How this boggles my mind weve had 3 children die of influenza in the year how bad is it when it comes to disease and the treatment of disease at these camps are going to sound awful it was horrible so you had me here twice and we sort of spoke about the reports that came from either doctors or from human rights organizations well now theres finnish an inspection the last death that you heard about well actually it was in may so keep them from may to now to actually get the facts together and what were missing in those taxes that the actual facility said that they were doing wellness checks on its individual 3 times during the course of this person actually separating us dying in custody in addition to that this person was detained in a cell with another young adult so we all know that the flu is contagious and so while this individual was not mexican he was being held in mexico at this time and therefore its also a danger to the mexican people because theyre laying the disease sort of the rapid there so there are 2 choices which weve always said you can either detain these individuals and give them the health care they need or tag them and release them in whatever way fashions give them a Court Date Set them back to the United States and let churches and Community Facilities pick up where you did not do your. Right i mean was there any impact do you feel that when i mean when i saw the videos not only of that child dying on the floor i mean his family eventually said look we dont want the video out because of course but when you do see that video and you see theres this gap and it was like 1 in the morning till 6 when they didnt check and then you see these kids dying on the floor that breaks your heart and then when you see them arresting doctors were walking up saying all we want to do is free vaccines thats right exactly. I can understand about the Health Concerns of saying you know were letting you in to give these there need to be some waivers of some concern but the clearances could have taken place in addition to that when he was locked up they knew that he had the flu because they had contacted the health and Human Services to come get him to take care of this problem so therefore they gap is really concerned about the prison if it was a private prison and that shows you that theyre not living up to the standards that need to be there if it was our own government prison in that shows you that our government isnt living up to the standard which is reinforces the fear if your main goal is just to deter people from coming in not to kill them then you would have released these individuals thats very true but if you mangle is not that exactly as we saw play out. C. P. B. Spokesman Matthew Diamond wrote to the voice of america he declared individuals in customs and Border Patrol customs should generally not be held for longer than 72 hours and even the c. P. B. Hold rooms or Holding Facilities and that because of c. P. B. Of the law d Enforcement Agency and because of the short amount of time migrants are held. Its not operating a Vaccine Program is not feasible is that a reasonable excuse to you because youve been following this in your in your in this war is that a reasonable excuse for not accepting the help of these doctors and is really not because 2 things one they were there to treat individuals that were there whether they be there for an hour and 72 hours its a different theyre getting the vaccination which being released out into the United States or being returned home but the Health Benefit to them right because theyre supposed to be the intake of Health Concerns where these people are screening. The appropriate care either before they were returned to their home country or released to the United States for further processing and the whole rule of thing the 72 hours ago we have found over and over again that thats not reality and when you have to have to get these videotapes that are released which shows clear evidence of violations of Human Rights Concerns around the world then we really dont need to have this conversation anymore help should be allowed to completely and mention when its interesting when you say you know so everyone kind of sees around the world because thats thats where im going to next is as i mentioned earlier right now according to pew research 56 percent of mexicans if you know if you follow this poll and polls can be but 56 percent so much of mexico potentially view the United States as a threat thats our neighbor and only 46 in fact this is interesting only 46 percent of canadians see it as an ally thats actually fallen 8 points since 2007 was that 54. Do you believe that its our border and immigration policies that have played a role in turning up the heat i guess mexico being this as a threat and then obviously katter there saying we dont really you guys arent quite our ally allies are we thought we think is just a change in the way that we handle our policy in the consistory that weve been for years the sort of turned away from that from the u. N. The human rights sort of area weve turned away from that and then again weve sort of americans have sort of said mexico is the problem when its really Central Americans guatemala that are coming up through here and the history that we have in causing the concerns in those countries if there are no ones if there is no one to buy drugs then drugs dont happen right if there is no color these ports that theyre coming in from actually how many drug dealers that we actually think are coming in at the Border Smuggling at that level not that many right and not that many cases so it just sort of shows that i can start and what it does is it villainize is hispanics which is really i think the point of why someone who is of lad descent whether theyre american born or from mexico or from any part in Central America sort of feel like theyre already emigrate because you dont feel that way when you sort of saw the testimony last week of those families that emerge. Raided here join the government work for our protection went through our protection and it came out oh my god you emigrated here you became less than automatically when in fact everybody at some point immigrated here it reminded me a lot actually this whole d thing from took office till now and this ratchet up not that it wasnt also happening under obamas watch to it was. It reminds me a lot especially this keying in on Latin Americans and it reminds me a lot of what happened after 911. 