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Aware of you watching thanks for checking in with us this hour 1st for you. The credibility of the Global Chemical weapons watchdog. After another one of its inspectors he was part of the Team Investigating an alleged attack in the syrian city of 2018 claims the final report into the incident misrepresents facts discovered at the site. My reasons for doing this are twofold 1st to ensure that this situation is known at the highest levels as there are about 20 inspectors who have expressed their concern over the Current Situation 2nd to identify the best way to resolve the situation in a way that does not negatively impact on the credibility and integrity of the technical secretariat the alleged chemical attack in duma in april last year reportedly killed dozens of civilians in response the United States and its nato allies france of the u. K. Conducted air strikes against Syrian Military targets here p c w was later sent to the scene to investigate the suspected chemical attack and accuse the Syrian Government of carrying it out heres arties mcgahee of. I dont know about the 3 little piglets but the u. P. C. W is having its house blown right down from the inside the 1st whistle blower they dismissed the 2nd they sort of excuse themselves and now in what is an absolute bomb shell the most qualified inspector the Fact Finding Mission report does not reflect the views of all the team members that deployed to duma and i found that i was being excluded from the work for reasons not made clear. Allegedly the only team member who went to syria and it was allowed to cowrite the syria report was the team paramedic of the chemical inspectors were allowed to pitch in i attempted to submit my report to the Fact Finding Mission team leaders starting from the 15th of february 29th seen after noting continued reluctance from the Fact Finding Mission to receive my reports i deposited the reports in the documents reduce your archive for collection on the 27th of february 2900 and advised all relevant persons of this shouldnt have bothered seems no one wanted to read it 48 hours later the u. P. C. W. Published its 1st report and sutherland had a really taken a razor to it so much so that the actual team that went to syria didnt recognize. The consensus within the Fact Finding Mission team was that there were indications of serious inconsistency is in findings the conclusion appears to have turned completely in your present direction. Now that we can exist publish what the preliminary report looked like here is what the u. P. C. W. Deleted one evidence that contradicted witness testimony meaning what the alleged witnesses said deferred wildly from the hard evidence found by inspectors to the fact that the hospital videos which. The world will think the victims were all actors the spade symptoms inconsistent with chlorine poisoning or poisoning with anything found at the scene 3 and this is the big one in the final report they found chlorine not how much just chlorine which you can fire did your kitchen in any home in any Swimming Pool maybe youre right what about men removing trace or some of the wording may work im still worried that the stock standard phrase it is cruel in containing compounds were detected or similar present danger be misrepresented as a damning conclusion its a political word smithing situation not purely technical and it was. Trumpeted the fact what the u. P. C. W. Did is akin to saying you found radioactive materials in someones house without mentioning it was a tiny amount used in far alarms and this on top of previous whistleblower revelations hard math cast doubt that the canisters at the scene were ever dropped their observations of the scene in the 2 locations suggest that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were money placed at those 2. 00 locations rather than being delivered from aircraft it all began with Ian Henderson when he 1st blew the whistle he was mocked smeared insulted u. P. C. W. Claimed he wasnt even part of the team they lied leaked documents clearly show he was working for the u. P. C. W. They kicked him out of the building under god some unknown and the leaders voldemort ordered all mention of his report to be deleted from o. P. C. W. Archives they lied. Shaman the o. P. C. W. Youre aware of the highly questionable behavior surrounding the Fact Finding Mission we as others in the team who would like to but are unable are questioning the work practices follow during this investigation we are not insisting on being right in our assertions but we are demanding to be heard we have been stonewalled throughout by of frustration and exclusion and even thuggish and bullying behavior this is more than a rebellion this is a catastrophe for the u. P. C. W a best this is a case of gross negligence worse than i pray im wrong this is corruption corruption in the very organization thats supposed to keep the worlds safe from chemical weapons either way from now on when the o. P. C. W. Says something people are going to be thinking twice before taking their word for it weve been getting some Intelligence Community insight on this from former american and British Intelligence agencies officers. I think the fact that almost that she every one of the experts who was on site in duma was excluded from the final report is scandalous i think what any one person who actually visited the site sometime medic was even mentioned in the final report now its only going to if all the global kind of community are going to fund they supposedly impartial Scientific Organization to come up with answers then to exclude the experts from doing their child to suppress their findings not only to suppress their signings but them completely 100 percent and report the opposite of what they did find on the ground is a grievous as long as there are career just people who will blow the whistle and in this case 20 years from this in this operation the. Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons thats Un Organization now the us and you know you know this youre showing contempt for any you were an organization this time people at least realized that the experts contradicted the establishment. Story the canisters that were alleged to have spread the chlorine around the world they were inspected and it looked like they were dropped from any plane because he suffered very little damage the real experts have had their their chance at this now they did or early on they were completely neglected the question is whether this story will ever catch up with the truth and thats always broke. As north korea celebrates yet another successful missile test washington has sent its representative to neighboring south korea during a briefing with his counterpart in seoul the u. S. Special envoy revealed the washington is nowhere near breaching its denuclearization goals with pyongyang and called on them to come for talks. Here today let me speak directly to our counterparts in north korea. It is time for us to do. Jobs. Lets get to stone. We are here and you know how to reach us u. S. Envoy also stressed the president remains confident that north Korean Leader kim jong un was committed to the same goal of the United States because don of looks at how the tables have turned over recent years. Relations with north korea have been erratic from loathing to admiration go we are going down sideways across every dimension really. Relationship with to me as you probably know korea. Getting more interested in early stages they will be met with fire fury but only have a very Good Relationship with him is on a Suicide Mission for himself well now the countries are back watching their relations freefall pyongyang fired the 1st shot literally 2 long range missile tests to rub american faces in it priceless data experience and new technologies gained in the recent tests will be fully applied to the development of another strategic weapon for definitely a more lively restraining and overpowering the Nuclear Threat of the u. S. Not a pleasant face rubbing for trump this is no ones idea of keeping America Great establishing the denuclearization deal has been hailed as a trumps crowning moment as president despite it now seeming as far away as ever washington pushed forward with this end of year deadline for a positive outcome but with time thinking away and before north koreas latest test it acted like it was in its problem. We do not have a year and a deadline theres an artificial deadline set by the North Koreans and its fortunately its a deadline that theyve set upon themselves fast forward to after the launch the u. S. Special representative for north korea puts on his best poker face and flies out to south korea the same guy youve just listened to saying that the deadlines for pyongyang not them its the universal time for new Year Resolutions but for trump its way bigger than just that its the result of his entire presidency 2 years ago he was the queen of the prom playing hard to get with pyongyang standing up his date dishing out sanctions left and right now hes already conceded in his trade war with china backtracking on tariffs in exchange for a Pinky Promise from beijing so north korea wants to strike 2 while the election iron is hot and trump is soft i think for trump or kind of put him in a bind because the only thing you have going for him over for the. Open dialogue with north korea and of. It goes nowhere because he refuses to offer a north korea anything exchange for demanding to know clarification that hes got nothing to show for Reelection Campaign simplied 3 year north korea and after the new year if there is no resumption of talks that they would resume their intermediate. I. C. B. M. Program under clear Weapons Program of course i think in reality north korea would probably hold off on that and still hope that talks could resume but theyre trying to encourage basically the u. S. To return to the negotiating table a resumption of tensions or resumption of dialogue thats choices up the United States and stead of offering north korea and through the u. S. Hostile policy which threatens its right to survive oh and development then there can be no hope for a solution kim jong un and trump on known pen pals and the u. S. President to enjoy their correspondence a lot i got a very letter from him yesterday with a letter. To liberty. With very. Little thinking i really i think he might not enjoy this Christmas Gift north korea has already put under the white house tree though along with a few into continental firecrackers to light up the new year. Today ill see were sharing the story of a man who spent 21 years on death row and sold through 13 execution dates only to eventually be freed after evidence against him was found to be false. 54 years old its been 21. 00 and a half years on death row on ohio. For a crime i didnt commit. Against the ricci who was tried in ohio for aggravated murder committed in the course of a felony the ohio cord was stole that kenny into could damage of the fact that the neighbor an apartment had been left with only the 2 year old victim inside it was alleged that his intention was for the fire to spread to the lower floor where his exgirlfriend and her new boyfriend were sleeping the case relied on that does to moan as if people attending the party who stated under oath that ricci was drunk and had threatened to burn down the building also i wouldnt you want the present and the judges to be as free as well you get his lawyers came to an agreement with the prosecutors. The arson and murder charges were a plea bargain down to child endangerment only one person in the court house still believed in ken is guilty you will. Never particularly get to say he loves kids. Almost 20 years later gagne and his lawyers would prove that the investigation had been flawed resulting in the wrong conclusions all these years were stolen from you you just try and make up for them get yourself a life yourself together that drug. Not my back every time. Just when things go good. The rug pulled out from under me. Bloody life. And thats what i have in a little over 3 hours from now coming up here more of mondays Headline News on the way. Anger is increasing in india over the new citizenship bill because of one very major exclusion the saudi report in 90 seconds from now. Join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics. Im showbusiness ill see you then. Youll media a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being. Watched his face. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Maybe in the shallows. Protests against you citizenship bill in india at the capital new delhi now since wednesday 6 people have been killed and at least 50 others injured in demonstrations across the country the Muslim Community says the new low res not only discriminatory against them but is also unconstitutional. The road in question would offer a faster track to citizenship for migrants from some neighboring muslim majority countries however the list excludes muslim migrants the Indian Government insists the bill is in no way discriminatory or minister Narendra Modis says the law is intended to give respect to those who fled to india will forced to live as refugees the editor of a new delhi news website told us that this fear and confusion in india is big changes take place. The police entered the university. Earlier this evening which in itself is a huge violation you dont produce one and the University Grounds and the police used to do an outrageous amount of force the police claim that this was a group formed through violence or the group that protesters have done earlier but you know theres