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Smoke there a lot of ecuadorian flags are on the streets. There very near this from there and moments. And calls for the French Interior minister to resign saying the radical islam sympathizer who murdered 4 Police Officials last week showed no suspicious. Life from moscow to the world this is r. T. International my names you know neil welcome to the program our top story the u. S. Senates Intelligence Committee has published a new report alleged russian interference in the 2016 president ial election the documents authors claim the Internet Research. Agency attempted to use social media to swing the votes in favor of more broadly so distrust in american democracy or tease foreign breaks down in the details the senate Intelligence Committee they report that the agents of the Russian Internet Research Agency or ira quote sought to influence the 2016 us president ial election by harming Hillary Clintons chances of success supporting donald trump at the direction of the kremlin now the senate panel cited the quote close ties of the iras director to russian president Vladimir Putin as quote evidence of significant kremlin support authorization and direction of the iras operations and goals now the Senate Intel Committee writes that the dissent from ation put out on social media sites like Facebook Twitter instagram and you tube was part of a broader sophisticated and ongoing Information Warfare campaign designed to sow discord in american politics and society and this activity increased after election day back in 2016 the report found that dozen from asian put out by the ira targeted specifically africanamericans more than any other age group or demographic to exploit some hot button issues and even convince some people to sign petitions well earlier this year former special counsel for the United States department of Justice Robert muller reported how the ira designed a social Media Campaign to amplify political and social discord here in the u. S. Favoring President Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton now muller indicted 13 russians and 3 businesses for Information Warfare so its interesting you know because this report is coming at the same way it did after election 2016 but this time its before election 2020 here in the states back in july however the federal judge who slammed Robert Mueller along with attorney general william barr for saying that was all russia when there is absolutely no evidence of that a u. S. District judge Dabney Frederick he went on to say that muller prejudiced a potential jury. In this case of the russian firm Concord Management consulting l. L. C. Which theyre facing a legal battle with the department of justice right now the u. S. Government says that concorde funded be quote social media meddling campaign but the traitor says that there was a lack of evidence supporting that and concluded that russian president putin and president ill trump didnt conspire to win the 2016 election so the biggest point of judge freeh rebuke of muller was that muller tied the Internet Research agency to basically all of russia rather it was individuals that happened to be russian so the timing of this report its also pretty interesting you know because this latest report comes as House Democrats well theyve started an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump its another chance to talk about what is dubbed here in this states as the russian collusion campaign yet again despite there being no russian collusion now its also a chance to take a stab at the growing views that were seeing right here on r t the report says that youtube continues to be the propaganda vehicle for russia and that the number of views are much higher than the number of actual you tube subscribers on our r t channel so to give you an idea arties you tube now has 3. 7 millions of followers and in 2017 our channel was actually it accumulated its 5000000000 not 1000000000000003 of you and has 3300000 global subscribers on its you tube channel now r t it was the 1st self described news channel to break 1000000000 views on you tube so you could say that arties you tube is getting a little too popular for the Democratic Party taste. Ok lets get the thoughts no dont even make albums executive director of the realm of Paul Institute for peace prosperity and friend of the president good to see you again in the new Previous Report has really been able to pin anything on russia with it and the definitive proof despite many many claims to the country is this any different. Well this is a house built on sand is what i would say the its quite interesting because the report begins with the assumption that the Internet Research agency is an agency of the russian government we know for a fact as your correspondent so well pointed out that good judge friedrich back in july admonished moeller and his group to stop referring to concord and to ira as a core of the russian government because it cant be proven and heres Something Interesting a lead prosecutor on mullers Team Jonathan kravis testified in poor in court that the moeller report itself does not state anywhere that the russian government was behind the internet resets Research Agency and quote so here you have maulers own people saying this what happened is more and guided concorde thinking theres no way in heck that these guys are going to show up when in fact panic attacks they did show up they did charge and that is when actually muller requested to stay requested a lot of extra time because there was a panic for him just while youve been speaking to me and weve been showing some of the pictures on the screen all of the reports theres a lot of blocks there theres a lot of red ducted lines foreign issues so far reaching consequential in International Relations terms to say the least shouldnt a dumbing report truly strive to be as transparent as absolutely possible. Well yeah but