00 to Muslim Americans especially with islam immigrants where it was like blanket were going after everyone were going to. Happen that was a happening good point those controls are still in place refugees were supposed to be let in still dont have a high number of those people coming in a lot of the bands took place that were still in place for that so that religious muslim thing is a band that sort of happening across the board continuously. Who are we actually letting in. I mean thats really our question thats right so i mean i think you can find a ton of stories right now working immigration for the United States is in the pits College Students arent coming anymore which hurts our own institutions because they pull playful fair jobs are unable to hire them here so theyre moving their jobs jobs abroad were not getting the brightest so thats happening we have the shortest nurses and physical care to take every elderly what have you we have doctors who have been here for a long time are waiting in these dispersed areas where nobody will go have a practice in alabama tennessee that are taking care of people who have to wait normally amount of time for their green cards so it always sort of thing immigration is a good for us right now because we wont dont want to be involved in other and you will see plans that are actually floating from republicans in those a little bit further saying we have a moratorium on immigration for 2 years were just going to pull out of the whole plant and no families no business across the border and it just doesnt make sense when we know in fact that employment is so good right now that we have all these jobs allegedly and we know that farms are losing farmer workers and the like source in the manufacturing jobs so a little bit doesnt make sense i think a little bit of this trade deal that was just approved will help increase some of the conditions in mexico and maybe bring some jobs back but its not very. Its not clear right now and i want to thank you as always for coming on educating all reps and it was a pleasure sir. As we mentioned earlier this week in our discussion with former congressman alan grayson the National Defense authorization act is making its way through congress to the tune of 738000000000. 00 of your tax dollars who looks like rate the Lockheed Martin and others will be doing quite these Stocking Stuffers this year because who doesnt love tax dollars no bid contracts and help buy our missiles in your stockings are do i do love them here is our to america because she breaks down the 2020. Its quite the increase from what the military was given last year a 22000000000. 00 increase to be exact were going the military spending budget to a whopping total of 738000000000. 00 the president has already claiming victory tweeting today wow all of our priorities have made it into the final n. D. A. Congress dont delay this any more i will sign this historic defense legislation immediately now the house is expected to vote on the bill wednesday with an expected quick vote thereafter in the senate but who gets what when it comes to that 738000000000 the biggest part of the budget mainly goes to u. S. Military overseas and particular iran afghanistan and syria the bill also covers a 3 point one percent pay raise for military members strengthening military housing oversight rebuilding the military Border Security and expanding visas for afghans who have helped u. S. Forces but new in 2020 president Donald Trumps space forest budget where its expected to get about 10600000000 and that 10600000000 was a major point of contention between democrats and republicans so in exchange for republicans wanting Space Force Funding democrats were given the green light to add 12 weeks of paid Maternity Leave for all federal employees who have worked in the government for at least a year before it was just employees of the department of defense that were given that benefit but to death. Kratz theyre still not happy with the bill senator Bernie Sanders and congressman call the National Defense authorization act quote a bill of astonishing moral cowardice saying congress should not pass this new compromised version sanders saying in particular there is no pressing reason for congress to shower trump his saudi friends in the pentagon contractors of the military Industrial Complex with the 738000000000. 00 taxpayer giveaway right now we owe it to the American People to go back to the drawing board another democrat congressman mark poken wrote at the same time that this administration has cut food stamps medicaid and Reproductive Health services from every day americans this president wants to add more than 100000000000. 00 to continue and listen unauthorized wars this is the definition of government waste now besides the president what do republicans have to say senator Mitch Mcconnell says despite the impeachment distraction from democrats he reassured they wont get sidetracked and the bill will go up for a vote well its. Possible. Government funding. Finishing up at least the circuit judges. And what is not possible obviously would be to turn to an impeachment trial or to do. It in the senate before we break for christmas now this bill is one of the few remaining bills still considered a must pass piece of legislation unlike most federal Agencies Congress has passed authorization bills for defense spending before the Previous Fiscal Year and each of the last 58 years for watching the hawks im fair in front sac. All right as we go to break dont forget to let us know what you think of the topics weve covered on our social media be sure to check our watching the hawks the podcast is now available on spotify apple because everywhere you listen to your favorite or even not so pretty for podcast coming up we ask in universal basic income save americas. The mammoth future of conrad saw u. B. I. Researcher brings us the answer you dont want to miss this trust me state to be watching the. Im going to fulfill the repeated promises apologise to the people and come on you know we its all pots. Basically you ready for a. Free beer bertha now you want to 1st crack that. No. Ball be cut. Its a let me. Ask i wouldnt. Take i. Could. Not. Use someone who. Can you let loose. To make the stupidest them loose. What do you have over the kook on the standards of that now as you hijack the next bush. And then most of the focus. On you of those demos little to no where much of this news figured in a few years and. So would you hire them illegally tried to use into a do. Or just let em project. Now and none of the news one of the media has on the net or pressing them. On their ass owners johnson. And i just got out of prison for. 41 games. 