really no confirmation to know who did that violence this act makes it a point to single out muslims this is a fundamental change to our india is as a country of constitutional change to india was founded on secular principles in 97 so its a very concerted attempt to leave islam out of that meets the official reason given for this act is is to give shelter to religious minorities there is confusion within the government there is no clear message on what the clear emblems billard into paul age in the. United nations will continue supporting Palestinian Refugees for another 3 years the decision was reached overwhelmingly during the organizations General Assembly despite opposition from america and israel the un provides health and Relief Services to more than 5000000 refugees in the west bank and gaza an official explain to us the importance of the agencys work. And we hope that the American Review again just to reconsider the importance of on the raw disservices that weve provided and how it will be of the stability in the region one had how would. I really is an element of peace and stability the u. S. Wants to shift the u. S. Relief services to refugee host countries and 28. 00 in washington halted 360000000. 00 in aid while this year account momen 60000000 in security funds to the palestinians r. T. Has been hearing from some of the refugees whove been affected. I like my school is the teachers math english and so many other subjects they provide us with all our books and other stationery i hope that my school doesnt get shut down so that i can go and learn so that when im older im educated people in real need of this help because it is providing them with Many Services for example if. It will be difficult as so many families rely on it the situation inside gaza is already so bad we have no jobs and nothing improved for workers or even doctors no one can reach a normal standard of living. And the u. S. Wants to close the u. N. On a because they want to cancel any rights for a few g. s they want to cancel even the name of. Gaza strip. At the end of the day its a political game by the us in israel they want the palestine issue to die in vanish. Powerful earthquake rocks the southern philippines on sunday at least 4 people died including a 6 Year Old Girl several others were injured as a result of the earthquake a store collapsed trapping shoppers and staff inside. Lebanon into the 2nd night of violent unrest dozens of people have been injured in battles between protesters and police the demonstrations began in the country 2 months ago and it widespread public yury alleged high level corruption. After numerous complaints of Sexual Harassment on social media around 60. Minutes flashmob song the rapist is new it was 1st created in chile and then became an International Feminist and used by activists to denounce violence and human rights abuses against women. Now to the snowy fields of russias siberia where a postman. Makes the wake for those who live in its remote villages. Have seen how far we are from other people its really its a very easy to travel gnome during winter but in summer you can pass through only by horse or off road vehicle. Firstly richard every evening i have to occupy myself i like to fire the tea boils because i live like this i take the newspaper and do the crossword puzzle to kill time. For me if i deliver letters and if theres no envelope i get to the nearest town by its and sign it and then send it. And it can get much more than that can you know now youre up to date thanks for watching im calling brian moscow ill be back a video next r. T. International news in a little over 37 minutes from now see that. Show seemed wrong but ill quote just dont call. Me cold yet to shape out just because thats a kid and it against me because of the trailer. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. What politicians do something that. They put themselves on the line and they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president injured. Or somehow want to be rich. Thats it right to be for us this is like the 43 in the morning cant be good that. Im interested always in the waters in the house. Theyre sitting. In a world of big partisan through things a lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. I have a spare charts parents. And i have the little girl that died in the fire cynthia collins. And she had come to me to give him a message messenger forgiveness while i really didnt. Know because i didnt know the details of why she was forgiving him. The amount of glad katie reaches a different cell on death row took place in the town of cologne. Its grown for. 960 year old celtic collins spurn 2 down from bass house. Kenny aged just 21. 00 most charged with murder and found guilty. After 21 years in prison he was meant to be destined for the lighter chair. Is a mighty verify those that. Were looking for a kenny reaching me of trying to. Get me is that here i. Am very canny kimberly were found just. As you know with 10 i dont. Know if. Off. Weve been told youre livin and sam but i. Still cant believe this how long all youve stayed here already. A few weeks few weeks. Just because you have no other place to you to stay no other place to go. Or of our friends relatives think. You have money to pay rent not. Push but it wouldnt be here when i was reading about your story i came across the fact that by the time 20072008 when you were about to release. You have so much worldwide that sound so many famous people spoke out in your favor it does seem like very much you get a 2nd chance to get a fresh start but its something want to rock the ring went wrong. My name is kenneth ritchie. 54 years old spent 21. 00 and a half years on death row on ohio. For a crime i didnt commit. A crime and arson monday. Of a 2 year old child. Again f. T. Ricci who was tried in ohio for aggravated murder committed in the course of a fallacy in evidence showing that respondent set fire in their part enough hes neither at home collins in an attempt to kill his exgirlfriend and her new boyfriend who are spending the night together in the apartment below the intended victims to skate unharmed but how colin says to your old daughter cynthia died in the fire. You. Know what a goal from Village Apartments from columbus grove. Joy the fire started. And where my life ended. I havent been to this place. In. July in 1907 as a people for 1st time but. Dont know how ill feel about the city and i guess. They are Old Farm Village apartment. And go. National one of was on fire. Form Village Apartment was put in much. An apartment and theres. No money you know welfare could pick you up and stuff the. Complex up bodies. Everybody was. Drinking and getting going. To nursery. See the balcony. Now how is anybody going to climb up that

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