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Of unarmed protesters and you are basically a mouthpiece for air bombardment of civilians well in any position you take. There are 2 powers if you have on your side then you are proven as an honest party the power of except limitation and the power of prophecy and we had both after 8 years everything we said to explain what was happening in libya proved to be right we talked about terrorism extremism tribal conflict western imperialist project in the country to rob libya of its well how does this excuse all. The power of rough we see because we talked about what things would happen afterwards the division of the country the continuous conflict and we have proven right on this front as well as for the charges which may where 3 main charges the air bombardment of libyan cities which were which was brutal and false almost immediately and the International Media had to admit because they came to libya and the air board and is not something you can hide secondly the mass rape of 8000 plebian women the country has been under control of our enemies and the west for 8 years where are the victims and where are the convictions and where are the trials after 8 years they havent been able to prove any systemic rape of women during that time and then you have the charge of killing 10000 innocent protesters in the 1st 3 days where are the names where are the bodies of the most they have been able to come up with 25 people who were killed in the 1st few days we say they were armed some people say they were not armed but 25 People Killed is not 10000 its very rare to be able to speak to someone who interacted with western Mainstream Media jury what do. You call an imperial conflict what was it like being a spokesperson for the government talking to journalists who see themselves as simple as who complained you were raining in on the press censoring the war well we all been libya or the good part we controlled of the country at that time we were very transparent we allowed all hard questions to be asked i was a variable and the government officials were available 24 hours a day and we laid out lied to them no we never lied we always told the truth as of course we believed as we saw it and we responded in a very transparent way and as i said the power of explanation and the power of prophecy are both on our side everything our enemies said proven false everything we look at libya now 8 years under the wests control and the wests asians control what is happening in libya libya was one of the richest countries in africa one of the most stable countries in africa for decades leading africas liberation libya was the head of the African Union the head of the african european summit one of the most important countries in the world of being African Economic projects such as the African Central Bank the African Organization for Natural Resources the african unified army the african gold based currency and look at libya now its a battle field for extremism for tribal conflict for western asians fighting for robbing libya of its wealth ideas of freedom and liberation and sovereignty well if these allegations that were presented to populations in nato countries is the reason for war were indeed false and. No the u. K. Parliamentary Foreign Select Committee in 2016 the the very high and were researched and well funded Parliamentary Committee and britain came up with many conclusions but the main ones relevant to our discussion they said 1st of all the accusations against the libyan regime were either completely invented or at least exaggerated and they said there were many chances to avoid the war and to reach a peaceful settlement for which we called from the very beginning 3 main chances opportunities were available to avoid the destruction of libya the 1st one was sending in an International Fact finding mission for which we called from the very beginning i mean i repeated their request for this every single day for months we even offered to pay for the costs of this Fact Finding Mission although the cost of 1. 00 patrie or 2 rocket that came upon the heads of libyan children could have paid for the mission so easily no one listened to us we also offered to have an African Peacekeeping mission to stop the fighting immediately and then lay the way for a National Conference inclusive of all libyan parties the Libyan Government and the socalled rebels no one wanted to listen the libyan tribes met in the Biggest National tribal conference in the history of the country attended by thousands of delegates and they all supported the government initiatives even those who were on the side of the rebels but the west was determined to go along with the destruction of libya because this is what they planned from the beginning this is a request you to watch you on you. Jube from those years ago but of course were also 10 years at afi gave his famous speech at the u. N. To learn the anniversary on the 23rd of september. So what are the real reasons for as you see it of the war usually imperialism what was happening. According to you and supporters of the Greek Resistance Movement it inevitable that nato nations are trying to destroy a country well afshin there is no doubt that there were internal weaknesses in libya there where internal failures of the system we needed to develop our political system our Economic System to be more inclusive less centralized we succeeded with this in the seventys eightys and ninetys but in the war in the years leading through the war we made some mistakes we centralized the economic power we centralized some of the comic power because we were pursuing a Developmental Program that was different to the years before but there is no doubt that this was not the real factor leading to the 2011 disaster in libya there had been a bra ject a pan african african project of liberation political liberation economic independence and cultural resistance not just an idea or a dream it is informed by the continuous struggle of african nations throughout the decades and by the great experiences of great African Leaders such as patrick lumumba. Nassau and then some and then very different to the ones but what i was told by the world well how our plan was real not just dreams because gaddafi was less. Down real plans and real project for the control of african Natural Resources through the African Organization for Natural Resources unifying african armies into one army called the unit the unified african army and the Central African bank for which gaddafi was raising funds discussing with other African Leaders the time tell me about the gold will libya libya itself is a small country 6000000 people but we had 100 than 80 tons of gold which is quite a great amount for a small country but to achieve african in the bend cannot make in the vandals khadafi was hoping for 4000. 