Theyre great to have you with is this. An escalating diplomatic route has stepped up another level russia has expelled 2 german diplomats comes a response to a similar move by berlin all that amid a spot over a murder probe aunties dont call it a pix of the story the Russian Foreign minister has given the diplomats in question 7 days to leave the country in a tit for tat response to the German Governments decision when they themselves decided to expel 2 Russian Diplomats the german in boston has received a note of protest over the ground was decision to expel 2 Russian Diplomats from berlin as a mere response to german diplomats must leave russia within the next 7 days now it was just last week that the German Government made this decision to expel 2 Russian Diplomats for the cut from the country and the official report said that russia was not being active enough in cooperating within best again. Into the murder of a Georgian National named zelin can congress feeley now the german prosecutors even say that russia moscow may have ordered the murder itself but russia denies these claims and even warned that there would be a mere response the federal Foreign Office today declared to employees of the Russian Embassy in berlin to be persona nongrata with this step the federal government reacts the to the russian authorities despite repeated high level and in fact requests did no sufficiently participate in the investigation of the murder of tony k. K. In berlin zoo knew it was a good people is it correct to expel the 2 Russian Diplomats who had nothing to do with the murder and asked for that reciprocal measures as you know there are rules you expel our diplomats we expel ules thats that now president putin has said that russia has asked for the extradition of Congress Really many times which the German Government is now saying never happened but to bring our viewers up to speed Congress Really was killed back in august and the media immediately blamed russia for this he was living in germany since 2017 and had connections not only had ties to chechen terrorists but also fought against russia in the 2nd chechen war so its not hard to imagine why the russian government would be interested in arresting him on charges of terrorism. The man who was killed in berlin was not your average georgian he was a militant he fought on behalf of separatists from the caucuses he was on russias wanted list he was a very cruel man once he killed 98 people he was one of the organizers of bombings of moscow metro i dont know what happened to him is a criminal since everything can happen there so again moscow has always expressed its willingness to cooperate in this investigation but the initial expulsion of Russian Diplomats on germanys part doesnt exactly mark good faith from berlin. And p. For the left party and their hunker and he bronson from their turn to Germany Party shed there these with us. Dont think that the expelling of Russian Diplomats from burden from the Foreign Ministry year and the count or expelling is a Good Development i think we should avoid diplomatic escalation a lot of german people want better relations to russia and now to have this garden issue will as a starting point of a new escalation i think its the wrong signal in these times its easy to go 3rd from your own security failings and from your own optimal police work by blaming somebody else and looking for a scapegoat and i believe this has happened here it was a mistake to jump to conclusions and instantly to blame russia without actually knowing what has actually happened this is not the way Serious Police work should be done 3 years ago we had a radical islamist here in berlin who took a truck as a weapon and killed 12 people it Christmas Fair now these are the real threats we are facing and not a diplomatic spat. Police stations have just closed their doors in the u. K. s general election Prime MinisterBoris Johnson is hoping to secure a majority in parliament in order to push through his briggss deal lets find out whats happened lets go live to london r. T. Correspondent Saskia Taylor is there were getting the exit polls give us a pretty good idea what the result is going to be working you tell us. Well this has been billed as the election of a generation and todays scenes up and down the country would seem to support all over the u. K. People have been queuing for hour was some of them waited almost up to 45 minutes just to get into the station and cost and this was in the rain in the cold and the wind as well and the fast Prime Ministerial hopeful got snapped this morning to cost him his vote was conservative leader Boris Johnson and he was costing his ballot in the Central London and washington he got a good luck kiss from his dog dillon and as you said polling stations have now closed and the vote count is under way the 1st results are coming around midnight but well have a pretty clear idea in the early hours of the morning what we have until then though is the socalled exit poll as you said which basically is when they also people how they vote as theyre walking out of the station and its historically very accurate and is used by most as a solid and reliable indication of how things are going to pan out and it has just been revealed that the poll is suggesting a conservative majority and given how Boris Johnson warned that this was a knife edge election he must be pretty pleased because its a solid majority just a recap in the house of commons there are 650. 00 pieces in order for a single party to get a clean majority you need at least 326. 00 seats the poll is suggesting that the conservatives have won 368. 00 with labor really tailing behind 191. 00 so he has scraped if the exit poll is right 42. 