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By their telly on wednesday morning moscow life from the us he will do centered kevin 0 in here with a half hour updates and she company 1st leaked video appears to cast doubt on the impartiality of americas a. B. C. News in it a Network Anchor claims the channel quashed her explosive interview with the accuser of disgraced tycoon Geoffrey Epstein back in 2015 allegedly detailing the convicted paedophiles predatory behavior this is part of that video obtained by Transparency Group project veritas. With everything. I have i tried for 3 years to get on to no avail and now its all coming out and thinking well of revelations that i presume. I was so pissed right now that now this came to us from an insider within the network an insider who currently works at a. B. C. News leaked us this tape and that person is still on the inside so that we expect more to come here its quite telling that this insider leaked this tape to project their its us and not the Washington Post the New York Times c. B. S. Or c. N. N. Because they seem to want to protect the people that were working with Jeffrey Epstein again amy robach saying that epstein was blackmailing people theres a lot of powerful people on those airplanes that amy is 100 percent certain that he did not commit suicide i dont know why she wont say that publicly but there she is in the leaked tape on the set of the program saying these things when nobody is looking quick reminder of some background the story the 66 year old multimillionaire was convicted of soliciting prostitution from a minor in 2008 and then registered as a sex offender back in july the she was arrested again he was about to face trial of the alleged creation of a sex Trafficking Network he repeatedly denied those charges months later epstein was found dead in his cell in an apparent suicide so scott taylor reports. Live t. V. One o one check your mike then check it again project fire tass has published bombshell assessed footage of an 8. Venting her fury at how explosive Jeffrey Epstein story being shelved by the channel recorded in late august shortly after the disgraced billionaire was found dead in his new york jail cell anyway boxset over 3 years ago she had exclusive material relating to epsteins paedophile ring material which had direct testimony from one of the victims photos as well as other evidence of his to u. B. S. Dealings which implicated high profile thing. Like bill clinton Prince Andrew she told me everything she did it sure did everything she was fighting for 12 years making history come out we can get her to talk to us it was unbelievable what we have cleared with everything that the palace found out that we have her whole allegations are false andrew and threatened us a 1000000 different ways robot claims the story was stopped from going to 2015 because according to the people as no one knew who was funny that because just a few years before theyve been happily sipping champagne at his manhattan townhouse you see back in 20 media heavyweights gathered out to dinner and on of the u. K. s Prince Andrew a dinner which was arranged on hosted by you guessed it south and among those who wouldnt know who epstein was what both a. B. C. And c. B. S. Phosphor 2015 managed to entice Virginia Roberts to frey one of the victims out of hiding produces for you her and her family out to the a. B. C. H. Q. In new york and hosted them and one of the big apples most Luxurious Hotels what they got was the scoop of a lifetime to free through wind opened the door in the muck to world of epstein and his entourage as they flew around the wall down his private jet dubbed the express had a story of 3 years ive had to sit with for 20 robbers we know that im here 1st i was told who is jeffrey i see no one knows who it is this is a stupid story this is the kind of story that makes koreas and gets people talking which is exactly why it was in some peoples interests to bury it i viewed b. B. C. Interview as a potential game changer appearing on a. B. C. With its wide viewership would have been the 1st time for me to speak out against the government for basically looking the other way and to describe the anger and betrayal victims filter. I was defeated once again by the very people i spoke out against and once again my voice was silenced i could not believe that for a minute bill network like a. B. C. Had backed down and given in and for all those who are going to cry conspiracy one of the even came forward and confirmed he put pressure on the network to kill the story i simply provided a. B. C. With incontrovertibly evidence proving that jeffrey had a long history of lying about tipper and al gore her age and other matters and that her credibility could not be counted on and while this exposition was seen more salacious than other reports on that side it wasnt the fust time his morals have been called into question stories piecing together a tangled web involving bill clinton and Prince Andrew had sophos before images of the finance his little black book with hundreds of victims names and mugged alongside testimony from a 14 year old go claiming to have had sexual relations with the billionaire manhattanites gossipped about how new york city it was being ferried around on his private plane to his private island along with the coterie of very young women but all those revelations just like roebucks were put back in the troll at the time not all are reporting that are standards to air but we have never stopped investigating this story ever since weve had a team on this investigation and substantial resources dedicated to it that work has led to a 2 hour documentary and 6 part podcast that will air in the new year youd be forgiven if that rings a bell because a. B. C. Is responsive uncannily similar to n. B. C. s comment about its coverage or block of of media mogul Harvey Weinstein knee and b. C. Killed the story because they said you did not have enough facts that didnt reach their level of journalism yes we had multiple named women in. After the story we had audio of