Indeed we just happened over the last. Period of about 10 years but it is specially since 2014 is of the crisis in ukraine i think is crystallized russian doubts about the extent to which a partnership with the west is possible and what we saw after 2014 is that there you can take the russians by surprise you can never panic them and they will always adjust very rapidly and very effectively to changes in policy by the west and to aggressive moves by the west so what has happened is that the russians firstly adjusted their Energy Policy and they werent going to let ukraine continue to sit on top of their transit pipelines and try to block all control russian gas exports to europe so the russians full steam ahead with all these other part lines north street to turk stream which are birds now rapidly coming to an. End the end there being they have been theyve been built and theyve been successfully built and attempts to stop them have not succeeded it and of course they have successfully motu for ways with a major realignment with china theyve built Gas Pipelines with china theyve developed very close police equal relationships with china chinas now become their Major Trading partner and in almost every respect what we see is that russia has distanced itself from the west its made his position diplomatically much stronger and he has succeeded in countering western moves within ukraine itself crimea is now once again part of russia nobody expects that to change their russia or is also a major player in ukraine in politics its the ukraine. Its realize they have to negotiate with the russians and theyre talking about in the end what will probably be very significant constitutional and Foreign Policy realignments but the ukraine if it is to find a way out of the crisis well let me say yes but that. Given there is that if the u. S. And its western allies that that term another thing i think is really important here is that over the last few days we have the European Union basically tell the ukrainians get their Energy Policy together because europe is tired of underwriting it which means that must be a return to dealing with the russians just as alexander make your said in every single sense the project theyve had for ukraine has been an utter failure well i am not concerned about russia in chair and i think the world should not be concerned because things are develop in a quote it was said if you are a neocon sitting in an air conditioned office in the swamp you are very worried well i am very wired to some other countries 1st i am worried about ukraine which is in the situation of course the political crisis since 2014 actually since 2013 when the European Union and the United States encouraged these socalled peaceful protests in which 8 policemen died violent deaths you know protesting the perfectly legal decision by the ukrainian president to be to 1st form the Association Agreement with the the fault of the e. U. And what happened in ukraine is huge you know so 1st im concerned about ukraine now im also concerned about the United States because this whole ukrainian affair is now the basis for these socalled impeachment hearings where i hear im sorry a lot of inaccurate information a lot of people i get an angry and if trying to support us. I feel deceived they arent being easy if they feel that you know they voted in 2016 for this man and the view it as their last chance to keep the country that is slipping out of their hands under their control this is not my words you know i read it in there plenty of its an article by a young brand a preacher would argue about the supporters so which see how 1st ukraine was destabilized the United States was destabilized no the European Union is destabilized and they blame it all all trump trump and putin i hear them almost like Charlie Chaplin saying all the time competent competent competent from which it was kind and in reality its the same people in washington in brussels who destabilized ukraine destabilize the United States now through these impeachment hearings and destabilize the European Union because we see a real conflict denmark has been blocking the north street. By applying for several but one of the russians have been able to overcome that so its coming to their or they have or will comment but with a huge deal we the e. U. Has been put in hurdles on their way for this project or this fall called 3rd Energy Package the kill the south korean project which was great for greece great for italy it could provide even in greece with cheap energy reducing the u. S. Unemployment there but that we have the e. U. Acting against the interest of European Countries which need cheap Russian Energy and thats why a lot of things are in flux sarah lucas lets go back to alexander i mean its kind of on the tail of what the mood was having just said there about ukraine in an interesting article but probably totally expected when you dont have states is beginning to imitate ukraine in its political crisis ok where you its the factions are very very clear the media sort of particular political interests that are talking at cross purposes it is remarkable the deeper the u. S. Gets into ukraine the more it seems to resemble the ukraine go ahead. Alex absolutely true and if you drill through to what these impeachment argument is all about what it is is accusations made by each side not without some course that they have become implicated in ukrainian corruption yet thats what its all about ultimately thats what thats why were talking hearing all this about you know hunter biden and were is my holdings its all about people being involved