And rocky miller of 50 enjoy the show to delve into the path forward for point emerging chris lets get to it. After rockets damore made a Public Statement on twitter on sunday the 6 to support the hong kong protests news spread quickly and ignited the anger of china immediately giant sponsors like Song Development bank. 0. 10 streaming part form slammed on magazines and more all of whom make up between 10 to 15 percent of revenues announced the suspension or terminations with the rockets furthermore products containing the rockets keyword and m. B. A. Products have also been removed from ali babas tall ball and Online Shopping on monday october 7th mori and the n. B. A. Issued a neutral explanation statement but their explanations failed to satisfy china instead they got even more backlash this time from the u. S. Who accuse the organization of being more. Interested in money than human rights the organization is attempting to diabetes the situation now and be a president adam silver issued his 1st Public Statement in tokyo today saying that he supported mores freedom of speech but at the same time this freedom has a price and now we must all accept such consequences and be a Brooklyn Nets owner type of machine criticised maurice tweet saying that while freedom of expression is a right some topics are minefields in some countries societies and groups supporting a movement and chinas territories is one of those minefields the relationship between china and the m. B. A. Is a multibillion dollar marriage that involves media rights streaming merchandising licensing and much much more its a market that the n. B. A. Has been planting season for over 3 decades nurturing it and growing it to the 500000000. 00 fans today translating to over 4000000000. 00 the Houston Rockets furthermore is the biggest team brand within the n. B. A. As this was the home team of the yamaha who is now the president of the Chinese Basketball Association this entire franchise is now at risk as politics has bled into consumers and entertainment to quote yagi people none should its own was high mazzone was you cant profit off of china and in the same breath condemned china here to give us the full scope of the Economic Impact of such recent moves and so much more were happy to welcome Richard Wolfe professor of economics emeritus at the university of massachusetts amherst and the author of democracy at work so professor wall of right now nike shares fell after c. C. T. V. Sports said that they would suspend n. B. A. Broadcast which attracted some 800000000. 00 viewers last year nikes aggressive china Growth Strategy coupled with its connection with the m. B. A. Made it extra vulnerable to consumer boycotts in the weeks and months ahead nike has previously relied on china for double digit growth in the region for every single quarter for more than 5 years so how will they navigate this as a Consumer Brand as its just so easy for any consumer to just substitute with a domestic brand such as the name or even adidas. Well i think youre seeing a learning curve i think youre seeing american corporations and indeed corporations in other parts of the world recognize that their future depends on the growth of their business in china it is the most rapidly growing collection of possibilities for corporate growth that exist on this planet and to be excluded from that is to really humble yourself and if youre going to be part of the chinese explosion of Economic Growth then youre going to have to be sensitive to the issues that concern the chinese you dont have to agree with them you dont have to suspend freedom of expression none of those things theyre really side issues the question is are you going to attack areas of sensibility but perhaps the best way to understand it is to imagine if a Chinese Company came into the United States and one of their highest officials made statements about the cruelty to immigrant children being put in cages or the phenomenon of white policeman shooting black citizens and so on it would encourage a firestorm of upset anger political interventions you dont want to do that if youre going into an Economic Situation of growth its mind blowing that the people at the used rockets didnt know enough about china to understand that in china the understanding of whats happening in hong kong is not what we have here in the United States and its not a question of debating that question its a question of understanding if you inflame that situation theyre going to be consequences for your own Economic Growth so the consequences now is that is that debate of can the rockets fire morry over this tweet and if so will it be for cause or without cause without cause will be to a large payout for morry but with cars will be highly controversial. Well as will it be a civil rights violation over his freedom of speech or will this be about the monetary damages that he has caused the team so either way it leaves them very open to a countersuit so what do you think. My guess is that both sides here want this to go away the purpose of the chinese expression whether its the citizen in the street or the government or a politician is to make the world clear that youre not going to come in to china take advantage of our economic miracle here d be able to insult what many of us feel you cant do that but they dont want to lose the n. B. A. Its very popular in china there the chinese are more interested in basketball than any other sport in this country so thats a great growth area for American Business they dont want to lose it the rockets dont the n. B. A. Doesnt night he doesnt theyre going to figure out a face saving way to get beyond this and hope that the lesson has been learned so people arent quite so glib with their freedom of expression if they dont want the consequences to hobble their Economic Growth so lets talk really quickly about some of the most expensive tweets and how much revenue businesses can possibly lose in less than 60 characters which is actually a pretty impressive accomplishment in its own right so iran must once tweeted and that cost samsung nearly 600000000. 00 kylie jenner sense down about 1500000000. 