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All is well thats how donald trump responded to the attacks saying he will make a statement later today previously the u. S. President threatened to destroy multiple iranian sites including cultural if you ran retaliated and anyway. Youre watching our Senior International bring you your live news update from our studio here and moscow welcome to the program we start this hour with breaking news coming out of iran or a Ukrainian Airlines passenger jet has crashed just minutes after taking off from the capital and moments of the crash was captured on video. So. Ok were going to be now in the studio with our style of and quarter here to break down all the latest what do we know at this stage well the plane was bound for kiev when it crashed it crashed about 2 minutes after takeoff from terrans imaam khamenei airport around 6 am local time now we know that 180 passengers and crew were on board and according to Iranian Emergency Services there were no survivors theyve had teams on the scene for a while working to collect more information and the bodies of the deceased iranian media is also reporting that technical problems were the primary cause of this crash but but they have yet to pin down an exact technical problem more specifically and ukraines president vladimir is a linsky has already given his condolences to the families of the victims. Well weve seen weve seen the video right and it looks like whatever technical problems if that is indeed the coup was for the plane to go down it seemed that the plane when it caught fire made a didnt it yeah absolutely and we we. We had some pictures of the crash and the wreckage and it looked like the plane was absolutely obliterated there were pictures of of body bags and the shrapnel and everything now another important thing to note is that this crash took place several hours after the Iranian Military launched 2 missile attacks against u. S. Bases in iraq this was in response to the u. S. Coalitions air strike that killed revolutionary guard general qassam solar monny now theres no evidence actually to suggest that these 2 are connected but the timing was certainly inopportune that these happened so closely together absolutely but again it is still early hours now we dont know even the most basic some of the most basic facts we believe that there have been no survivors with. Condolences the Foreign Ministry saying that they are in touch with the embassy have to run and theyre looking into who were on board and trying to identify those who were on board but we just have reports coming in from officials from the airport thing that there was an issue with the engine but again as youre saying this is still early days now don of course boeing has been in the news quite a bit as of late when it comes to their planes what more can you tell us about the history of the 737 yeah well this this specific boeing model the 737800 its important to note that this was the far from the 1st crash in over the past several years in 2016 over 60 people were killed when the same plane model crashed leaving dubai on route to russia and in 2010 more than 150 were killed in a similar crash so this model of boeing planes certainly has had its share of crashes in the late in the past several years so its something. To consider and to wonder how boeing might respond to this of course be following all this rather closely as we watch as these search and rescue teams collect the remains of those who perished in that fire and well find out more throughout the day across the latest for us on that thank you. Reports of the plane crash came just hours after a round fired dozens of Ballistic Missiles at 2 u. S. Military bases in iraq the Iranian Military is calling the movie revenge for the death of its top general custom salmoni was killed in a u. S. Drone strike last week. What a good academic. Was was. Now for more on that were crossing live to archies middle east correspondent paula flair paul what more can you tell us at this point in time. Well weve recently just heard from the Iranian Revolutionary guards and i must stress that its im confirmed but theyve issued a statement in which they say that 80 soldiers have been killed and some 200 have been injured at the one american base that was hit in the early hours of this morning now earlier we did receive confirmation from the pentagon that no american soldiers had been killed so this would suggest that these are iraqi soldiers there were reports coming through earlier that there were some injuries amongst the rockies so were hearing this figure of 80 killed but as of yet no confirmation which will bring you as soon as we get it at the same time we are hearing very very strong words coming out of iran they immediately took responsibility for this mornings strike saying that it was an act of revenge and warning that if the United States or any of its allies in the region respond it will it will retaliate in kind at the same time they have contacted the un secretary general saying that iran will take all proportionate measures against any threats or use of force now one of the 1st people to respond in the early hours of this morning was irans telecommunication minister referring to the United States he said get the hell out of our region we have heard from the Iranian Foreign minister. Who has stressed that it is not in the interest of tehran and it is not to rounds intention is to make the situation and have a full scale war with the United States. Iran to conclude it proportionate measures in selfdefense under article 51. 