in getting payoffs in ukraine american officials american politicians the sons of american politicians receiving large amounts of money to provide protection to bear is all ego arks ukrainian oligarchs that one side is the other side is accusing the republicans of dorothys and donald trump of rummaging around ukraine getting drawn leaps theyre trying to use ukrainian politicians or you create an agency is to investigate their opponents its all about this and of course its unsurprising because when the United States went into ukraine in such a massive way in 2014 it had totally unrealistic geopolitical objectives it seriously underestimated russia and it completely overestimated its own ability to control the situation in ukraine and to distance itself from what was going on there and its now paying that price but what was stakes were going for a lot all of us to make this comparison look at the New York Times you know this week there is an article there by Bret Stephens redolent do notice these are real beasts of the United States to start to talk like ukraine and then the subtitle why the. Resident must be impeached and removed well in fact he wants the United States to look exactly like ukraine because theyre the president was impeached and removed by illegal violent action right so also you actually have the illegal coup in 2000 and now we have another dodgy legally dodgy power play in washington so its a deed indeed the United States president of. The line and sub headline you know the United States is starting to look like a cream thats why the president needs to be impeached and removed it reminds me of the soviet dog we were standing on the board over the precipice but we must make a big step forward rate thats exactly what they say right there so. Their arguments there are also bread stiffens makes in this article ludicrous you know all comparisons are wrong he compares for example trumps your chance to. Hillary clinton he compares them to the fact that you were too much i was putting jail for abuse in the us when she signed the deal with russia well they should have asked their own best laughed ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko if the machine could deserve this she was the Prime Minister and she didnt fall feel you should because directives she didnt talk to the president as their brain is that she went to meet portman and signed that agreement without having powers to do that so any Current Issue would be put in jail well because im still legal dont you remember her nickname exactly gas princess i guess we got about 40 seconds hours go ahead finish up this blog. Just quickly it was years ago who initiated the criminal prosecution of her but this is exactly where the problem is with the United States its bruce hughes unrealistic Foreign Policy is easy illegal methods to engineer changes in other countries and what it finds inevitably is that they may legally methods unknown be used. In the United States it was only a question of tomorrow before they were imported back and thats what were seeing playing out now and so tired of hearing american commentators and politicians so completely missed just describing ukraine comparisons between ukraine and the american war of independence but. It all right alex i got a job in your alex thanks for joining in syria thats right people defending the coup were minutemen apparently thats all the time we have in this part of the program after a short break well continue our discussion and some real news stay with our team. Throughout the hour about. Join me every thursday on the alex simon short and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Look at your dollar bill that says the Federal Reserve no no if you look that up it best to pedia itll tell you its debt debt is a no right theyre not creating this stock has nothing to do with money its created its formaldehyde its monetary formaldehyde and theyre trying to theyre complaining that the corpses a great thing and they just are failing to acknowledge that the Global Economy died in 2008 will stop. Young elephants have come to. My space leave brutal budging incidence because sadly the baby elephants often do see their mothers be killed but also be caught up and. I do believe and laugh and smile i see it in these little ones the home a show expression changes. The. Welcome back across the uk where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing some real news. And now to nicosia we are joined by Alex Christopher hes the director and writer for the duran dot com alex its quite interesting to me watching the divergent protege sions of the last 2 weeks of testimony to the. Congressional committee but i think that we should look at really what the outcome of all of this white noise is none of these witnesses were credible in terms of what was being pursued impeachment so what the result is is basically is that its dividing the democrats its a uniting the g. O. P. And it has put the media in disrepute even more if thats even possible all the outcomes that these people on this witch hunt wanted to avoid but here we are alex. Yeah this was a terrible mistake by nancy pelosi to put schiff in charge of this in teevan move forward with this peter think this impeachment hoax inquiry is over because this was really they use the word cloud show this was an absolute clown show the ratings show it trumps Approval Ratings show it is well theyve gone up people just did not buy into this this ship show as they call it i mean the last day i think peter the last day of the impeachment inquiry hearings the testimony of a few on the hill and Sherlock