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Calling a nationwide general strike. Youre watching our to international bring you your live news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. Federal prosecutor peter franks says that the shooter who killed 2 on wednesday in a synagogue and hall central germany had planned a quote massacre and wanted to inspire others to do the same to go live now to evangelise of sauce in berlin eventually what details did the prosecutor give apart from that. So germanys federal prosecutor said earlier on thursday the. Main attacker of the incident that happened yesterday in holly that claimed the life of a man and a woman that he was preparing a massacre in the synagogue. Stefan b. Did publish a manifesto earlier this month with a lot of anti jewish comments in it he also lifestream the the incident the one that claimed the life of 2 people on a holiday with the hopes that he would encourage more people to follow his steps germanys jewish leader the was really really shocked with the lack of police at the synagogue at the time Prime Minister israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the attacks saying that this is a sign of anti semitism in europe. One cannot understand a tool is why the synagogue had no Police Protection in the most important jewish day of celebration had the shooter would with all likelihood of been prevented from committing a 2nd attack. Currently the germanys interior minister for is speaking to with the media but hes not the only one who did so last night and attended a vigil here in berlin at the main mosque and condemn the attacks also germanys president frank walter son meyer also spoke to the media condemning the attacks. It is not enough to condemn filch a cowardly attack it must be clear the takes responsibility for jewish life for the security of jewish life in germany it must be equally clear that Society Society as a whole must show an attitude. Of solidarity with the jewish people in our country. As germanys interior minister is currently speaking to the media we are following closely for any Additional Information about yesterdays attacks. Arties evangelists stay across the latest for us thank you very much. Turkeys military operation against kurds in northeast syria has entered its 2nd day Kurdish Forces accuse ankara of targeting civilians the International Community is also condemning the offensive but president has threatened to send refugees in turkey to the e. U. If it continues to condemn in cross actions. Words. These countries are not onus they are not sincere theyre just talking they talk the talk but we. This is the difference now our fight is against isis the y. P. Ji and the p. K. K. We are continuing our fight with all of our own and we will continue to do so we have 3600000 Syrian Refugees in our country waiting to go back home Hey European Union come to your senses or say its again the moment our operation you cannot define it as an invasion our job is easy we can open the door and 2600000 refugees we will send them all back to your. Operation peace spring is aimed at fighting Kurdish Forces and i saw in syria turkeys existing buffer zone in the country and plans to evict kurdish fighters from the area a group turkey deems as terrorists and then wants to return millions of Syrian Refugees from turkey back home we discuss the operation with the turkish president s spokesperson. We are not interested in changing demographics in order to see real rocky playing any part of syria we want to establish this status on for 3 to 4 citizens and also for the Syrian Refugees and the local People Living in that part of syria. In. The international. Article to be one in our fight against terrorism if your. Country and our country doesnt pick your of the terrorist threat then you are. In fact 8 entitled to support yourself any country cares about the Border Security i mean you ask americans russians or anybody you have to take your phone on board if you cannot imagine a situation where americans will allow for example a branch of al qaida or die usually long the american Mexican Border just because the cards are there fights against drug cartels you cannot fight one terrorist organization with another one the same goes to for russia or European Countries if they feel that there is a threat to their National Security from their border of course theyre entitled to take action the 1st phase of the operation began with air strikes on the 2 kurdish controlled border towns are awful and hobby add the kurds have ordered a general mobilization along the border with turkey vowing to confront the attack the operation is now and its 2nd phase a ground offensive thousands of civilians are fleeing the area and urge the International Community to step in. America and other countries should protect us they are committing sin here our Children Women is there really no mercy let everyone stand up for us arabs foreigners sin sin. This is an occupation we are a peaceful people we live calmly work to our own business it is a crime here look here on the bus real to the people here look at this car do you see you soldiers there there are children in their own way we are talking about this placement and effectively genocide of innocent kurdish civilians innocent communities within that region so it is absolutely terrifying to know how you know the communities are feeding as they are continually being bombarded by the turkish offensive the kurds have always been on the defensive but now they may they must defend themselves and their families which means that unfortunately they may not be able to police the camps that hold isis and the isis prisoners and also you know there are reports that actually within the camps there are some rebellions you know some isis rebellions going on so unfortunately the Security Threat is there for then raised and you know it is now going to cause a big vacuum and a significant problem in terms of security. They found to fall as president Donald Trumps decision to withdraw u. S. Troops from the region recently he defended the