Intention was to push back against the rise of far right extremism in the country. Good morning just past 11 am here in moscow this friday 6 of december holidays going good so far and thanks for taking the time to choose his feed news update live from the r. T. International World News Center 1st then the biggest strike in years has brought france to a standstill workers have been venting their anger against the governments plans to overhaul the Pension System one of the largest trade unions in france has 1500000 people marched in support of the protest the interior ministry though officially estimates that number smaller they say around 800000 to. Thank you i. Know. This was a. Massive demonstrations well right across the country thursday with more unrest expected over the next few days. Also clashes between riot police and protesters officers used tear gas and buttons to disperse the crowds the most violent rallies hit the french capital was there for us throughout the day. This strike has been planned for many months now and this is against a proposed changes by the french government the Pension System here in france the idea here is that they will amalgamate number of different systems around 42 different systems into a universal system but people say that i will have a massive impact on their pensions because it will mean that their pensions perhaps could be lower in the feature or in fact that they might have to work even longer and that has caused a huge fury here in france. We have been annoyed for 6 months 6 months that we are on strike so its logical that we are annoyed but we have a Public Service mission to do but we are here now. This is not a strike by Railway Employees only but a National Strike by all the employees who dont want to have their pensions cut and dont want to work more while earning less than 3. 00 that im 28 years old ive been working for 10 years and as things are its clear to me i wont be able to retire it will be impossible to survive until then nobody cares about our working conditions at all the crimes go all the way back more than a call to god to north which is where this process was originally due to start off with what was coming for many hours has turned to huge tensions with clashes between the police and the protest as we saw a van. And on fire and they got tear gas really coming quite clear. And you might get a sense of it just down that you can see there more tear gas into the protesters shrine and move people away incredible as flames just. So you can hear you know were seeing protests this rushing shops in front of us tear gas is bringing down and those crews are. Battling you as you are containing the spine ive also been tensions elsewhere in france not just here tensions in places like no other cities the suggestion now is that this one day strike that was initially planned by transport workers and is now encompassed Teachers Health work is the firefighters and even the police could now start a ruling strike in the lead up to christmas in going on until the new year as the strike is attempt to make the french government rethink these Pension Reforms for the moment here in france people are adamant that they want to have their voices heard this come out to the streets to make sure thats happening. Its been a rocky start for some u. S. President ial election campaigns with several runners already stunned at the 1st hurdles and dropping out retirement seems the baby yoda character on the sidelines of all this from star wars spin off on disney plus could be quite a successful career if it through its name into the 2020 president ial race we can report according to survey baby yoda gets more recognition on social media than any 2020 democratic hopeful wow including front runners Joe Biden Bernie sanders so many candidates seem to everything it takes the top job but still not abundantly clear you know at this stage what makes the perfect candidate then were ghastly of reports. In this imperfect world of ours the who really grill is finding something perfect it is of course impossible but goodness do they really try every 4 years in America Elections the eternal search for the perfect candidate a smallish chink in their houllier than that our armor is enough to sink him or her and i really mean the smallest chink for example pete booted judge currently ranked 4th in the democrat candidate polls hes a darling a mayor a family guy openly gay and he even has a disabled dog i mean what an angel but then i see he went too far he helped the homeless participated in Salvation Army Charity Events and thats a Christian Organization which is sometimes accused of homophobia you know hard core christians and all probably race issues are the only thing. Is slow to grasp what is his excuse for not realizing the Salvation Army is homophobic hard to imagine a more succinct visual metaphor for i will gleefully work for the act of destruction of my people if it makes me seem in a yacht or more electable than boots adige shorter within a seriously antique with Salvation Army these activists are literally accusing an openly gay man of supporting homophobia just just let it sink in you havent dropped out of the race yet unlike camelot harris and one of her crimes as a half black half tamil indian woman was that she just wasnt black enough skin pigmentation seems to really really matter for a president ial candidate then. You have Bernie Sanders who spent his life trying to power the poor and for his troubles had the d. N. C. Election rigged against him last time around but bernie just doesnt get it america doesnt want someone who cares so much for the poor sanders just does not understand that a 15. 