Holmes a man with a superhuman hearing they have really not. Really revealed a lot and they reveal the democrat panic because these witnesses that they brought up on the last day were manufactured witnesses yet they were manufactured no one even knows what fiona hill was doing there because she had nothing to say about quid pro quo extortion bribery whatever the claim is now because its shifted so many kind i can just was just there to convince us i can tell you i can tell you why she was there she was there to reinforce the narrative ok she was she was the like at it a cafeteria monitor showing up and making sure that the cafeteria rules are in effect ok it was to maintain this we she took it she knows very little of anything about ukraine her she in and she is a well known anti russia hawk ok thats why she had the job in the 1st place also a good jump in where he badly informed thats the problem with phil and he was that shes very badly informed i mean the titles in the u. S. Space of about her the entire country should be grateful for feel any commitment to the truth that is the Washington Post then the New York Times is called in her in the. You know in the headline our nation has been torn apart truth is questioned why truth is questioned because our highly professional expert Career Foreign Service is being undermined well these foreign. Service go out and marry queen trouble in ukraine in syria in libya everywhere you have civil wars wherever these highly professional Foreign Service gets involved and miss heels predictions before have all been wrong shes a bad expert i dont know why trump took her it was a mistake 1st because she betrayed him basically what we saw was betrayal of your own boss and 2nd im going to quote if you want to he was interviewed. In 2015 right after you know the crimea thing in and after their history to start it in donbass heres what she says to a figure all putin doesnt know the limits he will certainly go further than ukraine he would destabilize other countries and of quote well this is to put it mildly not curate information and now the whole nation is supposed to believe you only hear when she says something about highly professional Foreign Service about russia definitely definitely destroying m. H. 17 and she says it all under all how does she know russia down to any 17. Can she be sure you know russia by crania feel when the hell was in russia she traveled to these vile day Club Discussions many times and give you would put it many times im sure she was in crimea she knows that this is not the truth that crimea is one of its really interesting but its go back to and you can see whats interesting here is that youve seen the rhetoric of patriotism being. Shown on the liberal Corporate Media and this is whats really orwellian about it because these people are actually traders they act in a. In such a way that undermines the electoral decisions of the American People nobody elected these people none of them and having been a russian watch an Eastern European watcher for almost my entire adult life the testimony i heard from these characters was lame at best and ideologically possessed and most go ahead alex yeah we heard the word a lot peter during the in test testimony from everybody there about official us Foreign Policy who sets us Foreign Policy thats the president not these guys what america saw they saw these midlevel managers who are hell bent on pushing their Foreign Policy on to the American Public they saw midlevel players of the deep state and they were upset that their boss President Trump who the American People elected had his own thinking and asked him just how i wanted to deal with ukraine and russia and europe and these people did it like it and they didnt like it peter because what weve realized now in ukraine is that theres a lot of money flowing into ukraine and flowing out of the rain and trump was there to spoil the game he was going to take away their cash cow and theyre all scared to death of it. Thats the simplistic bottom line of whats going on here well demon i think were going off what we just heard from alex is that i think theres a whole lot more to learn about this carpetbagging in this and people are beginning to panic because you get into this unregulated environment controlled by oligarchy politicians in the pockets of all guards and then you have this qadri of american American People their children coming in and scooping up all of the cash here and there is there are paper trails and were going to hear about this and particularly if there is a trial in this senate or i hope that well hear from hunter by absolutely well i mean the. Confused you know the wrong good or bad guy vigilante and were let me just quote you know david holmes these show records who testified against trump although hes just a minor official at their u. S. Embassy in ukraine he said that he was sure there trump has frozen security aid for ukraine because he wanted to pressure the country to commit to an investigation and also if you want to heal says best so that your bondi beach was smeared and attacked by whom. Why i was story was attacked by mr wood sam call the prosecutor general who the New York Times just a few months ago called a hero of my done a former political prisoner a strong friend of the United States why did god send could do it because you are skull and he saw that there was a change of administration in the United States he decided that it was exactly like in ukraine where the winner gets it all so he decided i was this woman told me you know youre one of each to put in jail and who not to put in