00 a few and charter targets in base from which coordinate attack against our citizens and senior officials were launched we do not seek escalation or war but will defend ourselves against any aggression. Now there has also just been reaction from the adviser to the iranian president who harm me and he has said that there is the threat now that there could be an all out war in the middle east and of course thats the number one concern here in the region where all countries are monitoring the situation extremely extremely closely we know for example that the philippines have evacuated a lie in the process of evacuating their personnel and they citizens from iraq and at the same time other countries have urged they citizens to be in a state of high alert as for the iranians themselves as i say strong words coming out of them anyway new revolutionary course statement saying that this attack this morning was in revenge calling on the United States being the great satan and saying that if the United States attacks or telly its in any way iran will respond. In response to the terrorist operations of the american invaders and the vicious assassination of the heroic commander of the quds force the Islamic Revolution guard corps the run successfully carried out operation march assume the money. We warned the great satan our Good American regime that any further mobilization will result in a more painful response. Now the pentagon did say that the one and we can base that was targeted in a bill in the north of the country why was not hit at all and that the missiles landed in a nearby field saying instead that it was its base out said that was hit and this is just outside of baghdad now we havent yet had any direct responses from avid leaders in the region most notably the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not said anything although he has been no doubt Holding Meetings with his defense minister enough to benefit Israeli Soldiers are in a state of high alert in the north in the south of the country and they have been since last friday and this is out of concern that iran might activate its proxy groups either hamas in gaza or hizbullah in iran has been in so the potential for a full out war is there and well continue to monitor the situation and bring you updates as and when we get them our to his pulse we are reporting live from tel aviv thank you u. S. Federal Aviation Agency has banned all u. S. Flights over the persian gulf over security concerns previously trump threatened to strike a 52 iranian sides if it were targeted in any way but so far washingtons response has been somewhat muted with donald trump tweeting so far so good. All is well missiles launched from around a 2 military bases located in iraq assessment of casualties and damage is taking place now so far so good we have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world by far i will be making a statement to morrow morning well we have a tweet from donald trump it begins with the phrase all is well followed by a statement that there is an assessment going on of the casualties and the damage done to u. S. Bases as a result of the attack by the iranian missiles furthermore we do have the white house saying that trump has been briefed on the situation and it we have this point its expected that down trump will speak to the media regarding the events tomorrow this is what we heard from the white house we are aware of the reports of attacks on u. S. Facilities in the rock the president has been briefed and is monitoring the situation closely and consulting with his National Security team now the response from members of the u. S. Congress has been quite different depending on which party they are in we have nancy pelosi the leader of the democrats in the house of representatives speaking about the events and saying that trumps unnecessary escalation seems to have something to do with these events where we have marco rubio a republican and a conservative speaking in support of donald trump and criticizing nancy pelosi for her criticisms of the president and the moment in which these missiles have been fired this is the exchange we saw on social media closely monitoring the situation phone bombings targeting u. S. Troops in iraq we must ensure the safety of our Service Members including and needless provocations from the administration and demanding that iran sees its violence American World cannot afford war. Iran is now openly calling for americans to turn on each of the the time will come to deplete us policy tonights american and allied troops have come into direct attack by a nation state and americans must come together to support and protect them and respond appropriately may god protect and watch over our troops stationed in iraq my thoughts are with them and with their loft once i condemn irans attacks which targets you ask coalition and Iraqi Military personnel in the strongest terms im monitoring the situation in iraq closely and praying for our men and women in uniform the Iranian Regime has made a great miscalculation by launching his attacks among Trump Supporters the decision to kill qassam solomonic is being celebrated as a heroic act an act against terrorism however among Many Democrats though they have not much good to say about qassam solid money they seem to however argue that this was an unnecessary ask elation that put american lives at risk so many democratic voices seem to be speaking up and saying that donald trump could possibly be asking lading to a war with iran and didnt consult the u. S. Congress on that matter so there seems to be some pretty solid divisions about how to assess the recent events between the usa and iran at this time people are waiting to hear what trump will say when he does speak to the media as the new day comes in the United States earlier President Trump back down on the threat to destroy irans cultural sites he was later caused global alarm with a series of tweets on saturday and which he said iranian landmarks could be targeted if the country were to seek revenge for the assassination of Major General slow money but on tuesday trump said washington would Obey International Law we are according to various laws supposed to be very careful with their Cultural Heritage and you know what if thats what the law is i would i like to obey the law. One of the 1st consequences of the u. S. Assassination came from iraqi m. P. s who voted on sunday to expel Foreign Forces from their country donald trump and more in iraq to brace itself for heavy sanctions if it kicked his troops out and earlier on tuesday the Iranian Parliament unanimously passed a bill classifying the u. S. Armed forces as a Terror Organization tensions in the middle east have soared since the start of 2020. I am. Going to go to. You. Because. These are pictures from the c n roll of the Major General he was buried in his hometown theres been an outpouring of groups across iran wysong on is killing viewed as the death i mean National Hero is here all attracted bats crowds of mourners and at least 56. 