00 minimum wage will hurt the job market and theres no way we can afford to make education free for everyone and on top of bernies you know principles and decency hes just ancient. Good ideas. Get on. Much like former Vice President and control the magnet joe biden ease neck deep in just the weirdest stuff even getting really close and taking the nice need for peoples hair now embroiled in ukraine gate he got his little boy a nice cushy job that pays a standing amounts in ukraine the poorest nation in europe and modern civil war to boot im sure he couldnt remember all that stuff them ages getting the better of him to his memory isnt what it was then we have Elizabeth Warren who hasnt quite yet figured out who she is in case you missed it she tried to pass yourself off as part native american which was an exaggeration by which i mean it was entirely made up by. No one it seems is good enough homosexual whole move a black woman who isnt black enough an old man thats obsessed with helping the people that need help biden in his head sniff it and seriously what the hell then again perhaps people wouldnt need. So march if you know they had Something Else to talk about if these people had their plan beyond beating trump a clear plan for america and americans but hey maybe not i mean seriously. Stuff. Poor girls do you ever see a correspondent on that one and the next the man acquitted of shooting dead Trayvon Martin an unarmed black teenager in 2012 as launched a lawsuit asking for 100000000. 00 in damages the original case sparked the black lives Matter Movement in the u. S. Lives Matter Movement what started with a hash tag has turned into a rallying cry like lives now those protests are raising questions about what it will take to bridge the divide the history in february 2012 Trayvon Martin was returning from a trip to the shops Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman thought he was acting suspiciously though during the altercation zimmerman finally shot the unarmed black teenager claiming it was an act of selfdefense i should say fatally shot that it was later cleared he was later cleared of 2nd degree murder it seems though all these years on 7 years on the case that polarized the nation is just as wrong as ever caleb maupin reports. It was one of the most resonant criminal cases in recent u. S. History the 2012 shooting of an unarmed africanamerican teenager a stark reminder of americas racial problems the vigilante George Zimmerman saw the unarmed africanamerican teenager Trayvon Martin while patrolling in his neighborhood he then shot him dead family of Trayvon Martin has always maintained that this was a case of murder but George Zimmermans claim of selfdefense got him a verdict of not guilty in court but now George Zimmerman is going back to court hes going to say to the Martin Family as well as the prosecutors claiming they did irreparable psychological damage to him because of their arrest charges prosecution and federal investigation zimmerman lives in constant fear of physical harm due to regular Death Threats which often are expressed in rap music as well as online social media commentary this move has got the black community theorists many calling zimmermans move. This is why we will never be silent and continue to fight fully variation in justice George Zimmerman has sponge through the bottom and sunk lower defense come. I dont care how specific the allegations are he deserves nothing except prison time i fail to understand the logic i mean how absurd can american legal system be now the attorney representing Trayvon Martins parents says that this lawsuit is reckless and unfounded i have every confidence that this unfounded under richesse lawsuit will be revealed for what it is another failed attempt to defend the indefensible and a shameless attempt to profit off the lives and grief of others 7 years on from the death of Trayvon Martin and the same on heal for martins family and for George Zimmerman and us society also as wounds that are sore and open the divide is getting wider and those of us who are acquainted with the nature of us resort lation this tasteless no surprise we all know that there has been a virtual reign that. The white population of United States now at least during the battle day to slavery well look at the decade style party this rain is going to exacerbate it but theres no moment was which is ripping but bandaid. Its certainly infuriating the white population of florida were 3. 00 slain it would not surprise me at all if there were massive protests grow up in florida in coming days and weeks and it was starts in a direct you so this film a lot so i hope that you 3 months more and family are very very good story and more than that hold your rate. So lets move but this was just 14 past the hour this friday still to come here on this program all. Or irrelevance is the question the group of german artists displayed Holocaust Victims ashes in a bid to the now its the rise of far right extremism in the country what you think about that we got reaction and so much more too soon is with. My feeling with this world its so confusing. Here for you and the certain generation thats controlling all the Politics Around the world when that generation. And children are brought all this. Materialistic dont really care about these things concrete even more automobiles want to write this i want to ride a bicycle this movement is global and its going the world is going to go in this direction and its going to change. This is kaiser report coming to you from an undisclosed bunker in the middle of nowhere to get ready for the apocalypse