I stand before you tonight in my red taj chiffon evening ga. My face soft limit up and my family had gently way. Of the with. The mike this extraordinary deal between the United Kingdom and saudi arabia in which Ronald Reagan wanted to sell the saudis billions and billions dollars worth of equipment that these radios stopped it and congress wouldnt approve it because they feared the saudis would threaten israel so Ronald Reagan handed the deal is there effectively to his. Political soul mate sacha un seen nothing yet. Very tough act to follow. When least stumbled on the saudi arms. Deal we really started to stumble on a central feature of british politics over the last 30 years highness prince has been at the heart of many of the great will depend of the polish. I was always pleased to see him when i was Prime Minister because he brought me and sure my insights im bold proposal was. She informed us she considers saudi arabia as a strong friend and would be willing to support taking them with whatever the kingdom needs and of discussion from there on Everything Else was taken to get he explained to mr thatcher this was a deal with saudi arabia and their full things were done differently. They wanted 43000000000. 00 with a weapon that was 6000000000. 00 in term of. The majority of most people understand its bright. Well continue to Work Together against the terrorists who threaten the way of life a pacifist. One day i started writing and it was a mad cool. Actually he said i have been working for a travel company and we had a kind of slush fund we used to distribute to saudis and other arabs when they came to britain for be all to help the past films deals a lot. Of detail. Story is that when the saudi military officers would come along he would present them with canteens of cut 3 that was something that they liked the other thing they liked was girls so he would take about the town and get the girls. To be honest its quite small being payments made some of them from rather on as nomic activities and chips to the talks about cooldowns that thought a thing is only 2 things a child in business my friend money and sex the rest you can write as much as you like is absolute garbage you can measure weapon beautiful the president s secretary. Because the more distracted looking at your secretaries the you want to have your talking about. And that is sometimes old as you need to be. To use and i scored agency or kids because of the specialties of the chief of staff of the army like. Anything. We had the secretary of the embassy come and review the photos she said i want to swim with this one i with this one out with this one i had the girls i ride one day before and i said girls i know you will be paid handsomely for this but do me a favor if you get any people thought that is relevant please bring your cross because i could use that in for the Church Interest the information i will get out of the 3000 euro bonus so it was 60 grand i signed a contract worth 3000000 so it wasnt ideal. M m i phone rang again. It was another whistle blower and he said you have no idea what it is that youre getting into here. And he said this slush fund is much much bigger than you realize our job was to look after the really high level those who used to come to england who were big bribe essentially by be a people of the level of the head of the Saudi Air Force who was a role. Prince. We would fly the 2 of us angelica and they would buy cars dresses that wasnt shopping like you would i would think in the end when they gather together all the shopping we would charter an entire jumbo jet to fly it all back to saudi arabia it was in the camp to try and trace through the Bank Accounts who the ultimate beneficiary saw that the case became really very serious as the trail appeared to lead towards senior members of the saudi royal family. The most outrageous example was that may be a new order to go the way with prince bandar at one point made him a present of a huge commercial airliner all of his various which he promptly have painted in the silver colors of the Dallas Cowboys and rays favorite American Team i mean is the flyer of him that quite cheerfully. The case centered on establishing the ultimate beneficiary of exceptionally large amounts of money paid by big share space for consultancy said to see. If theres evidence that mark fashion of this is that your son got 12000000 in cash for his work as a fixer. Think about politicians is a very emotionally prostitutes but only more expensive. Polities is it dated by the whims of the arms industry politicians are nothing more than sales reps by their friends to have as much power as a middle ranking executive in looking martin ident of the day did with that old. What executive. It was to bribe a foreign official he says to himself look ive taken a lot of risk to take this 5000000. 00 that im paying to the Prime Minister of x. Y. Z. Who makes an arrangement with Prime Minister of x. Y. Z. Ill hand over the 5000000 but you take half of that 5000000 and you send it to the following bank account in switzerland will share in this floor. The 1st time an executive does that and he collects 2500000. 00 he says wow this is a Good Business to be and within moments of that realisation he is no no longer in the business of selling airplanes hes in the business of selling bribes and he is now scouring the world for somebody to find to bribe. We. Had to feed. 2 thirds. I. Was good to. See what it. Is i dont see it since. Each child comes. To. Mind when. I teach. Mine. When. Im in the phone rang again. This was somebody who said you have no idea what youre getting into he said this whole be a big is much much bigger it goes right to the very top what he had was something that you never see is a gem of this swiss bank records all International Call the payments going all over the world he showed me how. Be it set up the whole system with lloyds bank under which they channeled secret payments into the British Virgin islands offshore companies called red diamond from red diamond the money went into this guy Swiss Bank Account and he then used it to distribute to the local politicians taking a picture yourself of course i can assure you we do