Here in moscow welcome to the program. Wiki leaks has released a 4th batch of documents from the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons that cast further doubt on its report on allegations of a chemical attack in the syrian city of duma last year they reveal the o. P. C. Chose to ignore evidence that contradicts its conclusion that the attack came from the air. Picks up the story the toxicologist pharmacologist and the bio analytical chemist walk into the u. P. C. W u b c w shows them a video of an alleged chemical attack and ask them what sort of symptoms they see could they tell what gas it was the specialists look at the video and agree on one and the rest is classified or was classified. It was agreed among all present that the key takeaway message from the meeting was that the symptoms observed were inconsistent with exposure to chlorine and no other obvious candidate chemical causing the symptoms could be identified another day another leak another embarrassment and another blow to the u. P. C. W. s credibility they knew they knew the rebel video was questionable didnt find any nerve agent any chlorine in quantities sufficient to indicate a chemical attack nothing but they wouldnt admit it we know of at least one person at the u. P. C. W. s very selective about what gets saved and what gets deleted please get this document out of documents registry archives and please remove all traces of its deliberate storage with documents registry archives that was from sebastian brar frances representative to the u. P. C. W in that email he demands the deletion of a Technical Report which concluded that the gas canisters most likely were dropped from the air by acids aircraft but placed at the scene obviously placed by someone staged. Theyve tried not just to exclude certain information but bury it completely expunged from their own all call it. That is not there is not a Scientific Method is it people dont just bury or delete it and actually delete all traces of a report that is that the smoking gun of a cover up and now we see the capture and the politicization of the o. P. C. W. Whats really encouraging though is we have people within the organization all willing to try and get the truth. Is out of it steps here in terms of p. R. And diplomacy in apostate been a quite organization remember theyve won the nobel prize professionally getting on with their work but they appear to have been subverted and led astray if you like and theyre going into Uncharted Waters where now i think from a p. R. Perspective theyre finding it difficult to cope and in the past if the past 3 leaks because this is a 4th leak now of documents if the past 3 leaks are current they will isolate and double down and be in denial as indeed is the whole pretty much of the western especially us u. K. Media in not actually investigating or knowledge and the truth that is now actually seeming to be emerging is not enough time to run through everything that the u. P. C. W. Edited out every corner they cut every piece of evidence they twisted to make asaad look guilty and like excluding all but one of their investigators who went to syria for writing the report theyre leading contradictory witness testimony classifying and keeping secret victims toxicology reports bringing in american intelligence agents 10 electric chemists 2 dozen employees suspected professionalism fraud or even flower play according to leaked emails but the boss he stuck to his guns werent some of these. New. Unprofessional. Routes by. You know disagrees with him the 1st director general of the o. P. C. W. Who has cosigned an open letter calling on the organization to let people who theyve gagged speak out with every week the story gets bigger more scandalous which may not be the impression you get on t. V. Or in the big big has its all o. P. C. W defends its report and hits back at whistleblowers many of the people writing these are theyre scared theres only so much that theyre allowed to write many editors and many journalists arent even aware of the propaganda so what will take place is they will be told. Oh no this is this is all just rubbish look at this spelling council call and maybe some are aware that there are some they are dubious and theyre not to be trusted i think theres probably too much risk involved in them shouldnt listen we shouldnt be trusting them why should that took place in new zealand in takes place of Many Organizations where you go at it is you know possibly senior reporters where you know they go and work in these think tank release you know that cultivating relationships with Us Department officials or heads of different political organizations and i think what not stars do is. You know it becomes a conflict of interest this is the new p. C. W. It is no longer about 5 didnt the truth establishments what happened molecule by molecule now it big switch molecule to show in which to hide now the u. P. C. W. Synthesisers chemical guilt literally out of thin air. We bath the o. P. C. W. To confirm whether or not the revelations are indeed true so far they have not responded. A lawsuit has been filed in the us against military contractors who allegedly paid protection money to the taliban in afghanistan and has the story ever since 911 the u. S. Government has been working to criminalize prosecute and sanction those who Fund Terrorism however theres a recent lawsuit that seems to hit pretty close to home a new lawsuit alleges that some u. S. Companies operating in afghanistan contracting with the u. S. Military have been paying out large amounts of protection cash to the taliban now the lawsuit is filed on behalf of those who have lost relatives in afghanistan this is how the lawyer representing those family members explained the legal action. The Anti Terrorism complaint alleges that 8 large multinational corporations most of which are american regularly paid protection payments to the taleban including the kani network which were designed to boost the companys profits by redirects and fines way from the room business interests we believe plaintiffs bill the consequences and the scale of the payouts was quite staggering between 20 and 40 percent of all funds for Major Projects in afghanistan and it up lining the pockets of insurgents now 2 of the firms that are named in the papers the da i global and Louis Berger Group they received roughly 1000000000. 