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You see it with the president that the rand is standing down no not at all on fact there just been some more rockets fired into the green zone in baghdad no i think this phase perhaps is over there explicit retaliation for the assassination of their Senior National security official cause im still in money but this tension will continue as long as the United States and iran are not negotiating are not sitting down and talking about peace so its far from over do you see them coming to the table. Its very hard for me to envision right now and less donald trump is prepared to offer iran some to some incentive some economic incentives as you know the trumpet ministration has put into place a policy of what it calls maximum pressure which entails a and oil embargo an effort to prevent iran from exporting any oil there have been f. Its that that have been made french president emanuel macro has made these efforts but they require the United States to offer iran some sanctions relief in return iran would return to compliance with the nuclear deal that trump withdrew from back in 2018 go as you read. More optimistic the u. S. Military strength in the persian gulf is rather overwhelming so ryan has to avoid a military confrontation thats direct head on with the u. S. Military. In terms i think theyre scared because you know the targeting of the general makes the war afraid that they even though you know it starts to become less obvious military targets they feel jeopardized even the regime they feel jeopardized look what happened to the last of it today too that he died. I think sake should through leaf at some point as part of a day go see to deal bake sets but i sure that the riots really wanted to push military options against the worlds most powerful military at this point a type. I guess you stand down together while we do that. Its a very good question look you know trump could have taken the obama Era Nuclear Deal and he could have improved it he could have asked the iranians for talks on other issues there was a channel established in that deal for high level u. S. Iran engagement but when he walked out of the deal he gave up that channel and now hes talking about nato and others i mean there was no need for this except that he wanted to get rid of obamas signature Foreign Policy achievement and please his donors to his Political Campaign from a Strategic Point of view it was very foolish you know lets look at the consequences iran is walking out of the nuclear. Deal our allies throughout the region and in europe are very upset by this escalation the us will probably have to leave iraq which means that isis will grow stronger again and can threaten us in our homeland and threaten the europeans and the Civil Society movements that weve seen in places like iraq and iran are being pushed deep underground now. They know that they have no chance of fake come out and protest their own governments theyre going to be ruthlessly repressed so this is a loss this is not a when my degree was part of who i mean i do partly agree with this i mean with the trap administration generally weve see the unprecedented chaos you know we see this with a lot of vacancies throughout the ministre should. State departments etc security so its not a very thoughtful approach i think that the deal that president need was weaker that it should have that he agreed to it too fast but i think that the critics of the deal subtypes oversold its flaws and that there became a constituency of the United States who mistakenly thought the president gave Nuclear Weapons and all kinds of terrible things so the deal got vilified excessively and i dont think the president trap in fact has a thoughtful policy over fortunately. 4 but i also have to look at that you know theres a lot of bad actors within the writing governments they were bad the danger the deal had add that there are other issues other than just the act of Nuclear Weapons program of this Ballistic Missiles which may be declared capable support of terrorism and i have to also add you know if this government is actually toppled if we never do what that might have it is a bad government its a repressive government that would be an excellent thing i think everyone has to be careful president trip also has flaws but if we keep say the sky is a deep. In the persian gulf and if god willing we see a new government in iraq thats better that we had up looking stupid as i because i think there is a lot to criticize with the trip of a straight shot legitimately i dont think theres that al a bit of recklessness of how things are executed. For. Khomeini as. He. No i dont think hell succeed in forcing us troops from the region but he will i think succeed in forcing us troops from iraq and probably syria the Iraqi Parliament has voted to expel the americans i think as long as the tension exists between the us and iran puts iraq in an impossible position and if i may comment on something michael said he said it would be great if the iranian government fell well that depends on what comes after i mean if all we have is another failed state in the middle east at this time a state of 80000000. 