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Missile test. Good evening live from r. T. Internationals world knew center in moscow this monday night his cover now and he will complete 30 minute update hope you stick around for all thing. Fresh doubts are being cast over the credibility of the International Chemical weapons watchdog the o. P. C. W. We can report as more leaked emails published by wiki leaks reveal concerns from yet another member of the team which probed in the alleged attack in the syrian city of duma last year he says the final report into the incident misrepresents their findings. The Fact Finding Mission report does not reflect the views of all the team members that deployed to doom or only one Fact Finding Mission team member a paramedic of the socalled Fact Finding Mission core team was in duma we are not insisting on being right in our assertions but we are demanding to be heard we have been stonewalled throughout by obfuscation exclusion and even thuggish bullying behavior they alleged chemical attack in early april last year reportedly killed dozens of civilians the United States and its nato allies france and the u. K. Were you may recall quick to conduct airstrikes against Syrian Military targets over it biggest western military action in the 8 year war your p c w later deployed experts to the scene to investigate the suspected chemical attack and the subsequent report pin the blame on the Syrian Government next tonight our Senior Correspondent orgasm looks deeper into these new revelations. I dont know about the 3 little piglets but the u. P. C. W. Is having its house blown right down from the inside the 1st whistle blower they dismissed the 2nd they sort of excused themselves and now in what is an absolute bombshell their most qualified inspector the f. F. S. Report does not reflect the views of all the team members that deployed to duma i found that i was being excluded from the work for reasons not made clear allegedly the only team member who went to syria and who was allowed to cowrite the syria report was the team paramedic and of the chemical inspectors were allowed to pitch in i attempted to submit my reports the f f m team leaders starting from the 15th of february 29th seen after noting continued reluctance from the f f m team to receive my report i deposited the report in d r a for collection on the 27th of february 29th and advised all relevant persons of this shouldnt have bothered seems no one wanted to read it 48 hours later the u. P. C. W. Published its 1st report and sutherland had to really taken a razor to it so much so that the actual team that went to syria didnt recognise it the consensus within the f. M. Team was that there were indications of serious inconsistency isnt findings the conclusions appear to have been turned completely in the opposite direction now that we can exist publish what the preliminary report looked like heres what the u. P. C. The you deleted one evidence that contradicted witness testimony meaning what the alleged witnesses said deferred wildly from the hard evidence found by inspectors to the fact that the hospital videos which so shocked the world will think the victims all actors the spade symptoms inconsistent with. Nori poisoning or poisoning with anything found at the scene 3 and this is the big one in the final report they found chlorine not how much just chlorine which you can fire did your kitchen and then the whole men and the Swimming Pool maybe all right what about removing trace or some other wording may work im still worried that a stock standard phrase such as chlorine containing compounds were detected or similar present the danger of it being misrepresented as a damning conclusion its a political word smithing situation not purely technical and it was the anti acid war hawks trumpeted the fact what the o. P. C. W. Did is akin to saying you found radioactive materials and someones house without mentioning it was a tiny amount to use than fire alarms and this on top of previous whistleblower revelations hard math cast doubt that the canisters at the scene were ever dropped their observations of the scene of the 2 locations suggest that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were money placed at those 2. 00 locations rather than being delivered from aircraft it all began with in henderson when he 1st blew the whistle he was mocked smeared insulted u. P. C. W. Claimed he wasnt even part of the team they lied leaked documents clearly show he was working for the u. P. C. W. Shame on the o. P. C. W. You are aware of the highly questionable behavior surrounding this f. M. We as others in the team who would like to but are unable are questioning the work practices follow during this investigation we are not insisting on being right in our assertions but we are demanding to be heard we have been stonewalled throughout biopsy exclusion and even thuggish bullying behavior this is more than a rebellion this is a catastrophe for the o. P. C. W a best this is a case of gross negligence. Worse than i pray im wrong this is corruption corruption in the very organization thats supposed to keep the world safe from chemical weapons either way from now on when the o. P. C. W. Says something people are going to be thinking twice before taking their word for it and well go to her we reached out i can tell it to the o. P. C. W. For comment over the lakers when they go back to see if they will let you know what they have to say in the meantime we spoke to a journalist who attended a briefing by one of the organizations with blows. The person who presented r. T. S. Findings was a scientist and through and through he was not a politician at all he told us in the beginning he set you can challenge me you can ask any question you alarms we just won to have our voices heard he stressed the point that their findings were excluded from the final