00 people were killed after being crushed in the crowd during tuesdays funeral procession for 2 decades on money served as the commander of irans kurds forces which is the external wing of the Islamic Revolutionary guard he played a crucial role in irans military Decision Making process and helped expand irans role in the middle east. We can now bring political analyst ron. Thank you so much for being with us this is eager in the studio and jacket with me the present so iran has said it is not seeking an escalation or was. War at the same time it is hitting multiple targets american targets on the rocky soil its state media the only source now but is reporting dozens of american deaths right now with a pinch of salt but still is it a proportionate response in your opinion. Well going by what americans are saying that the these attacks have happened at the military bases which were not popular to get rid of american soldiers the indians are claiming that did one console just so we dont know at this particular point of dime but going by the tone offered indians when by what it in 4 mr said and going by what president going to come so far has said that indicates that none of them neither us nor iran they have wants as for the escalation not been was that that intent on off revenge they want to get avenge the cause joe going to cost them so the money was not an already military general he was the man who was actually architect of the jews to get equal a seat off iran in the middle east enough money and hes a man who has been out of nosing these proxies in the in some can see against American Interest so i think what we have seen today going by what americans are seeing that there is no loss if that is a case that means the it indians are not messaging the high and i took the have been given to dip their own people it seemed that iran doesnt want a military conflict conflict with the we the us about it want to flick it on a stamp allies in such as you and i think that is a policy sooner lit of the out of. Us americans in the middle east end of august on no the reason im saying this is because not this is an. Anti american sentiment in middle east particularly in iraq so its going to be very difficult for the americans to stay of the americans have claws a loss of a National Unity that in years and more importantly i think i would say. Mending he was the man who was being propped up by that ending as a next to it on has lost it so its a big loss so again deployed im trying to make is that this attack seems to be. Not meshing would be high on their trip you know im sure bear. But helps im not sure. That that would be a match in the smallest but nonetheless strength to live in actually. Getting used to insurgency in so gentle attacks. Happening of course its still important to note that the pentagon did earlier come out and say that no u. S. Forces had been killed in that attack but that is yet to be seen if that is in fact true and well be seeing if there is a further response from iran who says of course that this attack was in selfdefense and as weve heard from donald trump posting on twitter he seems very laid back saying all is well but that hell make a statement later on in the day what do you think we might hear from him. I think if there are north american casualties which probably seems to be what americans have been claiming then the american seems to be settling down on what has already happened they will of the with this attack. The ability business were not popular good with american soldiers for good is the last and little of one a solution i think will disappear down and a we have already heard from iran and they have already indicated that they would not go any direct military attack against americans so i think there is a Bigger Picture than the Bigger Picture is that now the the blocks is that it has in the middle east they are going to be far more active inside iraq they are going to target. American soldiers in and out and more importantly i would say that the iranian proxies in nandi are going to act out. Of it it is a matter of time when it happens the policy is going to be changed americans are not going to be hugely can simply be only on it only because this is when. There are going to be elections. Not that long ago there are good that are going to election in coming months and you will see that there is the possibility that there may be a ploy to union Prime Minister. That these election may produce so that would help iran to create political conditions in iraq whereby they can force the exit of the americans from iraq and this is happening at a time when americans are already at it added one of the bush years with the Afghan Taliban no i think it is becoming very difficult for americans to stay in afghanistan because on one side they are having pressures inside iraq and on the other hand that they were already having a huge attacks so many attacks by the Afghan Taliban on the ability bases so i think americans will have to go for a sort of a. Peace deal with the ground. And if that doesnt happen that is you know and has inside of one star and they are going to further. Sponsor of one taliban who will probably hasnt it acts against american soldiers in afghanistan. I just want to focus a little bit more on Donald Trumps response because before before irans retaliation he was the mother of all hawks if i may say so he was promising strikes on 50 plus rainy and targets he was almost promising almost he was essentially promising threatening a war crime mentioning iranian culture and Cultural Heritage hinting that that could become target as well what weve seen hours ago it was trump was a perfect dove it was like all is well everythings fine so would you make about what you make about the change of tone because it seems to be very stark. 1. 00 drone is a norm to be unpredictable and his critics say that hes a psychopath. People in jenin you stick means and i think literally he was believe that you cannot attack the culture side this is the one of the International Law and no i think he seems to be politically speaking has come to his senses he understand the consequences for the american a source of fundamental just inside the middle east because if there is open conflict then midges destroy it on but that doesnt mean the americans are going to be safe as made in the board in any law going to tell it so i think they have snotty lies that there should not be escalation escalation does not the feel of his political agenda because he had won the last elections on the promise that hes going to bring back medical school just from the middle east end of august on a no then there is going to be another election he cannot stop a new war but going by his the rhetorics i think hes a sort of a kind of person whos a known to be unpredictable bend on doesnt want him to go fight a few people who attacks on on audience while doc is the most