00 people 3 times the size of iraq that is not going to be an improvement on what we already have now the problem with the Trump Administration is that we dont know what the goal of their policies are is it regime change is that a new deal is it a photo op between President Trump and the president of iran we simply do not know and theres an old blind you know from alice in wonderland if you dont know where youre going any road will take you there. Michael de paulo she released with the code. Going i mean nobody goes with the trap administrations go and i would be one of the 1st to admit this but i think that argument that we cant afford another failed state in iraq as justification to accept a dictatorship thats repressive that is murderous that is the doublewide state sponsor of terrorism. Or shortly after the revolution it just its kind of a couple we we should be afraid afraid of move it the middle east even though there are costs you know can i just say that everything trump has done has made regime change for the better in iran less likely as i mentioned the Civil Society protests that we saw in iran instead of that were seeing people out on the street mourning qassam saloon monny and the government is rallying people around the threat of war from the United States so if if your desire is for a better government in iran were going about it entirely the wrong way. To. Meet our traditional allies including george did saudi arabia frats jervy generally dado could all the help us to this regard i dos some types weve had some conflicts but i think theyre very ports that george did add side arabia very important for supporting us interests of the rigid. Stability you know thats why weve been allies with for somebody decades but we do have course an air persian conflict shiite sooty conflict so there are some 6 here 8 issues that we dont actually want to inflate be here but i think that in order to tickets haid iran saudi arabia and the gulf states including United Arab Emirates are very important and that helps i think containing a country that could actually lash outs as a way to deal with domestic discontents thats where one of the places that our allies in the region are very very important since. Generations. I know you got me good answers. People get along. You know we had we had a shot at it with with obama we werent friends with iran but we werent enemies for the 1st time in 40 years and thats what President Trump threw away that that possibility of detente that possibility of increased people to people connections more iranians coming here more americans going there a better life for the iranian people as long as we have this adversarial relationship nobody wins but you know the people of iran of the biggest losers and its really a shame its a lovely country ive been there 9 times has wonderful cultural artifacts which our president has threatened to destroy. And this country deserves better and we would benefit from a relationship with the most important country in that part of the world. We have more in common with iranians frankly than we do with many saudis. Trim book calling so the wish to call me told to play a bigger part michel. Thats definitely in courts and you know allies particularly france United Kingdom in some cases germany have played denmark played major roles and helping us in military operations in that region i disagree with some of the things that barbara just sad by the way i think we have to be strong against this major state sponsor of terrorism it causes the great satan they chant death to america so i mean we cant be naive about it a lot of the people who are with us some of them moved by truck may have backfired to a certain extent i believe in a very very short term basis i dont really see any evidence yet of any significant lasting damage i mean frankly the president s operation took out a meter bad terrorist who is responsible for the deaths of Many Americans and represents everything that the american iranian conflict has been about since the Islamic Revolution which is basically to fight american influence in the region and i dont think that we should mourn that we took out this particular bad actor he represents the worst of the surrounding government but i dont think that we really lost an opportunity of the towns and i think if we act too weak with this terrorist government things will move in another bad direction that we give them free reign to commit terrorism throughout the middle east and throughout the world we cant have that either unless go against with the goal of this is going politicking to gin use of to the brick. Layer of slow motion. And lights. You know world of big partners through a lot of things and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Aeroflot russian and lights. Jump is a new yorker and you know he looks at the global picture and he sees the tension in the middle late sixtys iran doing a dance with it there and then the neighbors and theres like an hour lets just cut to the chase this is take out a guy in iraq and were going to get more money printing right away because i want to make my yacht premed this weekend why fuss around this is the new york way of doing things i said it when he 1st got elected its like ave york on the white house and ive been in new york around the world im a new yorker some of you know i gotta die i want to. But do politicking continue the conversation coming for the slave and director of the Atlantic Councils future of arena news she does shes in washington. Consensual Foreign Policy and middle east expert. Bob ruiz itll go on. Larry i just hope we dont get ourselves into a full scale war with iran i hope both sides can somehow step back from the brink i would like to see us go back into negotiations with iran i would like to see an end to the travel ban that makes it so hard for you iranians to come to this country we are hurting our our own interests by not having a normal or at