and the zombie infestation. How does saul tigh together. Join me every thursday on the alex simon sure and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports im showbusiness ill see you then. Again the head of the International Olympic committee has bought the findings were World Antidoping Agency panel on the alleged tampering of results in a Moscow Laboratory data base russia strongly denies allegations it altered information will no group of independent russian experts and code at their own investigation we spoke to the head. Team who says moscow has abided with waters rules. Heres your story russia did Everything Possible we strictly followed the brute map developed by Wanderers Executive Committee we gave them the l r m s darter base rule for os and a b athletes samples we strongly proposed to participate in an investigation and provide information but it was always rejected like or recovering just for a moment as long running story 2 years ago water received a 2015 moscow lab database from a whistle blower that a year after that russia was asked to provide authentic samples and an electronic data and it was supposed to be the final step in reinstating the countrys and he doping agency didnt work out that moscow complied with those conditions in january but just last month water after comparing the 2 copies ruled that russia had in fact they say removed hundreds of adverse findings and originally appeared in the 2015 copy they had of the russian probe again thats the credibility of the whistleblowers version here. It wasnt hurt us with what chunk of had this database and he could manipulate it we in any way up to 2016 there were 400 entries into this start a base from abroad this is also a fact that there are questions about the whistleblowers objectivity also in the past what chain coffee destroyed 1473 samples however this doctor base is taken as a reference you know we are being accused of performing public manipulations deleting some files and so on thats of course there was a System Administrator who entered this start a place of worked with it some to put the trials. Deleted all the technical reasons to maintain the memory but i can assure you there was little we detention to do least darter state. Of apologized for installing a memorial which reportedly contains the ashes of Holocaust Victims and the artwork the authors say is meant to warn against a frightening rise of far right extremism in germany it was unveiled on monday at a site opposite germanys parliament the memorial called resistance column displaced soil samples containing the remains of Holocaust Victims the artists claim they took them from 23. 00 locations near former nazi death camps they later covered the transparent part of the art exhibit prompted anger from jewish communities who said it violated religious law but not disturbing the dead auschwitz survivors are dismayed at this memorial violates their feelings and the eternal peace of their murdered relatives it was meant to be provocative but is in fact only decent tactless and youve reverent. So question is is it art we should be treated as such or is there a wider moral issue at stake is what i guess. This should be treated just as an installation it should not be seen as some kind of significant political statement it is after all a piece of art created for a static purposes its obscene and its totally unacceptable of for humanity to use the ashes human ashes from. Consideration cames maybe from outfits to do such. A vision of the initiative as artists to need to be as free as possible to create they need to be able to push against the sensibilities of society because that is what art should do that is what could or should do they should have removed completely disagree be sure and issue the explain to children in schools Something Like that should not be done and express regret its mean that they didnt think before and we expect from people dealing with adults to think much before our not express sorrows on regrets. We should always remember that across the globe including in the United Kingdom we are emerging out of a period when we have been governed by things like blasphemy laws and obscenity laws which thankfully the art world has managed to push back against would suggest the. People to be proficient. It is updated terms of services itll be able to put limits on content raising fears of the social media platform could replace socalled shadow bans that effectively means suppressing publicly posted content that the users knowledge that their posts are visible to followers its not his ation twitter has faced before but next if he goes down a report this morning it could become the norm for next year. Twitter is coming out of the shadows remember all these media figures accusing these social platform of sneakily hiding their posts from their followers feeds what big brother hides from us what is referred to as shadow banding may be even more pernicious if youre on the left maybe youre ok with this but if youre not on the left or even if you are and you revere the 1st amendment you should be concerned thats actually been well substantiated vice news which is not a right wing outlet says that this is happening on our own team basis to a lot of folks on the right side of the aisle but almost never people on the left side of the aisle do not know our island people very least thats what i think is that youve got to be balanced house leader Kevin Mccarthy wrote our chairman a letter and said hey this is going on and we think your committee should investigate it and how the twitter boss made a surprise an innocent face saying that oh no no no theyre