we believe most companies all go to the business of. Policy as you suggest laws of supply they do employees of government it is just the way the business is done. We were actually able to publish what was the most dangerous story the brits had been given not just the play but over the years that 1000000000 pounds we did not invent. Corruption i mean adam and eve would have been and they had hanky panky and they had to go down to ed so i mean this is this is human nature i assure you to pinch a state on. To find. What is greed. Of course none of us are greedy its only the other fellows greed. This the world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. All those people who believe that greed violence etc these primal socalled primal instincts other religions things and Everything Else is a social construction theyve lost their mind and for the last 50 years a least policy has been made based on the assumption of greed and its ruined the world. Patterns believe there is no nature of society so yes theyre not so individual is i dont accept that at all i think there are very many good Public Policy restrictive for creating societies. And the beirut there saying hello do you. Theres a comment isnt a good 47 kalashnikov. The society that decides that the bulk of its budget is going to go to arms manufacturing building of a military eccentric these have made a moral decision that militarism is more important then the creation of wellbeing for the population. This is not the one i want to live in i want to live in the real wood and the real world is peopled by real emotions including love and generosity. One else truths seem wrong. But all wrong just dont call. Me. Yet to shape out just to become active. And engaged equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Time after time called parisian to repeat the same mantra sustainability. Transitions to sustainable prize board sustainability stay number man not the more equitable and sustainable well. They claim their production is completely hamas hollow does need to. Look. Into compassed number. Of Companies Want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is something ill just let the point any minute i need money. This is the move in this new me do nieminen and strength seem to me the best understood look into going into. My god if you want is freedom the freedom of human beings of individuals to pursue their own say is i think what they term freedom means is economic license and economic license those who control property and those who control capital has in fact been a threat not only to equality but a threat to the freedom of peoples all over the world and not only in europe and in the United States but nafta in asia and in latin america i want you to name me any society in which you have any large measure that freedom where capitalism and Free Enterprise has not been the predominant mechanism of the Free Enterprise system has print through the force of onset notes on through wielded by governments that was Government Intervention under the name of the Free Enterprise system but a Government Intervention which destroyed the cretins of many people not the least of which are the people of chile. From the 1950 s. All the way through the 1970 s. The cia and the u. S. Military were engaged in covert actions throughout central mad america throughout africa really throughout the world where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up right Wing Military juntas funding and arming death squads like the contras in nicaragua or battalion 316. 00 and under us and there were these spate of assassinations across the globe. Including to the same mind people have been killed to be quiet to know that any day any time youre going to be killed you dont know how but its coming. We were fighting in oligarch and still we are fighting you know body guards mines that dont want to work going inclusiveness they just pick. The action is not only about taking from the earth but taking from the people. Even to dreams take on the next. The last half of what is called the cold war i dont know it to be a very hot war for many parts of the wood. From the standpoint of want it by them and cause the victims or what i would think of really as of people trying to make their own futures. There was an attempt in the global south to create an alternative imagination for people. But in the early 1970 s. Is this attempt was destroyed and it was stopped through a real genuine attempt by the global lot to take over the institutions of the world including the world bank the i. M. F. Souls not simply that the people of the south were incapable of carrying forward their dreams. He was a very strong with these dreams were assassinated. Its not just the one off killings the coolie other cool there. Its the entire dream that had to be killed. To be sure to read a book. On county for myself. But i asked him better and man. Order should be more elusive because the man. Was he not one to us got a testimony most if they meet buddies. When i said kind of thing this year. The whole lead on. And. You know who leaves are going to notice them and. You know build command. Decency yeah them and eat. Each other thing good to see. The joint hearings of the House Select Committee to investigate covert arms transaction with iran. And the select committee on secret military assistance to iran in the neck iraq when opposition will come to Order Congress began to address what they perceive to be an insanely out of control series of covert actions with little to no congressional oversight we have been supplying lethal weapons to terrorist nation involving the Us Government in military activity in direct contravention of the law and lying to the congress now i believe that democracy cannot survive that kind of abuse. And people like dick cheney and Donald Rumsfeld who were relatively new to government at the time did not like when congress had we need to step in and confront the National Security state and whats become a very out of control kill program cheney then went on during the reagan years in the eightys to serve in congress and when the iran contra scandal broke out into the open cheney did not like. Congress being involved