Paycheck to paycheck is the. You know the legal its made legalized basi out would say by the apparatus of the state is legalized plunder right america is especially corrupt hospital disguised as a country yes and you have the jobs i just saw that for medical billing professional so they are great at setting up bills all the time for services that they dont provide socalled obamacare when you put the doctor bills into the mix they dont provide health care they simply extract wealth are there such places similar to the Energy Industry extracting oil and gas from the earth or the bankers with their fractional reserve banking extracting Economic Vitality the Health Care Industry extracts peoples money from their pockets and makes them a lot more ill you know the infant mortality rate the americas up the Life Expectancy in america is down so. And clearly this is not working now actually when i reach we did this somebody responded who wouldnt and should use insurance and psych so were going to cover that what actually happens for those like ourselves say we pay 25000 dollars 26000 dollars a year for a Health Insurance product one thing to note is that it only most Health Insurance products the vast majority in america only cover in network well when your Health Insurance provider negotiates in Network Prices with a very particular hospital or a particular you know doctor but that you know most of those hospital Emergency Rooms and many doctors and many hospitals are actually owned by private equity and private equity doesnt like the reimbursement rates that even these were horrible Insurance Companies are able to negotiate so they get they make they force all their doctors working in the emergency room or all the ambulances to be out of network so the vast majority of out of network surprise billing is for. An Emergency Rooms but this past week while everybodys focused on some crazy fixed the latest Conspiracy Theory fake news on all the cable channels of this ukraine gate which i dont even know what its about but ways and means chairman richard neal is proposing a new surprise billing fix that it was centrally just punt the problem to the administration to figure out yes apparently we were on our way to stopping surprise billing but. K. K. Are in blackstone the 2 largest to the largest private equity groups in the entire world well mystery solved private equity back for our behind ad blitz on surprise billing to dr staff and companies are pushing back against legislation that could hit their bottom lines they spent 20000000. 00 lobbying and pushing ads. On Television Nobody knew who they were facebook ads they spent millions on facebook ads and basically got the whole surprise billing we were to stop it our legislators want to stop it on our behalf but now theyre not going to write this all in network out of network so even if you have insurance if you are out of network in a facility in an emergency room for example you get charged this exorbitant fee that with the case of the woman who sing in the subway she was faced with Catastrophic Health care bills as are millions of americans every year who end up homeless because of the vagaries of the system that creates these hardship cases for the benefit of private Equity Investors not for the benefit of the average citizen so you have to network out network and then again this is an example of apartheid in america if youre outside of the network youre living in a bantustan and youre being subjected to fascism by blackstone by k k r if youre in the net if you have the wherewithal to game the system if youre a for example a congressman who are they dont even have the same Health Care System as their own private in the situation that theyve created for themselves then youre living with out of the bantustan its actually more a little bit more like feudalism a neo feudal system the lords and the serfs the people outside who are have to scrape by for a living and are just plundered its so predatory the whole system like im going to read you some of the story and its so shocking how. Like we cant see ourselves like we cant help ourselves we refuse to help ourselves and like that we actually dont have to submit to this but we do like we dont have to abide by this but we do like we allow this to happen and by the way k. K. Arent and Blackstone Group. Are very very very politically connected theyre friends with the clintons theyre friends with the obamas theyre friends with the tribes these guys the time multibillionaires that run these companies are very very close and you can bet that Hillary Clinton or joe biden are dollars from care way more about those guys that run those firms than 100000000. 00 voters in this country so like just understand that you you dont care you dont matter these people do so early this Summer Congress appeared on its way to eradicating the large medical bills that have shocked many patients after Emergency Care the legislation to end out of Network Charges was popular and has support from both sides of the aisle President Trump promises support then in late july a Mysterious Group called doctor patient unity showed up and poured vast sums of money now more than 28000000. 00 into ads opposing the legislation without disclosing its staff or its funders now that mystery solved the 2 largest financial backers of doctor patient unity our team house and in Vision Health care private equity backed companies that own Physician Practices and staff Emergency Rooms around the country according to greg blair a spokesman for the companys so Blackstone Group owns team house and k. K. Our own enVision Health care so again you know in the emergency room what happens in case you know a lot of people who support our Current System havent been there so often when if you if you know what an emergency looks like you know theres people that are dying theyre unconscious theyre in a coma and they dont have the ability to read all the data and ask each person checking their chart and this is what these companies do how they do this. Surprise billing is they make sure some guy some woman some intern some somebody goes and checks your chart just looks at it and then they could charge 15000. 