73 and so. I got arrested for too many for some of the. Throw you know like just everything was taken out of. My work in the hospital there was a. Government decision on man the not to let up in back me. About. Homicide to cars. And were tough in the unit so youre going. To go to still. Do not afraid to try to frighten. Us know theres something wrong do. Prior to the 2020 Carnival Game that has become the democratic president ial primary Many Americans and political pundits have never heard of or even entertain the idea of universal basic income or u. B. I. But democratic president ial candidate andrew young changed all that with his calls for a freedom dividend a universal basic income for all adult u. S. Citizens according to his website the reason he is basing the entire foundation of his candidacy on the need for u. B. I. Is because by 2015 automation had already destroyed 4000000 manufacturing jobs and the smartest people in the world now predict that a 3rd of all working americans will lose their job to automation in the next 12 years. But how would you know personal basic income work and can actually save us and our jobs from the inevitable terminator 2 style future of automation cannot overcome the u. S. Economic system being ravaged by income inequality and corporate control or is it ultimately just a campaign trail gimmick for one president ial candidate to set themselves apart from the rest vote for me and ill give you free money well joining me now from new york city to discuss the ins and outs of universal basic income is filmmaker writer and universal basic income researcher conrad shaw who recently penned an op ed titled class reunion letter to the ultra wealthy how u. B. I. Can bring us together i want to say thank you for joining us today conrad. Thanks so phil maker and from what i gather when did you 1st come across the concept of universal basic income and for people that dont really know or havent followed how essentially does it work. I like to boil a universal basic income or a. B. I. Down differently than a lot of people do i think the easiest way to look at it is d its power to the people its in the most simple way to achieve power to the people its and its done through cash as in the Strings Attached dividend on a frequent basis. So that everyone has. An income that is survivable and allows them essentially the power in their pocket to have leverage in their everyday lives and to pursue the things that they want and in mentation is actually people talk about how it would be a big program but compared to all of our other programs its. Far simpler after the initial set up because its essentially giving the same amount of money to every single citizen on a regular basis its like the level of coding that a sophomore in college could do its very true. You know its interesting because in your article. From the media which is essentially a letter to the super wealthy you know about the need for universal basic income you write that before getting through that solution though we must 1st lay out the scope and shape of the problem in terms of 2 main things that this country has a whole as a whole misunderstands today a value b. People now its a big question but in a nutshell how are we misunderstanding value in people and how can you be i help fix that. I mean the paper as long as he read it or the letter value in general is is a question how were measuring things. d the way we measure our success in society through the g. D. P. Or the stock market or unemployment metrics are very skewed i think thats one thing and does really well actually not that im a like a gang surrogate or anything but he talks about an american scorecard i think thats a good framing how we can measure success in society based on things that actually matter to most americans g. D. P. Doesnt really have it doesnt really have. A relevance to most peoples daily lives the stock market is only relevant to one percent of people has Something Like 50 percent of the stock market i dont remember the exact numbers but more than half of americans cant even pay a 500. 00 emergency bill without going into debt much less have a portfolio of stocks so these measurements are not very relevant. And unemployment is maybe the most. Is maybe the most deceitful one and it has been all the way back it seems like its more of a waste to for administrations to make it look like theyre doing better than they are or that were doing better than we are but it doesnt account for the people who have given up looking over have gone on gone on disability or who are underemployed and used to be making a lot more with benefits now working in good jobs people who have run out of benefits people who have committed suicide i mean all of these things are are high so were not measuring how the country is doing very well and and on a larger scale with value were equating value with money and work with jobs but thats a mistake i like to say that life is work theres all kinds of valuable work that people do and only a percentage of it is rewarded by the labor market at the things you do like starting a business or taking care of sick parents or pursuing your studies or you or even just taking a shower every day and making sure youre pleasant on the street this is all valuable to society and to some level philosophically should be supported it shouldnt be if you dont work for someone who has money you know who the gatekeeper to. The wealthy class the employers d should not be a gatekeeper to survival and then the other half his people couldnt that was one of things or really jumped out to me about what you wrote was that you really kind of laid out that element of saying look theres a lot of jobs in this country the you dont get money for because for whatever reason weve decided well you know taken care of somebodys sick family members things like that raising your kids isnt going to be something that were going to just hand you money. Money over for and thats one of things i think that you laid out really well about why u. B. I. Works so well the kind of cover that cost you know cover that expense and then give. Motivate the economy around that other goes really well written and what you put out there i want to ask you i want to ask you because i have to you know what about the critics you know we hear a lot of critics who say that look giving people free money from the government would just make them lazy or would make them not want to work or or even worse they could bring us one step closer to the evils of communism and thats how dangerous that is to our freedoms you know what do you say to those kind of criticisms of universal basic income i mean those are 2 different criticisms but when we come to the issue of laziness and what people