00 in Development Aid between 20072009 now one of the Companies Named in the case says its very proud of the work that it did in afghanistan a spokesman for blocking veach said hes competed follow the directions of u. S. Government agencies and was proud of his projects in afghanistan earlier this Month Congress released a report regarding the war in afghanistan and which u. S. Military officials revealed some hard truths about the u. S. Campaign what are we trying to do here we didnt have the foggiest notion of what we were undertaking there is a fundamental gap of funder standing in the front end over stated objectives and over reliance on the military and the lack of funder standing of the resources necessary so this latest case adds to the overall picture of billions wasted and pointless loss of life in what has been the longest war that the United States has ever waged. We have asked the Companies Named in the lawsuit and also the u. S. State department to comment on the story of the sufferer they have not gotten back to us iraq war veterans told us the Case Highlights the deep flaws in u. S. Policy in afghanistan in order to make money for Contracting Companies that dont care they will they will bid the contract theyll take the contract and then on the ground once you get the money then you figure out how you go about it afghan war papers and i think they they state things pretty clearly number one there was no mission we have not control the country at all so the taleban and alqaeda and whoever else is in their Islamic State which is actually a minority basically the funding and the money gets funneled down that way this is where the issue goes back to actually going back to the main perpetrators of the war and the conflict and not just you can blame contractors for a lot of things for sure but theyre also they get these contracts and they they get to operate. Libyas internationally recognized government has officially requested military assistance from turkey at that attempts to stave off an offensive by the warlord Khalifa Haftar the turkish president has said that lawmakers will decide in early january whether or not to deploy troops to the war torn country. We would go to a place where we are invited to go we would not go to a place we are not invited to go to at the moment since there is such an invitation we were sworn to the 1st thing we will hopefully do as soon as the Parliament Resumes is to present the military deployment bill called willing on the 8th or 9th of january whichever we will pass this in our parliament and we will be responding to the invitation. Libya was plunged into chaos in the wake of the 2011 uprising and the subsequent killing of it then leader Moammar Gadhafi by u. S. Backed rebels the country is currently being fought over by 2 rival administrations the one backed government in the capital and a government based in tobruk in the east the run again general kind of have to us forces have been closing in on tripoli in recent months however both the United States and the arab league how voice their opposition to a Turkish Military intervention this interference will only prolong the confrontation and increase the suffering of the people of libya it will also hinder International Diplomatic efforts aimed at a peaceful settlement of the libyan crisis president donald j. Trump spoke with president. Of egypt regarding wed be rejected for an exploitation agreed that part is must take urgent steps to resolve the conflict before leiby and sluice control to for an actor mark almond the director of the Crisis Research institute told us why he believes turkey is poised to intervene in the libyan conflict. Libya in some ways is a proxy conflict between these rivals for domination in the middle east but also turkey not only has problems with these allies to the west like egypt and saudis in the americas. In libya it also has problems with some of its nato allies greece and france in particular turkey in a sense is saying youve rejected us we can show that we can be rolled or could to you so libya in some ways is a kind of sand pit conflict where there are also some local reasons why after in the tripoli government directly charges for the capital government in east face it controls oil and gas but if you want to buy it from the world market you have to pay the money into tripoli thank you so long as the tripoli government controls the International Bank account of libya it may not control much territory but it does as it were control the cash but these outside forces will nominally allied to each other are also at each others throats struggling for influence over after all a very oil and gas rich country. This christmas a group of young muslims and one in may presents for children in the hospital and from less well off families its part of a drive to improve cultural links between communities is alie reports. 