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Steal my freedom. Hello and welcome you watching the weekly here on r. T. International from you all the latest world news along with the stories the shape the week. Donald trumps announcement of the death of isolated Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi just over a week ago shook the world the terror group has since confirms that claim morning america not to be happy or arrogance about his u. S. President s that the terrorists detonated a suicide vest during a u. S. Raid in syria killing himself and his children one who has caused so much hardship and death. Has violently been eliminated he died like a dog he died like a coward a strain video purports to show the aftermath of the us operation the compound is located in italy a province the north triple held foothold in syria our Senior Correspondent miles getting word looks into the similarities of the u. S. Raid against baghdadi and president obamas bin laden operation on asleep at this point its turning into whack a mole whack a terrorist its like an initiation now for american president s to kill the biggest the baddest guy you cad and take a really cool photo. The United States brought the worlds number one terrorist leader to justice abou a car ill bet daddy is dead. But the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama Bin Laden the leader of al qaeda. And a terrorist whos responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men women and children deja vu doesnt do this just this big bad bin laden hiding out in pakistan a friendly nation that washington liberally sprinkles with billions in aid big bad baghdadi i doing out in the evening a bastion of u. S. Supported rebels which up until 2017 washington liberally supplied with guns ammunition and missiles it is the last a major rebel stronghold in the north of syria the last rebel stronghold of in that one of the last remaining areas in western syria that the government does not control booth tera honchos were given the same burial ceremony with the same rights baguette his remains were buried at sea the in accordance with the law of Armed Conflict within 24 hours of his death some of it lodges corpse was taken by the troops to the Aircraft Carrier the u. S. S. Carl vinson the he was buried at sea according to muslim tradition of cool 7 things classified new pictures new proof that it was the men they claim to have killed just there would also hero dogs the dog that helped sniff out bin laden and the pooch who is in the raid in baghdad what are the chances are all well and good the great click bait for the tabloids but the timing in both cases a year before elections to kill the biggest the baddest 0 guy you can add is going to get voters and you aside right the feet of al qaida defeated isis problem is of course they didnt 8 years since bin ladens death we find al qaida alive and kicking with their own mini caliphate didnt even live where they were hosting the. Leader of isis is a province which is the largest al qaeda safe haven since 911. 00 killing bin laden didnt stop al qaida they are googly grew since then now a week after trump off the Baghdadi Isis has already proclaimed the newquay live but hey at least both a bomb and trump got absolutely bad ass pictures to 30 commanders in chief my colleague discuss whats next in the fight against terror with r. T. America correspondent no boy shot manage assuming he is dead how significant a development is that what extent will i still be weakened well theyve lost the territory long ago i mean what were dealing with for all intents and purposes are small bands of. Leftover bands of fighters their power their true power was was broken long ago with the end of the if its confirmed and thats a big if always because hes been dead what 5 times by now is would be a Significant Development in so far as he declared himself the colleague and this manner of his death has been. There only the legitimizing to that particular role somebody who claims to have the mandate of heaven such as it is and you know ending in such a fashion which i think was the purpose of president trumps comments the way he phrased it thered be a lot of anger directed double trouble over his. What was called his betrayal of the kurds and that wasnt very long ago high potentially beneficial might this be in the other aspect for him taking out such a high profile target well your vast majority of americans would react to this with pride and joy ok baghdadi. Isis is done for fantastic the media absolutely hated because this ruins their entire narrative about being a bumbling politician whos whos messing up the syria policy whos just needs to be impeached right away thats the narrative theyve been trying to sell the American People for the past 3 years it was a terrible day for them and a really good day for trump from the standpoint of interamerican optics for the for the population of the country at large because it helped obama didnt win the debate allowed in photo that went everywhere and now theyre saying that you have a sim very much the same situation analogous situation and yet the treatment is completely different. It was supposed to be a treat for many in britain on thursday is the u. K. Was due to leave the European Union on october 31st when however thanks to parliamentary tricks Boris Johnson was forced to ask for another extension to the braggs it deadline with the potential of a no departure now removed the