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Between the. 247. International pleasure. Oneill. We begin in brazil where day one of the brics summit gets going the international grouping represents over 3000000000 people worldwide to develop economic and political cooperation. Ily thank you thank you thank you thank you. Well indian Prime Minister the red chinese president xi jinping were among the 1st to arrive but the days been marked with protest to after supporters of venice will an Opposition Leader one why door earlier stormed the countrys embassy in brasilia. Lets go live now to the brazilian helpful to our to maria for a National Just for more in the aspect weve been talking about those demonstrations hug big have they been is it getting in the way of business of the some of. The high union yes i am mad men is well embassy here in the city of brazil and i dont have to say that the situation on the ground is a little bit dramatic just now there was a fight between the supporters of that as well as legitimately during the run those who are on the side of the countrys reclaimed opposition figure who won quite door in the early as you just sat some more pro quite the activists stormed the building and managed to get inside and right now we are receiving contradictory reports on who is in fact in charge of the embassy right now but the most important thing is that local Police Although there are many of the officers here right now some special forces including basically they are not interfering because brazil recognizes missed a good idea or as been as well as a legitimate leader and therefore supports basically hes supporters here and that is by the way among the Biggest Challenges the brics countries and a big dividing forest for them as their position is on events in caracas. Brazil has just issued a note recognizing one going to as venezuelan president. Abuse it was a mystical. To heaven and appealing to god to clear himself the president ok but god didnt tell us his response to that appeal therefore i think we need to come back and be guided by democratic procedures and. Trying to firmly opposed the principle of noninterference in the Eternal Affairs of other countries and maintain the affairs of venezuela must be true and. I just tried now i can see that brazils president mr bullfinch on a social media that he does not support whats going on here to venezuela amber see and he hopes that this situation will be. Soon so we expect maybe it will become Getting Better here on the ground but right now as you can see and hear it its not quite common while venezuela continues to divide minds with breaks and beyond. Things i believe as well as the division is growing about whats going on there as some rigs Member States take their. Elected president stepping out as a legitimate democratic process while others members russia including you say that this is simply. And we expect that these 2 topics hot topics will be discussed by the leaders of the brics. Group during their meeting later on wednesday we of course will keep you updated on another concert with. Relations between brazil and china brazils current president mr ball so they are use a lot of chinese rafiq during his Election Campaign however this seems to be changing these days. As the chinese are nonbinding in brazil. Binding brazil was as i always said in the precampaign and campaign we want to get closer to the whole world the United States can surely be a great partner. Partner. And secondly the United States. So chances are very high that brazil and china will be able to heal all the wounds between them during their meetings here and the brazilian all in all many agree that despite all these disagreements between Member States has a very big. International group set an. Impressive goals is getting rather more influential in its influence is getting even more all the while at the time when we declined of so many other groups of such kind like apec its a recent summit was canceled last minute because of the situation in chile and we cannot hear any update on new location or new day leaders are preparing to send they are Foreign Ministers to the meetings instead of going there themselves and even g 7 last time was not able to issue a joint communique so and with all these happening right now some say that brig same flynns is a growing and it is almost to be in a full screen here in the city of brasilia we are expecting blyde more important to land these minutes here in brazils capital hand well keep you updated on how things develop here in brazil back to you. Thanks for talking us through all the live in the brazil a couple of talking us through all those latest developments here is another development the lawyer pictures from brazil youre earp ports where the russian president. Has just touched down were just seeing it on the tarmac there. Hell be expected to be at the summit and around 30 minutes or so from now we saw earlier pictures of the chinese leader and also the indian leader as read a little bit earlier we knew as maria was just seeing there in her in her live saying the president of china. Been speaking on the sidelines with the leader of brazil i expect a lot of to be happening before the summit itself gets under way you have it the russian president has just