Harvey Weinstein admitting to a crime but more pertinently they ordered us to stop and it seems a. B. C. Was not the only one to fall into the trap of enabling epstein to evade true media scrutiny but its vanity fair and the New York Times had several allegations of his inappropriate sexual behavior but chose to stick to say 1st stories on things like the origins of his wealth and was startlingly careful to avoid reporting some of the more suspicious details surrounding his death are a lot of men in those planes a lot of men visited that island a lot of powerful man who came into our hands in 2 i think he was killed 100 percent yes and it may be a. B. C. Was right no one knew who epstein was or maybe it didnt want to get on the wrong side of some very powerful people people who if you believe the rumors might just now have blood on their hands well the question maybe roebucks explain yourself saying the comments were made in a private moment of frustration of frustration with the founder of project for it says james okeefe told us the news doesnt hesitate when it comes to allegations for instance against president trumpet. When it comes to every other accused person whether it be kavanagh for the most recent allegations made make made against trump a. B. C. News tonight it is not a problem airing those allegations and im not clear about what is in the tapes here that were not seeing but the only conclusion i can draw is that a lot of these Network Executives are very close to the people they were hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein per amy amy roebuck. Iraq is holding talks on constitutional amendments amid ongoing violent unrest in the country 260. 00 people being killed this is antigovernment demonstrations started to months ago protest is the money a Major Overhaul of the political system that was established after the u. S. Led invasion back in 2003 holcombs as the story. Iraq is no stranger to turmoil the countrys seen little piece and even less the billet since the us led invasion of 2003 mass protests and violence of regulating gulf the state of these though are the worst since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein 16 years ago. Hundreds killed dozens in just one week by live ammunition many thousands injured amid a heavy crackdown by Security Forces other governments to provide special forces imposed curfews and an internet blackout across the whole country but thats just angered crowds even more roads and bridges have been blocked by demonstrators who have also tried to take over buildings both in the capital baghdad and across other cities why is this happening to some these protests address years of grievances corruption unemployment poor Public Service is there a source of anger across many countries but in iraq things should be different iraq should be thriving the countrys oil revenue has exceeded 850000000000 in the post saddam years with production nearly doubling despite the internal strife with iraq estimated to hold almost 10 percent of the globes proven reserves its prospects should be growing a report by the International Energy agency predicts revenue to hit nearly 5 trillion dollars in just over 15 years time and optimistic estimates set back by years of conflict but you get the picture just months ago any joy in sex on a b. P. Were fighting for the right to build a pipeline in the country with tens of billy. Of dollars at stake and yet reality for most of the rockies is bleak last year iraq was ranked 1681858 corruption index but for people surviving on a day to day basis thats one of the smallest concerns the World Food Program reveals more than half of iraqis are at risk of Food Insecurity with unicef figures last year showing one in 4 children living in poverty so what happened former u. S. Defense secretary robert gates stated on a visit to baghdad that a new era was just around the corner more than ever i believe the goal of a secure and stable and democratic iraq is within reach almost 12 years on things couldnt be further from the truth to make sense of post intervention iraq and where exactly the grievances of lawyer lets speak to nicholas j. Davis author of blood on our hands the American Invasion and destruction of iraq mr davis thanks so much for joining us today good to have you with us now these protests theyve been going on since mid october they show no sign of slowing down indeed theres been a government crackdown condemned by Many Organizations where do these grievances that law i that are spinning out with such violence all over the country the people of iraq you know i still you know have really been ignored and all this there is still suffering from the absolute destruction and economic devastation of iraq by the u. S. Invasion and occupation by statistics iraq having 10 percent nearly 10 percent of the worlds oil reserves this should be a wealthy state yet were seeing something quite different here how much of this is about that inequality about that the wealth which is not trickling down which is being lost going down the drain to a corrupt system there were large state owned companies that that was the very basis of the iraqi. To me and they supported this you know mixed mixed economy beyond that that was all completely destroyed unemployment under the u. S. Occupation at one point breached at least 60 percent essential leave the sort of. You know pyramid of power and you know occupied and post occupation iraq where you know this tiny group of u. S. And iranian backed exiles as you know with u. S. And iranian support created a monopoly on power that the vast majority of the disenfranchised alienated people of iraq have never supported the u. S. Who really has completely discredited itself from start to finish it has done nothing that has helped the people of iraq at all you know either before or after the invasion. From moscow the celtics are still very good morning i hope hes going ok so far ahead more twists and turns in the trunk impeachment saga with a key witness now but tracking on his words and newly released emails exposing