1st worse its a time of families coming together and people putting their feet up and relaxing if only for just a few days however it can also be a tough time of the year for many in the u. K. Both personally and financially and for that reason many people here also try to make an effort to help their fellow citizens in this festive period one such Initiative Also seeks to strengthen ties between culturally different communities we thought. Why should anyone in christmas especially children be deprived of this festive feeling so by providing them with the gifts we can try and. You know lessen their pain by drawing a big smile on their faces this initiative has been put together by the foundation and youth group based in north london its all about coming together with other like minded people and wrapping presents to be handed out to families in need as well as in local hospitals and to children in foster homes the organizers say its a part of their faith to reach out to others particularly those in need the campaign was called gifts will messenger highlighting the intimate relationship between islams mohammed and christianity jesus at the end of the day we hope that we can build bridges to become a positive i said to society in london. One local priest is enthused by the message of unity that this event sends and i think its just. Call of the muslims the time that they respond to those with compassion and with mercy and for me thats an important issue that if those are the qualities of god then you try and replicate those qualities of god so to see this is just wonderful news in that there are some people for whom. Compassion mercy general beneficence all these things. Are important it is a time of rising tensions. On the wall the hate crime on the rise its also important to show that those issues dont represent the whole picture beside the all. Still to come a transgender teacher faces a storm of criticism after wearing a top that says trans women are men that story is next after the short break. Financial Survival Guide i dont find any im on a few. Things on the flight. Thats less about my ex from the future trucker was kaiser. Is your media a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Tyson nation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Away. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. Welcome back to the program a transgendered physics teacher from the u. K. Could be kicked off a Union Committee for alleged transfer Debbie Hayden faced a storm of criticism after wearing a top that said trans women are met. Respects her own gender less than the rest of us respect her gender pathetically confused person. The sooner your idiocy and discriminatory behavior is closed down or youll continue to be known platforms the better was a clown whole day you as a trans flack on your profile and say such transfixing get educated hate me for the t. Shirt back in july other than a vent organized by the Campaign Group called fair play for women it didnt go down well with some who complained to the general secretary of the committee she is part of they said she was propagating hate speech against the Trans Community she could now face disciplinary action and expulsion from her seat on the trade Union CongressCommunity Even though it is sticking to her view that trans people are biologically attached to the sex they were born as we spoke to trans advocate jordan evans who says he wants views are too controversial for some in the community. I do agree with debbie on a number of things but we dont see eye to eye on everything in regards to this its why any activist does what they do is to send a message and in debbies case she wanted to send a message that trans women do often tend to have x. Y. Chromosomes myself included and it is a message that tends to be very controversial in trance or to actually in my opinion a greater issue with cancel culture as a whole this is something that we need to have a conversation about not just as a community but as a collective demographic as a generation because there is no end to cancell culture right now there is no. Time for redemption no opportunity to actually. From what youve done you have done something wrong and now you must be punished if this goes through and she is severely punished for saying what she has done in the trance monikers a very important part of who i am its a very important part of my journey im a woman with x. Y. Chromosomes most of the time they tend to exists on social media circles and they have their own followings they lash out at people like debbie because they see her approach and they react accordingly they dont resemble people you necessarily see on social media but there are definitely people who exist solely to keep us down. To the lake forest fires in the australian state of New South Wales have been raging for almost 2 months now firefighters are gearing up for hotter and drier and windier conditions next week but the temperature expected to reach 45 degrees celsius amid all this the countrys government has Just Launched an expensive ad campaign designed to boost tourism thing some to wonder about its priorities. In. Mild us to me. To live with their im sorry if you just need some space now for. Tourism australia should be under investigation for false advertising outside has no hope interest minds of shock prisons smoke show cities the bushes on fire and the corals and bleached deer australia probably not the best time to run a tourism anyway kumi when you have a science based crime class. Brits walking into australia after seeing the Kylie Minogue tourism ad. Perish this hour with in case you missed it and the 3rd installment of pauly boy goes up 2019 or among other things she looks at trumps impeachment and protests and paris. The ends of 2019 sword trump bottle impeachment britain. Bombshell lida im puerto tests when a truly global welcome to paul 3 i see why my eyes round up of 29 t. In september Extinction Rebellion back with the Global Strike to draw attention to Climate Change by Community Says meanwhile in washington the dems finally had the donald where they wanted him staring down the barrel of impeachment proceedings for georgie phone call where the u. S. President may or may not have put pressure on that comedian ukrainian president to investigate jerry bidens son in return for military aid allegedly. Hit the fan when donald trump decided to pull u. S. Troops out of syria abandoning that kurdish allies to face and by Turkish Forces only by the end of the month the u. S. Military had pulled out 1000. 