report it was completely the opposite actually and i mean the final report was based on the investigations of interior which was working out sites of syria in a country x. We do not know which this country is that you cannot find evidence on something that happened when you go to a different country you must go to the ground where it happened and you have to look there. As north korea celebrate should have a missile test washington sent its representative to neighboring south korea during a briefing in seoul the u. S. Special envoy revealed that washington is nowhere near reaching its new close ation goals of pyongyang and is calling on them to continue talks. Here today let me speak directly to our counterparts in north korea. It is time for us to do our jobs. Lets get this done. We are here and you know how to reach us the u. S. Envoy to stress the president from remains confident north Korean Leader kim jong un is quote committed to the same goal as the u. S. He goes down off next night looks at how the tables have turned over the past number of years on this big story. Trumps relations with north korea have been erratic from loathing to admiration go we are going down sideways across every dimension really. Relationship with to me as you probably know korea. Getting more interested in early stages they will be met with fire as a fury but only have a very Good Relationship with him is on a Suicide Mission for himself while now the countries are back watching their relations freefall pyongyang fired the 1st shot literally through long range missile tests to rub american faces in it priceless traitor experience a new technologies gained in the recent tests will be fully applied to the development of another strategic weapon for definitely a more lively restraining and overpowering the Nuclear Threat of the u. S. Not a pleasant face rubbing for trump this is no ones idea of keeping America Great establishing their denuclearization deal has been hailed as a trumps crowning moment as president despite it now seeming as far away as ever but with time thinking away and before north koreas latest test washington acted like end of year deadline was in its problem. We do not have a year and a deadline theres an artificial deadline set by the North Koreans and unfortunately its a deadline that theyve set upon themselves fast forward to after the launch the u. S. Special representative for north korea puts on his best poker face and flies out to south korea the same guy youve just listened to saying that the deadlines for pyongyang not them its the universal time for new Year Resolutions but for trump its way bigger than just that its the result of his entire presidency 2 years ago he. Was the queen of the prom playing hard to get with pyongyang standing up his dates dishing out sanctions left and right now hes already conceded in his trade war with china backtracking on tariffs in exchange for a Pinky Promise from beijing so north korea wants to strike 2 while the election is hot and trump is soft i think for trump or kind of puts him in a bind because the only thing you have going for him as for the humor is that hes open dialogue with north korea and of. It goes nowhere because he refuses to offer a north korea anything exchange for demanding to know clarification that hes got nothing to show for Reelection Campaign simplied 3 year north korea and after the new year if there is no resumption of talks that they would resume their intermediate. I. C. B. M. Program a Nuclear Weapons program of course i think in reality north korea would probably hold off on that and still hope that talks could resume but theyre trying to encourage basically the u. S. To return to the negotiating table a resumption of tensions or resumption of dialogue thats the choice is up to the United States and stead of offering north korea and through the u. S. Hostile policy which threatens its right to survive oh and development then there can be no hope for a solution kim jong un and trump on known pen pals and the u. S. President to enjoy their correspondence a lot i got a very full letter from him yesterday with very little liberal. With very. Little think it was really i thought you might not enjoy the this Christmas Gift north korea has already put under the white house tree though along with a few into clinton until. The new year. Of protests against a new citizenship lauren india of reach the capital new delhi since wednesday across the country 6 people have been killed and dozens more injured in demonstrations the Muslim Community says its not only discriminatory against them but also they say unconstitutional. Thank. You. Wolf. There are several remember. The. Law in question offer a fast track to citizenship for migrants from some neighboring muslim majority countries but the list excludes muslim migrants themselves and thats where a lot of the trouble is lot of people in the government says its in no way discriminatory the Prime Minister Narendra Modi says the law is intended to give respect to those who fled to india and were forced to live as refugees and call the protests deeply distressing but the demonstrators in the demonstrations the demonstrators gaining momentum particularly on the countrys University Campuses anger with Prime Minister modis governments been stoked by a locations of Police Brutality growing 2 on sunday officers in new delhi stormed the millionaire Islamia University firing tear gas and detaining around a 100 people another 100 were also injured all while but did follow violent protests the authorities now stand accused of beating up students and staff who describe the police as a violent mob journalist sarah carr whos also a student at University Says theres no way to run. Their feet roof is asking many fees for these and the police started to go get thats going to be our guest selfless marched. Example yes nonuniversity sickly