move saying the kurds did not help the u. S. During world war 2. Now the kurds are fighting for their land just so you understand they didnt help us in the 2nd world war they didnt help us with normandy as an example. We go live now to mark almond director of the u. K. s Crisis Research Institute Oxford now are you convinced by terms claim that the kurds didnt help america or is the us withdrawal a betrayal. Well of course the turks went in the front ranks a mormon did the d. Day either the problem is that its a betrayal but its in a long history. Ever since 99 when president wilson seemed to promise the kurds selfdetermination and then withdrew that promise of the end of the 1st world war recurrent american president s have used the kurds both in iraq and syria and so on for the political road games and then most interest the problem today that the President Trumped is that theres a Public Perception of the kurds because of their involvement in fighting the isis terrorist group well through quite a number of americans british french people journalists aid workers and so on kidnapped some executed by isis and the kurds were seen as the people who were fighting to suppress their group and to some extent rescue people who were the prisoners so whereas in the past they were murky covert operations where the kurds were used and abused and dropped this is a much more high profile thing because there are many more people in europe and north america who have a sense of the kurds being on the side of the west its of course a very difficult and complex situation but i think that public aspect of it means that this is one of the dangerous present trump internally the might move some votes and also it does separate the european allies from the americans. At the same time we have trump tweeting today that he would hit turkey very hard financially with thing since if they quote dont play by the rules what do you think he means by that play by the rules. Well i think what President Trump is trying to square the circle of agreeing to let president to and with whom hed like to have good relations pursue some of his goals without causing a public scandal or by having large numbers of civilian casualties as the fighting becomes more intense because the kurds are quite well equipped as youve reported also with some nato american supplied weapons the risk of course is that civilians both in Northern Syria and even on the turkish side of the border will get caught in the crossfire and then trump will feel that he has to show that hes condemning that and he will as he mentioned with regard to the pasta bronson case the american past was held in prison and took a long time he may then try to use you cannot pressure on turkey but this is going as part of the destabilizing aspect of trumps Foreign Policy as i think for mr lavrov said yesterday even if you as the russians too would like the americans to withdraw from syria they dont want it done in a frivolous unpredictable destabilizing way and the problem with President Trump swinging wildly from apparently greenlighting the turks and then perhaps warning them not to go too far is that everybody is left on shore what exactly american policy is going to be and thats a very dangerous situation given how important america is in the middle east. Now if we look at the e. U. Do you think theyre not taking any action against turkey because theyre spooked by anyones threat to send millions of refugees to europe. I think that is a issue clearly. Until recently theres been relatively low flow people from turkey into the into greece in bulgaria if the turkish government stop patrolling the borders and that could of course take off very rapidly and produce the kind of crisis weve seen for european governments not least mrs merkel in germany but other governments too so they have an interest on the other hand they also dont want to be seen to be giving in to blood. Malan part of president speech this morning was to say the europeans should as it would double the amount of money that they pay to help maintain the refugees in turkey the other side of that is if that if he doesnt that the refugees syrians refuse leave turkey to go to europe he does want to push many of them back into syria itself but unfortunately not where they came from in syria so thats the destabilizing element but if a lot of arabic speaking Syrian Refugees are pushed into areas which predominantly kurdish will turkoman in the north east of syria then that risks creating a kind of local ethnic conflict but has been relatively little conflict until now its one of the few hours of syria the would be relatively stable. Now the kurds were a major and i saw force and theyre Holding Thousands of isis soldiers in that area in turkey offended boost Islamic State in the end. It could have that effect because a the kurds might be cynical and simply say well well release some terrorists in order to show people how useful we have been to the west in the past so you want to give us more backing because a descriptor actively issue that forces may abandon guarding these prison camps and refugee camps where many eisel civilian hangers on are a move north trying to protect their own home villages and districts so theres a that risk the other aspect of it is of course that. It may draw the syrian army into this area too and although president has been participating in various peace talks with russia with iran and so on he still remains as his speech this morning very hostile to president assad so theres also a risk of a clash between the Syrian Armed Forces and the turks and theres also the wrist simply of unintended consequences and theres now turkish air of planes flying over syria there are american airplanes or russian airplanes syrian airplanes its very airplanes so there is always the danger that in all of this high tech confused mark almond director of the Crisis Research institute. Thank you for your time and your comments. Thank you. I quit or has seen a nationwide strike and a 7th day of violent protests in its capital with thousands venting their anger