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A 74 year old man this is not something to be taken lightly just be just and the reason was to remove them from due to 2800 elections. This is something that brazil will have to and the Legal Community will have to understand that we have to meet and comply with our International Obligations with human rights with our constitutional basic principles and with our legislation i know all of the documents all of the testimonies and i can affirm and reaffirm to you that there is no guilt there is nothing that would indicate a guilt. Actually the only thing that were not wrong in this entire political persecution what we call law fair is that that is innocent so they broke into his house they they searched and seized his house took him on their arrested him for 6 hours in an airport released illegally. Video audios of private conversations between his wives his late wife and his chin and her child. Private conversations of the family and the wars is the fact they surveil survey a survey and. And wiretapped our law firm just to get an upper hand strategic information on the defense on the moves and strategy of the defense theyve. Monitored. 25 lawyers more than 300 clients just to have an upper hand on the Defense Strategy they listen to all the conversations between lula and his attorneys between the defense team and up to the point up to now nothing has been done. In this regard go so nobody has been held accountable this is a major breach of basic defense right basic human rights so did the you personally because i dont know whether you think this is an echo of the famous case when the president Dilma Rousseff she turned the plane back from washington when she was under surveillance from the National Security agency in washington do you see that both of our as using u. S. Surveillance techniques against your device youre a law firm well i was not also nervous about a judge moral while presiding the investigation he authorized the monitoring wiretapping of our landline of one of our the firms partners cell phone as well as monitor all of lulas telephone calls with his attorneys with a different attorneys so they strategize they monitored they make a good anticipate all of the moves all of this Defense Strategies so this is a this by itself should be reason enough. To lead to a know all of the procedures against president lula president both of our as the 1st brazilian president ever to go to langley to cia headquarters theres nothing to suggest is there the judge morrow got help from the cia when they were monitoring all of the well we are still both scenarios said last week that he would not be president if mara had not accomplished his mission. This is made. What we say in his behavior corpus we are saying that both moral act acted politically morrow was acting as a political figure a political 0 ponens of low presiding. Over the case without any jury you have to remember them brazil we dont have juries only in very. Exceptional cases death death related cases and a few others but the thing is this man who is politically motivated by is an all manners that you can imagine. He ordered lula to be arrested he convicted in spite of all of the evidences of innocence that were produced in the file. And then it becomes. An hour away and he removes a lot of the race and he becomes then minister of justice and what is being speculated now is that he wants a seat in the Supreme Court. Now held by to mallow the oldest Supreme Court justices in the court. So it is it is it is it is so clear an avid and that is motivation while presiding the case will preside investigations were never fight to fight corruption they were political reasons imagine you have to fight with your legal team the power of the federal police the Internal Revenue service. The. Prosecutors office with a judge that was on their side as the carwash leaks have clearly now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was working with the accusation against lula and that they knew in the 1st game. That there was no evidence linking lula to the petro brass to the oil and gas state owned. Scandal ago you didnt mention the cia so presumably youre not alleging. From washington but tell me would you have even got to this stage would be free without the release of the water signal and telegram audio recordings that apparently help you ok well let me go back then in just a minute we are absolutely certain and mean if asked the courts to look into the d. O. J. S. And all its. Surveillance agencies informal cooperation with the. Carwash task force we are absolutely certain n s has as the prosecutor has already announced that they were out there were responsible for the construction of the gays i guess president lula we want to track we want to have access to all of the evidence to make sure that this informal cooperation is brought to public and. Is used by the defense because we have no doubt that they were working together with the operation to illegally any legitimate li persecute politically you mean the United States. The United States i mean the didnt department of justice. Alongside with with their Police Powers in various cases this is the key informally is what our constitution does not stand for our laws are very clear in terms of sovereignty that. They have information has to go through proper sham channels in brazil and they have been working informally with the d. O. J. Since perhaps the using off ice back in one snowden was monitoring. Former president dilma. That is what we want is to have access to all of the information to determine whether there was. Some aids to for there or intermission by the d. O. J. In our sovereignty and just finally in terms of what it means for the entire world the amazon rain forest is in brazil the Worlds Largest or so the worlds most important Natural Resource arguably both so narrow as ugly cut it down to your club wanted to save the rain forest what is the bigger importance of the case of nothing of the silver well lit will be this is what he told us yesterday and he will be running brazil speaking to every leader in the world to save democracy not only in brazil but to make sure that Indigenous Peoples rights are respected that 70 respected that the lenders is respected and this is what these messages will fight for the people of brazil and for every people in the world to make sure that their rights are upheld. That no more destruction is done in the name of private interest against public against the poor and against against the country but already planning to to go tour the country and and make sure that the new plans to fight the destruction that is in our country and and in other countries as well overturned lets go take syria since thank you thank you after the break as countries representing a combined g. D. P. Of 16. 