in baghdad destines im going mining sent the 1st of these and since the police was unable to identify exactly what i just saw it came out inside the university and it started attacking all the students who were then. Irans. Release all glued the entire unit was there was noise good thoughts or any other students the d. D. P. Gunman under more d. And its not dans deceptive Detention Centers and its not all these people especially the muslims in those events and centers about it comes to what the size of the population must inelastic unsecure for the boston of the population they dont even own a muslim problem most of the presentation in the parliament and you dont have to are getting the muslims and british out in one of. The balance between the weakest actually not the saudi who am a dozen times on the one day i dont need to turn out differently and that you know these india was a secular nation. At 16 past their face watch out international to let me tell you what circus big stories are tonight r. T. Dot com you want to see more of she was rever grettir goes controversy inevitably follows the teen climate firebrands have become embroiled in a dispute with a german Train Company over some pictures tweeted of her sitting on the floor with lots of bags theres a real spark going over that 5 more in line u. S. Navy army cadets are facing a backlash for using the ok hand the side which has been adopted reasoning for some white supremacist against causes to the story to russian warships keeping a weather eye on a u. S. Destroyer that entered the black sea on sunday thats just snapshot of so much more lined up for you on our site tonight. United nations will continue supporting some 5000000 Palestinian Refugees for another 3 years a decision was reached after 169 members voted in favor with only 2 the u. S. And israel against the move now the United States wants to shift the uns Relief Services to refugee host countries crucially its an issue its been trying to influence the agency over a number of times before indeed back in 2018 the u. S. Halted 360000000 dollars in aid well this year over 60000000. 00 worth of security funds. As the terms to the palestinians were stopped donald trump previously claimed washington received no appreciation or respect he said for the money provided to the region but all that said the u. N. Agency is still hoping america will have a change of heart over these latest funding cuts. And we hope that the American Review again they are distant and reconsider the importance of. The syllabuses that would provide it and how it would be affecting the stability in the region one had how we. Are really on the road is an element of peace and stability its been happening for a long time its been providing health and Relief Services for palestinians since 1949 israeli washington accuses it of extending the regions conflict by widening Refugee Status to billions of descendants rather than to the original refugees themselves it operates in the west bank and gaza as well as jordan lebanon and syria he spoke to some of the refugees it helps direct. I like my school is the teachers math english and so many other subjects they provide us with all our books and other stationery i hope that my school doesnt get shut down so that i can go and learn so that when im older im educated people are in real need of this help because it is providing them with Many Services for example if well food coupons go it will be difficult as so many families rely on it the situation inside gasser is already so bad we have no jobs and nothing improves for workers or even doctors no one can reach a normal standard of living in the us wants to close the u n r w a because they want to cancel any rights for a few g. s they want to cancel even the name of refugees so that they can sake there you are w a out of gaza strip see whether with this at the end of the day its a political game by the us in israel they want the palestine issue to die in vanity. So many things that were d bringing to programs documentaries tipoff but a program that might want to see various times on the t. V. Side of things and online whenever you like winston story tragic too you might say about a man who spent 21 years on death row and escaped 13 execution days what was that wed like to go through only end to be freed after evidence against him is found to be false. 54 years old its been 21. 00 and a half years on death row on ohio. For a crime i didnt commit. Against the ricci who was tried in ohio for aggravated murder committed in the course of a felony the ohio court was told that kenny into could damage of the fact that the neighbor in the apartment had been left with only the 2 year old victim inside it was alleged that his intention was for the fire to spread to the lower floor where his exgirlfriend and her new boyfriend were sleeping the case relied on that does to moan as if people attending the party who stated under oath that ricci was drunk and had threatened to burn down the building also i wouldnt you want the present and the judges to be as free as well you get his lawyers came to an agreement with the prosecutors. The arson and murder charges were a plea bargain down to child endangerment only one person in the courthouse still believed in ken is guilty you will. Never part it can be to say he loves kids. Almost 20 years later gaining his lawyers would prove that the investigation had been flawed resulting in the wrong conclusions all those years were stolen from you need to try and make up for the get yourself a life yourself together ill try. Not to back every time. Just when things go good. The rug pulled out from under me. Bloody life. 1021. 00 moscow time look around the world at a minute and 5 in this trailer 1st bushfires of birds around. 