opposition parties have finally agreed to a snap general election next month fans at the thought. What has hit its hollow we brags it deadline i mean case you havent noticed the u. K. Hasnt left the European Union and in case you havent noticed the u. K. Hasnt left the European Union again theyve called a general election instead its fair to say that for many here in britain brags it is now a joke ever since the country voted to leave the e. U. Back in 2016 the u. K. s Internet Users have been trying to console themselves through the 5 stages of grief denial when the braggs it was all was fast announced even the queen was confused the british people have to leave the European Union great she said. And then there was the time that everyone realised that adele song was about bread as it. And brags it werry journalists started talking about the most important meal of the day instead she will say that bricks it means breakfast bricks it until it breaks breakfast and you keep the. Breakfast we will make breakfast breakfast a success. After denial there was anger best summed up by john bercow trying to keep a lid on parliamentary proceedings. She told her you know what im doing all day. Oh do 6 6. I want it was time to officially trigger article 50 thats that letter telling brussels that the u. K. Really does want not divorce well the analogy is well priceless. Then there was bargaining when to resume a made trip off the trip to brussels trying to get herself a brags it deal off to advance the only set of braggs it in joost depression that was when brits started coming up with drinking games just to make things a little more exciting what we need is a bricks and drinking guy it would be so much more interesting if the whole country lined up some shots and took one every time certain words were mentioned the government is still searching for the censorship. Come on us like youve been drinking going to see a little bit go on. To reason raised governments vision of a successful brags it had become this magical unattainable unicorn politics basically parents who promise their daughter a unicorn to reason like is presenting them a horse with an oist cream cone gluten which while over in brussels the u. K. s even ability to get a briggs it deal through parliament turned into existential angst that has a special place in hell for those promoting braggs it without a plan said donald tusk and the guest list is still being finalized according to. Those still empty and. That means the locals face. One man we can bet may think will make an apparent is britains new Prime Minister Boris Johnson. With another extension agreed with a. General election on the way the u. K. Gets to stay in greggs it limbo for another few months in fact pug. Tree has become the norm for those of us living in these green and pleasant pastures which brings us to the final stage of grief and that is except. The american journalist claims the u. S. Is trying to steal his freedom and silence him after his recent arrest concerning alleged attack on a woman during protests of the Venezuelan Embassy in washington in may fall has told r. T. He believes its linked to his reporting in which hes critical of u. S. Support for political change in venezuela. Why 5 months after the incident alleged in the Court Documents and this false charge did i have a team of Police Officers show up and demand entry to my house and take me to prison for 2 days without access to a lawyer i was told by someone who has very good inside knowledge of this case that a judge already rejected the warrant and i for the last 5 months have been able to walk free i have traveled in and out of the country if there had been a warrant at any point i would have already been arrested furthermore. Why didnt they notify me that there was a warrant so i could turn myself in and show up at my own arraignment because i have nothing to fear im completely innocent im not a flight risk why didnt they do that its an attempt to persecute me for the journalism that weve done at the gray zone because of the gray zone we have been at the forefront of exposing the u. S. Against venezuela of exposing one team for the covert and overt u. S. Support theyve received and for the massive corruption and now theyre trying to steal my freedom. Police say the woman in question identified the journalist from a photo she says supports the evidence weighed in opposition mixed in with it was reporting from outside the Venezuelan Embassy where the woman claims she was badly beaten. They kicked me pushed me to the 2 of them then they tried to take a passage so i started to how do. I need this in a u. S. Backed opposition leaders in venezuela tried in vain to oust elected president Nicolas Maduro and in washington the supporters of the opposition attempted to install themselves in the countrys embassy during the tussle for control with progovernment activists the alleged assault took place thats being moved there was a time. Told us more about the political prosecution claimed. They decided to arrest him right after the gray zone had republic a story that showed that. And his team were receiving funding from usa id now are those 2 things related it certainly would seem like this is some form of retaliation if you sit in a court for arraignment youll see 3040 people come up and their cases if its a simple assault allegedly. Will be whats called in the paper the prosecution wont bring a case here we have a dynamic where one individual was