Building in a lot just us just not charge him out of the sort of great job out of the building in a lot this case just us just fucking him its quite a. While give easy while sinusitis limits play out a. While give easy while sinusitis theres a new d. V. D. s a is. A new d. V. D. s a is. My my. My my. Sell the spills. Sell the spills. We use. This if you do truths of cheating or that. We use. This if you do truths of cheating or the. Leisure clock to work but will need. Leisure clock to work but will need to fill the losing dish that she does that but after we eat served over the losing dish that she does that but after we eat. In machine. If ever anybody in michigan. If they ever need the require that they work with just that they must either Family Living deity that they require that they work with just that they must either Family Living steve that will listen to what im wearing my living in them they. Will listen to what on my mind in the them they they see me babysit celia desirable and neatly get some business to see me babysit celia desirable and neatly get some business to miley it is really luckily will be selfdenying miley any child really luckily will be self 9 year old is a surprise there. Is a surprise here. And miley get preamble all water well then each year she has yet to show then should those really get beyond what all daughter was any sure she have yet to show they should those around out there is no black i usually do when your beloved. Black i usually do when your beloved. Be amazon get ready. Because yours be amazon get ready. Because your so you can eat night. But only if you can eat night he. Might only. Be sure even. If he should even if he were going to. Meet you should he be. Going to. Meet you should use it during the bush throw for. Those with a gift. That during the bush throw for. The both of. You shes a bore. What was a spring in the water see where you are but. What was this spring in the water see where you are at the bunny. In the post about your was more than i see a little. Boy in the post about you was more than. 0. But is aware you knew. 0. Is a bit odd to me of course. But i know looks. As a bit actually of course. But im in the. Police. Car. A year after their sleazy basically. A year after their sleazy basically the earth is full. But the earth is full. But only show. Him the live. Show. Him the lead story time or simply t. Believe. In me im awesome bt believe. Me while nothing i didnt matter still. Required nothing new delia why didnt mr steele. Seal slew of the a 1000000000 mini said misty moon is nick thought to be near seal slowly a 1000000000 minisub misty memories need to be in year 5 feet down which is still very much in neil we. Move my feet down which is still very much in neil we. Near keep the time to time in the lead to the tick on my link you will get near keep the time to time in the lead to the tick on my link you will get them but i still dont. Eat them but i think. It leaks as we interact or i just am a chimney butcher for an equal. Weight. But im a chimney butcher for an equal cooking oil im sure looked at them. Yet they took up going with them im sure looked at them. Yet they took up going with them to get them to me to make you skip them with so. Many a man which gives them to me to make you skip them lisa back with me and my. 4th way uni of my. 4th way uni of my thought was that shit for. That and that are what. Is that shit for. That and that are what black chick worth being the azure that it probably just that unfair move with the core theft being the attitude that the asset there is probably just that unfair move to cut with them but in india ignore what in there that them to you when you would let him in the north in them that them to you when you would use your glass to move then you have to think what. Youre. Saying you are you know what. You are. Right steve soon way in the. Right steve soon way in the. Book i do a 3rd of all think you see thoughts you get there. By the author faulting keep their thoughts you can there. Yes the nice thoughts. Yes the nice thoughts. Its the thought she. Thought she. Was to look through the guts of the school or you just. The story look through the guts of the school or your solo skills resume a solution so the doctor could be something has gotten lost because the solution so the doctor could do something is. Just you either using the small board to manage the work. This will all work you either using the small board to manage schoolwork. So i go on to bushs war push schools and the office was of course they were all sort of god bush war kid pushed schools and the office was of course they were just going west must follow but also to get on the vision of bush and yes us in ways you could push coalesce the dollar but also to get on the vision of bush and yes us in ways you could put in both of them in your wish you had almost 3 months is the most not to get the 1000000 civilians older or been see it doesnt mean youre wishing for almost 3 months is the most not together when civilians old or been see the script or problem the evil or periods of years normally these uselessly would be the scraper problem the evil or periods of years normally these uselessly would also be of mostly opinion song but it would be awful if youre doing the global mostly opinion song but it would be awful it should do on the global push we had b. S. Were almost in the choice of a major bullishness they discovered was a little bit youre not a free m. P. s when youre almost in the choice of a major bullishness so your score was a little bit your most theyre going to want to give up in the muslim world just because of that reason yes of course theyre going to want to give up in the muslim quarters given that reason yes of course for you or that you missed if you want to be in service days. Which was for you or that you missed if you want to be in service days. Which the shows that you see not only are. Almost youre supposed to do in their lives not only are. Almost youre supposed to do in durban you piece of thats a good word or. By the minute piece of thats a good word or purple which by the celestial skew cause of the storm it will likely you miss it c m you will miss them with some us feel secure because of the storm it will likely you miss it see him you will not miss them with food again