Obtained by the House Committee this led those from transit to new Rudy Giuliani to the head of ukraine live on this is all involved in this you think theres more to the. I think that there is definitely a lot more otherwise the president would have let some of his top advisers speak to the house i mean clearly if he had people that could help clear him he would have let him speak clearly i think that these are people that wouldnt be able to clear him and i think that one of whats interesting is that you know nancy pelosi held onto these articles for some time and i think that it actually show that this was the right decision to make because as some of these senators went home over the christmas and holiday break they heard from their constituents who started to see as alex was noting as not being a foregone conclusion you started to see some cracks in that fire wall as you started to see some of these republicans saying that they be open to witnesses and i think with josh bolton or john bolton. And willing to testify if subpoenaed i think that that realistically there will be some more people to come speak and the information is coming out that doesnt look good for the president i dont think to your initial question though larry i still dont think they have 2 thirds of the vote so to change the ultimate outcome but i think that the American People get more information where they can make their own mind up in. November. Once the road why deny witnesses and have not one trial would say. Its not a question of denying witnesses per se the house had a job to do here part of their job was to call those witnesses if they didnt call somebody or the house was not willing to wait for the courts to rule on the president s legitimate assertion of executive privilege and they decided they had to move ahead politically then they have to deal with those consequences if you dont get to turn the senate into the house i think its worth also noting just because mr bolton is said hes prepared to testify if subpoenaed that does not mean that the president will not exert executive privilege over his testimony remember mr bolton was the president nasser he was his National Security adviser the idea that any president would not assert executive privilege over those conversations seems highly unlikely so i would not assume that mr bolton would testify nor frankly what i assume that what he has to say is necessarily bad for the president zack you think you should. I mean look i think it does alex we do have to admit though i mean it looks suspicious if nothing else i mean for it if anybodys been involved in any sort of criminal trial knows that you need as many witnesses as possible in a situation like this and the president blocked all of the key witnesses with firsthand knowledge from testifying and then said well look they dont have any 1st hand witnesses and therefore im innocent i mean clearly it wasnt a perfect phone call clearly as information has come up over time its not made him look more innocent its made him look more guilty and his actions arent helping any of that i agree on the executive privilege component of whether he would exert it or not i do think though that i cant imagine that boltons testimony would help the president can imagine that anybodys testimony that would have firsthand knowledge of this would help the president because as information has come out it continually points to the fact that he was clearly trying to seek some sort of political favor in this deal to influence the upcoming election and to your point about waiting for the courts to decide i mean its a valid legal argument but from a substantive standpoint realistically they are trying to this is trying to influence an election in november we have no idea when the courts were going to rule to come almost 12 months to make an initial ruling so i think that the democrats had to move forward in the timeline that they did it was an imperfect situation for everybody involved but let him testify and then the timeline would be irrelevant. Moving to smother areas alledge did you watch the democratic debate. I did it was a challenge to stay awake but i i struggled through he. Was a candidate do you worry about the most. Run against strong i think its less about who i would worry about the most if i was the Trump Campaign and more about the different dynamics within that primary at this point someone asked me this morning who was the winner of last nights debate i think the answer has to be joe biden because hes still the front runner this morning in many ways with the exception of the bernie a list with war and dust up and post debate refusal to shake hands and the barbs theyve got going back and forth what joe biden really needed was a debate where Nothing Happened and frankly from his perspective he achieved that so i think that actually worked out fairly well for him that the challenge last night presented and i think the democrats are going to continue to face this is how do you run an effective primary and get peoples attention while youre also in the middle of an impeachment process and not just for those senators who are will be in washington and not in iowa or New Hampshire during that process but broadly from a message perspective i think that becomes very hard especially frankly if youre joe biden and whether or not you think hunter biden should be called to testify if theres witnesses or not the mere fact that that were going to have this impeachment process about ukraine virtually guarantees those issues get brought up and discussed in a way that is not ideal for him when hed rather be shaking hands and talking about other subjects zach what do you make of the debate and do you have a candidate. It was unclear who won the debate except for what i did see was a direct break in the Democratic Party between candidates that see the path to the presidency through the industrial midwest meaning senator quote marabou to judge and Vice President biden. Are speaking to really bread and butter issues while senator warren and sanders and for that for a little less tom styer are speaking to a different kind of base that i dont actually think are would help win the presidency in 2020 with that said i agree with alex about its very tough during the pietschmann situation to break through the noise i mean its