Youre watching R T International coming to you live from the russian capital where its just turned 10 am welcome to the program now we start with our breaking news this hour as iran has admitted that its military unintentionally shot down the ukrainian passenger plane on wednesday due to human error for mr jobs or if that happened at a time of crisis caused by u. S. Adventurism were joined in the studio again by our correspondent now as i understand it ukraine has just reacted to this statement what did they say well ukrainian president vladimir selenski has just said that he hopes that iran will take full responsibility for this for the downing of this plane and that he hopes that the investigation will continue unobstructed now earlier today we heard from the iranian president who promised just that and he also called the downing of an forgivable mistake. The armed forces internal investigation has concluded that regrettably. Missiles fired due to human error caused the horrific crash of the ukrainian plane and the death of 176 innocent people investigations continue to identify and prosecute this great tragedy and unforgivable mistake. President rouhani has also already offered to pay compensation to the victims of this tragedy and earlier we also heard from irans foreign minister who acco the sentiments of the president but he gave another reason or another factor that contributed to this accident. Assad day preliminary conclusions of internal investigation by armed forces human error a time of crisis caused by us adventurism lead to disaster all profound regrets apologies and condolences to our people to the families of all victims until with affected nations. So give us a little context there what exactly is the foreign minister referring to when he talks about us adventurism well just about a week ago u. S. Led air strike killed the high ranking codes commander. Bringing tensions in the region to a point that hasnt been seen for decades now hes considered a hero to many in iran and this man was instrumental in defeating isis in syria so the government promised harsh retaliation for his death and that came as a series of missile strikes on u. S. Bases in iraq from iran mere hours before the plane was shot down and that at that time the Iranian Military said it was preparing for a possible u. S. Retaliation against those strikes which you know at the time they thought this airliner could have been an enemy aircraft because they also mentioned that it was it was flying in on an approach to a u. S. To an Iranian Military installation so high tensions and the human error factor it really sounds like this is a bit of a perfect storm are there other cases of such tragedies happening as well yeah unfortunately accidents like this can happen at a time of high Political Tension for example during the cold war in 1903 the u. S. S. R. Mistakenly shot down korean air full korean air lines flight 007 they thought it was a spy plane because at the same time in the area there was a u. S. Reconnaissance Mission Going on so. So it is this kind of stuff can happen in times of high Political Tension artist correspondent on the court i thank you for joining us in the studio with all the latest there. Now to delve deeper were not going to cross live to Al Sander Bernard gulf state and then linux now the foreign minister zarif blames us and mentoring some for the human error as weve just heard how justifiable is that claim. Well i think its just a fable one of the aspects that contributed to the incident obviously without the assassination of general salim i need without the cancellation of the g. C. P. O. A agreement and all the building tensions the drone downing last summer and the various i. Q. Stations between the iran to do United States over who shot who set fire to boil installations arabia the region is extremely tense but so far until the the shooting of missiles to retaliate. There were no such incidents planes were taking off regularly from. Khomeini airport here to iran. Unfortunately given the especially high state of tension and in fact there were american planes flying near iranian borders after the rockets were fired. Perhaps there were expectations of retaliation and so the. Plea protect the guards the people in charge of the protective systems were on extremely high alert the plane took off it changed direction because planes take off in the direction of the wind and perhaps it was coming from and they did in the turn so it made a turn toward the. Installation of the cd i believe and the. Soldiers fired response. Of course my biggest concerns the biggest question is really when the reunions investigate the sequence of episodes that led to the tragedy. Is why on earth an airplane was allowed to take off just 5 hours after. Rockets were fired and some kind of retaliation was expected there fear so i think thats the the real the the the essence of the problem is there. So you think in situations like this that airspace should have been shut down after such heightened crisis time yes it should have been shut down and in fact the airline itself should have taken some kind of decision to that effect at least the lead the flight until sunlight because it was Early Morning and it was dark so they were the only information that. Controllers has were on radar they were they didnt have any visual so. In fact you know i remember flying into Baghdad Airport during the when there was still a war between iran and iraq when i was a very young man. And the flights were only available within a certain window and this was one story this was one year after the war was over so even more a year after the war was over they were still special contingencies in place for flights into to her and by that so this is my one of my main questions who allowed the plane to take off and which is why did the airline allowed to take off so the ukrainian president has put out a statement calling for iran to admit full responsibility for shooting down the plane but hasnt iran already done so. I believe there has done so in actually surprisingly frank manner i was. Very favorably impressed. By runs a very silly statement from president rouhani it takes. Suggests to me it takes the spite the mention of us adventurism it still takes. Full responsibility noting that those who were responsible would be prosecuted in a similar incident in 1988 with the us s. Been sense shooting down an iranian air bus flight 65. 