arrived brasilia ports will became a very close eye on developments right throughout the hour and the day from brazil. Ok moving. To other Headline News fears of big brother watching your every move or once confined to works of fiction but no privacy concerns are being raised again with a federal inquiry opened in the u. S. Over googles latest efforts to collect data the tech giant say its been harvesting personal information on the health of millions of americans and sending it to a medical care provider here donald quarter with more. It wasnt too long ago that a person who thought he was being watched all the time might have been written off as a bit delusional but nowadays hed be living in reality take google its been secretly working with one of the Worlds Largest Health Care Nonprofits to gather tens of millions of americans medical records the newly revealed initiative is called project nightingale and google claims theres no fell play to be clear under this arrangement ascensions data cannot be used for any other purpose than for providing the services refer in under the agreement and patient data cannot and will not be combined with any Google Consumer data google says the project is just helping Health Care Organizations improve the experience they provide but the companys going about its business without any of these peoples consent whats even more unsettling is that its completely legal a lot of galatians and laws would need refreshing if you like to call it refreshing because of amount of Data Collected in different ways we are surrounded by more and more devices every day so a lot for laws and regulations needs to be revisited when it comes to companies snooping around their users information google is far from the only one i phone users dont know their app activity is being sent to advertisers by default that doesnt exactly seem to correspond with apples slogan. You can of course opt out but apple says youll see the same amount of ads and they just wont be as interesting but what about Cambridge Analytic 50000000 facebook profiles had their information harvested by means of a seemingly harmless app with special permission from facebook they had. Apps on facebook that were given special permission to harvest data not from just the person who uses the opera joined the army but also it would then go into their entire Friend Network and pull out all of the friends data as well and thats just the tip of the iceberg right now thousands of apps are accessing the data of millions of facebook profiles instagram is using peoples personal information for basically anything it wants the list goes on and on maybe those crazy people were right after all. Ok another potentially very significant meeting help and today is in washington with the turkish president is heading to the white house for talks with donald trump its his 1st official visit to washington since 2070 while relations between the 2 countries are a historic low. Hope theyll be able to overcome some of their differences. Despite the. Relations we agree with trauma the problems will be resolved and our relations improved well theres a number of factors behind the unprecedented strain on the relations between the u. S. And turkey right now among them and crew is offensive against washingtons kurdish allies weve heard so much about in North Eastern syria while significantly as well american lawmakers have also called for sanctions against their nato over turkeys decision to purchase the s 400. 00 Missile System from russia expanding more on our washington correspondent killer but the president s of turkey and the United States now to call this meeting highly anticipated would be an understatement especially as the 2 countries are going through a rocky patch syria the kurds relations with russia the arms trade you name it. When the United States began supporting the kurdish fighters against i still that was a turning point the usa has long maintained that it can be friends with both turkey and the Kurdish Forces that on current considers to be terrorists and turkey as you know is a nato ally trigger clearly important nato ally turkey just give me your surance that youre not going to be bullied by turkey your present in order want to throw in the syrian kurds under the bus. And theres no administration tension to any large yellow objects whatsoever thank you now its always been a tough choice and the latest blow came last month when trump unexpectedly pulled u. S. Forces out of Northern Syria at that point turkey launched a deadly offensive against the kurdish militias in the area the condemnation and threats from washington only adding fuel to the fire turkey put us all in a very terrible situation turkey with regard the alliance is heading in the wrong direction ive got sanctions against turkey that i will enter duce next tuesday these are sanctions from hill we need swift and bipartisan action to repair the damage caused by the decision to allow the turkey to attack our chief partner in the fight against isis terrorists it seems now the countries have agreed to a permanent cease fire in syria but lets be honest its still a highly volatile situation. And theres a major side plot here turkey is in the process of buying the russian made s. 400. 