00 trillion dollars meet at the bric summit in brazil we asked the countrys former finance minister luis calio reza programmer if u. S. Influence on brazil is crushing growth in the global south all this of all coming up above to have going underground. Drivers financial Survival Guide i dont buy a i prize on a teachers. Almost a friday as a lesson about buying from the future trucker watch kaiser. Peel or or specter of socialism 30 years after the fall of the berlin wall socialism is now remarkably popular what explains this how to explain why so many successful and even privileged people look to socialism to solve social problems maybe its because liberalism itself is failing. To my hardest to or dashboards to care but. Dhanush optimism of. Optimism of the bin. Laden are we keep. The same country because he must stop telling people say i dont like us tell. The sun come up to my mother but then i had 2 neighbors who. Suffer. The same. And sees. Them on the hook include the whole thing as opposed to fit in with the quote this is you guys who said come see. It all just so we dont know mayor giuliani they have. Diced so much smoke the soup soused still so not to sing on. The. Time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability. The more equitable and sustainable. They claim their production is completely harmless. The big. Companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this. Welcome back as we heard and bought one the leaders of the brics nations together representing half of the worlds population meet in brazil today for a summit hosted by brazilian president i a ball scenario among subjects like increased Security Cooperation the future of the amazon rain forest the shadow of washington interference will arguably hang over the meeting after western backed coup attempts across latin america from bolivia to venezuela joining me now via skype from paris for more on this and the significance of the brics of it is brazils former finance minister reza luis carlos press apparat thanks so much professor for coming on the show before we get to the brics summit is it your understanding that washington was behind the coup in bolivia in the past few days i dont. Want. Whos behind whats very clear is that whats a good at it what is was asked. Now why not only because he was a nationalist and this is not present to the United States but also because he made a big mistake in the last election. There was a problem when they suspended for some time to counting and that there are clearly some intervention to guarantee to him. Just to be elected do 1st he didnt mean that he did not need that but this we continue very much and this mistake it ended a. Government that was very successful i think that a country like we needed as a country very difficult to get there is a country. In this country. What alice that 5 percent. Every year does that 14 years. And there was steady that in the last year seems began to make it difficult and now were going to discuss this. Tragedy called the 1000000000 people because the coup in bolivia is making waves even in britain were under broadcasting restrictions here because of imminent election but the conservative party the liberal democrats the labor party asian frame green party has an pray there or they all of us and in the United States as we can talk about donald trump says this is a victory for democracy that evo morales is gone while alexander cars are cortez the prominent u. S. Senator president ial candidate Bernie Sanders they are expressing their does may of that even more as i had to leave the country you seem to be saying there is some fault there with evo morales you you echo the organization of american states view that he was wrong in abusing his power look i think that it was a good president he made a mistake. In the election and theres. Also a disposition of. Make another election. But the opposition obviously we support external support made the press and press and the army for he was not able to control the army what alice and then you have to go up and is a loss and a very sad thing for them obviously the receiver was. We dont have a democracy now meanwhile you go head of the last 14 years this is the effect and theyre not to much dont dislocate that would present because they believe the debate is well as far east as. Shabbas and finally was a disaster and what alice and was not a disaster at all ok im pretty sure president maduro would differ from that view of javas that yes that alone where you just said about about morale as tell us what you think of this summit break summit in brasilia what can we expect above the narrow of course the host is a good friend of washington i think that this is a pathetic reunion to have been a very important thing as the brics and they with a deal there to deal with foreign biggest countries in book relation and close south africa and what tonight it to discuss and to share problems and big countries that are supposed to be independent autonomous parts of beijing in the world so society can do all of the. Independent way and is a stroll in the bricks were created in brazil who had. Not only lula before him. And brazil has a tradition of a reasonable alternative the. Foreign policy politics and this change to fully balls are not also a matter of a read to ready expose very strongly his allegiance his commitment to his native state. Manner that i may view is contradictory d is a deal of the brics but arguably the biggest cia base in the world the permanent one is in brazil out really independent of the brazilian Foreign Policy being even on the moon or even on the roof as i know of course well get on to the fact is being released from prison gets the fact is that. Brazil is essentially a dependent country. It was told this country till the 80s but since 990. 