00 i believe coming from tehran to bunder a bus the americans did not respond in the same way at all in fact president reagan said that he would not apologize for american actions in private he sent apologies later but this was a very and exemplary response and despite what people say we have heard or read some reports i think it was quite swift because. Prison while Prime Minister 2 though of candor and trump suggested as much 24 hours ago the iranians still had to go through their own investigation before they could make such a statement and they had to have full clarity there was some confusion because these rockets explode outside the airplane and then caused the damage to the plane and the plane was probably still still had wings and. Spiraled down rather than falling down completely like a like a rock. So it was still there was still some glimmer of hope that maybe it was a malfunction. But once determined the came out with a statement very clear and strong. Also under burner of gulf state analytics thank you for joining us on the program today thank you as a reminder of how the tragedy unfolded. Of antialcohol the right side of the airplane and one end of it were completely on fire and i think the pilot made a great effort not to hit residential houses the plane crash landed in largely park and destroyed the fence of a football then it took off again and exploded and was completely incinerated off what you know they didnt keep those watching the news of iranians hitting us bases with missiles on t. V. Minutes i heard a massive explosion and all the houses started to shake there was fire everywhere at 1st i thought the american substructure with missiles and i went into the basement to take cover all through while i went out and saw a plane had crashed over there plants were lying around everywhere. Instead of support for my oldest son is the steward my daughter called me from the us she told me that the ukrainian aircraft crashed just where eagle flew are said to run the national the video of the plane crash. The u. S. Secretary of state has defended washingtons decision to assassinate irans top general during a News Conference my pump struggled to explain the alleged threat posed by gen samani and was grilled by journalists held up and has more. Things got quite easy at the press conference where we saw mike pompei o the u. S. Secretary of state speaking alongside steve minutia in the secretary of treasury and this comes just a week after the killing of irans top general qassam solomonic and as the press asked questions got particularly tense mike pompei o seemed a little bit uncomfortable trying to answer the questions of journalists who just dont seem to buy his claim that the killing of solomonic was necessary to protect american lives lets take a listen to some of what went on if you have a specific information about the internet and didnt have anything to do with our embassy. We had specific emanation information on an imminent threat and those threats from included attacks on the u. S. Embassies what is your definition of the internet. This was going to happen and american lives are at risk the Intelligence Community is not flawless we we get it wrong in this case the Intelligence Community got it fundamentally right there was an imminent attack that was active plotting is that right now gone with sort of money gone threats are never going now it wasnt just the journalists who dont exactly buy pompei as claims but american lawmakers also have their doubts we just saw in the u. S. House of representatives the lower house of the u. S. Legislative branch a resolution was passed attempting to restrict the activities of the trumpet ministration and trying to prevent them from further escalating tensions with the Islamic Republic of iran however these doubts about whether it was the right thing in order to kill qassam solomonic go well beyond legislators and journalists they actually go to the us public itself we have new poll results that have been conducted and it shows that basically 2 thirds of the u. S. Public believes at this point that the country is less safe because of trumps decision to kill the top iranian general furthermore 69 percent. Then to the u. S. Public believes that iran is more likely to attack the usa as a result of trumps decisions 52 percent describe trump killings qassam solomonic as reckless so a pretty solid opposition to trumps killing of qassam solomonic among American People themselves while at the press conference mike peo and steve minutia laid out basically what these new sanctions will include the new sanctions are targeting high level officials in iran basically preventing any business transactions with them but when explaining these new sanctions a mike bomb peo used some rather interesting language to lay out what he argued was the ultimate end game of the United States when it comes to iran president said we dont want war we want iran to behave with your Noble Mission the reason that the secretary treasurer this morning is to continue this campaign our strategic effort to get to run to behave in a way that doesnt continue their 40 year long effort to terrorize the world if you hear those words he refers to saying that he wants iran to be a quote normal country so