00 tons of gold to be accumulated for the gold reserve of africa and upon that he wanted to build the African Central Bank to replace the French Central Bank controlling african economies and to build up the african unified currency gold base to a place to replace the dollar and to build the internal organic. African economy and he wasnt just dreaming these things up he was hard working on them and who got the agreement of many would African Leaders and he was in the process of actually achieving these goals like for example the 1st african satellite was launched in 2008 and the 1st stages of the African Central Bank were initiated the African Union itself was founded in the very city of sirte in september of 1999 the same city that qaddafi had to lead his last battle against the. Ready forces that hated the establishment. Was able to stop you there. Because theres a Survival Guide station just like all the stores and. You should. Get a. Repatriation or get the right to 70. Deliver the kaiser report. Gandhian by north and so many people because they copied him hes so good that even such a bad copy is sending. Im not feel to anybody and. Im here to find the next guy. Who looked up live on canyoning approving done the in philosophy that god shimon dumpty a dump. The clicks and move for the c. E. O. Saying to the deflection what is comfortable saying. That is a god given that i got up for many answers. That he and others are going to going to write about. That he can bank on theres nothing like a. Long long while and then he knows along the bottom theres a bonus ritual i dont control glottal. And to a new person and lead to me move 100 gandhi a new normal im going to run the place christ David Begnaud to you then well mark you then damon join you. Welcome back im still with was abraham former spokesperson to Moammar Gadhafi you see the British Government the International Trade department the British Government and simulate about words and later nations say they share the goals of how you articulated them their. Scribing them to get a free they are interested in that you you claim actually theyre more interested the factor in helping alqaeda nicest on the shores of the mediterranean well this is an old british strategy i have to admit it has been successful and the british used it in their empire from the 19th century and then other other imperialist nations got the lesson and they have been utilizing it very well its the management of crisis what you do is you come to a context of a country and you introduce chaos through war through internal conflict religious division i. Q. Patient whatever means you have and then you keep the chaos going you manage the crisis because through the management of chaos you are able to make sure that this context is weak. It sub or donated to you you can rob the wealth of this context and then you can play the different factors against each other and make sure that when the game changes it changes in your favor so sometimes you support liberals because they are your agents and because they belong to a certain set of values you want to bring vale but other times you think ok now we support islam ists like what the west did in afghanistan and what they did in iraq for a while to get rid of Saddam Hussein and then when the game changes they go ok now we stop supporting islam ists and we will manage the crisis in a different way we support an army general or its a game that has been perfected in the war rooms of the western imperialist centers and they do it almost like. Second nature now libya has been under attack of the west for 8 years its supposed to be a democracy now have become tree helped and saved by the west look at libya now killing. Civil conflict tribal war murder terrorism rubbing off National Wealth what does the remind you that remind you of iraq syria afghanistan yemen its the same story have billing every time and some people still dont see it for me this is absurd the truth is out there and it really pains me that people chose their hatred against someone like duffy or Saddam Hussein. Over the truth over what is have been in every single day for years and years and years but why is it taken you show a lot in the world talk to the media since the death of gadhafi well after the collapse of the country as leaders of the political military and cultural resistance against the western project in libya we have been politically persecuted continuous attempts to silence us and to marginalize a sparrow did you survive even because there are reports that you were captured. Loads of reports of record in september to the level of care which was 11 generator it will. Need to till is no no i mean we have always been in the middle in the heart of it. But we have been working underground inside libya and outside libya with many thousands of leaders from all contexts and we have been leading the alternative for libya and we have been talking to our people our tribes our cities and we have been very successful only recently in the last year or 2 the political scene have changed positively namely the whole conspiracy against libya has been exposed and many will literally from your perspective as we had of a british diplomat in japan he still had absolute faith in the un recognized government shore accord of course we have a lot of the series of this is that this is generally what exactly this is for me is really where you position the green Resistance Movement sometimes when i listen to european diplomats and american i think ok maybe some of them are genuine people and they dont understand what is happening but sometimes you just have to say it out loud this is a. Lack of more ality these people lack any decency when they say that how could you describe a country completely in chaos in crisis with killings murders and bombardments everyday with tribal fighting with militias with terrorism everywhere a country that lived peacefully for decades and decades was one of the richest most stable countries of africa and the mediterranean and you come and you say you have faith in the National Government or you have faith in the future of the here we enter into the realm of immorality of just plain indecency you know that people are dying every day but its un mandated the government of the enemy is controlled by super powers the un is controlled and that what they do is they are part of the game. Of the