it will launch a signature. Food again it will launch it is official. The fact. Of. The games than is that. The games than a night off. Fed off. For the sort of some more volatile market for the sort of some more volatile market delegate you are close theres your is wrong. Thats one of. Them develop it youll grow stares it is wrong thats one of. Them or theyre from there going never going to be its going to mount seir last night all but imagine amounts in there and over there from there going never going to be its going to not see you must have it all but imagine amounts in a neck and moment all of what i bought but there most are shut ins that bugs me but i can only call natural is what i want but their motives are short and he sent me their economic advice and i dont want to show that as an existence where most missed most before its even better than i want to show business in existence where most missed most before its even gone. Disposer put out the. Disposer put it out of. Bed. Bath and. Then you. Then you. More my mind. Then you dont want you dont want me oh yeah mutuals i knew my. My you know oh yeah mutuals i knew my. My you know. You gave. Your chain did all month of march oh yeah you gave. Your chain that is sneaky get those are they. Need money it oh yeah im only a sneaky good those are at the. Needy movie it oh yeah. Its not just the previous store is that which besides but i wouldnt hit those not at the previous store yesterday which besides but i would you was described to put out the thought before some noise show that solzhenitsyn a lot they score music and he was described to put out a thought before some of the solzhenitsyn a lot they score music a. Little dont use this moment someone just or somebody very. Close is this moment someone chased or something even if you know move on you more and more are always the only use for use. You know move on you more and more are always the only use for use of young with. Whats new more young. Whats new. Is just out in the piece and. Resolder slots is just out in the piece and. Resell the slot says give it not say yes is sort of just thought people. Could give it not say give easy a sort of just thought the ball. Was sort of. Small go along with a. Small fortune in the beginning deal with. The bill of about. Origin in the beginning the lord is or should be of my bill of about the. Same years as any mystery dead that. Same years any mystery dead that. Had to bless it as a request and i get you sure most of them will and the chela. Had to bless it as a request and i get you sure most of them will and the chela. Get to eat old bundy area. If you told bundy area. Than. What. They. Brought storming out for bad stash now you know what that silly media tortious might to do storming out for bad stash now you know what that silly media tortious might to do. Hed do more on a stall and not all of what that that so must. He do more on a stall and not all of what at that so must. Talk the tory and he gets pressure leave by a small. Talk at tory and he gets pressure leave by a noon i had done the molecular snappier not idealise to norway apps done often know i had done the molecular snappier not idealise to norway apps done or is that really the will of a night. What is that really the will of a night. What its about there are you more with. You and yes its a band there are you more with. A. Nice fish you have a life here if you when you have. A. Nice fish you have a life here if money every last move. On my yes youre free but id. My usual 3 but just some emu inch but that should mean its here in moore. But that should mean its here in what im buying your shit you read me. Live by your shit you read me. Live. Or you. Young. Or you. Young or you need one slide yet if that. Rash or genius that one slides your death out the. Crash of. Will but im a. Fool but i knew what corral you never had you now get and then you know which is my god you walk around never you never get in then you know whats in your mind when i get what will but not with the world with which in your mind when i get what bill but not with the world with which you attempt you. Will love or you attempt you. Or your. Story my mother does not let your baby and. Store mama does not let your baby and. Children of him in. Love lock up in that its a plea to him and. Love locked up in that its a plea. From the city. Im going to the thought of. Somebody else im going to the thought. Of you see you look look. Look. Or you will. Or you will. Learn. From. Your. Scrolls but. Scrolls. Nor. Nor. Get the new. The thumbs goes id said the shoes of the. More the bones goes id said that i nobody thought these down out now bob was a lot of these joint stock but nobody thought these down out yeah now bob was a lot of these joint stock that needed is the odd maly yellowing. Need is the odd maly yellowing. No no. No no no no no no. No. Oh. Oh. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. I. Cooked additional submersed if so i know what was and thats a. Cooked additional submersed if so i know what was in etc callender somebody says you just do its usual thing its not. A callender somebody says you can just do it youre looking at. Least. Some. Seem to be swinging with you to show pussy. Looked with a sharp yes swinging with you to show pussy. Look with the showing of the ship is going to win the church. He think it will shoot knowing that the ship is going to snooze last 2 in the church. He think it will shoot you know youre going to. Come up shipping you know youre going to. Come up shipping. You up and most of those who booked it to who the person you. Are knew most of those who booked it to who the person you are still. You know i dont know what the move through much sooner you know i dont know what the move. Was the latest. One. Was the latest news in the focus. Or reason right there isnt the focus. Or reason all right so you have put the move to some. Minister students who have put this was going to some. Ministers through some really stupid you know. The people who are printing the money. The people who are printing the money dont rely on taxes to get wealthy theyre not part of the real economy thats a does the same thing as a lie on taxes to get wealthy theyre not part of the real economy thats a does the same thing as saying that rulers of saudi arabia rely on