least a somewhat respectful relationship with this very ancient and important country michael we have a terrible. Travel ban because the terrorist state. Well the travel ban i cant really define because it seems from what appeared to be a racist Campaign Promise to bad muslims so i cant defend that travel day and yes there are legitimate Security Issues iran is a major sponsor of terrorism weve heard this from every administration Reagan Bush Clinton obama its a very serious issue and in fact you know enormous respect for virus experience im actually surprised that she hasnt addressed that at all because shes talked about ancient Persian Society but i am actually surprised she hasnt even address their support of hamas or hezbollah which i think are very serious issues and its not it would be a major break with american tradition and Foreign Policy for 30 years to ignore the fact that iran is a huge sponsor of terrorism and i answer if you think you know im not ignoring that at all of course iran doesnt think they are terrorists they these are irans partners in the region no im not ignoring that at all but i think that if the United States wants to deal with these issues it has to be able to sit down and talk to iran and there have been opportunities to the to just to discuss these issues that were squandered particularly by the george w. Bush administration after 911 and i write about them at length in my book so you know there are always 2 sides to a story and i think to understand iran would help us to put together some proper policies that might make the situation better for everyone were dealing with a government that denies the holocaust says that while we tell you about yes it doesnt know that there are no there are individuals within iran who try to minimize the holocaust but the vast majority of iranians do not and in fact there are still 10000 jews living in iran jews have lived in iran for 5000 years iranians i have discovered in my visits there are anti semitic they dont like arabs they. I dont have however feelings of hostility towards jews so i im sorry obviously youve never been to the country if you had you might have a different impression though i mean i dont know if you misheard what i said i mean maybe just misheard i said the government it is very well documented im aware of the government elements of the government but not all of the government and government has what part of the government has ever refuted Holocaust Denial these are government conferences president Hassan Rouhani as i recall wish to happy russia seana to jews everywhere upon taking office in 2013 i mean that is a that is that was i mean you can find examples of the nazis doing the same thing the fact you know here is i dont think you have them in any vs president of iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who was a holocaust denier but not many people within the government it wasnt it wasnt just him youre actually i think were going to have both of you back. And to be continued ok for your time today youre very welcome while tensions with iran are the main the impeachment battle continues the d. C. War front will be around crisis have an impeachment impact and when can the senate its going to begin the trial of donald trump for this we talked with douglas for me and i was states attorney who joins us from miami. With the. Killing of so many turins originally to we go on with the impeachment process now. But i think larry that certainly seems to be a huge distraction in terms of trying to get this thing geared up it has to be really it has to be the last thing on the minds of the senators up in d. C. Right now. Are you surprised and all i am a little bit surprised because frankly i thought that the articles of impeachment the 2 that were passed what about 20 to 23 days ago would already be over in the senate and they would be under way by this time to be perfectly honest well as and said in the church the speaker of the house and played better of the president. Boy thats a good question larry i think that theyre theyre basically at this 3 way impasse where youve got Mitch Mcconnell whos Standing Firm saying look send them over or were not starting youve got palosi saying hey i want to dictate the terms of the trial before us in the thing over and almost you know the president sitting on the sidelines kind of watching as a spectator we think is going to go. Well i think eventually pelosi has got to since something over i mean how much longer can she wait can she hold them until i dont know the summer the fall when the elections are going on i know that larry look when i was trying cases as a prosecutor you couldnt sit on and you return the charges you had to send them over to a judge for the jury to pick up and start try or you got a case thrown out of court yeah baleen youre a plus and who do you knew the defense was right and you knew and still says start of the suit. And if you had a certain date in the deep sense that the information that they wont give g. L. What do you do boy oh boy thats thats a great point and it sort of goes to this point that ive thought about a lot is that politics and prosecution dont mix do that i mean this is political thats what this is its political. Very little about the law is really involved in this process and its its basically unlike the Clinton Administration the clinton impeachment and even the Andrew Johnson impeachment you look at those are the only 2 for the president nixon got an ever got around to it but even when you look at johnson and clinton there was bipartisan movement