i would say before that it should actually have some evidence and this really reads like a bad 1960 spy movie when you when you read what they say in the records a long report but it basically has no basis in fact and with what i find really sort of one of macro level of musing about this is going on and on about a few facebook ads and how thats completely destroyed our democracy here and us well the United States is overtly overthrowing governments from venezuela to hong kong to ukraine and so on and so on theres a no you knew us id aid package to the fake government of venezuela why go so we do this overtly across the world and then we have these sugar plum fantasies that the russians are doing it to us with no evidence is it a coincidence that this comes at the time of the impeachment inquiry and of course next year is fast approaching president ial elections and donald trump very much in the firing line at the moment. Well its an idea where you stablish a lie and then you keep adding evidence and evidence and evidence to it thats thats what theyre trying to do is to bombard people to try to do a Google Search on this and try to top try to find where judge friedrich said that the whole thing is bogus you cant find it because the the research the Internet Research the internet Search Engines are bearing it heres Something Interesting union the 1st one of the 1st sentences in the report in the summary says quote the committee which is the senate Intelligence Committee the committees ability to identify russian activity on social media platforms was limited so here they had mitt to pay sick leave they have no idea no way of identifying which groups are russian or not even though the whole report says that the russians are behind it all always great to get your take on the program down in the gallons executive director of the ron Paul Institute for peace and prosperity thank you. Around is no warning turkey against a military operation in northeastern syria calling for on to respect syrias sovereignty to iran joins a chorus of concern voices which also includes european officials turkey has reportedly already conducted. Artillery strikes in northeastern syria according to local media it comes hours after washington announced it was pulling its troops out of the area has also been deploying military hardware along its border with syria now monday video emerged apparently showing American Military vehicles leaving 2 of its side posts until recently washington how to run 150 military personnel stationed there kurds in the region tell you American Allies are furious with some leaders saying they will quote curse the u. S. As traitors heres just a taste of what they think about the trip administrations decision Google Services human suitedness story lou will not allow an aggression against this region when we defeated. As you called yourself allies and what it was seen as the coalition is letting us down were hearing constant threats coming from turkey with complete silence on the part of the world now why do you have been displaced and suffered. By it and have until recently and relatively safe zones reject only intimidation sounds of part of token of what its an acceptable is a way to keep keeps threatening us. President from how stridently defended his decision to a draw us troops from Northern Syria claiming america has a no way abandon the kurds he also issued a stark warning to turkey saying it would face severe reprisals if it commits abuses during the operation. Weve been in syria for many years you know syria was supposed to be a short term hit just a very short term hit we were supposed to be in and out that was many many years ago and we only have 50 people in that area thats a small sector and i dont want those 50 people hurt or killed or anything i dont want anything bad to happen our people and i told that to president early on i said dont. Any of any of our people get hurt if turkey does anything out of what they should be doing we will hit them so hard in the economy. In response turkey said it will not bow to u. S. Economic pressure on that home Donald Trumps fund im self in hot water with both democrats and republicans launching scathing attacks over his latest the session on syria killam up in scope and. Standing in between the turkish an s. D. F. Fighters was not a fight to win or a benefit for the United States why because theyre both friends and allies of the usa so if you support one side youre inevitably betraying the other its a perfect no win scenario and for his decision to abandon the kurds donald trump is already taking a hit so the current stepped up when nobody else would the guy says if we abandon him good luck getting anybody to help america in the future will radical islam alqaeda and i says the kurds are now aligned with us because they have nobody to count on cause we abandon them so this is the 3rd point for on going to when prices the president s decision to withdraw u. S. Forces from within syria as a d. P. To stopping development the betrays a cottage on eyes who have been instrumental partners in our mission to eradicate isis we must always have the backs of all and i say if we expect them to have our back the kurds were instrumental in our successful fight against isis in syria leaving them to die is a big mistake losing the reputation as a reliable partner is the main concern after all nobody wants to partner up with a backstabber so we decided to ask new yorkers if they think that donald trump is taking the right moves should the usa have pulled out of syria so suddenly i do not support anything trump supports hell flip hell flip flop just like you know his does honestly i dont think we should be there. Somebody is going to suffer we stay there they suffer we leave they suffer so no we have reason to stab them in the back weve helped them as much as we possibly can and that some point they have to be able to stand on her own 2 feet of syria you