do thats the other half is all misunderstanding people and i think one of the biggest things youre misunderstanding is human nature and i think our understanding of human nature. In a standing we divide people into the makers and the takers the productive and the extractive and its not. Ive been looking for a way to boil down human nature into one defining characteristic throughout the work ive been doing which includes a lot of research into different basic income trials that show that people do not work less given basic income they go less into vices they go they do they drink less if you translate their Health Outcomes are better and then we have our own project were trying basic income to tell the stories docu series and all of these cases it shows pop. Outcomes and the sort of the epitome i had been reading a. Book called jobs was when he talked about david graber talks about child psychology and theres a time in a babys life when it you know that we knock something over on the table and realizes holy cal i did that in elated by it and thats kind of a simple silly thing but. I think that in essence is. Every single persons primary motivator is to be able to be a cause and to have an effect on the world outside of you to have some sort of semblance of control in your life to be able to pursue your purpose we all wanted to know that were active in our lives not passes and what the economy has done now is its put us in a place where were hyper competitive over this arbitrary standard of how much money you have and where essentially expected to be passive in our lives going to fill the roles. And the beauty of Something Like u. B. I. That and the reason i think it doesnt lead to lazy behavior is because it is because it frees people to pursue the passions that they actually have rather than putting on it passions that or obligations that society deems that we should feel or are worthy of our pursuit i think yeah i really i really agree with you about that because i think thats one of the biggest problems that we are kind of treated in this kind of almost indentured servitude whether be to our data or to our jobs and it doesnt allow us to really grow and really you know spread our wings as human beings i think youre quite eloquently in your in your kind of pitch u. B. I. And im curious to know why why did you pitch this to specifically say right at the top im talking to the super wealthy you know why did you preach that specifically to the super wealthy in this in this article. I mean ive written about 17 different articles but one thing i and all the different sort of people but ive been dealing with trying to fundraise for a project so ive been in contact with more of the super wealthy and ive been noticing also more of this anti billionaire rhetoric and then this anti lazy poverty rhetoric and it seems to me we have a big problem with other ng in this country of the problem with. A lack of empathy and understanding for each other and i wanted to come at it from a place of listen. The sooner we can realize that were all human beings under different circumstances if i can look at a billionaire and say you know what if that happened to me and i came into a lot of money would i suddenly be an evil capitalist swine i dont think so and if i was in poor circumstances what i said and theyd be you know a worthless lazy degenerate and i can imagine myself in any mood or consent is partially because i tread in both circles and i couldnt in you know i think i think i couldnt agree with you more manure i think you hit it right on the head in that we do need to start bringing people together like that conrad shaw ran out of time but i want to thank you so much today for coming on it was truly a pleasure here and i definitely suggest people go read your article and media its truly some really interesting great stuff thank you sir thank you so much. And today we finish with the Christmas Present you never knew you wanted until now meet Miguel Watson watson electric bill who calls him home the Tennessee Aquarium and celebrates the Holiday Season is only an electric eel can by lighting up a Christmas Tree see you see it right there yes miguels caretakers installed sensors in his tanks every time mr watson w. A. T. s no one lives up to a shocking personality the sensors transmit the charge to a light and sound system moved up to the tree the rapidan blinking on the tree generally takes place when he is searching for food while the big booming flashes take place magellans unleashing higher voltage when hes eating rudolph has to be jealous i mean all the light up the hall the light up there with his nose. Miguel powers a treaty and wait for it my friends wait for miguel actually tweets like youre seeing here he tweets its pretty private credible well ladies and gentlemen i have to say that is our show for you today remember everyone in this World Without the love the love so i tell you all of it will keep on watching all those so there it was great. Each simulating civilization would be able to using a tiny fraction of its resources. Hundreds of thousands millions of runs through all of Human History almost all. Beings with our kinds of experiences with them to simulated ones rather than simulated ones i thought that arguably should sing fearful of the one of the simulated ones. But politicians do something. They put themselves on the line they did accept the reject. So when you want to be president and should. Somehow want to. Have to go on to be close this is what the full story of the morning cant be good that im interested always in the waters about how. Things should be. Thats in the individual i think very much i have to do what i think is right i have to fend to defend my values i have to defend my principles and if i feel the state is not doing it according to what i think is the right thing that i have to stand up and say its not good enough and if i. Humanitarian feel that the next to me is not respected and treated in the dignified way then i have to also stand up in this regard so yes we have to do it despite that it is maybe a very long term fight and we are not necessarily winning the. Pressure expels to german diplomats in a measured response to berlin of it a spot over a murder probe. Russia could be put on the u. S. List of state sponsors of terrorism thats under a new bill thats making its way through congress. And time magazines person of the year in 2019. We take a closer look at the 16 year old Climate Change activist who some see as a hero and inspiration others branded her an alarmist and. Either thanks for joining

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