going to suck up all the media oxygen and really when you want a bread and butter discussion on tariffs and some the other things that are hurting the states that will determine the election its hard to break through on that element i dont think though it hurts the Vice President it didnt hurt him in fact his poll numbers went up during the impeachment trial that was focused on him in essence during the house side and i think the same thing in the senate side because his message is look the president s afraid i mean hes most afraid to run against me to the point that he was willing to call in foreign favors in this regard so i think that this will just highlight his electability argument which is what his number one argument and narrative has been allergy is think the Democratic Party will come together or will that split just pave the way for reelection. Well a couple of thoughts number one a large primary with a number of people in this is true in either party. Primaries can be ugly frankly they can be uglier than battles between parties and some of that is to be expected the reason that i think this divide is going to be harder to put back together this time is youre not only fighting over some policy issues and stylistic issues this is now fairly fundamentally focused and whether you view it as people talking to only people in San Francisco in new york and a few other places or whether you view the divide is generational that part is in intra partisan fight with Elizabeth Warren and bernie slugging it out to see who can be more progressive or more socialist the generational fight that theyre getting into with people to judge the moderate schism and divide you see between the Vice President and senator coburn shar and others those get fundamentally harder to put back together so that if you are lets say a bernie or Elizabeth Warren supporter at the end of the day if joe biden is the nominee can you square that and decide that you can support him i find it very unlikely the Vice President. If he is the nominee would select either one of those 2 as Vice President so you cant use those mechanisms i think it will be messy and it will be challenging and if the last 24 hours were any indication what you saw between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders is likely to continue zat do you concerned that the 2 wings will not come together. I mean im concerned that what i saw occur in the last couple days between senator sanders and senator warren is like reliving 2016 over again i mean where youve got this strange inner party fight thats totally unnecessary people sitting it out potentially arguably enough people sitting it out to actually am. The election in 2016 and again in 2020 i do think though that the number one thing that democratic primary and general election voters that have been polled want is somebody that can beat the president so do i think that the party will come together sure do i think theyll be the same level of grassroots enthusiasm because of some of these fights that are occurring on now that i dont know i think it fundamentally though if were talking about 70000. 00 votes in 3 states across the midwest maybe it really doesnt ultimately matter but it would be nice to actually have a party that came together and recognize that the shades of the differences in the shades of blue between these candidates are very very very thin compared to the differences between any of these candidates in the current president and out of states and so out hope that the party would come together for whoever the nominee ends up being what effect do you think this impeachment business will have on the election alex you know its interesting i think a lot of democrats are very hopeful that even if they werent able to actually mph and remove the president that it would dramatically alter his numbers my own belief is that on balance it has probably netted politically favorable for the president in that it has substantially reenergized his base any time youre an incumbent your challenges ok team we have to do this again and what this did was allow the president and his team to galvanize and reenergize that support in a way that few other things couldve and if you contrast that with the other side by down almost by definition the specially the highly motivated primary and activist voters in the democratic side they were all in for impeachment they were all in against the president regardless they cant get any more motivated you cant produce any more of those people in places where its going to matter so i think impeachment will matter but frankly i think its going to matter. In a different way than Speaker Pelosi initially envisioned and frankly i think her decision to delay transmitting was a really big unforced error in this context she controlled completely how that was done and frankly by dragging it out to the point where even some people on her own Party Started to push back and she then had to capitulate showed the political nature of the process and undercut a lot of the arguments in terms of time and justification innovation for impeachment and i think that will be additionally damaging alexander stay right there well be right back with more politicking after the break. There are 3 russian and lights. In a world of big partisan. Lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart or we need to stop slamming the door on the fast shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. There are of russian airlines. On a space flight you literally leave all your problems behind you fly high and above everyone and everything and then you see any and all borderlines on us disappear you see that up planet is not as were taught in schools with Different Countries marked in different colors separate from one another you see that all planet earth is just another albeit bigger International Space station on a mission in the fastness of space just like the i assess. Just one magic bullet you could actually come up with some even top of his baby body talk about ways we get access to capital and capitalism cavils important so we could actually have programs that actually help folks who want to do that but when you give everybody a 1000. 