unlikely snotty in the situation but we should not forget another player that it is likely is that a launch of war is a lot worse the us it worked up to it that ianto me any update on that i think that is the most dangerous in audio that will develop in indias to come out in months to come because israel is not very happy even the medical say they dont want wanted war since it on has been threatening. Iran has been using proxies a so this war is i mean were certainly like a lot hes a kind of complete with all a guy wants war sometimes even killing these palestinians and so therefore i think about things that need to be cautious and it has been a lot of pressure on president going to term from the congress from the democrats that kind of the dr actually hes been delivering that indians that that can decide the u. S. To do that interest of you know. Well exactly as youre saying trump is nothing if not predictable and theres been quite a bit of pushback back home in the us and at the same time you were also saying that you didnt feel that irans response was actually an equal response do you think that means that out front military conflict is navigable here. For the time being i dont feel foresee an open conflict between iran and the u. S. But subtly the. Kind of attention that were seeing no on the ground thats a far from all that dick that this off duty with this war are going to undergo a lot of changes. Is going to huguely focus on the political side of this this tension with were with the u. S. If theyre going theyre going to create more uncertainty in in and out and theyre going to of spoiled those Political Parties in political groups which are already empty americans and they were tribal explored those were to go parties which cant possibly foresee a believe in elections that that means that the sooner or later as americans will have to leave iraq and that is what the don has been looking for it on they are very clever let me tell you they are not going to go fight it big attacks against them against americans then or the they cannot mesh with the americas military machine but subtly they will do what they are very explicit they are ready exposed off and that is the there are 2 things on political site that are going to support these Political Parties something ill be honest. Explain and then very importantly that theyre not going to be more insurgent attacks against american soldiers against the meccan commercial interest against american diplomatic interest maybe american Diplomatic Solutions Diplomatic Missions mick come under attack from the proxies there are many more of one in protest against american diplomatic presence in pockets in the middle east and elsewhere in the world particularly in those countries where she had communities have defendants or became used to folks hes the the this of the law going to undergo a changes because iran would shortly like to do what the hell they have. They dont want an open conflict the kind of that our tricks the high rhetoric that we have seen from ted on that did are going to be dead bodies of the american soldiers lying on the streets in the middle east that i dont foresee that happening they have claimed that there are dozens of us about insurgents who might have been killed but i dont know at this particular point of time if that has all happened if that americans may be simply concealing their casualties or. Maybe simply political rhetoric that we have seen come from tehran but i foresee that the ship of this war is going to under glitch and the good changes and we must not forget. Recent report by Israeli Television which said there was a secret the men were in the memorandum which was signed between the u. S. And israel and if you go to that she could mean what had been going by the support that suggest that the israelis they are going to share intelligence to the americans about the locations of the indian interest in the middle east particularly in iraq that that underlines that israel is a very very active player and that we should not also forget the other side of the picture which is that is the end would probably like the involvement of saudi arabia in this conflict which means there would be a sort of infighting between muslims on civilian grounds that would be the most dangerous not you which may develop and iran probably ad this particular point of time doesnt want that to happen because if it on a keyboard attacking its proxies or directly against americans that to me is more public support from the muslims across the all sects and if there is an attack on saudi arabia that means that war is going to be divided and i dont foresee that happening in coming weeks but certainly. That kind of situation going developing in the distant future your head donald trump he didnt warn any of American Allies of the strike because some silly money are not even regional allies like the ones that you have mentioned for instance saudi arabia israel and so on and so forth so trumps unpredictability which youve talked so much about it is now essentially somewhat backfiring americas allies in the region because now we have iran openly threatening those allies saying that well if you provide any help if you help america the americans in any way to strike to strike us to strike iran then we will target your facilities as well so i want your opinion on how do you think this whole this whole conflict will affect americas washingtons relations with its regional allies in the middle east because i see at least 2 ways here one is that they will see a more in the america in america its regional allies will see a more unreliable partner which doesnt keep them to them in the loop and on the other hand you could see other countries allies brought closer together in the face of a common enemy so what do you think it will be. Well saw israel is quite happy because the killing of custom sort of money is not something ordinary it is a big event because he was a National Hero and then be killing off then their proxy leader in iraq the man who was being thought of as the next Prime Minister i think is what we have seen there not any ls said there was a very Decisive Action very forceful action and he sounded very happy no. Americans cannot started but it was a necessity because just because the design of that is they are so far less than dinner time has listen to the israeli demands when it comes to the Golan Heights they have recognized that it was a disputed territory

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