against the government strike leaders say it will not and tell present london scraps austerity measures those have inflated food and transport prices triggering the worst political unrest in a decade. Some 450 people have been injured among them Police Officers the protests turned ugly with molotov cocktails and stones thrown at police who responded with tear gas our correspondent Nicholas Odonovan reports from the unrest in quito. Right now and. Tell us there is thousands and thousands of 1st isis lets try and get closer to the front line just to just a few feet and why its the president ial palace its heavily call good part military and police since these protests once again. Theres 2 minutes ago while i was there in the last show in our spanish version we got hit by. The very right from friday night. And thats what weve been seeing all. The protesters are using the local courts ferals stones bricks just like the. And Police Firing back with tear gas with sound bombs its a situation of extreme tension in the streets. Just to give you an idea of. A place suspended any activity in the city center they say its not safe for doctors and for ambulances instead weve got crews all volunteers that are just taking the dozens and dozens of wounded people to. Stop them treating them there its actually pretty shocking and here fluency measures that were implemented by the government included scrapping the subsidies so do you know. Gasoline and that has triggered these protests the monday we had the students then on tuesday we had been degenerates communities today they will move together theyve joined together in the same tens of thousands of people who are taking over the streets of quito president clinton moreno well hes going to see in what hes going to hit is a message. Absolutely repulsed his government his ministers and say the measures that deal with the i. M. F. 4200000000. 00. Were told struggling with that not the people who say that the government is going to say but that its big business instead of the people and thats one of these people here protesting this is a National Strike and its heavy take acts with smoke its practically on bearable a tragic day and were told history andras are as a former Ecuadorian Central Bank official says the countrys president has betrayed his people for western loans. The people are right to protest the mention of the package that the m. F. Demands is so unreasonable that some people have also called it economic malpractise in the sense that they knew that this was going to cause such a huge pain in the population but they still went for it when living one in a ran on a progressive platform in 2017 people voted for him because he wanted social justice he wanted a continuation of the progressive policies but once he came into power he flip flopped completely he has started to serve the interests of western creditors he has gone to the Capital Markets and basically issued over 10000000000. 00 worth of foreign dead last just last week in the un meetings he received the gold medal from a lobby group headed by chevron still to come the French Interior minister is warning of how to spot radicalization raises eyebrows that story and more after the break. You know worlds big partners through law and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. In the brain does not. The way. You see when you meet with every time you. Liberate you damage you in a way the comfort and safety of the brain is integrated to send delegates. You can damage some of the brain you can kill the patient does by damaging them one of the 2 millimeters of rain and. Welcome back Environmental Action Group Extinction Rebellion has blocked roads and Central London for a 4th day as part of a Global Campaign demanding governments take Climate Change more seriously since monday place have arrested more than 800 people protesters have also tended to bring London City Airport to a halt with one man even climbing on top of a plane several arrests were made there and Affairs Officers pulled away demonstrators move themselves to the floor but while the group might be making themselves heard their actual demands remain less clear to find out more arties Kate Partridge went to meet some of the organizers but he probably wont stick to revalue protests continue on its multi day campaign demanding the government takes. Serious action to halt Climate Change the group claims its protest is for the benefit of the environment and peaceful in nature and here in the heart of london there is meat on my stomach a jolly festival atmosphere but this is what weve witnessed in the past few days roadblocks autistic before one says a giant octopus and defacing Historical Monuments Research Shows that people budding fossil fuels cutting down rain forest and increased bombing is damaging to the environment but is protesting the best way to effect change extinction revalued once posed as a non violent organization but their actions on the was could appear belligerents so today the police will be moving in and boss numbers trying to arrest individuals take the sites away from us but lets remind the police that if they take the saw is that we will become a lot harder to police or dispersed and we wont be letting them know what were doing so its actually in their interests that us keep these sites because they know where we all do it and once we move out were going to be a lot more disruptive and a lot harder to sell we are some of the protest this but they are demanding rebellion have 3 demands we want the government to tell the truth about the severity of the Climate Crisis and the 6th mass extinction we want them to act now to reduce Carbon Emissions and we want to set up a Sudanese Assembly so that people can decide what we do about this scientists tell this witness to something very very quickly. Thats just so much out there that tells us we need to and yes they just. You know we can see damage happening everywhere in the in the world and the moment and we just have to make drastic changes we cant say be everything however many years will be this year weve