00 how much is this tweet going to cost the n. B. A. In the short run its costing them already huge amounts of money. Through all the games that would happen in china canceled contracts but theyre looking at an unknowable amount because the question is in every negotiation in china now this issue is going to be the fly on the wall the the only invited guest that will shape every contract every negotiation that goes on. And from this point this is something that the n. B. A. Not only didnt want they want the opposite of this they want smooth sailing into an expanding chinese economy so its hard to know our number here but youre going to see a lot of the effort off the record of the n. B. A. Of the Houston Rockets of nike and all the others that are involved here to promise never to do this again to take extraordinary steps to repair the damage theyve done to learn more about how the chinese see the world so that they stop that bad american habit of thinking the whole world looks at it the way we do here and the way we dont even agree in this country let alone the way its portrayed abroad so its a learning lesson but i think youll get beyond it because everybody has so much riding on getting beyond this so while the Political Tension between china and the u. S. Is clearly spilling over to consumer and entertainment segments lets turn our back to washington right now so i had a thursdays train to go shares in the u. S. Is blacklisting a group of 28 Tech Companies that includes vision and power that develops facial recognition and ai so this blacklist effectively bars u. S. Firms from selling technology to companies without government approval why is the us once again escalating into negotiations that trick has never worked with china the last 12 times why expected different outcome this time. I think you are in a way youre answering your own question youre absolutely right crazy thing to do going into a negotiation it basically destroys the whole chance of working something out and youre basically correct as well that the chinese have never bent to this so why do it the answer is its about domestic american politics mr trump in deepening economic and political difficulties has to have an ongoing drama all down higher tension lowered. Hes got to keep this going until the moment he thinks its correct to cut a deal with china to portray it to the American People if he can as their great victory whatever it really is in the hope that it helps a bit in the election thats whats going on think of this as a dance to which the chinese are invited but its a dance completely choreographed by mr trump and his drive for reelection so not japan and the u. S. Have just signed a limited trade deal that opens up markets for American Farmers and brings tokyo a degree of assurance that trump wont impose new tariffs on auto imports for now Prime Minister our goal was to win a pledge that the u. S. Wont slap tariffs on autos but the written text doesnt explicitly cover auto tariffs so heres what President Trump said in the deal on monday in washington. In the United States these deals are a game changer for farmers in our ranchers or Farmers Ranchers and growers will now be able to compete fairly in japan against major competitors swirled would. So this actually looks like this was more of a lose lose deal as the Agriculture Agreement didnt even compass what was previously done in the t. T. P. So was this deal rushed as both sides didnt really get what they wanted. Absolutely again i dont mean to be a dead horse but mr trump has to get something somewhere so he has this agreement with the japanese lets make no mistake china is an enormous country by comparison population wise japan is a small country japan cannot pick up the agricultural exports of the United States that could of and were going to china so this is not a great solution for American Farmers it is a very poor substitute for what they are losing in china number one and precisely because it doesnt really buy into anybodys hands theres nothing the japanese can assume to rely on theyre going to have to make deals with australia with argentina with the other agricultural suppliers that they have to rely on the chinese are busily finding their own substitutes this is mr trump making something out of very little to look less like hes caught up in a global trade war he cant control which is unfortunately exactly the situation he has gotten himself and all of us into fascinating insight professor richard well thank you so much for being here. There you do. The Hong Kong Boris has scrapped its unsolicited 39000000000. 00 bid for the London Stock Exchange group after failing to convince management and investors to back its move the l. S. E. Board rebutted the offer on grounds of strategy not price many analysts now believe that the political turmoil engulfing hong kong was seen as a huge obstacle to the deal ha axes offer was the latest attempt at an exchange mega merger after multiple failures between the l. S. E. And the deutsche of burrs over the last 17 years a strategic merger of the 2 businesses would have created a world leading Market Infrastructure group today and to h. K. Exit strategy of being china anchored and globally connected h. K. X. Has been the Worlds LargestCapital Raising venue in 5 of the past 10 years but has been working to diversify its equity focus launching a bond Trading Platform and buying the London Metals Exchange l. S. E. Is now free to go ahead with the plan acquisition of data and Analytics Group refund. Time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return despite big recent roller coaster the future of the currency may be brighter given the state of Global Economics cryptocurrency analyst bands one and rocky miller busy enjoying the show to delve into or protect wine and emerging. And as they go to break here the numbers are. So so. The way that makes us try to recreate a Gold Standard is by closing tariffs on each other to even things out. And they creates an enormous bureaucracy and it creates an enormous stage for banks to print. Money and contracts and it creates a need for lawyers and it creates a need for all kinds of administrators which is great for them but its a drain on the economy because our money could go into actually productive parts of the real economy supporting real jobs with real wages and real g. D. P. Growth. In front of. This. Because. Of this connection to