All the top stories next hour right now though its the latest cars report to. Does are this is the kaiser report and we are in palm springs california krypto springs 29 thing lots going on last to talk about. Yes well weve had a wonderful time here it is about 100 degrees fahrenheit it is about 100 degrees fahrenheit or i guess thats about 38 celsius for those in europe weve had the big crash well weve been here 16 percent move prices some of the points were down up to 40 percent of course the impeachment proceedings against the president have also started while weve been here so its been a very fascinating busy time while weve been here but i want to turn to our 1st headline because this is a topic that you and i have been covering for and i know our guest coming up in the 2nd half this is a specialty negative Interest Rates are social political poison and this is from talk dot com and hes looking at a story out of germany from veldt Financial News and they say that the their articles called Interest RateBusiness Model is dead the e. C. B. Will restart its Bond Purchase Program in november this time without a time limit thus the monetary authorities have permanently changed the long term Interest Rate at a low level and cut the profit opportunities of the Financial Sector to a level that is not sustainable for a long time institutions have made good money from the difference between long term and short term Interest Rates that time is now over bankers eat their young you know just like daddy bear old eat the little baby bear and the bear market and everybody gets in a. Theyve destroyed the economy in so many ways there was only one place to go now was to destroy themselves and now these banks are imploding the Interest Rate model is dead as talked about as referenced you can make any difference between the difference between different time values of money and so now this is the end game of monitor there is ition a meal liberalism we get to watch it now life time the social fallout will be spectacular we already see uprisings all over the world get ready for the global insurrection against banker occupation so break up fireworks maybe its time to go big yes so in particular these are the European Banks we see the European Banks suffering the most we see their stock prices has have collapsed we see their bonds collapsing we see like for example j. P. Morgan endorser bank at the beginning of this financial crisis in 2008 they were roughly the same size now j. P. Morgan is about 10 times the size of of Deutsche Bank since the financial crisis and this is partly because of e c bs intentional policy as you mentioned you know the its a simple easy game right of banking do you borrow short term from the fed or the treasury or the e. C. B. And you lend long to mortgage holders and stuff like that the 10 year bonds yield are around 1. 5 Percentage Points more than 2 year issues in historical terms currently the difference is just under a 0. 2 percent so theyre losing money hand over fist theyre not able to pass it on to their clients right now theyre trying to pass the these costs on to their High Net Worth clients because those are the ones with a lot more money but heres a quote from the article that is exactly quoting from like kaiser what weve talked about and how radical the situation is at the moment people dont understand like how radical Central Bank Policy has been since the financial crisis and they say historically banks need money. Out of time if time no longer has a price because there is no more interest nothing can be earned so time no longer has value max right you know when i was working on wall street the banks was 363 you pay a deposit of 3 percent you lend money out of 6 percent and youre on the golf course by 3 pm and that was the banking business so now without any kind of Interest Rate spread it all there is no banking business so banks but but but theyre going to go out of business completely and time has no value anymore so were entering a new post time this not even post capitalism its post time were living in the Twilight Zone this is Twilight Zone of banking time doesnt exist its like the Bermuda Triangle of bank and you know youre flying over all the banks are lending at negative rates and all the collateral is sinking into the ocean and you know up there in the sky and next thing you know youre youre on a wing of a plane with William Shatner dancing the want to see wondering what the heck just happened its the Banking System 21st century this would happen well but remember so what weve done with the Financial System the system the all global feed system since were eradicated hard money in 1701 is weve only managed to week weve weve gone further and further we have been time travelling ok thats been happening weve gone further and further out into the future weve gone 4050 years out into the future and hold all of that earnings today to today and thats why we have this mega debt load and you know i was talking to nick and youre going to talk to him in the 2nd half but one thing we were talking about in terms of this and why these negative raids is that in fact basically theres. There arent enough assets for all the liabilities so all of these debts are trying to find assets and see if he. Essentially and there arent enough there arent enough treasuries there arent enough of gold and there arent enough big queen even. Dropped heavily while we are here now everything are spent securitized and turned into a commodity turned into financialization of everything has already taken place the sport has become a securitized the same its become securitized Agricultural Industries securitize Energy Industries security with the exception of hollywood thats another story but every single industry in america and in the world and securitized and sold forward 102030 years all the consumption that would happen has been now consume so now were into a dead planet as like richard that burroughs Worst Nightmare is like right hi im richard burr welcome to dead planet everything on planet earth is dead because when securitized and weve consumed it all well theres a teenager in the us. There heartbroken crying her eyes out because shes going to grow up on a dead planet we could have all been securitized and sold and resold and repacking is really papa canada 1000 times 10000 times were left with nothing except the dream of one who was one who wasnt it is no more you know in 1071 when i was i was alive but i was very small didnt know but you know back then there were only like 33500000000 people on earth so that was a hard money age now since 1071 its been all easy money has been basically in all its coin that you could print and leslie but the fact is time always did have value the problem is we cashed it all in for the next 4050 years so there is a sort of you know with the when voice of god was saying that that the markets the bond rates negative you rates were predicting essentially a population decline thats because weve already like if there are 8000000000 people on earth today its really like were living like its as if there