00 seats clean. That margin thats needed now if that is right and the tories do when this will of course be a. Very. Significant win for Boris Johnson he of course took the reins simply by virtue of the fact the reason they resigned back in july so he has. Been putting off accusations and criticisms that he has neither the support nor the mandate to run the government so a triumph in the polls would be the indication for him but this is of course not just about boris there is a key issue here throughout the past 6 weeks of the campaign trail candidates have been hotly discussing a number of issues things like be any environment as well as law and order but lets make no mistake this election was about it and that is why conservatives have been walking over time and regions of the north of the country which are which normally they would never even think of trying because they are labor strongholds the socalled red wall but its exactly in these regions that back in 2016 they voted overwhelmingly in favor to leave the European Union so now those voters were looking at the candidates on offer and saying well actually Boris Johnson is the only one who has a do or die supplied so maybe im going to go back on the party that ive been voting for for decades and go with the conservatives this time jeremy called in the leader of the labor party has the straight to an alienated a lot of his voters precisely on the bricks issue because hes refused to commit to any saeed so if the tories do manage to snap some of those seats in the north as the exit poll seems to suggest they have done well that is quite an astonishing coup and really shows you to what extent has completely altered the Political Landscape here in the u. K. So again this is just a predict the projected result but a fairly indicative one but either way really that it goes one thing is clear the brits have absolutely been exhausted by the politics in the country in recent days which is why today i decided to take a look at how weve come to a point that popping to the polls on a saturday afternoon has really become a new tradition and britain. Brits love that t. V. Theyre also pretty partial to a best but it seems theyve also developed a new fondness for the next its thursday saw the 3rd general election in just 4 years so how did we end up on this roller coaster again it was well my friends its the usual suspect yeah you guessed it. Sits to play it turns out that decision taken by those 17400000 people in june 26th into the e. U. Set off a Chain Reaction thats led to this moment but im guessing ahead of myself lets start from the beginning the british people have made a very clear decision to take a different part of my view we should aim to have a new Prime Minister in place ok so now were down one Prime Minister lets see how the next one a couple of weeks later to resume a took on the and then doable role of finding a way through the process that wilderness and she was very clear about her goal bricks it means bricks it bricks it wrecks it wrecks it means bricks it and were going to make a success of it the original deadline was set for march 29th teen oh those early days of optimism but this is possibly the most Divisive Political issue the u. K. Has faced in recent memory m. P. s have never felt so important all powerful so its unsurprising that may was thwarted at every turn by those less willing to cut ties with our european friends fed up she decided to go in and call a snap election in june 2017 we need a general election and we need one now i have concluded that the only way to guarantee certainty and stability for the years ahead is to hold this election but it was a gamble that just didnt pay off the conservatives lost the. Majority theyd been counting on tide already me to also taught at this point every single. And of this i am absolutely sure you the public have had enough your charge of the infighting your charge of the political games and the arcane procedural rounds but disappointment in the polls was really the least of mays problems the opposition tried to get rid of her own m. P. s tried to get rid of her and then she said shed get rid of herself if only theyd back deal which they didnt and it just ended up being too much from a who decided to finally hang up put heels i do so with no ill will but with enormous and enduring gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the country i love ok so now were down to Prime Ministers whos our lucky introducing Boris Johnson former mayor of london a bit of a daft man just like his predecessor he was absolutely adamant that hed be the one to get it done can you make a promise today to the British Public that you would not go back to brussels and ask for another delay to practice it yet and so youve done and revealing. To us credit hes really gone for it he was sick of parliament blocking his ideas so dissolved that got in trouble for dissolved so then he went to the e. U. And negotiated a new deal which parliament defeated and then they forced to try quest yet and not that extension which really really really didnt want to do but to do anyway and then he just decided enough so not so essentially toward. Opposition party after facing off at a general election in order to quote get it done which my friends i think brings you up today. Time magazine has unveiled its choice for person of the year 16 year old climate activist created to some view her as a model of determination and praise for efforts to combat Climate Change others find their approach unscientific and accuse her of so in worldwide panic down in organs looks into the phenomenon. Last year she was just the regular swedish schoolgirl 12 months on and shes times person of the year rarely does a discussion on Climate Change today take place without her name being mentioned rather than work has become a global sensation not just a prominent figure among climate activists but almost a messianic symbol to pulls no punches in schooling politicians about what they must do to save the planet the real danger is when politicians and c. E. O. s are making it look like real action is happening when in fact almost nothing is being done apart from clever accounting and creative p. R. She certainly does have a point but what about the growth of film book phenomenon itself