Good evening and welcome this is the weekly here are not. A libyan peace conference is underway the warning signs of sat down together at the indigo shooting table in berlin the hope of thrashing out a way to end years of war aunties peter oliver reports from the german capital. This conference here in berlin is seen by some as a last chance for a diplomatic solution to the ongoing crisis in the war ravaged country that is libya the heads of both sites in crisis here in berlin for talks theyre also joined by high profile delegations from russia for turkey from the United States of course from here in germany as well and others were also becomes a against the backdrop of the latest news on the ground in libya that forces loyal to general have. Of blockaded ports key ports in the country and cut off oil exports around 25 percent of the countrys oil exports have been affected by this so serious Economic Impact from that there is cautious optimism here in germany ahead of this meeting we understand that before all of the delegations of sat together that phase. The leader of the u. N. Backed government in tripoli and met with german chancellor Angela Merkel and the German Foreign minister heiko mass mr mass well he was surprisingly upbeat heading into what could be a very crucial conference weve been able to Reach Agreement so many important points for the future political process in libya and the mere fact that weve managed to do this in the prison difficult situation gives us grooms to be cautiously optimistic all this talk of these talks here in berlin follow on from a conference earlier just last week in moscow in which both sides in the conflict agree to a cease fire that was brokered by russia and turkey however following those talks and following the agreement for that cease fire it was only said that put his signature to the deal or before this conference gets into full swing turkish president the one and blood amir putin of russia have also held talks this is what the russian president had to say following that was when it was going it was in my opinion we made very Good Progress during our meeting in istanbul we called on the warring libyan parties to cease a still ities and while certain incidents still occur both sides have heard our appeal and large scale hostilities did cease in my opinion this is already a very good result which paved the way for todays multilateral meeting here in berlin also gay lover of there saying you wont over dramatize the situation but really the word is this is pretty much as i said a last chance for a diplomatic solution and actually as im talking to you delegations are arriving at the Chancellors Office here in berlin but as this develops throughout the day ill keep you up to date here on r. T. And benghazi peoples expectations for the conference range from skepticism through to hope. But i think this conference will find a comprehensive approach to peace in libya i think that sooner or later after the berling conference well see a return to fighting because the background for dialogue between both parties is fragile so theres very little thats agreed upon or there are so many. I hope the politicians will do their best in berlin and wont be ignorant libya shouldnt be divided it should unite this but you have a belief in conference does not express the majority opinion that this is of words of libyan people in removing the militias along with the carrots and through bully and other libyan cities it will feel. What matters most is removing the weapons which terrorize and kills people looted libyans money and cause the country to be marvelous in the past decade if thats considered the conference might be successful otherwise it will be unsuccessful just like all the other conferences libya has been officially divided between rival factions since 2011 when an uprising killed the longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi is going underground or spoken with gadhafi former spokesperson about the burning conference and whether it can ease the crisis was the interview in full at r. T. Dot com now heres a preview. Its extremely easy to get lost in the details of the libyan crisis and this is really f. C. In our game the imperialist west has been playing for decades and decades and the reason europe interview since chaos into libya and then what it does it manages this chaos for years and years to come sometimes by military means sometimes by political means conferences negotiations economic sanctions you end the crees European Union informant all of this is to keep the country and the control so they can rock its National Wealth and control its political system and prevent more importantly its population from rising up and making sure that their country is sovereign and independent from foreign influence they change the roles they are siding roles between different parties in any conflict we call for every single libyan Party Political current to come together in the libyan city not in berlin and out of this of our vision of the African Union because we are african and without any foreign participation no one is accepting because they know where this would be a genuine libyan decision would lead to something that the west does not want thats why they called to berlin. Russia got a new Prime Minister this week after the previous cabinet stepped down the resignation follow president putins proposal to change the countrys constitution. If a particular but it delusion will if you learn means i suggested yesterday do not affect the fundamental basis of the