00 because they were out of network. By 2 predatory banks theres k k r and blackstone they own all the Emergency Rooms as private equity acquisition they made these acquisitions for multi billions of dollars and so they prey on the sick and dying so they theyre able to monetize the sick and dying remember last year we reported on tim geithner former new york fed head and former treasury secretary secretary who left that job to become a predatory lender these guys are into monetizing the sick and the dead for their their maximum personal gains and its its a sick plague that is swept america and we dont need to we dont it doesnt add anything to it we know where were this god awful crap hospital masquerading as a country and its just guys like Kohlberg Kravis and roberts who are like in the operating room they even have ambulances of the better kind of go around and you almost get the feeling that theyre causing accidents so they can cash in on the cards on the street i dont know about that but in terms of Blackstone Group by the way they are also the largest landlord in america im talking about new feudalism here they run predatory practices and and a moment where you have no choice and youre not able to make a choice in an emergency situation Blackstone Group because of Timothy Geitner is the largest shareholder landlord in america the largest private landlord if you rent a home youre probably renting to blackstone and thats because of Timothy Geithners policies that were supposedly to bail out the good people of america well actually it was a gift and a handout to blacks and groups so now they almost property and again like when you see all this hysteria thats been going on especially in our cable news all the elite on the news are becoming more and more and more hysterical and you see that especially since the financial. Crisis you see them acting in total hysteria and they keep pointing fingers and total witch hunts about all those people overseas the people in russia those people in ukraine those people in libya those people in syria its all of those people now look at what how this is projection of what they themselves are doing what theyre afraid of all you know the 300 say 20000000 peasants in america 10000000 arent so 320000000 peasants are so afraid of what theyre what youre going to find out but there they cant help but project doctor patient unity has also spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on facebook and google advertising and has been spending direct mail to voters in dozens of congressional districts in some cases the group describes the legislation as the 1st step towards socialist medicare for all dream they were it spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on ads they didnt say who is backing it they didnt say it was by accident case they are financing these ads hundreds of thousands and nobodys up in arms the Rachel Maddow doesnt care about this but apparently a 60000 dollars an ad spent you know against Hillary Clintons 1000000000. 00 can make melt and morph the minds of the American People so this is just like. Travis is basically a grave robber hes a k k r s one of the best was a k. K. Are so a. B. C. C. B. S. N. B. C. C. N. N. Washington post the york times. Where they interview her crabs to say why are you you bloodsucker why are you a blood sucking pig why are you stealing the why are you roaming around Emergency Rooms yet ripping people off and stealing all their wealth and killing our country henry kravis why are you doing that none of those are news organizations or interest in that story so you have essentially. I mean what you say about it i mean ok again most people have had the good fortune of not having to be in the emergency room or not having to be with an elderly parent in the. Agency remained sitting there for hours and seeing the shock and horror and that the situation the crisis situation that is their own was not solved and the fact is every Single Person thats coming in there is vulnerable you hear people crying you hear people screaming out in pain you hear people screaming about their dying child their center of gravity at the dinner money do we have to go. There its even worse than that its like theyre not even announcing themselves theyre just like while youre bent over your dying child crying theyre like going in your back pocket and lifting out your wallet very quietly and running away and we have as i said about lost yet weve legalized a system of plunder and this is its going to be right now its 90 percent of our economy is going to 50 percent one day as as the plunder is allowed and the kratos the jimmy savile of wall street all right well were going to take a break and when we come back much more coming your way so dont go away. The brain does not wish you in the way. You see when you meet with every time you. Come liberate you damage the neighborhood comfort and security of the brain is incredibly simple delegate if you can damage some of the brain you can kill the patient does by damaging to millimeters of brain. Just connects to a moment a last chance to ask for the last 70 and seen and done the rest today for the thats probably who should commission. Branson just shoot on disk in the. Region. No new car so said im not going to much to the mama its just that our. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time to turn back to our conversation with a mentor assignments welcome back great to be here now in the last episode we established your bona fides as a legitimate wall street creator thats been working in the bowels of finance for decades and you know the ins and outs of everyone every body everything here and this walking encyclopedia of finance you wrote plan a ponzi predicting negative Interest Rates i got to ask you about jeffrey abstain for a 2nd because. Yeah i got it theres a story you know in the paper that theyre on able to find any indication that he actually ever traded anything post his job at bear stearns so this is just a curiosity here because apparently no journalist in america going to find evidence that Jeffrey Epstein did anything in finance after his post as bear stearns job but i know talking to you and others that you know is very active how come they have commies an invisible man in finance like this if somebody wants to trade and they dont want or need. To find trading the counterparty is going to get in is the number for the names of the clearing banks you know. So you know. If somebody is truly if you never. Trade. To the woods going to syria. Who was in our greatest we were even even. Banks were you know that we were never. All right so this is part of the whole you know Panama Papers report that we saw come out recently theres a 22. 00 trillion dollar shadow Banking System a Family Offices and all kinds of skullduggery going on that is very rarely seen so he thats where he. Lived apparently and has his post bear stearns career i guess that a cow farts lets jump to hunter biden or biden son of joe biden again if wall street guys so how unusual is it for a guy to mexico 100000. 00 per year as a board member when what would be more than a bit pain as a board member of Goldman Sachs for example you know this guy looks a 30 as the day is a long one whats your input on John Hunter Biden i think its pretty interesting that im his resume that wont even skip out of the navy for d doing crack cocaine or something and even he didnt seem to have any experience in natural gas or commodities so i dont know why you know that natural gas for the fire in many less it was you know back in the low the republican generated back and it was from Many Companies in the Clinton Foundation and what was done nothing was done so you got it sutured system of justice in america was different and the clintons were ok to play for when hillary was secretary of state as well the bike lanes are no difference no difference however i think whats going to happen is there are going to be documents that hunter biden wants and has signed that are going to appear with payoffs that he create is also a problem we have china is also raised a lot of money out of china and we flew over there a Vice President s jet missing so for for sleepy joe to deny our lives is kind of crazy and eventually the story would come out west and live in a world where you know they didnt cover up anything which im starting to believe d may be the case so amazing that that is what it looks like anyway i mean im just the guy hair when the t. V. Show what it looks like that trump call that out the. Leyden is for corruption in ukraine and china and the bidens response is that somehow trump is interfering with his Election Campaign hes a sinner varying with his run for president because he had the temerity to point out that his son is corrupt that famous and the media of course in america sides with the corrupt bidens right so i was looking for a. B. C. C. B. S. N. B. C. Washington post New York Times ive yet to find a Mainstream Media outlet in america that doesnt think that its trumps fault to point out the corruption rather than the bidens fault for committing the corruption meche that jewelry clintons ski deal isnt it i mean you know you try to use the other people harder what youre really doing i mean you know the smoke and mirrors in the 1st half of the show that i meant to cover the story of surplus medical billing wiping out americans now this is really truly a disgusting story i had to put on my vomit back to deal with as much of that happens in the Emergency Rooms who are Kohlberg Kravis and roberts of course henry kravis and blacks down they own doctor groups they shake down comatose patients with out of Network Charges now you know there are grave robbing essentially for profit and making billions doing it will private equity do to our medical system what they did to the Retail Industry much further that that should be involved in this i think the government. 16 and the seriously revamp if you think i mean the bill that you can get for medical care. And a nice exam and but none of the politicians are all paid off and will do d is do something nice if he or she needs. From the changes i dont see change if you know what were going to get and then go back and look like hillary. For 2020 years every shes on every network theres a new book in she says where ive got to get a 2nd vomit bag now im running out of vomit bags hillary back oh my god i feel quite noxious speaking of nausea and vomit bags lets return briefly to the we work saga because this companys Business Model was the 1st thing they teach you in business score not to do. Lock in long term leases and then try to bell yourself out with short term leases i mean this is like kindergarten mistake level stuff but they thought they could go public with 47000000000. 