its on the noise quickly and loudly drawing attention to Climate Change shes got people talking and even been credited with influencing european and National Elections but wants more than just talking she wants action from politicians or the critics question what useful action grettir inspired movements have actually taken a vote from strikes and protests which she herself says are unsustainable we cant go on like this it is not sustainable solution that children skip school we cant go on like that so now. We dont want to continue so we would we would love some action from people in power her speech is resonated across the world it wasnt long before her fiery indictment of World Leaders at the un Assembly Became a meme now they followed a clear structure grave danger bad government and a need for immediate action she soon became a target for opponents who said her ideas it lacks substance and slated her style but that was quickly knocked on the head criticism was often swiftly silenced with those critiquing her justifiably or no. Not labeled as massage honest hysterical or being triggered the climate hysteria movement is not about science if it were about science it would be led by scientists rather than by politicians and a mentally ill swedish child who is being exploited by her parents and by the international lair you. Markku knows of daily want to just call get a phone by get a mentally ill swedish child she is mad and dangerous and she is causing the Young Children sleepless nights and with a the juicy gossip she said she needs to go to school and show that i was fascinated by this school girl starting this strike for Climate Change awareness and i thought wow thats pretty gutsy it was all a little melodramatic it was all in the world of pocalypse i dont want millions if not believes of young people watching greg to do that kind of speech and genuinely think the plan is literally about the way she is daring to express what so many young people are feeling and actually i find it remarkable that she can speak in such an honest way its truth to kathy is he speaking some of her actions a ridiculed like her transatlantic boat trip having sailed through storms to avoid Carbon Emissions from air travel she sailed into a storm of criticism when a fellow companions joined her flying in by plane not to mention the impracticality of adopting such measures on a wider scale this brings us back to growth as words about politicians creative p. R. World leaders from merkel to micron among others were happy to humor the latest global trend with a photo opportunity while rebuking some of our ideas so what does this leave the person of the year at 2019 which is certainly sent a message taken center stage and brought people into the streets with a call it is now time for civil. Disobedience its time to rebel but will this have the desired effect the only thing on its reelection will be election has not been happening so of course we have. A lot but so. That if you look at its far. Far from a certain point of view we have achieved nothing like her all over she has created a stir it may be difficult to understand the method behind a person of the year awards one of greatest runner ups was donald trump maybe we can agree to hope that this years award isnt just symbolic isnt Just Creative p. R. But will lead to the real change the grettir seeks to create. One person has been killed another is missing after a fire on russias only Aircraft Carrier thats according to the countrys Emergency Services because that office stationed in western russia has more months agreed to the fire broke out during repair work being carried out on the craft rushes Investigative Committee has opened a criminal investigation into a possible breach of safety regulations that carry the exit polls say its going to be a big victory for the tory party stay with us for more analysis of the u. K. General Election Results dripping in now join into the break. Join me every 1st week on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back lets return to our top story this hour the conservatives are on course for a landslide victory in the u. K. General election voted ended just a few minutes ago and according to the exit polls the tories will win 368. 00 seats in parliament that would give them a majority of 86. 00 with the Opposition Labor Party trailing on just 191. 00 sees lets bring in Mark Shanahan hes associate professor of politics and International Relations at Reading University thanks so much for coming on because were trying to sort of make make sense of the figures that are flooding it is just an exit poll but it was carried out by the major broadcasters in the u. K. It says huge victory for the conservative party 1st of all are you surprised and can we trust this exit poll could they be that wrong. I would be surprised if the exit poll is very wrong it does sound a little on the high side for the conservatives if it is proved to be true or close to true this is probably beyond the wildest dreams of Boris Johnson is an absolute nightmare for Jeremy Corbett and certainly its taxi for corbin if this is the results that comes through these polls have tended to get more accurate as the methodology has improved over the years. But in the end its 20000 people in 144 ballot boxes across some of the key some of the marginal constituencies across the country there will be a lot of tight School Voting in this election and that could mean that the poll that we have here is skewed a little but its saying a conservative victory and comfortably the polls actually had an 11 point gap before today so its its forcing that gap a little bit wider and its a very good night for the conservatives Boris Johnson ran on the mandate gets brags it done it wasnt this effectively a 2nd unofficial referendum doesnt braggs it have to happen now. I suspect breaks it does have to happen if the conservatives are returned in the kind of numbers that you see there that is a very clear and very workable majority for them he