arrested in may and now 6 months later. They are now bringing a case against Max Blumenthal on the same matter where i do believe that there are political motives i mean how else does one explain a case that you know is brought 6 months after the fact. You know what was going on in those 6 months prior why did they not bring the case then because theres not evidence this man didnt do this so here we have a journalist on this topic and others who have been critically reporting inconvenient facts about powerful people you know both in the u. S. Government and u. S. Interests and you know its reported critically on those which is a journalist is supposed to do and now hes being retaliated against and now you know this is his punishment for speaking out that is what this looks like. Well we have contacted the Prosecutors Office in washington but its not got back to us with a comment as of yet. Now still to come another nation facing this huge protest movements we take a look at how things are unfolding in iraq this short break stay with. We were told there was no such thing as the deep state now were told to adore it also arms control is dying we should all be worried and concerned and why some in the power. Welcome back by huge antigovernment protests are continuing to buffet iraq as calls corey for a radical overhaul of the countrys sectarian political system in the capital baghdad demonstrators have been blocking major roads and burning tires forcing government offices and businesses to close major rallies have also been taking place in the countrys predominantly shiite south with protesters disrupting transport networks and battles or iraqs government is accused of failing to tackle and demick corruption and it being unable to meet its citizens basic needs having to the younger it is also lost a violent crackdown on demonstrators killing over 250. 00 since the uprising began. To meet the love all of the University Students in baghdad taking part in this protest its for our country most of the people here are the patriarch to. These protests are sending a message if our demands are not matched we will hold even bigger demonstrations. And let the people decide for themselves but the people for the government at least. People are protesting and so the government should resign everyone is taking to the streets students young people the elderly when everyone is in the streets. Related Affairs Experts all the rest told us more about the grievances driving the protest. The fact is that you do have the worst d. Corruption in iraq this is something which iraq these iraqi citizens have complained of that time and again you have to remember that theres a lot of. Resources iraq iraq is a very rich country you know. Somebody iraq should be a prosperous nation if you take will new start is in mind do you know its economic strengths your ability its as i said were used to restructure the worst place where many shop programs dont visit so youre a does indeed suffer from this problem. Was Donald Trumps former National Security adviser pushed into pleading guilty to lying to the f. B. I. In 2017 u. S. Federal prosecutors have refuted those claims that Michael Flynns new legal team claim evidence against him had been manipulated flynn had admitted misrepresenting conversations he had with russias u. S. Ambassador at the time and was prosecuted as part of the investigation into supposedly russian meddling. Michael flynn lied to the f. B. I. Flynn is a proven liar a fact this liar Michael Flynn is a liar lied to the f. B. I. Was a lawyer general flynn casualty number one of the russia gate saga is calling out the f. B. I. He claims they changed the wording of his responses to their questioning and did so to arrest him we also have information that the agents did manipulate the 3 o 2 you know it was long in a quote deliberative state as they called it which is highly unusual in an homage self we have taxes exhibit 11 to our document comparison of the february 10th and february 11th 3 o 2 that show the addition of substantial additional claims that were not in there before and are not supported by the notes. The f. B. I. Uses 30 tuesday keep an official record of their interviews in flynns case the form was used by the f. B. I. To claim he lied but did he really its not so clear anymore flynns defense team just released a Court Documents suggesting something very different happened that the f. B. I. Actually significantly changed the meaning of what he actually said. The f. B. I. Wanted to know if len had ever discussed sanctions with the Russian Ambassador he said he wasnt sure he had spoken to many im basters and didnt really keep a tally although the record showed he said this. Flynn stated he did not the narrative of flynn the liar was born but that wasnt the only problem with the interview some of which were there from the get go. The f. B. I. Wanted to send agents into the white house itself to interview senior official you would work through the white House Counsel and the discussions and approvals and it would be there and i thought its early enough to send a couple guys over so who did call me send on over agent peter strock who was fired for sending messages to his f. B. I. Girlfriend funny enough its those messages that shed some light on how flynns 3 o 2 was apparently tampered with a major edits and sent them to joe i also emailed you the day 230 to all of this was proven to be a lie it was a set up and there is an investigation that