the wages of the People Living in the saying that rulers of saudi arabia rely on the wages of the People Living in saudi arabia to get rich they they dont they just print more or pump more arabia to get rich they they dont they just print more harm. Pump more oil in the america the princes that run our economy just print more money while in the america the princes that run our economy just print more money they dont need the workers they dont need their taxes thats why they dont have wage growth they dont need the workers they dont need their taxes thats why they dont have wage growth thats why theres been that this aeration because theyre unneeded. Why theres been that this aeration because there are needed. To day. To day there are good dentists and bad at it its the bad news in yemen there are good dentists and bad at it its the bad terrorists and those in yemen who the United States deems to be a threat the good it is those who are in syria who the United States deems to be a threat the good it is those who are in syria the cia and the us military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world the cia and the us military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up right away military windows funding an army death squads there is no right way military is going to funding an army death squads theres no anymore because theres always a small people for really any more because theres always a small income for a really good this is a profit. Could this. For profit. All. Those who argue to be really good 1st. Love me like you to be really good just look police refuse to show think of the. Business of. The School Police refuse to shim think of the. Business. Lord oh. Lord oh. Its. All good. All good. Source pool school like you. But youre not. The source pool school like you. Are but i see you in one year for. Less than your school. Will stay on your. Skin you know more than what you smoke on the idea. You know more than what you smoke i will close and i think. Its called sunday night. Let the mystic out of the. Leather mystic of the good youll see us just. Covered up that good youll see us just. Covered up that has just started early here. And there right here is just started early here. And there i hear whining kids. Did see a bully near a total nut ready to swing kids. Did see a blue near a thought on that red jesus week with you with no i just decided there munitions you see me and i mean. You with no i just decided there munitions you see me and i mean they commit that in d. C. Focus on the mid done the man you granted when you when you see it you may be a scheme at the m. D. C. Ficus on the mid done the man you granted when you when you see it you may be a wish commission luggage take a moment to get a swim in the. Iss nubile august nugget take a moment to get a swim in the. Iss nubile august met all the solo spills at the nearby all the myriad boats limestone your poem ultimate goal the solace built at the near below the moon at all times to nibble a multiplicity need. To be the all gone but as you need. To be the all gone. Young because of wide stores so its a lost. Cause of wide stalls so its just it that i was in it does your bullshit but i will its your loss cause it just was it. Just it that i was in it does your bullshit but i will its your loss cause it just. Was that. Feel. Secure feel. Secure. Enough. To. Tell it oh. Well its old. System the system could produce a day after. System the system could produce a akam record producer and say stuff ah. Ah the record producer doesnt say stuff ah. Ah ah ah thanks for. The fix. Just fill it if. Something is not just fill it up must be newsnight. And so i should some from record is night. Not special. No sloan would go through your vision that i. Know sloan would go through your vision that i could give a gave a dba a lesson some scope of silos feel so we gave a dba a lesson so scope of silos feel so i give them. I give them. As little. As there may be in thats where so should the right chain not stay out there may be an option but if so should the right chain not stay out machine that. Will put on in that i get. My shin then. A simple put on in that i did. Almost should never should have known about no politician and the sunshine chanson it wouldnt. Amount to a spot im not. Keen it didnt just thought it was ok button but at last. I will get up i like getting all at me on with at least to react i like getting a look at me that i am on with at least to reassure. Mom of all mom one little out and i dont. Know mama. Mom when i look at it and i dont. Write that she did. That im going to im not going and i. Did write that she did. That. Would. It take you to move this wrench or could have started on mexico it was removed. The could have started up in mexico stay out of the cab and get the injunction against it at the polls it would have built in. The cab and get the injunction against it at the old city would have built a. Machine that a name it would be out there youre supposed to be you had to do with a machine that a name it would be out there youre supposed to be up to the wind and yet its just a general wish it was still going on there it could have been the wind and yet its just a general wish it was doing out there it could have been its really. Not a little monster. Not a little monitor only to get stuff shipped out without it whether it did in that story at the last minute really did it start shit out without it whether it did in that serial killer and that to get the money the moral right to call young men and at least you might want them all but i took the young men around with them. When i had to guess no one but. That i would. But i had to guess no one but. Tom used some of those bill signature less the fashion and. Tom used some of those bill signature less the fashion it did in your mind it just by looking at rats you look the democrats just must look at that still being in mind it just by looking at rats you look the democrats just not look at that still good you know im not there for its medical reaction. To the media and im not there for its medical reaction yet. It seems with live action we have look at it again and again and we will update it seems with live action we have look at it again and. Well and the. One with the chill make it move again in an immense amount of one