20 buildings as firefighters one of a mega blaze in the state of New South Wales the countrys largest city sydney has been covered in the thick smog with Emergency Services working around the clock to contain fires outside the city hottest days this week they think its ever been on record its been the situation for weeks already compounded by its extreme heat and dry weather fingers crossed for guys there fishes in bangladesh say 10 bodies have been recovered from the charred remains of a factory near the capital dakar fire tore through that 3 Story Building on sunday its unclear how it started and how many people so worryingly were in the factory at the time its the 2nd deadly factory fire in bangladesh in less than a week. New yorkers have been paying their respects to the special memorial set up for an 18 year old woman fatally stabbed last week its been reported she fell victim to a Robbery Attempt Police suspect 2 teenagers revolve theyve reported their branded 113 year old in connection with the murder. 5 for now lets lighten things up a bit its the festive time of the year isnt it because most festive pictures the snow laden tigar in eastern siberia next as were going to head we want to show you just how one mailman is going the extra mile to make sure the post gets delivered on time. I. Would have you have seen how far we are from other people its relatively easy to travel now during winter but in summer you can pass through only by horse or off road vehicle. For. Every evening i have to occupy myself i light the fire the tea boils because i live like this i take the newspaper and do the crossword puzzles to kill time. For me if i deliver letters and if theres no envelope i get to the nearest town by its and sign it and then send it. You had written crumb of the local sun to their world are nuts why things looking so far from International Life are rushing to light weve got various telomere programs for you and your partner will come about for the break if you want more news more features as mentioned earlier check out our social media and r. T. Dot com but for now for me kevin i have a great rest of this monday evening with you tuned in around the world. And were going to fulfill repeated promises possible to the people come on you know weeks or bots the future of reboots. Really pretty. Much. Pretty good. If you want to work at that. You know. It is relatively easy to explain the tories spectacular victory in the general election for the elites it was about Jeremy Corbyn but for the voters it was all about brakes and indeed it was brags that 2. 0 for bojo it is time for the liberal. Oh. Please. Lists lists lists. Lists. Playing. And a very warm welcome to you watching us in such. Im after a chance and were going on the ground ahead of wednesdays expected u. S. Congressional vote to impeach the 45th president of the United States for inviting foreign interference in the us elections coming up in the show will impeachment by the liberal democrats only help donald trump win 20 twentieths u. S. President ial elections we speak to every door of the jimmy door show about doomed democrats of the deep state and with all the talk of us chlorinated chicken and bricks of britain we talked to supersize me also going on many Morgan Spurlock who cries foul at the u. S. Poultry industry in his new film each of them told us of all coming up today is going on the ground for us lets go straight to los angeles to get the perspective of jimmy door host of the jimmy door show on what an impeachment of the socalled leader of the free world all trump even means going into a u. S. President ial election he had jimmy thanks so much for coming back on whats the point of this upcoming vote in the house of representatives and why is trumps popularity well previously its been kind of going up during the impeachment process. So the whole point of why were having an impeachment process and the hopeful is the same reason why we had a russia gate investigation for 3 years and its because the Democratic Party is beholden to the same people the Republican Party is beholden to the same political donor class right so the Democratic Party cant really present a platform that people common working day people will get excited about to get off the couch and go for the democrats so if the democrats were really going to oppose trump theyd have to oppose the establishment but turns out the Democratic Party is the establishment so they can oppose trump on anything substantial so they have to do this these circus shows right the russia gate for 3 years now the impeachment so thats why this is really happening and its because the democrats and the republicans are really one party its the military Industrial Complex party and its the wall street party and its the Health Insurance and big pharma party they own both parties the democrats helped fast track some more trumps judges truncate 700000 people off of food stamps they also gave trump increase spine powers so this guy who was supposed to be working for the russian government and is a traitor to our country they read they gave him more spying powers which so he could use to then spy on his own enemies so that tells you right there that the democrats dont think trump is working for the russians or is a traitor to our country or that russia gate is even real that shows you right there that thats a phony issue so thats why all this is happening its happening because of the corruption inside the Democratic Party the Democratic Party cant cant oppose trumps wall street deregulation because the democrats helped him do it the democrats can oppose trump on his judges because they help fast track is judges so you see them talk again they will scale if they implement they even gave drug money for his border wall thats why the democrats are doing russia gate and this impeachment clown trial ok but utah in class war the establishment elites nazi pelosi them a c. V. A democrat says

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