jail these people pressured me know another man is in charge so i can report on them to a tramp veer this interview in the sense that you know what we said in the 1st part of the program i think its absolutely fascinating is that it is the United States now that is imitating ukraine let me go and pick up on the family now just real quick very quickly you know something that will tell you who didnt understand elections do not decide the fate of the United States anymore this same people the same establishment youre on your reiteration of my point here and you know lets go to that alex reflected on that because we did talk about that a little bit in the 1st part of the program but this imitation this demonstration effect is really quite remarkable because its the u. S. Now that is imitating the political practices and corruption i would say that we see a new ukraine. You know weve got a paper trail now peter we always say follow the money we have documents now that show that money was being poured into ukraine the money was going back out only to american politicians i imagine e. U. Politicians as well everyone is making money on the back of all this i. M. F. U. S. E. U. Aid going into ukraine that is a fact now weve got documents weve got the paper trail of this money being funneled back out into the u. S. From ukraine and back out into the u. S. This is documented now peter this is what was going on in ukraine why did obama decide to go through with this coup god only knows why it has opened up a huge pandoras box of corruption misinformation lies deceit all of it and not to mention a war in the east which has killed many many lives is a tragic tragic Foreign Policy mistake by obama no one talks about the cool no when they talk about javelin missile pillows you know its all the no mentions the coup they only go back to 2016 as if you crane came in existence in 2016 they never want to go back 2 years before when this mess started which was completely unnecessary drama and now theyre the cows are coming home and we see it clearly here and everybody has dirty hands well or yes because it was after all it was not trump it was a bomb on the support to create and what is do we have just very little bit of time how would you compare obamas Foreign Policy to ukraine and trams Foreign Policy to ukraine in light of all the nonsense in these hearings well i mean our bomber. You know he destroyed ukraine he destroyed ukrainian politics you know because a lot of the no my point is the point is is that it was trump that agreed for military a i dont know to bomb a well i mean but you never do you dont see that in these he just said well im going to say on the left a weapons trump started sending left of weapons but he didnt save him from. Q should socalled persecution in the United States but in fact you know when you want to heal said and all the main press mainstream press. These deeply flawed theory or american ukrainian influence on american policy which originated in the Russian Special Services Ukraine all v is the influence of some american policy because the biden has been doing business in ukraine rick perry is now accused of doing business in ukraine unfair so when you create these employees im going to not be surprised at the end of the day that we find out that a good deal of the steel dossier probably came from ukraine as well ok alex if you have your last 30 seconds go ahead. No doubt that the see it came from you craig peter i think were going to find that to be fact as well i mean the whole the whole thing is all goes back to 2014 coup peter no one talks about no one talks about the new and piute phone call no one talks about the coolio new coach and what they did all of this generates from there everyone is trying to deflect this whole thing on to a russia did it narrative again and thats what fiona hill was there for thats what sure ok there you know again we end the program by saying but they never expected trump was going to win thats why we have our eye thats all the time we have there many thanks to my guests in moscow and in london and in nicosia and thanks to our viewers for watching us here r. T. C. In exile and remember. Welcome to max keiser financial survival guide. Looking forward to your pension account. Yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. Watched kaiser report. What politicians do. Put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. Some want to be. Too great for us this is what the 43 of them cant be good. Im interested in the why. Question. Means that you times have a duty to move to sydney. Or over. There you. Could want to think about you think about it. Mates and each of them tell me how good they must all. Get to be a good tone. Often to get on with going to fail when im not good children tell them with all that you can fire going next time you dont come. On arizonas johnson. And i just got out of prison for don like. 41 years. Im 73 and so now i got arrested for too many for some of them. Its still going on like this everything was taken out of. My work in the hospital but it was a. Government decision on man that looks a little bit like me. Rather than a color about high. Homicide want to cause. Work on how tough you is doing that so badly so youre going. To go to the core. Of the do not afraid to try to frighten kids might give. Us no good something i didnt do. Named employ Global Chemical weapons watchdog. Groups of. His condition in the u. K. Prison is critical. In the pentagon for handing a 1000000000. 00. Accusing president feeling in the bidding process

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