00 color illustrations brazil decides to adopt the. Ideas. Of open its economy in commercial terms and in financial terms and from that moment all the rate under also brazil that was around. 4. 5 percent a year at the temples very high 15980. 00 since then is your point 8 percent. For us saying you supported the dictatorship in brazil but you are not absolute mean i dont know not only the numbers of the navy. Strong defense of democracy i had been all of these but they dont think that these. Does change in outcomes from 4. 5 percent to 0. 8 is due to democracy it is due to the option for a merely broke regime with the actions agreed to be game over a very good deal older with Interest Rate became very high and the deep. People there do one really does in this matter when they are the printer and financiers ok but the bric summit theyre supposed to be all about threatening the neoliberal convince us what do you think of together these countries can threaten the i. M. F. World bank new liberal consensus which has forced privatization and the power of finance capital on these countries the i. M. F. The world bank what about 1st that m. F. And. All our instruments of did nellie ruled a nation into what sees. The 80s but may be may do is that now liberalism is in crisis is in crisis in the warped in the in the in the developed world in the rich will. I now understand that the election of the term United States and the brics it in britain and many cistercians of this the analysis normal say that what stepping is tracked is a populist threat to liberal democracy i dont think so i think that what does this these movements are happening as also italy progressed and some of the loss and at that all now liberalization as a project a project of the United States of the rich countries specifically dont make states. Opening old the old the previous. Enemy king cant tell his moves no he broke up is everywhere and this failed bailout because they supposed that with this they would we. Dont vantage it would be for the rich countries and it was not and eventually. And more recently is also for india says this very clearly. Change i think this time to changing a wrong weight. Is an altered diet in himself. And the right is too much to make taste and a so that mcgraths only bourbonnais these trump identifies the problem there i suppose one of the biggest issues on the planet is the climate catastrophe the impending climate catastrophe is it ironic that the biggest resource on the planet Natural Resources the amazon a lot of it of course in brazil and this is where the bric summit is being held do you think Climate Crisis and maybe. Infrastructural investment in Climate Change technologies we part of the brics talks in brasilia to their well i hope something happens on this matter because the climate problems is a very bottom problem only now we also know that to us against the ideas sensually so it. Is difficult for me to understand how they are going to. Do scares this giving this position maybe they realize that they must still sort of get together with the chinese the russians and the indians and they do something good because its very important of course when he was president said the brics should be about replacing the dollar as a reserve currency is that off the table though why not take it so long for the brics countries to properly create a new currency no i think that does make no sense if the us said years ago i was wrong. The idea of. Changing the currency is something that takes time and is a matter of problems not a political problem the chinese that are more near these. A when they will to festing this matter they can be endangered they arent rules because the rules of china may view of every country to have the control of dictionary and keep it competitive not all bad but competitive make indeed would companies in the country to be competitive you need to also to have an Exchange Rate thats competitive then the idea of an International Moon a message be a little slowly dated just finally then what way of thought when you saw president lula former president lula being released from jail in brazil a lot. Very happy i think that he is major implications and he makes his mistakes for sure but he was a great good president and the democratic president and then center to the left not extreme left at all most of the matter is history right. Weve had in brazil for 1415 years elder nation between a social democrat. Center to the left government of the ruler and the center to the right of the cuddles and thats all very well it was a good democratic system and then there are mistakes and indeed a demonstration display as other effects and a pain in the we got into a major crisis because it was today president with a species a Major Economic and moral crisis political crisis. Is there not does a not a good thing for brazil Deputy President of colors present pereira thank you thats it for the show well be back of sad day with one of the most popular politicians in south americas richest country chile democratic revolution vidal borneo jackson will tell us about the ongoing fight back against the legacy of british back to take drug mr pena shantel that he would advise us readers its quite a going up rather than a. Im going to fulfill the repeated promises apologise to the people and promise to be you know with all pots be. Ready for a rough. Cut. Pretty good. Now you want to work. No. Longer. Ball. Coming coming coming. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy one sunday shouldnt let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic bad to follow only closely im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. As a tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been great only implement from the inside venezuela things look different were going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela so see you. In a schoolyard have a son of a moment whos. Down for some tackle football than a decision to keep the madness of the moment the focus of the who. Story is a new Nixon Henry Kissinger to tell it would not be tolerated in. Terms of economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. The chilean economy scream. And make the economy of. The political. Supporters of the. Police. Refuse to recognize the new. Leader. The leader of the brics. Their partnership. Says he is a big fan of president

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