00 of the charade i mean what the match is absolutely bonkers i mean i identified as a ponzi scheme back j. Were. The was the vision funded soft bank was the one that bank ruled and i dont know if you can see it you know the even the Mission Statement if you had read their i. P. O. Done was crazy. So we really do you know speculative Company Purchasing real estate so many backers of one term lease is in and short term coverage you never make money i dont think the Business Model can make money so i would not be surprised if it goes bankrupt in flames vision fund it receivership engine and you know it wouldnt be the 1st one is japanese from iraq so i think the lessons have not been heard from the japanese general of japan of the asian. Eighties and so now ninetys until now really its not a negative growth in stock with 3 or 4 years were really seem saying where weve had your will. For 4 years d were going to follow the road. So that about we were thinking about japan or for asian think about the western markets doing exactly which ends on it were not its going to get even uglier i didnt write this we were excited stupid or are so crooked that he was taking out these long term leases and buildings and then allowing landlords and competing floors in those buildings to undercut him thats american stupid this guy is of course they made off with cost a 1000000000. 00 mill gotten gains and it has gone from the crime of saying it was an exit scam in mexico is i. C. L. As an across the market look legitimate there so we were corrupt and he yeah was he smoking pot and some flake israel and these 3 months later something they the shareholders would have been while benefit or if they threw him actually literally off the plane from 30000 feet but unfortunately he was able to land now allahs will not finally u. S. Tariffs on european goods stilton cheese on the list this is the only agricultural product that has any respect at all coming out of the u. K. Everything else of course coming out of the u. K. Agricultural wise is garbage whiskey pecorino and good are those are good choices can the Global Economy take any more of these. Tabs met the World Trade Organization granted i think 7. 5 of the terrorists and i think they originally wanted 999000000000 and terrorists i think that it was so they rated it but i think that there are the terrorists i think a lot of countries are them taking advantage of us position so i think most of that has to do with with europe i think the e. U. Is broken i dont think will be around in 5 years i think the the structure of the e. U. Is fundamentally flawed because European Commission which nobody has any say in putting those people in office they get closed door deals all backhanders its really really draconian and i got up a lot about the task that you got passed out all over the world i want to get antacid i made a comment earlier that this is what happens if they go off the ball standard and try to recreate it by doing all this tariff tariffs or basket not only of that act of war but they just economically that just pile up on each other they dont ultimately work or that it doesnt remember what we discussed and i said it 1st theres a currency war then there is a trade war and then theres a hot war that is the way to proceed and this is what happens at the end of empires and i think that this is the direction that were headed so you know i think this is a very very bad direction were headed because with massive amounts of corporate debt that we have or you know we got a little over a triple c. And jump on something to do with the 5. 5 trillion between now and. You know i dont know where that salutes. The words over the over century government so if youre jumping in the sun who 1st who were your to your is doing a lot of defaults for meaning to the market. So 2 on the subject the tariffs going back a store ical a member during the thirtys yeah the smoot hawley have supplied that were part of the whole depression rate dalyell of course heading up bridgewater in connecticut the biggest has fun in the world i believe is right now saying that we are repeating that exact history that trade wars are now going to lead to how wars you think china and america are leading into a hot war and the various countries are now taking sides weve got about 30 seconds or thoughts i think that serves with china early just to find they think that there are a lot bigger than the ones that youre one of your or small fry i think you know they need to do something to see around the balance of payments to change your mind in a manner i think this is what we need stronger with. The beatles. Or not. But. I think there were signs of desperate times call for Desperate Measures as. Yet another war on terrorism. Well you know stupidity is trading at a new all time high on the various exchanges around the world and heading in even hire common sense at a new low thats farsighted thanks for being on the cause or part. Of all k. Thats going to do it for this edition of the kaiser rip are with me max kaiser if they have id like to thank our guests misfires style of plan a ponzi dot com if you want to reach us on twitter its kaiser report or check out kaiser report dot com until next time. Play. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live live. Live. Live. Live. Live live. Live. Live. Live. Oh. Please. Live. So. Lets. Live. Live. And very well welcome to you watching us inside. Why a paradise with a round turned into a round the experimentation field the agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants theres no question otherwise why would that the Chemical Company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day you have many of these people one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of Environmental Research going on in hawaii whether these Companies Feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. To. Do. With. German interior minister of course they offer pledges to boost security for all the country synagogues in the wake of wednesdays attack adding its germany duty to never again allow antisemitism to rock and. Also this hour turkeys military operation against kurds in the northeast syria is into its 2nd day as the pressure on ankara over its offensive in the country mounts we speak to the president folks person that. Any country cares about the a Border Security i mean you have to be americans russians or anybody have to take you live on