is going on by attorney use the f. B. I. For political purposes in order to manipulate or to target certain people like Michael Flynn by using the countries like russia and others as scapegoats as enemies of the people as is those not to be trusted all of this was set up in order to harm political opponents and these notes that were typed up later were altered in edited even so much so that the written word in it was altered later it would be as if somebody say you are either normal person was questioned by Police Officers about a robbery and you say i did not commit this robbery but instead the officer writes down they committed the robbery and then you have to go before a judge and argue that your statements werent lies within the notes of the officer thats what this case is talking about thats why this is so important. Firefighters in california with can to contain the wont find that have been ravaging large parts of the u. S. State including its agricultural areas in the south the latest to break out the move reify housing go through over 9000 acres of land in the city of santa paula. Well thirtys are investigating whether a technical fault to the local Energy Provider may be to blame the company is one of the biggest power firms in the state its been implementing blackouts to try and stop the fines from spreading leaving millions of people without electricity and this is the 1st time the company has hit the headlines this kind of move for example. Major life threatening fires have become a normal situation in california the latest caused thousands of people to flee their homes many are pointing to Global Warming as a potential root cause of the fires however they could be ignoring a much closer to home factor negligence p. G. And e. Which is a Utility Company that provides electricity throughout the state has admitted that one of their transmission towers malfunctioned near the site where the kinkaid fire began in Sonoma County p. G. Any maintains that it is not necessarily their towers malfunction that caused the fire and investigators are currently getting to the bottom of that but while were here lets review p. G. And e. s record. P. G. And e. Actually filed for bankruptcy this year after it was forced to pay 11000000000. 00 in damages however the corporation remains one of the biggest state utilities in california despite being linked to so many unnatural disasters furthermore california is now plagued with blackouts the public is not thrilled about that we had several days that we couldnt work that we couldnt access the building only special access because as i said canceled a lot of people that have access to facilities a lot of the buildings are close like m. L. K. Where people go and study post up our business was was drastically affected there were 3 days in a row few weeks ago and then also this last monday i think should be held accountable because they are the only Power Company in this whole area so they are responsible for that and these company is very ineffective in what it does and it keeps. Basically making mistakes after mistake causing fires yourself preventing them and just. Basically affecting peoples life if theyre not doing what they say theyre supposed to be doing then i feel like theyre liable for it outrage is coming from the state governor there are people potentially up to 300000 customers that may continue to see them lights out which means rufio 4 week with that might sound which is simply an acceptable amount goes with the issue greed mismanagement and decades of utility that didnt focus on you on Public Safety but focused on shareholders but he also received 8208400 dollars contribution from the company at a time when theyre already facing a felony investigation thats news thats going to pour more fuel onto an already raging california hey look mop and r. T. New york. Confusing Us International were back at the top of the hour with the latest. Imagine being 635 and you have a career and a career involves using your eyes filled in your computer and things like that in an office. Perhaps you sort of killings and its circular. You could have to stop doing all this in this kind of you lose them its must be for. My world became smaller and smaller and smaller until i ended up running it in a box. Or out at a very strong Magnetic Field held in my head. Think of it like a real hard pressure my skin burns and that Wireless Access Point there just continues all day with our students in the schools. We are just continually are citizens in this microwave radiation it is certainly electoral small and its getting worse. But its geysers financial survival in this case a major development. Only applies to these it is a central plank support dying of elements of the problem right now so you stop the bad. Join me everything on the all excitement and ill be speaking to get us to the world of politics. Im sure. Ill see that. There is one organized force which traditionally plenty of flaws but with all its flaws its been in the forefront of the. Efforts to improve the lives of the general population thats organized labor so as a barrier to corporate tyranny so as the one barrier to this vicious cycle going on which does lead to corporate tyranny. Or a major reason for the concentrated on us fanatic attack on unions our guys labor as they are democratizing force. To provide a barrier that defends their workers rights but also popular rights generally

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