00 im a poor person im going to consume that and if youre rich youre going to invest that equity the wealth the spirit is going to grow because youre not using your money did that consume your literally buy more crazy things and then my landlord knowing that i got a 1000. 00 you just go raise my ribs and then you get your flesh and go on and theyre. Coming to politicking continuing our conversation with our Political Panel they are alex vogel former chief counsel for the Democrat Republican National Committee he is in washington and in Mountain View california is friend who worked for barack obama and john kerrys president ial campaigns spokesman and strategist. Ok as zack what do you make of the bloomberg story he he could spend up. To a 1000000000. 00. He said that which doesnt get the nomination hell give a doozy of a running does you want to be trump do you see a blowout which he was. I dont think hes got any chance to win the nomination i wish hed spend the money on organizing other democratic races and maybe buying fox news so that he could actually have an impact on the National Media landscape that way but ill say that its interesting both he and tom star if you look at their media ads for example in the reno market and las vegas media market alone theyve bought more ads than Bernie Sanders has bought across the entire country so therefore theyre flooding airwaves in a way that nobody has ever seen before including in california which has an early primary this year in very expensive media markets its been enough to give them 4 or 5 points i mean and i think that some of the the numbers were seeing in the 10 to 12 range for some of them just are real hes got a lot of organizers on the streets but i just dont see people supporting and the Democratic Base someone who is a republican recently who doesnt really excite the base that much who doesnt really have much of a resume hasnt really been through the processes and up there on the debate stage so i just dont think along at the end of the day bloomberg one of being the nominee definitely wont be a v. P. Nominee either and so well see where it plays out for him. How alex do you see the bloomberg onslaught and so i agree completely that mayor bloomberg is not going to be the democratic nominee what is most interesting to me is he has said publicly and much has been made of the fact that he thinks he should be the nominee but if hes not all that really matters to him is beating donald trump thats only interesting because the mayor has now run a lot of ads and ive seen a lot of those ads and none of them talk about the president they talk about how great Mike Bloomberg is so if your goal is to try and beat the president talking about how great Mike Bloomberg is might make Mike Bloomberg. Feel good but isnt going to do anything to support democrats who want to beat the president so i think thats an issue frankly from a billionaire versus billionaire perspective mr stiers frankly been more true to that eat those in terms of at least taking on the president as opposed to just highlighting his own resume so at this point i think this is more of an ego play and as to the question of whether or not if he goes through this exercise whether mayor bloomberg can then just hand that over to whoever the nominee is i think election law may have something to say about that but again i think hes spending what for him even for him is a lot of money and effort thats not going not going to be terribly effective either for his candidacy or because i think hes fundamentally off message with most of the Democratic Party for the ultimate nominee. Early and he could be a brokered convention do you buy that. 100 percent i see in a very realistic path and i would say probably maybe a one in 3 or one in 4 chance that we have a plurality but not a majority and we have a brokered convention is kind of an interesting thing because in 2016 you may remember the sanders camp was openly against superdelegates and tried to minimize their role and ironically one of the deals that they worked out is on a 2nd ballot the superdelegates would have a much larger role so i think that if hes the person in the lead hes going to have a tough time actually getting the nomination based on the rules that he set up but i think that what my hope is is that if we dont have a majority we have somebody with a clear minority of the votes that really sets apart so that theres a clear front runner even if they dont have enough delegates to clinch but youre going to see a nasty fight at the convention as it was it was Something Else and 2016 as it was between clinton and sanders and the supporters especially in the sandra side that arent even Democratic Party members really except for just a vote in this election they have no Party Loyalty or connection of the party so to try and broker a group between maybe a more traditional candidate whoever that may be and somebody who isnt is going to be quite the experience to see who will come over the top but hey everyone for the history books and weve got some pretty good president s that came out a brokered convention so maybe at the end of the day its better for the country alison zagg thanks so much feed time today will be causing quite a bit thanks larry thanks larry and to 20 months the United States and china have come due to a degree and well start there with joel rubin former Deputy Assistant secretary of state in the Obama Administration timely president of the Washington Strategy group he joins us from the Nations Capital once we dont have all the details whats your early need on this 20 degree in the descending into by 200000000000. 