about this global crisis one in the making is from a french company called harby os their mojo is reinventing the life cycle of plastic and the way they go about it is utilizing a process based on enzymes these enzymes that normally eat plants are essentially eating plastic they help break down the plastic into smaller molecules this in turn paves the way for biogeographical plastics and this would give consumers more control over single use plastics as these bands would break down quickly for the plastics that would be used several times instead of breaking down faster this plastic could be shredded than recycles but copy us isn't thinking small by any means the start up has already announced a plan with l'oreal cosmetics nestle waters' pepsi and centaury beverage and food europe the company will reportedly provide high quality recycled plastics to all mega businesses within the next 4 years and compass isn't the only one to students founded a silicon valley startup focusing on how engineered bacteria turning plastic into. water now the 20 year olds created bio selection and have even another patent pending hoping to make a difference for the plastic that's polluting the world's oceans now the research coming out of india sounds promising as well where searchers have reportedly discovered 2 strains of plastic eating bacteria their goal is to fully decompose polish styrene a key component and simply use plastic products like toys and packaging reporting in los angeles not just sweets art. all right as we're going to break our waters don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered all our social media sites and be sure to check out watching the logs the podcast which is now available on spotify awful music and everywhere you listen to your favorite or not so favorite podcasts coming up democratic presidential candidate joe biden has been cheerleading internet censorship while on the campaign trail and i am joined by him you should cross in that martin to discuss good old joe's ideas of censorship stay to watch the whole. operations understand that the cost of doing business is buying and building support in washington d.c. and that includes staffing up with former members of congress put them on your payroll you want to hire a chief of staff from a powerful senator or committee. member get their chief of staff put them on your payroll as a lobbyist this is what washington does on a bipartisan basis in fact i think it's the only point of true bipartisanship in d.c. is corporate influence over government. you could see the slow. to the so. what. you see is just so much that's because. most look nobody. really believes. that. since the internet 1st crawled out of the primordial soup that was the u.s. military's advanced research projects agency or arpa which later became darpa it has without a doubt changed the face of human existence on this planet in jet i terms you could call it the force of modern communications or is all we one can all be famously described it it surrounds us penetrates us and binds the galaxy together yes that is the internet and that's pretty much all it is my friends and one of the biggest ways it's change human existence is its gift of free speech and expression whether good or bad the internet's ability to give voice to the once voiceless is unmatched and this is all thanks to a small little provision tucked into the communications decency act passed by the united states congress way back in 1996 that old time you see buried in that act is the now famous section 230 which states no provider user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another in from. content provider or as the electronic frontier foundation thankfully translates on line intermediaries that host a republican speech are protected against a range of laws that might otherwise be used to hold them legal or you are legally responsible for what others say in do but my friends now many politicians in cable news pundits and beltway insiders on both sides of the party to buy it here in the united states are calling for an end to section 230 recently democratic presidential candidate joe biden told the new york times editorial board that quote section 230 should be revoked immediately should be revoked number one for zucker bergan other platforms there was no editorial impact at all on facebook none none whatsoever it's responsible well joining me now to discuss the good bad and ugly of section $230.00 an internet free speech on the forces that seek to change all that is the president of the eagle former education legal defense fund and martin and political analyst and democratic strategist ed meese across to me 3 times but i've got to. thank you both for coming on i got to i want to start by asking number one as i said no many pundits and politicians across the spectrum i mean i was shocked to see tucker carlson the nancy pelosi are even on the same side as they have come out and supported removing or rewriting section 230 why is controlling free speech on the internet or changing this section making platforms like twitter and facebook culpable for what their users say why is that why does that have such bipartisan appeal for different reasons i think that one of the primary ones is during election year obviously we're seeing the propagation of a lot of false information and these companies are seen as hosting that information and not doing the fact checking process that we're talking about baseball and they basically came out and said that it is not their responsibility to do the fact checking process and they appear on several lines in many cases like a bird has come out and he has made a statement. that react as though he is a news organization and abiding by those news organization regulations but then again he will also argue that they are not and we also have to look at a lot of the hate speech and rhetoric and the organizations or the individuals who developed basically their own teams of other haters that they believe for religious groups anti. groups who also been propagated in these online forums and channel so i think that regulation to a certain extent more thinking about free speech we also have to look at the fact that there are some dangerous things that are happening in a lot of these forms not only the misinformation campaigns but also a lot of things that could lead to violence and other actions as it relates to folks who honestly are using these to expand hate you know i mean you know this is where actually i think the trump era has brought some of the left and right together on some issues and you know people don't realize the anti trust movement was because the big oil companies in the 1900 tens and twenties were using the law the trust law against the people and so the any trust movement was to say wait government picked winners and losers the trust system every one of the standard oil had a trust company of texas a trust and so they had to change that and i think in this case 230 and i'm with senator josh ollie's from my home state of missouri who said let's get rid of this and make them prove that they're actually impartial because what we have is facebook and especially google and you tube we don't know what they're doing behind the scenes and again i'm for free speech we ought to be careful and i think you often come down on the say hey be careful be careful but when somebody gets so big in this case 3 or 4 tech companies that they're not only steering what we see but what we know this is a danger to the way we're living and frankly on the issue of say hate and all these kinds of speech i'm worried that there are influences facebook stepped back and said it was an us it was russia it was other people that's nonsense i mean it looks like it was facebook do allowing lots of things so we need to change the system the way we've been into 30 feels like an old. i'm in a new world and we've got to come out of the better now the danger is do we end up with a regulator by government i mean that could be worse than anything but but we've got to do something different well that's the thing that i kind of look at this is a look at this and say you know look free speech is there the reason we have the 1st amendment is not to protect popular speech