with anything that the executive branch was doing. You had to see understand that emanated from the highest echelons of power and the Reagan Administration was acting as though it had nothing to do with it ive told you all that i know and you know the truth of the matter is for quite some long time all that you knew was what i told you. To. Our witnesses morning is mr Robert Mcfarlane the former National Security adviser to the president. Mr mcfarlane we welcome you to the committee and we look forward to your testimony. Mr mcfarlane. Did you have any discussion about the possibility. Of in effect farming out the whole contra support operations in nicaragua to another contrie which worked for country run yes thats correct and did you in fact succeed in obtaining money from another country. Which well call country to. Thats correct. Had they practice meeting periodic lee who was the official from country to about assistance we could provide some cases arms sales. And they intended to provide a contribution of a 1000000. 00 per month to the contras through the end of the year. You had no problems working with us we have no problem working with the United States government and unless the cia does not work for the government then i think we have a bigger problem there bennett cases or some americans are question that you know well thank heavens those occasion was not in connection with saudi arabia. I think that there was a substantial shadow government. Trying to run Foreign Affairs United States these events have been characterized by some pretty strong statements weve heard talk of a grave constitutional crisis and even been treated to talk about a coup in the white house not only does cheney sort of defend iran contra but he argues that iran contra is actually a model for how the u. S. Should be conducting its National Security policy he is a radical subscriber to this notion of the unitary executive effectively what youre doing is saying on certain parts of american policy we dont have a democracy we have a dictatorship. As a matter of fact i was. Very definitely involved in the decisions about support to the Freedom Fighters my idea to begin with. In my opinion there is no justification for further restrictions on the power and flexibility a future president. In the National Security lead today is mostly composed of people who hit the revolving door multiple times during their long nomination of richard b. Cheney to be secretary of the friends is a make a name for themselves in the private industry and then they come into the go. This revolving door keeps the National Security lead very small and very wealthy. And increasing its wealth as it goes up the chimney to the extent that then when you get to the top as cheney did then you can become a member of the plutocracy that runs the country to this is impressive crowd the haves and the have more. Money commissioned a study by halliburton to find out how much more of the Defense Department could be privatized proud to serve our troops in was he laid to get this 1000000. 00 contract and of course returned a verdict that oh mr secretary lots more of it can be privatized. Dick cheney leaves the Defense Department and goes and heads halliburton himself and he spends the entire 990 s. Building up the war empire well if were going to talk about star wars we might as well invite darth vader i. Am. Happy to accept. When he comes back into power as Vice President and then they start hiring halliburton to you know in advance even if u. S. Troops going into iraq. Snellen equipment was being deployed to the gulf its hard to look at this and not say these guys had a very Long Term Plan for how they were going to increase the powerful infrastructure of private companies. What weve essentially done is to create a network of corporations that have the firepower of small nation states that could you know overthrow some small governments around the world. In essence we in the United States have privatized the ultimate Public Function war. I want to get on the market right now even obamas of go to time with the like food. You know munitions as good as got the loan so by this new growth cut. You can treatment. In iraq that if this feels and i say ts were firing 6000000 dollars within seconds coming back we are me in going up again. Theres no oath and harm because theres always a small cobble of people for a war really really Good Business. It doesnt matter that were losing the war in afghanistan albertan could care less its good for them good for profit. Oh you should know then. I thought that you have no knowledge of the. Bad luck i was hopeful about oh you were good enough if it were your last year alone. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by the curse of those words. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. Join me every thursday on the all excitement show and ill be speaking to get a little the politics sports business im show business ill see that. One almost show small seemed wrong all right old quotes just dont call. Me old yet to shape out this day comes to educate and in gains from it equals betrayal all. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president and 3 more somehow want to be rich. But youd like to be prosperous like the 43 of them all cant be good but. Im interested always in the waters of our. First sydney. I believe. She believed i was using. The thunder. Relief for ringback. The. Bolivian president evo morales resigns following weeks of protests against the results of last months election which the opposition said was tainted by fraud. The fate of spains government remains on certain with nearly all the votes counted in its general election predicting continued deadlock. Henstridge 3 years ive had to say are you with the roberts it was unbelievable what we have been everything and in stories that shaped the week in a leaked video an anchor at a major us t. V. Network claims the station quashed her exclusive interview linking powerful people to convict m. P. To fall Geoffrey Epstein we spoke to the founder of the Investigative Group good to tame the footage the only conclusion i can draw is that

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