essentially it seems the United States is asking threats and carrying out more sanctions with the goal of forcing the Islamic Republic to conduct itself in a manner that the United States considers to be normal not exactly clear what that means but until that happens there will be further activities and sanctions and threats and whatnot now many are hoping that the Current Situation is in a state of deescalation but at the same time people worry about what could happen next you know the sanctions still remain iran still has the capabilities we saw the recent strikes that took place so a lot of nervousness in the Global Community at the moment i think air is still on sanctions at this point but i will get around to that again despite the fact that we dodged a bullet about going to war with iran our last few days were still in the same set piece positions where we were before and. All these guys around the president can think of it how do we turn the screws more morra backs mum pressure more and more info and this is the next thing they could do a lot of this list remember is aimed at the europeans i think a lot of this is toward pressuring the europeans to side with the americans in this full pressure campaign. Meanwhile there is growing concern among iraqis that the country is becoming a battleground between the u. S. And the round thousands of people took to the streets of baghdad on friday calling for an end to foreign interference. Demonstrators waving iraqi flags chanted no to america no to rent the law iraqs caretaker Prime Minister has demanded that the u. S. Make preparations for a troop pullout washington has made it clear thats not going to happen but rather theyll stay for good as artists in your correspondent my reports. Of us are familiar with the situation you invite someone over to say a friend they stay and stay and stay you drop a hint you know its getting late on the head but they just dont get it. America is a force for good in the middle east and a delegation sam to iraq would be dedicated to discussing how to be recommit to our Strategic Partnership not to discuss troop withdrawal what complicates things is that your own welcome guest is heavily armed and has a tendency to how do you put this kill your other guests you call make this up americans kill an arabian general in iraq iran then shoots back a bunch of Ballistic Missiles in revenge out of iraq i mean these poor rocky guys theyve done nothing and everyones bombing them so you can understand if theyre a little sick of it all and point to the door we want to restart the civil war again among the shia we dont want this to happen were not a battlefield between the usa and iran so whoever wants to hear the usa should do that outside of this country. That all of these troops must leave because they have turned iraq into a battlefield and its astonishing the americans are saying no we dont care that you voted for us to leave we wont and just in case that wasnt enough of a slap in the face actually going to call more of their friends over to iraq and nato played and then you have a middle east you know they told me i said what a beautiful name nato personnel in the region to know youre supposed to us to be honest with you because this is an International Problem today and need to delegation is at the state department to discuss increasing netas role in the iraq situation is absurd it makes a joke a mockery of International Law and simple decency and as theres anything absurd has the internet buzzing. America is a force for good in the middle east and will start a civil war to prove you need our protection given military forces the against the wishes of the people who live there its called occupation when we said we wanted to bring you democracy we did not mean you cant use it to make your own decisions iraq asks u. S. Troops to leave the country but president pompei o refuses instead his state Department Issues a statement the 1st sentence reads america is a force for good in the middle east remember if you say i am so cool then youre not cool theres a lesson here i suppose you cant be friends with a superpower theyll call your friend patch on the head but when push comes to shove youre just another poor bombed out nation thats going to do as youre told well this writer Abdel Bari Atwan and political analyst. There was their reaction to the increasingly messy 3 way conflict. The pretext is you know were out fighting for isis and they are we dont want them to come back but this is completely fabricated excuses to be honest because this is that. It is it is that i shammed it is they iraqi it is that it is at all if you will simply and this is their and very completely you know i dont believe there is a chance of this i mean. Unless you have. To come back and do one or 2 climbers then this is the only the only way for those that say to come back. Im going to pull out loose troops here today and i keep on going to the lucian. Problem this is all part of the ratcheting up trying to show that iran is the one line that state iran is doing things which are not really in the interest of the public and you know usa is is is good for the world but really i would like to say that you know what mr. Trump was saying that they took everything but i think what would be a really good titan is that ari and me Islamic Republic middle east without the usa there then all of the problems that we have will disappear and then we could get to some truthful conversation and having a narrative which has some bases and a logical basis to any communication. Still to come in the program the u. S. Proposes to find boeing for defects and at 737. 00 max model which has suffered several deadly crashes details after this. Seemed wrong. Just dont. Get to shape out. And in. The trail. Find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. You know world a big part of truth. And conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. Welcome back the u. S. Aviation authority has proposed a 5400000. 