00 anti aircraft Missile System instead of the u. S. Patriot system and no surprise washington is up in arms turkeys purchase of the s 400. 00 is inconsistent with its commitments to nato and will have a detrimental impact on turkish in iraq for ability with the alliance the United States has actually threatened to sanction turkey and remove them from the f. 35 Fighter Jet Program of which and car is a member. And the problem is dont end there u. S. Senators have called out trump for his turkish policy and called on him to cancel the meeting with president arawak president reagans decision to invade Northern Syria has a disastrous consequences for u. S. National security has led to deep divisions in the Nato Alliance and caused a humanitarian crisis on the ground given the situation we believe that now is a particularly inappropriate song for president obama to visit the United States and we urge you to rescind this invitation quite a lead up to a crucial meeting now with all these problems to solve the 2 countries are remaining optimistic and trump and here are one are playing up the idea and the fact that they are still friends but whether the meeting is a success or failure a vital follow up is already on the calendar a phone call has been scheduled between turkish president iran and russian president Vladimir Putin kaleb up in r. T. New york. Before us that much Jim Jefferies believes its going to be a problem if washington attempts to control chris decisions. Berky is going to continue to keep a foot in both d camps certainly being in nato gives turkey some leverage with the United States a with the European Countries on the other hand being able to talk to the iranians talk to the russians is also potentially a very valuable commodity i think the real problem could be for the United States if we overreact to any show of independence by mr other on for example his wanting to purchase the f. 400 missile instead of perching the American Patriot system which frankly i think we pushed him into by placing conditions on that i think that really reflects more of the inflexibility of washington then turkey somehow being lost to what to america. 17 minutes past the hour we are back in 90 seconds or more world news keep it here are 2 international. He put themselves on the line they did accept the reject. So when you want to be president entry. Into going to be this is what before 3 of the people. Interested in the war. They should. Suggest as a call the reverse hunger games. Are randomly picked 10. 00 to 15. 00 every year and strip them of everything that 0 and pour some out there and make it into the world of commerce and see if they can build it up scratch again introduce risk back into the American Capital system once you have a certain amount of money theres no more risk youre just clipping coupons for vanity and you have no stake in the game whatsoever. Ok lets start with very much the developing issue across the european continent turkey is continuing to send former fighters bollock to their countries of origin d. One of them reportedly a u. S. National is stuck in no mans land between greece turkey this is reportedly him trying to get back into turkey after greek Border Guards turned him away president carter long commented on the case saying that the fates of volatile fighters who get stuck doesnt. Concerned turkey. Well i quote plans to send 1500 fighters but some European Countries are resisting the idea and have been for quite some time now we discuss the policy with a political analyst from countries t. R. T. World. Europe pledge the 6000000000. 00 euros to turkey in 2016 is part of the migrant deal which it only paid 3000000000. 00 of those euros while turkey spent 40000000000. 00 out of its own pocket these people are not turkish theyre european and they deserve to go home and they deserve to face justice in their home countries. Commit crimes in turkey theyre not turkish citizens they committed crimes in syria theyre european citizens so where in this equation is it turkeys job to try these people or hold these people turkeys not a hotel like the Turkish Interior Ministry said that its not a landfill to hold europes garbage syria and iraq have Capital Punishment many of the countries where these isis fighters are held the e. U. The e. U. Is against Capital Punishment by leaving these people stateless and stripping their nationality what is that supposed to do wash their hands of the e. U. Say ok thats it we have no responsibility these people lived in europe 2030 years they were radicalized here they went there but we stripped them of that we stripped them of their national wrist nationality so its not our problem no these people are going to be put to death some of them in syria and iraq so what your needs to do is repatriate them in the name of human rights. 