definitely not going behind anyones backs to quietly hide their opinions twitter undertook no behavior to selectively censor conservative republicans or conservative voices on your platform correct correct well apparently all those assurances were just a big pile of nonsense now for those of you not to tech savvy im talking about a thing called shadow banning to the shadow band user everything looks just fine they can log into their account follow calm and like even post tweets but crucially their posts are simply not shown in other peoples feeds even if they are subscribed to the user twitter had been adamantly denying that it does this until it slipped this one smooth change into their constitution we may also remove who refused to distribute any content on the services limit distribution a visit. Of any content on the Service Suspended terminate users and reclaim usernames without mobility to you its a case where just a couple of words make all the difference the part about limiting tweet visibility was not in the previous edition of the document here it is nothing of the sort there and one can only wonder why twitter has decided to come clean all of a sudden perhaps because after all the outcry from the users wronged by the platform it simply made no sense in denying it anymore or and maybe because the twitter star film had previously outright confessed to shadow banning already on hidden camera one. Of the shadows. Than someone who you know. What she should. Theres even a lawsuit against twitter accusing it of discriminating against conservative voices by even ploy its shadow banning tactic but now that its in the terms of service some users will just have to accept that they are talking to themselves its not so much that twitter or facebook or any other social media platform have influence what they have is the power to promote certain peoples opinion and d. Promote tells the peoples influence on twitter that is the critical thing and what we need to do is have a fair platform we need to have a free and open discourse and we need to allow everybody to have a similar right to say what theyve got to say i dont agree with absolutely everything that he said on twitter not even the conservative stuff that were talking about but actually it shouldnt be for these Big Tech Companies to decide our discourse our discussion our debate in our own country that is manifestly unfair and its not a business. Decision actually its a public utility and thats a critical point. Hogan join our program today follow me informative thats the roundup so far this morning from moscow so much more on social media so much more r. T. Dot com for now though for me kevin on this friday morning a great day of course night if its that time of the world in the day youre part of the world where you are the hope you stick with us for half an hour the Great Company next and Sophie Shevardnadze and the latest show right after the break. Im going to fulfill the repeated purposes of possible to the people and promise to be you know weve all but the truth. Has been. Pretty. Much. Now you want to work. No. No. All. Coming coming. The Economic System known as capitalism has generated more wealth than any other system in history in many ways that is defined maternity itself hundreds of millions have been lifted out of poverty however capitalism has also witnessed growing income inequality the appeal of socialism currently on the rise can capitalism. Thinking of getting a new puppy once we got our shoes around why is he didnt know until he was trapped in this tiny little wired we dont need a crate with him he will. Freaking out he wont let us bring him anywhere near and thousands of breeding dogs are caged in the into lane conditions on puppy farms i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the thunder nothing they have no protection. If you. Get 2 kids. Across the u. S. Crude puppy mills are supported by dog shows on stores most of the puppies that are coming from these large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a Group Businesses are involved but. There has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding facilities most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with dogs dont buy dog. Bo welcome to sophie cove visionary. Improving our alliance with every day objects the design of todays about comfort and function and today my guest is one of the most prolific designers iconic designers of our times karim rashid. Sheet artists do all the owner hi great to have you with us today you look wonderful thank you so do you agree in moscow today in your old pink and serious side of the way of sunshine well in the winter moscow gets a bit crazy but you know most cities around the world get quite great so then they have you talking with. Us all right so i want to start over with one of your motos which is you should grasp the luxury of freedom. Instead of luxury of the physical world but then i know that you are super famous and super in demand and you do all kinds of designs for high end 5 star hotels. Where does that fit i think thats a luxury and freedom recall you mean you made a mistake there most of the hotels i do are 2 star 3 star and more democratic in fact i did a hotel i dont know about 7 years ago in germany and it was 2 star so when you go in stay forget the stars when you go stay with 39 youre always certain youre at the stay the whole style basically almost by private you know rooms right super designed very high design very comfortable casual experience full hotel is beautiful. And i con it to prove to the world that its not

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