constitutions the aim of furthering russias development as a lawful state so the goal is to enhance the effectiveness of the countrys institutions to strengthen the role of Civil Society and to enable the Political Parties in our regions to make decisions a vital to the countrys development of. Guess they have takes a look at the proposed reforms and how theyve gone down in the why the world. Tried splay in this led to boom and powers the office of president the media accuses about seizing more power who couldnt control over russia but when putin gives up that power and hands it over to parliament at his own expense it is also because he seizing more control over russia 1st to discover this syndrome i name it paranoid putin a friend here and theres a real epidemic. Paranoid putin a for any aside he is what he actually proposed to guaranteed that no president ever wields as much power as he did including putin himself hes got 4 more years in office. This is unprecedented in a quarter of a century every constitutional amendment was designed to empower the president for example increase the president ial term from 4 years to 6 years or give the president the power to appoint prosecutors and now. He turns it all upside down it used to be that putin appointed the Prime Minister Ministers Parliament rubber stamp that now parliament appoints heads of government and putin rubber stamps it with no power object so according to the constitution of the Russian Federation the president needs only the state dumas consent to make official appointments the president appoints the cabinets his deputy and all the ministers i propose shifting this power to the state duma and also the approval of the russian governments chairman and at the chairmans suggestion all the Deputy Ministers and all the federal ministers will have to be appointed by the president without a right to reject any candidate this is of course all subject to a popular vote if these passes russia will be a changed country with a very different future russia is changing into a new face of democracy freedom and now the basis of 1st. Time when the president limits his old how this is something in the later control country is not noted at all their president limits its own power and wants to let the people decide on the new constitution many in the west see president putin is a mental power is the one that wants to remain in power for ever and so on and so forth but if you look at the reforms if you look at the proposals i see myself some reasons to find in these proposals some that earns a power between the president power and the Parliament Power i see some ideas leading to a better more denies ation of this state very often it happens did. Many media make comments on amendment. On law project or reform and constitution we doubt knowing in details what is the reform or the rules what are the proposals so i would suggest before putting for so negative comments to study to understand wild what talking about what is did reform and now unsaid and then maybe we can make some comments now before that to pave the way the government handed in its resignation its worth mentioning it wasnt all that popular that failed on a number of fronts and meacham event if the now caretaker Prime Minister said himself its time for something new you have all heard the address of the russian president Vladimir Putin as president he outlined the major priorities of our work for the upcoming year but he also outlined a number of fundamental changes to the constitution of the Russian Federation these changes when they take place and this will be done after discussions and as was said they will significantly alter a number of parts of the constitution and change the balance of power if theres one thing we know about putin its that we dont know him he loves to surprise and there was no warning not even rumors that the country was about to be turned on its head we now have a new Prime Minister we heil michoud in an unknown quantity hes largely stayed out of the spotlight for the past decade ahead in the federal tax agency and i must say he did wonders teaching russians to pay their taxes fact some would argue hes done too good a job it is now clear putin hangs up the gloves in 2024 he wont run for another term time change so does russia that is revolutionary change from this distance i would say that it gives more power to the parliament but it. Downgrades the importance of the Prime Ministership the stability of russias leadership and its quality which is not a separate issue has been one of the most positive aspects of World Governance in the 21st century. Berlin has confirmed donald trump threatened to slap huge tariffs on european carmakers if it didnt distance itself from the Iran Nuclear Deal this week germany the u. K. And france triggered deals dispute resolution mechanism which could lead to the grievance collapse irans Supreme Leader slammed the 3 european states as us poor ones sparking a rebuke from president trump. Boy you know you i searched for the beginning but after the u. S. Withdraw from the j. C. These 3 governments were just plain rude service and ranting i did not trust them and they would carry out anything and they would be of the service of the us it has been cleared up their us born in the true sense of the word the socalled Supreme Leader of iran who has not been so supreme lately had some nasty things to say about the United States and europe their economy is crashing and their people are suffering he should be very careful with his words. The european trio claim