3 people have been injured while performing a festival in saudi arabia after being stopped by a man who rushed onto the stage the attack was filmed by a member of the audience which might find the starving to watch the 2 men and a woman who were attacks sustained minor injuries according to state media the attackers been identified as a 33 year old yes. Who was immediately upper end of the motor yes. It happened at the King Abdullah park in the area which is staging a 2 month long entertainment festival. Arabia has been trying to loosen some of the restrictions on its historically conservative society the festival is a part of the liberalizing to increase spending on entertainment the changes also include allowing more freedoms for women to encourage tourists from broad with tourist visas recently up a Security Services video was released to advise citizens about the dangers of extremism it included some of the equality cornerstones in western society feminism homosexuality and if he is of the video since being polled with the authorities saying it contained multiple mistakes. Were joined live on the program of obviously by middle east expert. Good to see you lets just talk firstly about the attack on stage where does the problem lie here is the big inexperience in staging and securing public entertainment or is Saudi Society just not ready to open up to events like this. We do not know the exact reasons of that attacked yet information we have its the. Nation of. So it is it is just the speculation. Based on lack of information i cannot say much on that so it can be can be a reaction to this liberalization movement but it can be Something Else but it is too early to talk about it yet the police immediately we know identified the attacker of being yemeni origin why did the why was that information put out so fast do you think why is that detail important. The thing might be important because of the saudi involvement in the many civil war in the last few years and the. Consequent humanitarian disaster in yemen for the service of the information might be related to that how effective would you say the saudi monarchy is attempts to to liberalize society and open up to the world have been so far. Effectiveness. Actually there has been a support to this liberalization moment from the Saudi Society. But it must be noted that this kind of liberalization is more about making the country or person and competitive to Foreign Investment which has been decreasing in the last 5 years in saudi arabia and the economy has been suffering because of that and also saudi arabia is in competition with qatar has appeared to more competitive. For Foreign Direct Investment so and importantly. Soon. Will go through. Initial Public Offerings and it is important that the country gives the impression that it is stable and it is liberal thought to attract Foreign Investors into our own course so this kind of. Incidence. Actually. Might damage the process and it is important that this process should go as smoothly as possible because we are talking about. The most valuable the Biggest Company basically in the world and even if 2 percent of it is open its sold it will provide considerable revenue to the government to support Crown Princess vision 2030 plan just to pick up on one aspect a cleric was jailed in september for criticizing the liberal reforms in saudi arabia which is somewhat ironic is it not just hard tough is it for the monarchy the people to adopt was a hard line conservative country for so so long. Extremist ideas generally find. Ground in society if the people are going through economic grievances and they have economic problems and in the last few years maybe even more than a decade now Saudi Society there is unemployment or the food prices are increasing the house prices dropped and if if the Unemployment Rate is more than 10 percent if if this continues this economic grievances. Its my lead to some sort of support of this kind of extremist ideas about it is too early to make that assumption yet ali thanks for your time and your thoughts is our middle east expert on the program. Modern environmentalism and the doc next unnecessary progression are a way to make corporations billions in new products this is r t international. Times her. Her. Star conjoined at the top the hour now theyre talking about how. I get exhausted. Its. Boarded and then you come from i was driven in this teaching and yes some ideas come to this is my things. Are not be are known or operation thats destroying my home sometimes its destroying. This top removal mine and. This is i took these photos just last week. And this is what theyre doing are going to be. Significant share of this operation and theres another theres a lot of pollution once this is what its doing the water. Must go says this is the water this is what its doing to the water then come from his kitchen sink like. Yes you have to pry some company to talk some of them selves is becoming increasingly green and while the rest of the world went to paris last year and read Climate Change is real and we have to do something about it heres a company that now owns 10 percent of one of the dirtiest forms of fossil fuels on the planet. Now where we know where is the entire grid has. Switched to so its its closer to time to. Auctioneer in the box in a. Medically to this and the a in the stored cups. Mounted on one hand every is trying hard to do not a ceiling can. Doesnt some see in majaw dust and disappear skiing. Up. Stuff. I thought was going to come out and said. To me take our money and. Leave. Us. So it has the slightest bit of a speed all still doesnt cut it off of order and. Power of operations must come to an end. But our Current System ensures corporations become

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