00 u. S. Troops and sent back another 900 why because. Thats right because america is keeping the oil also that money has a 1000000 catalonians really doff so they bashed up false alert they were on a happy with the spanish governments harsh sentencing of the one of the breakaway regions formally does in fact bashing things off in the name of democracy was a very much the all term trend in november bolivia chile peru and ecuador went up in flames as frustrated Latin Americans railed against corrupt governments on top Economic Conditions and in france the yellow vests celebration is a year of protests where another protest one that i see why my extended has nothing like the smell of to gas in the afternoon. For. Democracy demonstrations in hong kong were being labeled a potential civil war while in the middle east lebanons revolution started off as a costly protest policy algeria was acting as well whatever in iraq things turned ugly quickly out and hundreds of demonstrators were killed in november that was good news for jailed wiki leaks founder Julian Assange sweden had dropped those allegations of Sexual Misconduct against him i believe that us extradition cases. And in december said Boris Johnson finally got the election he wanted winning by a landslide. That brags it wouldnt be cancelled probably with 29000. 00 coming to an end its seasons greetings from the i see why my team see you all. You can watch all 3 parts of take on 2019 in full on our website as well as in case you missed it. Thats our global news update for this hour but dont forget you can always how to our website or to dot com for the details on all those stories and many more. Is like the child in the room its impulsivity its narcissism its us versus them its fear the prefrontal cortex is empathy its compassion its thinking about the future in terms of what we do today thats where we need to make our decisions based from from the prefrontal cortex unfortunately when we eat the modern diet of our planet or when we watch the news or we spend too much time online we lock in to be a make believe we lock in to the child in the room and were not able to make good decisions. This is a sticker from the old water bottle found in the stomach of a fish the brand is part of the Cocacola Company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that lets tell consumers there are the bad ones there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste to company has long promised to reuse the plastic. On. The mountains of moist only grow higher. If youre welcome to going on the road we will be back with a brand new season starting on january the 8th but until then we will be showing some of your favorite shows from the last season of the decade climate she returns youre welcome youre going underground special from the german capital berlin and joining me is bring him from the libyan Green Resistance Movement hes director of the center for African Unity studies and hes known all around as. A spokesperson. For going on going underground 1st of all i think you should have to remind us in what capacity you were the spokesperson for the late. Has right now we hear of continued warfare in what was once africas riches pick up the country. Well in 2011 my country was an. Attack by the Global Center of imperialist capitalism. Aiming to stop the libyan project for African Unity and african independence and i had the brevity and the honor to stand tall with thousands and thousands of young libyan men and women to defend our country against this western attack and i was appointed the spokesperson of the Libyan Government i was the voice for the libyan Resistance Movement that time and i walked close with my colleagues and commemorates to represent the libyan point of view to the world i dealt with the International Media for more than 8 months i held 3 press conferences every day under bombardment but i wasnt alone i had the support the love and the expertise of thousands of young libyan graduates and media personalities and intellectuals who still after 8 years of the war was very hard to fight for the liberation of the country for the freedom and independence of the libyan people well Mainstream Media around the world called you a liar a mouthpiece for a regime that far from this well being about imperialism this was a regime that was organizing mass rape has a policy using vi agra chemicals to complete mess rate policy is the massacring of unarmed protesters and you are basically a mouthpiece for a moment of civilians well in any position you take there are 2 powers if you have on your side then you are proven as an honest party. The power of except limitation and the power of prophecy and we had both after 8 years everything we say had to explain what was happening in libya proved to be right we talked about terrorism extremism tribal conflict western imperialist project in the country to rob libya of its well how does this excuse all the power for off we see because we talked about what things would happen afterwards the division of the country the continuous conflict and we have proven right on this front as well as for the charges which made it 3 main charges