ran on the simple slogan get breaks it down which seem to resonate a lot more with electress who are quite weary after 3 and a half years of breaks not being done the actual job of getting it done is an awful lot harder than having a good saleable slogan but he stuck to the message throughout the campaign labor didnt seem to be fractious and in fine saying John Ashworth the chap who came out and said that everyone on the doorstep hated corbin was probably writes and these figures are indicative as they are if they are proven to be correct or close to correct will really bear out ashworth and show that colvin beloveds of half a 1000000 people in the party was never ever going to get the 13000000 people he needed to vote for him so when this general election jeremy corbins withstood a lot of pressure in the past challenges to replace him a top is this the final nail in the coffin for him and also what was his biggest mistake was it is lack of a clear stance on brags about. Jeremy coburn is toast if this turns into the results by this time tomorrow we might be talking again and speculating who the next leader will be he made a number of huge mistakes his break sit position has just been awful he has a party that effectively backs remain both in terms of the parliamentary members and large swathes of Labor Party Members but he has been against the capitalist club of european institutions from day one he is an Old Fashioned benoits and that is really difficult when you have the toast of the figurehead at the head of the party who is in violent disagreements with most of its membership and it just made for a mess but his anti semitism and his refusal to. Apologize for that. And he just doesnt play well on the doorstep people dont trust him and this was an election that pact that pitched 2 highly untrustworthy leaders against each other rather than going for the grizzled ground and it would seem that the electorate in the u. K. Have gone for the bloke who is a bit of a laugh may not be quite so much of a laugh one see how to make bricks that happen and we begin to see perhaps some of the Economic Impacts of that market believe its the 3rd general election in less than 5 years within a decade that would suggest that maybe theres something not quite right with u. K. Political system why the need to keep returning to the polls. We have a 1st past the post system which really favors this kind of 2 party dingdong which you get between the conservatives and labor but many people feel represented we also had a very tribal votes with the referendum in 2016 where you had the outward looking pro european side against a more in schiller perhaps a more nostalgic nationalist group certainly people who felt that theyve been fairly badly done in the country and through globalization over the last 30 or 40 years systemic clee those groups dont feel terribly well represented i mean there is no way now that the conservatives if they have this majority would ever consider even looking at proportional representation but other parts of the u. K. Have it from minor elections and it seems to work better we just have a very very tired electric electorate at the moment who pretty much have been bored into submission and have been bought into the slogan of guessing bricks it done while actually what that means in reality is still very very little understood but it would seem now if that kind of majority comes through 86. 00 its the one that is predicted it will end the log jam in parliament what you will have is one party quite ideologically to the rights able to drive through now on its mission to take the United Kingdom probably in a more libertarian direction so less involved with europe more focus towards the United States and really trying to build these free trade agreements around the world the hardest one to crack will be europe and that is going to be a pretty long and pretty bloody battle mark its been great to speak to appreciate your analysis my guest this hour Mark Shanahan associate professor of politics and International Relations at Reading University very good evening to. And there you have it in a nutshell it looks like going to the exit polls is going to be a big victory for the tories youll get more analysis on the u. K. Election at the top of the hour my colleagues on thomas will be here with more. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy in foundation let it be an arms race based on often spearing Dramatic Development only personally im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. Thats an individual i think very much i have to do what i think is right i have to friend to defend my values have to defend my principles and if i feel the state is not doing it according to what i think is the right thing that i have to stand up and say its not good enough and if i as a humanitarian feel that the next to me is not respected and treated in a dignified way then i have to also stand up in this regard so yes we have to do it despite that it is maybe a very long term fight and we are not necessarily winning. Each simulating civilization would be able to run using a tiny fraction of its resources. Hundreds of thousands millions of runs through all of Human History almost all. Beings with our kinds of experiences with them to simulated ones rather than simulated ones and conditional that are good we should think we are probably one of the simulated ones. Either im max kaiser this is the kaiser report you know one of those mysteries when the bailouts came in 2008 oh theres a lot of money printing going on people said well wheres the inflation the government says theres no inflation you know and then a lot of people say well actually health care and education are skyrocketing in value you dont count those and thats why youre misreading inflation and this has been going on for years new evidence suggests what we found it we found the missing inflation stacy right that is because 29000. 00 has been a year that all of that was hidden is being revealed trump