moment to last him should ask for the last company and seen and done today today for the match. Commission. Branches just shoot on disk in the. Future. No new car so sit on the open much to the mama just back yet. The British Government says it is essentially impossible to make a brags a deal ahead of the october 31st deadline if the e. U. Sticks to a demand to keep Northern Ireland as part of customs a union the comments came following a call between the british Prime MinisterBoris Johnson and german chancellor Angela Merkel on tuesday currently there are no custom checks on goods between the e. U. Member ireland and the u. K. As Northern Ireland both sides agree that this should remain the case however with britains plans to leave the Customs Union the status of this remains in the air while mr johnson has called for face to face talks between british and leadership European Council president issued a tweet very critical of Boris Johnson say whats at stake is not winning some stupid blame game at stake is the future of europe and the u. K. As well as the security at interest of our people you dont want to deal you dont want an extension you dont want to revoke. Privacy coins now face an existential threat from a step up in regulation these include. The coin among others many exchanges are now delisting these assets rather than trying to figure out how to it here are 2 additional Risk Management requirements for these coins but isnt privacy a fundamental right here to examine this issue and others as crypto analyst and rocky. Bits in so rocky want to start with you i guess this is most appropriate question for you as the Trading Platform narrows. Theyve had a cumulative market cap of 2500000000. 00 and are some of the most liquid and valuable points precisely for the reason that they are private so that does not automatically make them noncompliant with though and yet you still have these do list is going on at a coin base and ok x. So what is your stance on this one you allow privacy coins to be traded. Yes so while we have exchanges you know such as listing reader we also have exchanges like by and instead of added 3 privacy coins to their lending platform so i think the jury is still out a lot of the exchanges are reacting. You know reacting to what the regulations are going to be an erring on the side of being conservative from our perspective were Trading Platform that connects to multiple Liquidity Sources so. The jurisdiction of the customer and the jurisdiction of the exchanges kind of decide what theyre going to support and we aggregate that liquidity so if theyre supported in the exchange to be connect to they will be provided on the platform so on that i want to bring up. The u. S. Congress is considering now more than 20 bills and one of them if passed this will be the 1st time a specific crypto the petro has been deemed illegal for americans at home or abroad to use the implications of this are huge as this basically sets a precedent for the banning of any other crypto in the future whats your take on this. Yeah i think it is exactly that i mean i dont think its very surprising to think that congress would take a look at this because the for the whole concept of what theyve been mulling over for some time now has been how does the u. S. Continue to same countries when those countries are moving toward creating in developing their own crypto currencies and theres been a fear about this for some time but youre absolutely right kristie that the the bigger issue here becomes when when the u. S. Government begins drafting laws that specifically target a particular currency and make it illegal and i think if you see it happen here specifically with the petrol which is an easy one i dont think theyre going have a difficulty because nobody in the u. S. Congress is going to defend the petro if that happens and once that happens it becomes easy to start picking and choosing which kryptos you want to make illegal as well and unfortunately that plays into the whole issue of cronyism and which krypto as in which companies now work with regulators and with the government to eliminate competition whats made krypto such a vibrant space as all the competition that exists there right now so rocky do you think that very bad can lead to usage of other crap does being criminalized in the us in the future. Yes overdyed in terms of the language used in the bill i think the one that really struck me is that this is opening the door for a much larger investigation so you know the treasury secretary you know going to be working with the f. C. C. In the c. Of c. On analyzing the general crypto space and Digital Assets and where theyre being used to circumvent sanctions and. Money laundering Money Laundering issues so i think that that that is definitely a much wider nest and with this investigation we dont know whats going to come so yes theres definitely a risk that there will this will lead to others and you know as ben pointed out this sets a precedent for others to you know to come and weve seen this happen globally you know china has kicked out all the exchanges you know outside of its borders we at the same time talks of them developing their own National Crypto currency so you know i think this opens up a big question for us is is the benefit of a borderless you know currency does it outweigh the benefits of a National Crypto currency thats thats controlled by a National Government so you know lots of questions to be answered with this this bill is definitely big. It will be interesting to see what unfolds now theyve been investigating having questions for a long time now ever since 20171 of those 1st came out to them at least so now john in arms exactly Brian Armstrong the c. E. O. And cofounder of corn based tweeted out that he expects the u. S. Government to now react to chinas stable coin project by reconsidering its ridiculous response to Facebooks Libra he said that he wanted the u. S. To you felt that the u. S. Wanted to be left behind because they were completely obsolete in the future innovation and construction of Digital Currency so what is the outlook for libor now that paper has officially left the association yeah i dont think the future for libor looks particularly bright right now and theres a couple of reasons for that i mean. Consider the 2nd part of what Brian Armstrong said there makes sense when he says the u. S. Is getting completely left behind us thats absolutely true and thats by choice but but its obvious that that would happen because the us having the reserve currency worldwide is in no hurry to change the Monetary System around the world people who are involved in crypto want to see a disruption a revolution in terms of the Monetary System not just here in the United States but globally but consider the fact the 1st thing he said which was that the u. S. Government has had a ridiculous stance on libra libras not at all the same as what chinas trying to develop or what iran is trying to develop within israel has developed in the petro very Different Cases there where they are trying to form a National Crypto currency that is essentially backed by their Central Banks libor is not that it is a fortune 500. 