even more intrigue you got it after the break. When i was still seem wrong. Why dont we just dont. Let me. Get to sleep out this day become active. And engaged with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart when shes to look for common ground. The good news if you like and use the term deep state you are no longer deemed a conspiracy theorist the bad news is very real and powerful and a danger to the democratic process the deep state as the 4th branch of government as it. Was introduced in a changed global geopolitics forever and you cant on an event. Big coyness change now the whole notion of what money is and you cannot uninvented theres no turning back. Again a key witness in president terms impeachment inquiries backtracked on his previous statements the u. S. Ambassador to the e. U. Is now acknowledged that Financial Aid would likely be withheld until ukraine agrees to a certain quid pro quo. Also i now do recall a conversation on september 1st 29000. 00 and warsaw with you mr year mack this brief conversation followed a larger meeting involving Vice President pence and president selenski in which president selenski had raised the issue of suspension of u. S. Aid to ukraine directly with Vice President pence after that large meeting i now recall speaking individually with mr year mack rest said that resumption of u. S. Aid would likely not occur until ukraine provided the public anticorruption statement that we have been discussing for many weeks the u. S. Democrats allege donald trump tried to force ukraines president to start a corruption investigation into boris my holdings in creating a gas company where the son of democratic president ial candidate joe biden held the top position but former cia officer remedy governor thinks the democrats have made a massive miscalculation here in trying to impeach trump this way. Its a big mistake this is all a political game here in washington its a big mistake for the democrats to circumscribe their their inquiry their pietschmann a tory to the ukraine problem what effect is that out well joe biden is out of the running as far as im concerned theres so much dirt on joe biden i just wonder what more dirt president truck was trying to dig out so as the stage become revealed its going to be also revealed that the people talking to the democrats here have been in touch with these other people like the whistleblower socalled and they interrogated been working for the deep state brennan and others and so you know the things going to hold court they should be sure of right quick but not on these flimsy charges of quid pro quo. Meantime newly released emails reveal how the Ukrainian Gas Company used bidens connections to get out of a corruption probe most of the time his father was u. S. Vice president kind of maupins reporting on. Brisk Small Holdings thats the natural gas farm in ukraine that Vice President joe bidens son hunter biden worked for and its now at the center of a scandal or i guess it isnt mainstream us media insists that any claims of wrongdoing are simply a Conspiracy Theory that donald trump made up is fair see if there is a Conspiracy Theory that biden Conspiracy Theory Vice President might paint has just repeated his bosses debunked conspiracy abidin Conspiracy Theory the conspiracy theories continue while documents that have newly been released under the freedom of information act reveal that the u. S. Government was already looking into potentially shady activities from the company in 2016 furthermore the documents reveal that barista Holdings Even dropped the name of hunter by hoping to win a few brownie points from the Obama Administration but attorney Karen Tremont tonneau requested a meeting to discuss with undersecretary novelli the state departments official overseeing International Energy u. S. Government remarks alleging bruce ma the Ukrainian Energy company of corruption she noted that 2 high profile u. S. Citizens are affiliated with the Company Including hunter biden as a board member another board member mentioned his meeting with u. S. Secretary of state john kerry and the icing on the cake a month goes by and the prosecutor investigating barista Holdings Gets fired and weve got the Vice President joe biden the father of hunter biden on tape bragging that he made it happen i said you know i get the 1000000000 im going to leave in a year i think it was about 6 hours i look at them even 6 hours and the prosecutor is not fired youre not getting the money well son of a. Fighter now joe biden insists the only way. One of the prosecutor go on because he was known to be corrupt and that has nothing to do with his sons employers my insistence. That a prosecutor who is viewed as corrupt be replaced was the official position of the praise of the United States the United States government supported by republican senators who sent a letter sent a letter. In 2016 calling for the move show could because of corruption although the fired prosecutor claims otherwise biden was acting not like a u. S. Vice president but as an individual like the individual interested in having me removed having me gone so that i did not interfere in the barisan investigation now mainstream us media glosses over it and says its all just a big Conspiracy Theory well look over these facts for yourself and determine if you really believe everything here is just a ok. R. T. New york. French military forces in mali say theyve killed the leader of an Islamic Extremist Group in west africa country it comes after a militant attack which killed 53 soldiers last week malis president recently warned that the very existence of his country now is at risk because of a rise in violence by terror groups france has stressed its commitment to fighting the spread of his mr extremism in africas vast so hell region. Nothing will be where is the antipodes attestation trying to my laundry in our garden at a time when says your magic events are happening all so we must be able to continue but for that there are conditions there are conditions for success even the 7 years of bloodshed and violence