think its too soon. Probably i just think theres a lot of hypocrisy. So very much developing situation lets try and make sense of it no account who is a political scientist or 3 good to see you how devastating will turkeys offensive be and in particular perhaps the Vulnerable Group minority groups in Northern Syria particularly if for a mixed use of islamist militias as it did in its offer in operation last year. Well were hearing some reports of limited Turkish Military incursions where i dont really think that were going to see massive infiltration and would put. Turkish army. Buttle hard in Kurdish Forces in addition to that theres a great deal of a smoke and mirror on the part of Trump Administration in what i consider to be a syrian shell game mr trump sparked because we had a very identical Statement Last december that led to the resignation of terms and wanted defense secretary james mattis and now you know a couple of observation posts have been vacated by the u. S. But the u. S. Still has some 18 military bases and operation points including 2 air bases in Northern Syria which there is absolutely no intention of we drawing so lets be very careful distinguishing between you know the. Announcement by the white house and actual policies that are in fact contradicted by the pentagon. And you know the turkish government has its own set of problems with syria that need diplomatic resolution through dialogue with the misc and i dont think that it wants to in haiti some 11000 isis fighters that are in the kurdish custody right now so i dont think that were going to see you know much of anything despite all the media hoopla generated by the White House Party in order to deflect from domestic attention just well the white house despite Donald Trumps denials could his troop withdrawal be described as anything other than a complete betrayal of americas current. If it happens i agree but at the same time you know different sides or dimensions to it is one of which is that mr trump is using the borghi of turkish invasion and you know the destruction of the us by Kurdish Forces in order to rationalize us is illegal occupation of syria since 2015 us really has no justification to stay in syria i mean theyre the only intention was to combat isis terrorists that mr trump you know claims that theyve been 100 per cent defeated although thats not the fact so having run out of excuses you know they dangle this carrot of you know giving green light to turkey which at the same time day we draw it with the other hand in order to justify day legal our compatriots and you know turkey is also a nato country in occupation illegal occupation of parts of syria that for years was indifferent toward you know isis terrorism letting it be used as ok for the european isis fighters going to etc so no i dont really buy the official story emanating from washington these days calvey always great to have you on the Program Cover our political scientist and author a longtime observer of the conflict in syria. The u. S. Military is planning the Largest Military exercises in europe in 25 years the drills called defender europe 20 will take place in germany in april and may next year. We go to the security review and are ready. To. Well 37000 troops will take parts including 20000 from the u. S. The aim to improve the american armys ability to move its forces rapidly to europe in response to a potential crisis defender europe 20 is a great opportunity to demonstrate the u. S. Armys unmatched ability to rapidly project forces across the globe while operating alongside their allies and partners in multiple contested demeans. Well germany playing host to king a key part in the drills themselves the move has come in for criticism from some of the countrys politicians and public they claim germany should play no part. Lets go live now to geo political analyst unconsulted Reiner Rothfuss for his take good to see you reiner why are we seeing such a significant display of power at this point is europe feeling threat. Well i think there may be different reasons. Big make you hurt its interesting to see that its the largest transfer of troops from the United States across the atlantic to europe since the end of the cold war with 20000 soldiers participating from the us and well we will have an Election Year in 2020 so one point to be considered is that donald trump may want to have. Self promotion not being. The buddy of president putin but just playing a large maneuver in europe will give the right image a sport t. V. In the United States to bolster his Election Campaign so this is maybe one reason which has to be taken into account will these exercises actually ensure security. Well this is a good question because if we do. Geopolitical analysis. Yack dangerous russia invading europe it has to be seen. Yeah really illogical its not even absurd to assume that russia could eat the nato member state territory of europe because russia totally depends on a good economic and trade relationship with europe. And with our lead in mind right now sorry for interrupting but with out in mind do you see these exercises perhaps risking exacerbating tensions with moscow. Yeah this is always the difficulty because if you do great maneuvers you signal to the population you also signal course to the counterpart who you want to deter with you or who you want to impress with your maneuvers that relationships are chans that you feel you need to do tend yourself and the relationships are already at a very low point but i think russia understands that the west is also under pressure to show that there is an enemy in the east. The military youre in your nato would lose. Yeah its its reason for investing so many so if you rose and doris into defense and this is what needs to be so its also true that you arent public in the coming years why we should spend many many billions or 2 percent of our g. D. P. In the future for defense so if there is no enemy