00 coin essentially thats run by fortune 500. 00 companies that wants to serve Central Banks around the world which im all for those Central Banks but not by a bunch of fortune 500 companies i will make a prediction kristie and that is this that in order for leverage to move forward if it has a chance you will see the liberal Association Come out and say that they are going to partner with the Federal Reserve bank to truly make it a stable coin because the only way theyre ever going to get real backing for it is to include the Federal Reserve and the u. S. Central bank into their planning of what ultimately becomes i suspect they will actually do that in the future. Then if thats a stance on labor im interested to hear what you have on telegram because telegram has this Great Community of over 300 members and right now theyre in development and will be launching their new ton infrastructure later this month so can a company that is so centralized also be decentralized at the same time with their voting infrastructure i think they can be i mean if you look at what telegram is trying to do its almost the end to this of what facebook is trying to do telegram is is the other side of that coin that represents facebook and. Much of what they do is decentralized including the systems that theyve. Devised for allowing apps to be created for allowing developers to really learn coding in technology in a much simpler way in order to be able to build out you know their apps and their bot system its pretty incredible stuff and its all built upon the concept of the centralization thats what the the bottom line for all crypto currency must remain if it survives it must be about the centralization because i give power to the user and to the people governments dont want people to have that power big corporations do not want people to have that power but that is the power of the cryptocurrency can in its true form actually provide and its the fight thats really taking place Central Control versus decent realization rockey real quick what is your take on the telegram i see do you think that its going to be the Apple App Store killer now that developers can Start Building stores and merchandising and purchasing all around telegrams bot. Yeah i think the telegraph its a great platform they have a lot of usage one of the highest used crypto platforms so im really excited to see this you know this migration to be centralized you know the thing with our industry is its only going to kind of come out of this you know speculative cryptocurrency space with more usage so im all for adoption of Real Products by real people trying to live up to what her and see or block she was actually created to do which is decentralized. Spread of spread of wealth here benz one rocky miller thank you both so much for being here. Thank you. And finally gamers around the world received good news on tuesday as sony finally announced the release window for their next consol the 5th generation sonys gaming system p s 5 will be out in time for the 2020 Holiday Season sony had already revealed that their next system will include an 8 core c. P. U. Support for 8 k. Gaming lower power consumption a super fast Solid State Drive for faster loading times and the much coveted feature of backwards compatibility with p s 4 games there is also the revelation that users will now be able to download specific portions of games that they want to play rather than having to install large portions that they may never even touch theres so much more that we dont know about the new console including the design and how much it will cost. Thats it by this time you can catch boom bust on drac t. V. Channel 321 dish network out to 80 or skimming 247 on planet t. V. The free t. V. At channel 279 or as always set us up at youtube dot com 5 boom bust. Say next time. Why a paradise with some all year round turned into a round the experimentation field but agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants theres no question otherwise why would that the Chemical Company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day you have many of these people one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of Environmental Research going on in hawaii whether these Companies Feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. The way that nations try to recreate a Gold Standard is by posing tariffs on each other to even things out and they creates an enormous bureaucracy and it creates an enormous date for banks to print. Money and contracts and it creates a need for lawyers and it creates a need for all kinds of administrators which is great for them but its a drain on the economy because that money could go into actually productive parts of the real economy supporting real jobs with real wages and real g. D. P. Growth. In the age of trump what has happened to journalistic standards and competence in the media not long ago it was generally agreed that politics was the art of the possible now one news narrative must prevail and all others must be vanquished does this state of affairs serve the public interest. I. Bought in time to. The suspension of paul of and suddenly government to quit the capitol. A new u. S. Intelligence report accuses russian social media overages of attempting to sway the 26th president ial election in Donald Trumps favor. And demands to sack the french until