00 in u. S. Goods. Well there. Is that guaranteed you know we sure hope so because theres been a lot of pain in the last couple of years from the tariff war that President Trump has been engaged in with china and so those are commitments now theyre signed on paper and if china does live up to that that will be a good relief for farmers but the problem here and the way its being interpreted in washington across party lines is that its just a pause its not really a structural shift in our trading relationship with china so the key issues related to intellectual property in particular have not been addressed and its not quite clear when that will take place and china doesnt spend the money what happens to them but if they dont purchase at least the way its been described today by the president by his team there wont be a new negotiation and all of this will have been for naught and thats thats the big lurking question is a lot of suffering by our farms in particular prices increased Consumer Prices that is and so what with the benefit from it now if there are these purchases and we get back to a steady state with china that at least calms the nerves but the demands from the Business Community about greater structural Access Protection of our intellectual property as we discussed these are things that really need to be ironed out and they havent been so if china doesnt purchase the goods that theyve committed to then we really dont have leverage to get back into those other deeper more structural conversations in other areas are we closer towards. An incident or certainly were on the path to it its not as if this is been a Straight Line stressful relationship though it goes in fits and starts but in the last half year weve seen an increasing number. Of physical incidents with iran be it the iranian backed attack of the Saudi Oil Fields where we nearly bombs in response to variety of attacks in iraq by shia militias backed by iran against American Forces and now of course the killing the assassination of qassam cilla money nothing indicates that that path has been changed since the recent fighting so we have to be very very eyes wide open that more can happen do you think killing somani was a mistake. Maybe there is a tactical justification for it from an American Military perspective but its a real strategic blunder in that its not as if the i or g. C. The revolutionary guard corps that he led suddenly has been dismantled its still there number 2 came in his lieutenant is now the leader of it he became a full hero inside of iran and so the United States we didnt really achieve a Strategic Deterrent victory theyre not necessary state pompei a said deterrence has been restored but thats something that we heard back in june after we withheld against the strikes and and laid down some tough rhetoric thats something we heard when we bomb syria a couple of years ago after a chemical strike and then chemical weapons were used again so its going to take a more robust comprehensive policy to change the direction of this relationship assassinating one leader like this has isolated us as well and i do want to mention that its put us on our heels and our variety of our military objectives in the region including the fight against isis where paradoxically we in iran had a lot of overlap in both of us were fighting against isis and now we took off the field the general who was was leading that fight so its just it doesnt seem like it was an and i do want to make it doesnt seem like it was done as an imminent threat response it was done more to send a message and thats very dangerous frankly would we be better off out of middle east. Bring the troops back and have it to themselves and while still protecting israel. We have we have to have. An approach to the region where its not our military thats our face to the region and thats been the real the real weakness for the United States in the region is that we have a military posture and we have not invested enough in our diplomacy and in our our systems in our trade and in our advocacy for democracy and human rights and weve not done so multilaterally with partners who will be there with us thick and thin where in many ways were on our own right now in the middle east and were engaging in military activities without partners so yes we should find a way to draw down our posture in the middle east our military posture in particular we really need to get to that point but we have to do it where we have a plan for the day after and that means engaging with the other assets of American Power that means using our diplomacy effectively that means our alliances effectively and that means being in the region with a different approach than just a military one and right now were tied down militarily and thats not a good place for us leave as the other countries that have left the iranian nuclear. Many have left. Well were the only ones that have officially left but now the europeans have decided to take a harder line on iran due to irans restarting of its Nuclear Program was in that agreement working it was working it was verifiably working and it makes no sense still to me to this day to watch how the president chose to break up an agreement that constrained the most dangerous aspect of iran which is its nuclear know how and to do so in a way that kept our alliance is strong we have a lot of issues to deal with with iran clearly their treatment of their own people in addition to their treatment of their neighbors and their Ballistic Missile activities but we could have gotten in those without undermining the deal and weve seen its worth making this weve seen an unraveling of the relationship between us and our partners viz a viz iran and what to do about them since we exited the nuclear deal as well joel as always thanks for your time thanks larry and thank you audience for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page or tweet me at kings things dont forget to use the politicking hash tag and thats all for this edition of politicking. Aeroflot russian airlines. In a world of big partisan movie lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Aeroflot russian and lights. Well its finally begun the impeachment of donald j. Trump the president and his supporters say the process is nothing more than a political witch the democrats in the liberal Corporate Media say trump is a National Security threat and must be removed but in the end it would seem democracy itself is being impeached. I am i if. I. Were to. Friday marks the 75th anniversary of the soviet unions liberation of. Germany thousands were sent to death camps or lost their lives in a city that suffered years of occupation during the 2nd world. Bronzes former you partners washingtons puppets of germany confirmed it caved in to trumps threat to impose tariffs on european states if they dont quit the 2050 nuclear. British police nor the most profound sexual abuse by paedophiles in care homes a new report reveals the detective who took part in the initial investigation tells her side of the. Day when your book a few weeks how could you teach tact and richard thank you