00 fine on boeing for allegedly putting defective parts into it 737. 00 max planes internal memos from the company have been released suggesting stop or aware of numerous problems with the aircraft but failed to alert inspectors. I still havent been forgiven by god for the covering up i did last year what do you put your family on in maximally to trained aircraft i really didnt know. These designed by clones who supervised by monkeys more than 100 pages of internal communications were delivered to congressional investigators as part of a probe into how the boeing 737 max jet was certified as safe before 2 major plane crashes the planes manufacturer released a statement expressing regret over the content of the communications between its employees but also gave assurances it had made significant changes to enhance its safety procedures the manufacturer had its entire 737 max fleet grounded last year after being involved in 2 deadly crashes with Ethiopian Airlines and indonesias line air 346 people were killed in those tragedies problems with the automated Flight Control system are thought to have contributed to the fatal crashes some of the memo suggests that boeing limited Pilot Training on simulators as a cost cutting measure aviation safety advocate given us believes that was a serious mistake. Most flight conversion training happens in simulators even if even the conversion to the top a lot of the derivative of a given thought so thats not unusual i think one of the problems that bring painted themselves into a corner. With the 7 through so much program was trying to make it cheaper for airlines to to operate in terms of a common. Pool with the earlier models of 737 specifically the astonishingly successful and g. 7 series as people in Flight Safety communities. And safety is expensive tronox isnt my say this is a reality of the station of that particular mantra that the cost to blow it. Out of the problems with the 737 Months Program i dont think and were people have tried to calculate it but i think i think its beyond. A we bring you a reminder of our breaking news iran has admitted that its military unintentionally shot down ukraines passenger plane on wednesday to human error foreign minister zarif adds it happened at a time of crisis caused by u. S. Adventurism and a military statement carried by state media also says the plane was mistaken for a hostile target the jet went down near tehran on wednesday killing all 176 people on board of more analysis on the downing of that passenger plane along with todays other Headline News at the top of the hour thanks for tuning in. Good food descriptions sound up even for the owners so how to choose this pet Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out that food may not be a soap the best people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes and arthritis they have auto immune disorders theyve got allergies we are actually creating these problems and its a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog orders so heartbreaking stories about their pets streets the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making a 1000000000. 00 on it and theres no reason to do that research. Dumb action or times are we going underground as antiwar demonstrators protest across britain against Boris Johnson support for Donald Trumps assassination of an iranian soldier allegedly promoting peace between riyadh and tack raanan which provoked iran into bombing u. S. Installations in iraq this week coming up on the show the beginning of the end for the us empire as u. S. President Donald Trump Backed down from responding to arguably the 1st sovereign state attack of its kind on u. S. Assets since world war 2 we speak to the Iranian Ambassador to the u. N. In geneva about how iran can now expel the United States from the middle east and ahead of the question 2 of hollywoods award season is the u. S. State sponsor of harassment that drove jean seberg to head death alive and well in hollywood we ask the director of a new film about the legendary actor starring ses our award winner Kristen Stewart all the same all coming up in todays going underground 1st to irans retaliation for Donald Trumps assassination of iranian soldier got some silly money who saved countless nato nation lives by defeating isis diana on wednesday it felt a lame duck u. K. Labor leader jeremy called in to answer Prime Ministers questions in britain this after Boris Johnson replied to his plea for government information about the assassination by saying i have carefully considered your request and do not believe it is necessary to offer a briefing with little specific information called and then tried asking johnson after dispatch walks about trump killing soleimani the government has said that it was sympathetic to the assassination of general sure the money whatever didnt so as the Prime Minister got to suggest that this attack on him and his death was not an illegal act by the United States johnson said legality was not a u. K. Issue. The strict legality is not for the u. K. To determine since it was not our operation so whether the us commits illegal violations of International Law is not a matter for the Un Security Council permanent member britain Jeremy Corbyn meanwhile failed to highlight so lame on his role in defeating isis and saving british lives so johnson came back and justifying trumps assassination of the iranian soldier lionized by even major nation media not too long ago for his victories against isis cason a supermarket was not only is was not in your sponsor for many years amongst other things arming these with missiles with which they attacked in

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