irans noncompliance with the nuclear deal is forcing them to trigger the dispute mechanism iran now has 30 days to return to compliance failing which will be referred to the Un Security Council that could reinstate sanctions so lets take a look at what led to the Current Crisis or the nuclear deal was signed in 2015 by iran and key world powers it was designed to limit tehrans Nuclear Activities in exchange for sanctions relief but in 2018 president from washington now re imposing economic penalties that prompted iran to start backing away from complying with the deal itself something that 6 or 8 in recent weeks after the u. S. Killing of tehrans top general Political Science professor at the university of tehran believed when the u. S. Withdrew from the deal the e. U. Abandoned around. Its very hypocritical for the europeans to trigger the dispute resolution mechanism now i mean if they were sincerely and truly committed to the deal they shouldve triggered this dispute resolution mechanism a year and a half ago when the trumpet ministration decided to leave the deal when the us left the deal it was actually the europeans that convinced you want to stay in the deal with the promise that they would shield your own from american sanctions and all those promises turned out to be empty and right now when iran is for its share of the deal its backing away from the deal now they are trading the this socalled dispute resolution mechanism and this has actually brought a lot of anger in a lot of brit bitterness in tehran regarding the europeans meanwhile the u. S. Secretary of state has doubled down on washingtons assassination of irans top general earlier this month by pompei oh this is just the start of a far more aggressive deterrence policy of mentioning russia and china. Picks up the story. In u. S. Foreign policy buzz words are everything administrations love to have a single term they can use in order to explain their International Actions so lets review some of the greatest hits to be ready for preemptive action a reset in relations between the United States and russia might bomb peo seems to be rolling out a new one when defending the actions of the white house in dealing with international adversaries of the United States mike pompei ohs new favorite word seems to be deterrence reestablishing deterrence real deterrence military deterrence deterrence is hard to establish an easy to loose so according to the white house and its surrogates the killing of top iranian general qassam solomonic was necessary as part of this deterrence strategy but want to lay this out in context of what weve been trying to do theres a bigger strategy strategy to this we have reestablished deterrence but we know its not everlasting that risk remains we are determined not to lose that deterrence but the iraqi Prime Minister has a different version of events according to the iraqi Prime Minister soleimani was on a Diplomatic Mission he was trying to make peace when he was ruthlessly cut down furthermore reports seem to indicate that so mahdi was not the only official to be targeted reports now show that a different iranian general was also in their sights but the strike was unsuccessful so who else could now be on the list as the United States claims it has the right to assassinate top iranian general extrajudicial lee and explain later well mike pompei o has thrown not only iran but also russia and china into the mix we saw not just in iran but in other places too where american deterrence was weak we watched russias 2014 occupation of the crimea chinas island building too in the South China Sea and its brazen attempts to coerce American Allies undermine to deterrence so if the an eye. It states dislikes you it can pressure you economically diplomatically isolate you or brutally assassinate you know this is geopolitics in the age of deterrence mask is come and ask this idea of supremacy that we we have you know this is you can call it american supremacy that we can do whatever we want and its up to us to decide who is a threat or not this is it really really disturbing and very dangerous i think and its not normal here does come in alex for somebody who is running the state department this is extremely disturbing and im very disappointed that medical Political Class is not speaking out against this. Crazy idea that we can go ahead and just kill anyone we dont like it doesnt mean people are not guilty of things but if we take a distance of this. Approach to every nationality to every country we are going to have that really of the mess and i want to. Still to come a criminal investigation is opened into the actions of British Police have to report reveals offices ignored the Sexual Exploitation of children in social care for years more on that after the break. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Theory Dramatic Development only. I dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical. To sit down. Welcome back British Police new children were suffering the most profound sexual abuse in the Northern City of manchester but failed to protect them is the finding of a new report in 2004 operational guster was launched. But the probe was shut down a few perpetrators were brought to justice. The official probe was closed due to lack of resources now a criminal investigations been opened into potential failures by the police the u. K. Independent office for Police Conduct found racial tensions were one of the reasons given for stopping operation augusta whistleblower Maggie Oliver a former munched a Police Detective says that there were many more disturbing reasons. The decision to close down operation orchestra was driven by the decision of Senior Officers to remove the resources from the investigation this was because it was a very complex investigation but there were other factors involved in the decision to close it down there was definitely an element of concern about the ethnicity of the offenders being pakistani man and the children being very vulnerable white children there was also the resources issue and because its very labor intensive it takes a lot of time it takes a lot of commitment from an organization to resource a job like this and also and that was a focus on what we call acquisitive crime so burglaries theft from Motor Vehicle robberies if somebody reported that kind of a crime to the police you would get a 1st class response if you were a child being raped it wasnt being reflected in Performance Indicators hence the police did not respond well the initial investigation was triggered by the death of victoria de golyer she was in the care of Manchester City council after her mothers death the girl subjected to Sexual Assault and injected with heroin 50 year old mother of all says carers knew the abuse was going on did not act 15 year old victoria died after being administered a heroin overdose to his grandmother wants justice for her relative she was such a lovely girl she didnt deserve to die ive been fighting all my life for this she told herself what these men had done to her. The authorities knew that many victims were being subjected to the most profound abuse and exploitation but did not protect him from the perpetrators as a result very few of the relevant perpetrators were brought to justice and neither were their activities disrupted this is a depressingly familiar picture and has been seen in many other towns and cities across the country the chief constable amongst the police offered his condolences to the victims adding officers will do everything to get justice for the children but whistleblower mikey oliver again wants Senior Police and other officials themselves investigated. This coverup thats the only word there is for it was absolutely deliberate this report this review and its an independent 3 view makes it Crystal Clear that this was a deliberate cover up there was a reluctance to acknowledge that it was pakistani men predominantly who were abusing vulnerable young white children and very Young Children that became a political hot potato it was often sad that these kids that 11 and 12 were making a lifestyle choice that they were working as prostitutes that they were bad kids that is never the case they were vulnerable kids who we have a duty to protect and the all for it is failed time and time again to do that this is criminal neglect in my opinion it is misconduct in a Public Office at the highest level and i want to see accountability criminal charges brought against Senior Police officers senior social workers and potentially going right up to the government if culpability can be shown there for the neglect of people in Public Office. A quick look now at what else is making headlines around the world. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets of protesters in lebanon on friday more than 100. 00 people were injured as the authorities broke up the crowd didnt have them strangers into a 3rd month of protests demanding economic reform and earlier to do so. Your guess was also used against a large prodemocracy rally in Central Hong Kong protesters blocked roads and started fires. A Significant Police presence is visible on sunday as demonstrators defy an official buying on margin through the area on continues to be rocked by violent rallies despite the original reason for their anger and extradition bill being withdrawn months ago. And up at so under way to rescue wildfire wildlife from the bushfires that have ravaged south australias Kangaroo Island the area is home to unique as well as endangered species experts fear the fires which have already devastated a 3rd of the island may wiped out large numbers of animals. Ok appreciate staying with us throughout this afternoon this is our tale but with updates in half an hour. Good food descriptions sound up a tasing even for the owners so how to choose just pet Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us then was necessarily good for the pet turns out that food may not be a sophie most people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders theyve got allergies we are actually creating these problems its a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their purchase streets the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making a 1000000000. 00 on it and theres no reason to do that research. Hello and welcome to worlds apart Higher Education prides itself on the quipping its seekers with the tools to optimally navigate the reality and at the very least to tell fact from fiction but one of these snatches in itself is a myth an expansive selfserving and highly in the fact if myth well thats what our guest today argues as he takes on the Ivy League Universities which according to him dont teach what theyre supposed to teach and charge too much for it ben nelson founder of the minerva project welcome to the studio and thank you for the time pleasure to be here thanks for having me when you talk about Higher Education you always make a distinction between Information Knowledge and wisdom in fact you called your own venture off to

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