on both of those impeachment but we just dont have that here no youre right whose fault is the seat of mcconnell you know what i think theres plenty of blame to go around on this one both in the house and in the senate i sit back and i kind of watch this and i said you know why dont these guys and ladies get back to the work of the people i mean thats what we sent him up there for not to sit there and point fingers and throw bombs back and forth. Well bourne says hes willing to testify if subpoenaed do you think he will testify. Id say if im betting right now larry im betting he does not testify not that i dont think he might have some information but it seems like that the senators really with the exception of maybe one or 2 dont really want to hear a lot of extra testimony other than whats occurred in the house again you look at the clinton impeachment very different they didnt even the House Judiciary Committee under clinton didnt even conduct an investigation or they were relying solely and exclusively larry on the qin starr report something that again didnt happen here. As planned we dont know where its going with bolton you dont think. Where is it all going to do things. So i think. If im a bad man so heres what i bet on that eventually palosi is goddess in these 2 articles of impeachment over to the senate theyre then going to take up the case and theyre going to do something a very good very interesting went back and looked at the clinton case closely in that case robert byrd who was with the democrats of course from West Virginia moved to dismiss the case as they started their initial arguments now because the republicans held the majority that motion was do not in this case. Down to a dollar that the republicans moved to dismiss the case they put it out for a vote its granted and this case is out the door. John boltons writing a book and well learn more as he thinks and then themselves. Make a couple 1000000. 00 then and well get to know eventually its interesting were both larry because really i look at that kind of scratch my head if he had something you know if he had Something Weird probably already know if it was something that was. Told to use is that if you are representing the president did make a motion to dismiss and seek a quick food to get things over with. I think thats where were going i think that as soon as this thing gets teed up in the senate youre going to see Lindsey Graham moved to dismiss this case and by majority which is all they need a majority motions going to carry and this case is dismissed but the public all polls indicate once john bolton to testify before the senate because juicy. And. Interest to and is probably important dancing well you make a good point and if they decide if the senators assad hey we gotta hear from bolton i dont think its going to be this sort of drama moment where they open the back of the Senate Chambers and he walks in to testify again lets lets look at clinton they had a couple witnesses who testified they took a break the senators took a break on my out took some depositions and then brought in and read excerpts so it was a lot different than what we might expect if we were watching perry mason the consensus is that. Even bolton testifies trump will be acquitted you. Do larry i think i think acquittal is coming down the pot now bolton infused with the house of firsts and he said he should be subpoenaed and he said he will answer the subpoena could bolton come forward on his own. Did he agree to a sit down interview somewhere and he could in fact he could rot a synopsis of his testimony right now and send it over to Mitch Mcconnell or. Anybody frankly now whether that testimony could be used is still i think larry subject to executive privilege which is an established privilege that the Supreme Court recognized in the nixon case. Thanks so much always low tolerance to lets do it more often lets do it larry good to see you sir di lois former us attorney for the Southern District of florida thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page or tweet me at kings things and dont forget to use the politicking hash tag and thats all for this edition of politicking. Teraflops russian airlines. You know world big partisan new digs a lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. Russian and lights. Join me every thursday on the alex simon shore and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport business im sure most ill see you then. The brazilian but if she warned you can i do the dishes at the baltimore those g. s new speech and see me you blue truth. About that. In the news i mean that is without infringing ball. A lot of. Present parts to construct the bill for the most called. The. Year in chief if you follow god but ive been days doing. An english lady a few people who simply knew she would include in. The u. S. U. K. And canada claim a ukrainian law and was shot down in tehran by a missile but thats before its enough like spurts of other chance to analyze the data. The u. S. House of representatives voted to limit on the truck so far as to take further military action against iran but its unclear whether the resolution will pass the senate as lawmakers in the u. S. And abroad question the legality of the u. S. Killing of the iranian general custom so the money. For europes main security will go a c. E. O. Just dystonia to refrain from preventing foreign media from operating in the country but the talent forced employees at aunties sister around the sputnik to resign

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