people we have other needs so lets spend the money in education in development in infrastructure and therefore its self marketing and i think russia understands this very well read thanks for taking us through all those aspects always interesting to have you on the program run iraq 1st geo political analyst and consultant. Knife until a stereotype protests continue to rage in ecuador the governments been forced to relocate to the countrys 2nd city and suspend Parliament Furious at the authorities decision to end fuel subsidies demonstrators have launched a campaign thats saying transport networks crippled across the country Nicholas Odonovan reports from quito was. The irony was was. Ecuador remains under state of emergency after days of protests following president lenin merinos decision to scrap fuel subsidies on monday those protests turned into riots as students and other groups violently clashed with Police Forces afterwards thousands of Indigenous People came here to quito and violence continued throughout the night as protesters surrounded the president ial palace the tension was so high that the president decided to move the edmonton minister to capital from here from quito to kill those 2nd largest city thats not the us what it was it was. But whats behind these protests well at the center of it all is an economic reform package that the government has implemented under a 4200000000. 00 Financing Deal signed with the i. M. F. Ecuador wants to use this money to cope with the large foreign debt and fiscal deficits parts of the package include the scrapping of subsidies to gasoline and diesel that have been in place for for decades the rise in fuel prices has triggered a domino effect and other basic goods are going up in price to create an uncertainty among the people but many here say that fuel prices are just the tip of the iceberg and they disagree with the neo liberal agenda but in place by lenin marina the neo liberal policy of lenin marinas government which of bays and listens the International Monetary fund cancels their nations and that affects students since were all children of workers if he increases the cost of living and leave salaries of the same level this would lead to the fact that many students will not be was continuous studies let the government leave little more and leave we dont want him to be. And because it does too much harm to all of us now the government is also implementing measures such as tax cuts to balance the higher cost of fuel and incentivize Economic Growth but many here say its too little too late meanwhile here in quito the city prepay days of violent schools are closed and some business is a closed down to public transport is down to a minimum but for some protesters here just using this political unrest as an excuse for violence and vandalism others this is a vital fight for the countrys future Nicholas Odonovan. All right were crossing the some great programs in moments here in our to remember should you feel the need to know whats happening around the world at any moment any minute sorry twitter page you covered. In the age of trump what has happened to journalistic standards and competence in the media not long ago it was generally agreed that politics was the art of the possible now one news narrative must prevail and others must be vanquished theres a state of affairs serve the public interest. Paradise with some around turned into a round the experimentation field for agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritant theres no question otherwise why would the the Chemical Company workers themselves be geared up and suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that often in day you have many of these people. One foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of Environmental Research going on in hawaii whether these Companies Feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. Although their imax keyser this is the kaiser report that show goes there. Hey max by the way you know its just a week and a half from today that we will be imposing tariffs big tariffs on european goods this is a bit of a shock in the past came out of the blue we were in these trade wars cold wars civil wars we had all these wars flying back and forth alone behold suddenly we start sanctioning well imposing tariffs on european goods and this is based on a w t o ruling that they decided that in fact air bus had provided 7500000000. 00 worth of subsidies to air bus from the European Union nations so we get to impose some and of course child picks out all the nice foods if he doesnt apply you know he famously it likes things like hot dogs and hamburgers and burger king stuff and donalds and junk food so hes applied it to things like stilton cheese ing goot and stuff like that not bring. One. You know this is what happens when you take the Gold Standard away from the World Economy the way that nations try to recreate a Gold Standard is by imposing tariffs on each other to even things out and it creates an enormous bureaucracy and it creates an enormous need for banks to print. Money and contracts and it creates a need for lawyers and it creates a need for all kinds of administrators which is great for them but its a drain on the economy because that money could go into actually productive parts of the real economy supporting real jobs with real wages and real g. D. P. Growth but we are opposed to Gold Standard of course by many decades now and so the need to create layers and layers and layers of bureaucracy and tariffs now new tariffs is what happens when you take away the Gold Standard eventually we will go back to the Gold Standard as weve been saying that will come back as soon as this thing collapses which is now a dead certainty well speaking dead certainties of course the air bus doesnt drop out of the sky as frequently as the boeing airplane so now unless we want to pay

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