destruction of libya where there are things that i say you might debate but no one can debate that libya is a disaster and when you look at the numbers of refugees tens of thousands of refugees drowning in the mediterranean since the death of good free. What have you felt watching that all the news yes of course we are very saddened by the situation in north africa and the african sadly you see we had genuine projects for the african nations around the north african region and the saddle area to actually contain illegal migration and to build National Industries and National Economies so the African People do not have to rest their lives and die in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea but for all of the alternative liberation projects that we had look what exists now complete destruction of the internal structures of african countries of libya especially Education System Hospitals Health everything and instead of the unified african army you have the africom the African American command in africa you have the french force the g 5 s. And western africa in a stage of the African Central Bank which would have served the refugees and the african nations you have the French Central Bank and instead of the gold based economy you have the sub or the nation of african economies to the global capitalist machine its all part of the same story even the internal problems that existed in libya beforehand they were exploited because this what impact does tragic irony that in death exceeded your being destabilising European Union countries because of immigration in the rise of the far right people have said that duffy was also not just a plan after africanist he was an internationalist he really did want peace and tranquility and development and cool co. Corp thats why he hosted and he was the head of the european african summit in 2009 and libya he wanted to build up africa but he wanted good relations with europe he wanted to create a new world order of justice of peace of collaboration but this was so hard for the imperialist capitalist system to digest a lot of has been written about the racism involved in the nato mission in libya when you knew get you and other ministers in the Libyan Government what it is saying about why he supported Nelson Mandela well mandela was called a terrorist by the British Government declared as such by Margaret Thatcher and her ministers was declared a criminal by many western diplomats and even intellectuals who didnt understand his support for his support for mandela who defected libya oh of course of course khadafi was very honest and transparent with us people who worked closely with him and he said this he said to us make no mistake we are being punished for what we did not just for libya but for what we did for africa and many other developing countries and around that we are paying the price for supporting in some mandela for supporting the black race for supporting real politics of revolution could duffy was happy to fight until his death he knew he had many ways out he chose not to go out he was offered ways out even by African Leaders who visited him during the war but he said if he goes out the very ideas he fought for will die in his death. His ideas will live and i believe. The ideas and the principles and the broader acts he lead will live on and well come back with such power in the future if you say that but joe biden of course is going for the presidency next year leading Democrat Friends of Hillary Clinton what did you feel when you saw Hillary Clinton talk about gadhafi far from in those terms but the fact that basically. Theyre here Hillary Clinton is a war criminal she knew what was happening in libya she understood and this was revealed in her emails that were leaked by wiki leaks she said very clearly that the charges against gadhafi where at least exaggerated and that the french where into this because of the libyan gold and because of their objection to what khadafi was doing in africa but she went along with it because she knew that with the collapse of deference libya they will have the states and europe a greater chance of controlling africa which they did. The americans now have many many military bases and they have increased and intensified their dig for gold for your rainy im in one asia for example for gold imports enough fassel and for other Natural Resources the libyan oil and gas. And so the politicians they are nothing but servants for the machine. And they would deny being a war criminal in fact probably say shes being accused from the right of not protecting u. S. Diplomats in benghazi but i have to tell you libya is synonymous with terrorism arguably to many ordinary people in nato nations lets go to the area on the ground a concert in manchester what did it feel like for you when you watched the college on television. Well as of course extremely sad and that pains us that ordinary people in the west have to pay for the crimes and mistakes and blunders of their government you see when you try to manage a crisis a crisis is by nature a crisis you can manage it but you cannot control it 100 percent sometimes it hits you back as a system because you are achieving your main goals you have to bear these consequences and take them and as they come the british and the americans can very easily get rid of terrorism simply by just not supporting it not funding it not creating it but they choose to go on these are not secrets im revealing to you in this interview this is known and agreed upon by all factors but the west is aware that this is their game they are playing and they have to pay the price for it was a real thank you thats it for this special edition of going underground well have more from was abraham only why theyre called back for the libyan crisis part 2 on monday without. The. Plenty. Oh. Please. Just slept. Playing. And very well might continue watching on since last. Protesters clashed with police on the streets of the ecuadorian capital as the government scraps fuel subsidies to meet the terms of an i. M. F. Loan. The u. S. State Department Approves the sale of millions of dollars worth of antitank missiles to ukraine with the country proving to be a rich source of money scandal and political intrigue for the united states. An american president ial hopeful Bernie Sanders declares war on the super rich and gets Massive Public support and more surprisingly from billionaire facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg we asked people in new york if the one percent risk being seen as an oppressed minority. Culprit

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