isnt just continuing in mali some say its worsening in recent weeks attacks have been increasing with islamic states claiming responsibility. For. Another casualty of the mounting violence is france french troops have been stationed in mali a former colony 3 years loose. From now on will account for 50 percent of our budget for International Security and cooperation because this is where the security of the african continent and more generally security of a good part of our planet europe included is being threatened the salt has been leading the charge off the mali was split in 2 in 2012 by islamists who declared surely a law in the north of the country it deployed troops to the region in 2013 but despite initial promise jihad ists have regrouped and theyve spread violence has spilled over into neighboring countries but kenya faster and nisha now despite repeated commitments from president mccone to shore up the fragile region hes just not been able to stabilize the. Government and the number of attacks has a doubled since 2016 despite that france is intent on staying in this as the violence spreads across mali the failure of the french and un troops to keep a lid on it is touring other tensions mali and military families have complained that the army is not being given sufficient resources to fight the insurgency thats said to protest not just to denounce terrorism but also the presence of foreign troops patients for military progress is wearing thin some groups are calling for change tack advocating opening up dialogue with the chartists that something fronts is previously ruled out so to have mollies top officials but with the current impasse a new solution is needed or the death toll is likely to only. R. T. Paris. Africa. Believes a french presence in the region could become counterproductive in the. Comes a time when people say that they those that have come from the outside and that people should only europeans and the french specifically so the times when people say they overstayed their welcome theres a time when theyve crossed a line and feel that the local support that they once were receiving might be declining i think were coming close to that point because at some point in time were coming close to 7 years that theyve been there and will be so close to 10 years if not law and thats what some point the money government has got to realize that theyre not making the relevant gains that they once were and more so. If things become counterproductive over time the settlers always been a difficult one again we are seeing for the 1st time if not in many most recent times where i asked and al qaeda seem to be working together and weve seen them accept your operating on the same temperature mallees clearly one of those trees so it can be very difficult to dislodge them and its going to be very difficult for the cells become free of terrorism and free of jihadist. Well so far this wednesday when i was kevin i would keep up to date with everything were talking about today at all to coleman on social media if you go to any breaking news of a straight to mobile device here in moscow for the team thanks for watching and have a great day and by the way stand by for watching the hoax coming up very shortly. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by the curse of those. Small dares thinks. We dare to ask. You mentioned again 635 if you have a career and career involves using your i phone in your computer and things like that in an office and perhaps you sort of Getting Senate circular t. V. You could have to stop doing all this i mean this is tell you lou the minutes must be from my world became smaller and smaller and smaller until i ended up winning it and the box. Around it a very strong Magnetic Field held in my head. Think of it like a real heart pressure my skin burns and that Wireless Access Point there just continues all day with our students in the schools. We are just continually bathing our citizens in this microwave radiation it is certainly electro small and its getting worse. Time after time called parisian to repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay sober man at a more equitable and sustainable well. They claim that production is completely harmless. It. Companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is a this must be done even if. You listen we didnt. Understand it looks so good. Greetings and salutations redemption or atoning for ones mistakes is one of the most important parts of the Human Experience the opportunity to not only apologize to those you hurt or offended but to redeem yourself in your own eyes however in todays world of what many are calling cancel culture redemption is not part of the narrative partly because so many who have been called out for whats deemed bad behavior dont feel theyve done anything worthy of apology or change as a call grow the wall street journal opinion piece this week cancel culture doesnt understand redemption there is no hope for the cancelled but to avoid further cancellation which requires capitulation to the cancelling furys and the hopelessness of the cancelled is on full display this week as the story of carson king on the record. Who covered a story in september of this year in iowa man carson king went viral it was seen on e. S. P. N. s College Game Day holding a sign asking for donations to a local Childrens Hospital thats when local Des Moines Register reporter erin cowles in went about writing a good piece on king calvin at the behest of his editor did a background check of course and then found off color racist tweets from when king was 16 years old but before the story even came out carson king held a press conference about the tweets and to apologize the p. C. Mob then went after the only person left to blame and his piece for the columbia journalism review titled twitter hates maine the Des Moines Register fired me heres what really happened aaron calvin stated i was made into a villain and a fool a man who tried to cancel carson king and in so doing god

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