with the show me it. Will be actually at the mall or a panel which. Will be actually at the mall or a panel actually. In the kitchen more in your search and. In the kitchen more in your search and in one page in. The book. Explicitly told you would at the local art be shipped all the way you need not seriously skillful is a dirty word at the local art be sure all the way new nazis discover well its your loss why you should have. This at the school well its your loss why you should have. Put this in the promos lovely just all new look at the mr nunn moved almost entirely in the promised love which a small new look at a mr nunn moved into a few soon of your talk of the update she asked what to do to get through it will be out there soon of your talk of the update she asked what to do to get through it look id not be out there all of screwed of the week what would they say what all that its a good loyal to each of the car you have all of screwed of cloverlea what were they to what all that its a good loyal to each of the car yob i share your mother armorial it with a crust mr some we mustnt waste of my share your mother are more in it with a crust mr. Some we mustnt waste the motss on just the bull as a fixture when the music really isnt all getting it or that we need a motss conscious level as a fix you know when the music really isnt all getting it or that we needed was it better was it gets called that our method of missed us and was it that neither was it gets cold enough for me out of missed us a ring of tourists down the pool mutable up by people in the zimmer ring of tourists down the pool mutable up like me from the zuma up in the halls got here from chile just in little mahmoud in the acoustics dont just mean look in the halls got here from chile just in little mahmoud in the acoustics dont just move with the a stick i stick is this moolah nigel reznor with deistic i stick is this moolah Nigel Resnick my deal im sure saw that he says the walk. Was my deal im sure saw that it says the rock to him was a mistake it will be given to me. What book would lead up like this to be given to me. What book would lead to a load got. Business to shinya. Business to shinya was all a school with a night in the. Garage. You will most likely a night in the. Garage. You will in the exhibition of ground. In the exhibition of. Just really jello it just shows is the name of. The us just really jello it just shows is unwise for play up real quick on the common good homes rolled up 3 at san juan but i just bought a player bill for along the common good im sold up for. Its involved that. Some awol or. Some awol or. Did. You know if its just good. You know if its i mean theres a line you know from all reside. In those around you know all reside you. All is. It all is. To be. Going in the longer. Than enough longer. Still on your. Job in years not. Just on your. Job in years not. Giving up on north main north. But on north main north of. Sea in the afternoon. Sea in the afternoon. Yani need to create. A presence in the. Yani need. On. These night. On. Newsnight. Gave each sort of. Gave each sort. Prong of the north of what. I need it is of course you mean if you said what. It is of course you mean you break your. Leg of the code break your. Leg of the code what dont you want to know i need for your goodness look at the words oh what dont you want to know i need 3 or good news look at the what. If this of people getting a lot. Of people getting a free one is the widest im going to go its. 39 is the widest im going to go its a. Stay only down. To me i prefer to stay only down. To me i prefer evil but certainly because. I hadnt really what i look for but certainly because. I hadnt really what i could get here. Mining. I could get here. Mining. And the. Only could share yours and the. Initially Silicon Valley could charlie star who can use no trust. Star who can you trust. Him a bullish talk show to keep. Him a bullish talk show to keep. The news not just book good night is about what he sure. Is the news not just book good night is about autumn. He sure he was sure we knew we get. Chicken checks. He was sure we knew we get. Chicken checks mama mama show no not. On the mama show and know nothing. About them was not just on the tell us about. Them about them was not just on the tell us about. The subject than yeah youre into the guys that you are part of the subject line yeah youre into the guys that you operate those are not. Wider what that the president or the. Wire what that the president. Skies i wish that i was protection that i will like it with. Skies i wish that i was protection that i will like it will. Need to the boy like it will like it for me it so must feel scottish new to the boy like it will like its me it so must feel scottish in their bullets is consumed more i will spit thats not the will my will like it the getting in their bullets is consumed more i will spit thats not the will my will like it the good can you cut or are you lets you suddenly buys you a lot to use google can you go cut or are you lets you suddenly buys you a lot to discover goes a lot of the what machine you study a lot to do. At the can you go stella be a lot of the what machine you study a lot to do. At the can you go stella be a real problem. Dear up rather than your own problem. Dear up rather than your good Little School it is. A Little School at israel. But the puppy cocked up of the lights the idea needs somebody me and the nazis the. Cocked up of the lights the idea needs somebody me and the nazis the for an hour after my dishes people who wanted the most to put out stuff up around the diets nuts and that after my dishes people who wanted the most to put out stuff up around diets not see stuff really new on really could i see just a little of that on the rubble when they. See stuff really new on really quick i see just a little of that on the rubble away in the. Special mirror i was told just when you see me share it the premier of the swastika but you will not i will this all just when you see me share the premier of the swastika in the cell that is a battalion i was with the queen scout and you put sugar in the cell that is a battalion i was with the queen scout and you put your will know my done your illusion i seen a symbol or a d. V. D. Or i would say that the world and one of my dying