got to really get people to realise whats happening and make changes now there is no us and them were not protesting against an enemy as it were were protesting against a system. Causes all these problems in corporations and weve set up an economy that works on destroying the planet and really got needs to change around and not salted all government was meant to represent us as people we also asked people on the streets what they thought of the crisis looks very peaceful looks pretty nonexistent to me but boring when you try to get a bus and all the roads are closed but hey ill put up with a bit of discomfort is kind of frustrating you know i waited 10 years to come here and theres all this going on we keep still looking for landmarks and everywhere we go theyre covered by all this stuff dont raise enough to accept your incredible. Azzi. Climate change rise have expanded in australian cities where activists also blocked major roads one woman broke into tears as she was stopped from getting to the home of her mother who passed away on sunday. Is the only good thing the voices like you. Will be leading up to and im sitting he. Needs just others even though what the run of it what it is a full its for the environment. After last weeks attack at the Paris Police Headquarters that left 4 officers dead officials have since admitted they missed warning signs about the killers radicalization but the French Interior ministers ideas on how to recognize such people have caused controversy as charlotte devinsky explains. Its being a rocky week for frances interior minister Christopher Guest and have found himself blindsided after telling the world the man who murdered 4 colleagues at the paris police h. Q. Hadnt shown the slightest cause for alarm calls for his resignation followed when it emerged that they had indeed been much to cause concern now it appears hes trying to show he has things under control but they hear it from his National Assembly he outlined how the sewing islam missed radicalization could be spotted so in the words cast another how do you spot a radical by mrs senior in the sun that must be noted a rigorous religious practice especially at ramadan is a sign that should trigger an alert in the same way does the individual agree to team up with a woman or not does he have a regular and ostentatious practice of ritual and also notes of female Civil Servants wearing a veil in public. Well thats an interesting list to start with but perhaps is most illuminating suggestion of how to spot somebody whos been radicalized is this tidbit these signs of them become more or more obvious related to Behavioral Changes such as having a beard. Do you think that he owns a mirror. And that point certainly wasnt lost on one of frances m. P. s reported on numbers that you mentioned having a beard can be problematic i see that you have a beard but in yourself and come to think of it tapping a beard could be a bit of a problem for the others in the government to. So as the being good men know for all cs ruling elites are all probably running off to buy raises as we speak we thought wed ask people in paris what they make of the interior ministers top tips on how to spot an islamist radical i think having a beer today in france can be a bit. A bit solve a problem because you can you can get. More attention than you desire from the Police Service well i know bearded people go out in the evening and they are not radical at all about syquest beard is a fashion for me hair and beard does not make your radical. I do not think that a beard is a sign of radicalization does not make any sense to me and people should not be judged by their appearance so advice like that i doubt this idiots guide is going to be on sale any time soon. Paris thats a wrap up of the days top news for now thanks for tuning in. What politicians do you should. Put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. Some want to be rich. But youd like to be right thats what the. Real people are. Interested in all reasonable why. Arent they sit. In this community there are people who believe that its ok its up for auction. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids that ask and as a parent. I can come up with arguments and theres a lot of conflict within the game and between the teams most of the conflicts i would say. Is made. Close one on the childrens cosimo each other is Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of the prison complex just to get some 25. 00 where. You dont care. Anything. Max kaiser a welcome to the kaiser report its you know one of those shows where you need to get your airsickness bag or your vomit. Were about to talk about one of the worst cases of presence or a bank stirrers defrauding and abusing the poor and sick that ive seen in a couple years you know weve introduced you to many instances of bankers preying on folks and but this is this is a this is really epic yes well 1st lets set the scene you and i have talked about the Health Care System here in america where america is essentially a hospital but a predatory hospital masquerading as a country so Something Like 19 percent of our g. D. P. Is hospital care is medical spend is so called health care one of the largest employers in the entire nation is the Health Industry mostly low you know paid sort of help staff and Health Care Facilities like cleaning cleaning the floors and changing nappies and stuff like that and they get paid like minimum wage but heres a story that went viral probably many people out there watching this saw it and that was in los angeles an l. A. P. D. Officer saw this woman and clearly a homeless woman with carrying her you know her shopping cart full of her belongings in the metro system there and she was singing this beautiful offer which we wont play because it chris probably copyrighted but it turns out mysterious viral l. A. Subway singer is revealed as classically trained musician who is made homeless by medical bills and had her 10000. 00 violin stolen when she was forced out into the streets

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