it's actually to protect unpopular speech even no matter how ugly or or hateful it is and the thing with 230 years it doesn't say that these companies cannot be held liable for what like if somebody says i'm going to go commit a crime and then they advertise that this person was going to go commit a crime they can still be held liable for that it doesn't give them like a clean slate it just says look if somebody says something stupid on facebook that's offensive facebook's not responsible for yeah but i mean and go speak it was before clear it may be you may be right that there is a way to get to the tech companies but practically it's not happened it's they have so much power and you know they have power in a way that successful aerated even since the 2016 election in terms of the speed with which they're checking what we see and their reformatting i really believe this they're reformatting our brain the way we see things because what they know again if they're going to have that much power it is america needs to have systems that allow capitalism but we have to have a check on the liability in the transparency or we're going to be ruled by the tech companies considering the sheer amount of individuals not only in america but across the globe who primarily get their news from facebook from the social media sources i think that it matters to have a certain level of integrity in the information that they're receiving and that exists beyond individuals who are in their own chat channels discussing things that may or may not be of popular interest but i do think there is something that needs to be said about winning it down and getting to facts the other thing that i think that needs to be considered and that baseball in terms of biden has taken a hit or is propagating an ad that literally have a lot of balls information and i think that he was not wrong in his push against that neither was the democratic party and they're not the only ones who are taking a stand up for. trump to his to his credit he's been one of the greatest dismantle of the net neutrality that we think he was very happy with the supreme court decision there and he thinking by that i don't think that this is a partisan issue as much as it is one in which you see both sides of the aisle ironically coming together on and that's maybe why i'm kind of on the outside looking in going like i don't know as an independent examiner the republican or democrat as an independent i'm going like you know i understand their stand the arguments but at the same time this seems more like an argument look if we want to break up the monopolies of the tech companies i'm all for that because that is truly monopoly google all that these are real monopolies that are narrowing the flow of information only through them and i'm all for breaking that up at the same time i do not want to see the free speech that is that is being kind of narrowed down already by corporate control and the internet and then suddenly decide to go falling under government and corporate control and then you know stamping out all free speech when they're not just because one side doesn't like it or another side doesn't like it because at the end of the who gets to decide right exists to decide what is a factual news story and what's not a factual news story not saying that look we all can we all know there's basic facts that i think we all should agree on but at the end of the day you can't let one political party or 2 political parties control the narrative of what is or is not a safe news story well and remember that day the danger is who chooses who's in control you know right now glenn greenwald in brazil is under arrest for basically being a journalist eyes and in america we've now proven that the deep state can influence what we see and who's winners and losers including this own network to make this network register for something when everybody else to do it send us my point here is that 2 thirds broken what's next is a problem we've got to worry about it but 230 is broken and if we don't change to 30 and the search set up we are literally our republic will be governed by the tech companies because they control what you see they control what you know and therefore they control what you do it's not just for buy and books on amazon it's for who gets to the polls who go. to the polls where and how the elections go and more interact and relates to take security and how much we wind up meant to actually implement our system and how much that's going to continue happening over time i don't think that that's going to be something that chinese and the chinese are always trying people always trying just like we are but that's not facebook is controlling forget about it and he's trying and i can i get the fear of foreign intervention but the same time i also sit back and say you know what the n.s.a. right now knows everything that i do on line and that actually bothers 1 me more of whether or not the chinese give the russians get it because to me the n.s.a. is not proven to be above board when it comes to how they've dealt with our freedoms and our of my own country has actually trampled on my freedoms and other people's freedoms a lot more than a foreign power and have at the same time though you do bring up a good point if facebook or one of these companies that controls everybody's information if one of them gets hacked by anybody that's a lot of information to be held in just one area and it has everything that i have got how you think companies have contracts with the n.s.a. and the cia and everybody else i mean that's really good as they're rolled out of there so again i mean government can't be in charge of this you know to 30 i think is a detriment to how we're living and it's a worry i disagree with that and i'm sorry that. there is a way to do this but i want to thank you so much for coming on today i mean it's a pleasure as always to have you look forward to having you on again very soon thank you. alright finally it's very before we go i have some ground breaking but bad news for all of you target grade fans out there yes those little microscopic creatures that many of called the toughest organisms on the planet i mean they can survive the back room of space for crying out loud they may actually have a kryptonite after all researchers at the university of copenhagen have discovered that extreme heat for prolonged periods can actually damage and kill target grades while previously was discovered that the little water bears could survive being boiled at $330.00 degrees fahrenheit or $151.00 celsius for an hour it seems that extreme heat for extended periods of time like 48 hours is enough to kill the little fellows. that actually makes me think of something they can survive extreme cold in the vacuum of space but they can't handle fire. i think that this puts target groups in the same category of xeno more. i'm not a scientist but that makes logical sense to me all right everybody that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told that we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am i robot keep on watching those hawks out there and have a great day and night everybody. that he had to see should he go to one of the 4 so he'd be in luck because on. the screen i want to meet a woman and i don't. see. that . the moment was. that he moved me to. the school i'm. only in the spirit in the reason he said that he said i'm a watch musical blood coming from the. winter with him and he that. in the movie can you. hear me shall i. say it's most i'm. looking forward to. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. kaiser report. president vladimir putin approves a new russian government and we take a look at the cabinet. western powers continued to defend the chemical weapons watchdog report on the alleged chemical attack in syria despite the agency's own former inspector calling it contradictory. the findings in a final. or. contradictory well were complete. with. qantas. and of the russian health ministry warnings and that the country could be at risk from the new corona virus spreading through china. for the latest on these are the stories you can head to our t. dot com.

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