your illusion i seen a symbol or a d. V. D. Or i would say that the world war sunday and for the war she couldnt believe now its a nazi scum soon will im. For the war she couldnt believe now its a nazi scheme soon will im in what could have been he must you know when youre. Done in the bush you want it at the when you meet it what could have as you must you know when your mind on the new push you all to the when you use him it should. What is to be easy good luck when you much should. What is to be easy good luck in your my its. A few glora a dollar the still quiet. A few quarter a dollar the still quiet starting at civilians will when the year for all. Your nuts on the start and yet civilians will win the you for all. Doesnt require a listing on a sister what happened was as she shared civilians lots of water was still swell stalker sister got up and was a she shared civilians at the water. Its a blip in the game. And the game. Says she. Says she. Knows a little. Muster a needle of these. Muster a needle of the. Bunch and so be it a quite still be and i was talking. And i was talking. About speed you can last now you out of me. I was beat you can last no you out of me. But now you are open i mean it comes to fun so see on your child you beat up and now you open i mean it comes to fun so see on your child you. Talk about me with money off with. A mule goldman talk about me with money off with. A mule goldman when you quit you should be as much. As most but he knows what its been years when you could just be as much. As most like to be no place to go though before you. Go though before you. Please. Please please. Please. Please sleep. Sleep sleep. Sleep. In a world of big partisan new things. In a world of big partisan new things. And conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the path and shouting to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for speech on its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for washington the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. For watching the hawks. Dream agreed to prison which im old enough to remember there was. During the Great Depression which im old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed working. There wasnt it was bed you know most of my family were unemployed working. There wasnt it was bed you know much worse objectively than today but there was an expectation that things were going to have been much worse objectively than today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. Of there was a real sense of hopefulness there isnt it are. There was a real sense of hopefulness there isnt today todays america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration to todays america was shaped by the 10 principles of concentration of wealth and power. Reduce democracy wealth and power. Reduce democracy at tax holiday. Engineer elections manufacture a tax holiday out engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no im chomsky your consent and other principles according to no im chomsky one set of rules for the rich opposite several from. One set of rules for the rich opposite set rules for. Thats what happens when you put her into the hands of. Thats what happens when you put her into the hands of a narrow sector of will which will is dedicated to increasing power sector of will which will is dedicated to increasing power for itself just as youd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of art for itself just as youd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. Time. Speaks about the modern civilization the america. Of american men and women who were missing she was just of a. Religious military decision tree. Every person who came every thing came to a complete. The day that i was raped. Is a complete. The day that i was raped be instructed you know told to shut up but theyd kill me and i see how it destroyed well i hope you dont hold the shot up but theyd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birthing any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birthing curia if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation. If you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the u. S. Military and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the u. S. Military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen but ive never grave is a very very traumatizing thing to have happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma like ive seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished them the offender reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished them the offender and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave an almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave up turf. Sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our next offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of how or in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there. Male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats men or women. Whether thats men or women. Died like a dog he died like a child and. Died like a dog he died like a child in the stories that shaped this week donald trump revels in declaring the death of the ice the leader instead of stories that shaped this week donald trump revels in declaring the death of the ice the leader in syria we compare the raid against. Barack obamas bin ladin operation we compare the raid against sandy and Barack Obamas bin ladin operation. Its gets delayed again but the british prime. Gannon but the british Prime Minister finally get his way over the general election which for most will be seen as another minister running to get his way over the general election which for most will be seen as another referendum on leaving the e. U. An american journalist from random on leaving the e. U. And an american journalist claims political persecution up to his arrest for an election assault he tells all his claims political persecution on his arrest for an election assault he tells r t its payback for reporting venezuelan opposition violence. Its payback for reporting venezuelan opposition violence we have been on the forefront of exposing the us who are against venezuela and now at the forefront of exposing the us who are against venezuela and now

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