were a 25000000000 in terms of how many lives weve lived already remembered or. In this subprime crisis everyones home had been securitized turned into tradable security and resold a dozen times amongst dozen banks and Pension Funds and then you have the Interest Rate crisis you had a collapse in all those homes one belly up and just as interesting side note of American History is the largest confiscation from the black community in a 100 years because they have been sucked into this predatory lending by all of major banks on wall street but you can apply that not only to housing but just about every single facet aspect of the economy has been packaged securitize and resold a 100 times and so the reason is that you have no way to extricate yourself down at that rate youre going negative because the only way you could possibly get out of that mess is if it somehow encourage growth that would encourage tax revenue that would allow you to pay down debt thats been the theory all the trickle down economists and monetarist for the past 30 years have said all we need to do is just jam the economy with some money were going to get the Growth Engine started and that will generate the tax revenue we need to pay down all this debt while as ive been saying now for years and now its totally irrefutably true that lowering rates doesnt fight deflation of causes deflation and negative Interest Rates in the total collapse of the financial ecosystem so paul krugman and his guys they have responsible for the largest transfer of wealth medieval days i mean the point is that weve had weve pulled forward all this consumption from 40 years 50 years into the future so negative rates in that sort of situation might actually make sense in terms of. This article in mission talk dot com and there is some like wild birds and butterflies and animals and cracked crickets crickets and grasshoppers here so if you hear noise dont be alarmed we always have to tell our audience that they they get alarmed when they hear noises and we are out in the wilds of palm springs and they report they look at j. P. Morgan report about these negative Interest Rates and of course stupid morgan is looking into their for their own future like were saying like were. Ringing for the future weve consumed the the next 4050 years j. P. Morgans looking at europe and seeing 0 race negative race coming to america and they see their own future so they say they quote in their report frank kohler c. E. O. Sparta bank berlin and he says that the negative Interest Rate policy of the e. C. B. Is ruining the Financial System and is a socio political poison says frank kohler c. E. O. Of sparta bank berlin the Financial System is absurd if we have to explain to the children that money has a negative value and the debt is good because you may not have to repay anything again this is one of the things weve been covering and its an important thing to look at since 2016 because everybody is looking for like some sort of mythical reason for all the stuff happening around us the populism the socio political poison that is negative rates that is the fact that we have in deed genuinely consumed the next 3040 years of of productivity and assets right at the bahaman of the debt blackball are still amongst us living zombies so when you go into negative rates they will go into your bank account and theyll say we need to take some money from your bank account and that will become 2 percent a year then 10 percent a year then 100 percent then theyll say well your car is also securitize we have it on our books its on our computers and we know exactly what that loans all about we need to take that as well theyll take your car then theyll take your kids because of this Financial Education system has been completely financial and ill say unless you give us your kids you know the schools are going bankrupt and theyre owned by j. P. Morgan we cant let them go bankrupt so we need to kids and theres just continue basically unabated in this way and its a plague thankfully its like the black plague that wiped out half the global population as reisa bogner said negative Interest Rates porch and a decline in population are. Around the world the only thing i can compare it to would be the black plague which half the population so you know again youre speaking to the 2nd half and i think its important if you go online look up him and look at some of this data he has because its too long to go into in this short segment here of the kaiser report but he talks about the triumph of liquidity and the fact that. People who are looking at the situation looking at negative rates looking at. What they dont understand is like the u. S. Dollar the currency the euro the actual dollar you know if you have a dollar in your pocket its actually debt its a liability its not an asset u. S. Treasuries are an asset Treasury Bill is an asset so that is backed by the actual productive capacity of the United States that is an asset theres a shortage of assets actual real assets and you know i think ultimately we will see as. These sort of ruptures in the in the repo market the stuff were starting to see those are the same sort of warning signs we saw in 2007 that we saw in 2008 about the financial crisis that was about to hit and i think were seeing the same thing and i have us tweet here also from germany. He says he has room to Business Model of german banks which borrow money short term and lend long term banks can no longer earn money with. Maturity transformation business is dead Commerce Banks shares a guy. With a 2 year 10 year treasury yield spread and those are the charts like Commerce Bank which used to be a big bank in germany thats declined their share prices decline Deutsche Bank is down like 95 percent since the financial crisis even the landis bank and which are the foundation of the middle. Middle corporations as the heart of german exports to me that those banks are starting to suffer as well. All the big banks will be on by amazon and we answer that because you know go like and when you make a purchase on amazon you either get a big shock or a little shock depending on your Credit Rating or you get shot to death up in life in the line anyway were going to take a break and when we come back much more coming away dont go away. Round up with a little out of. The set of one of my what i would. Find i trim 88 to high is not the high i might. Get this month when the sun shone. For the sum total of almost mimic the lock of the. Theater someone who did the board. Welcome back to the kaiser report im max keyser time now to turn to nick but to yeah open note and tantra labs welcome thank you max this is fantastic because weve been talking for a long time number of years and were going to get into some really interesting topics right now you are really a guy who understands the internal plumbing of these markets these bond markets these money markets and thats thats where it really your specialty is and you got that background in banking and the bond market so youre well placed to explain the turmoil and whats called the repos market a lot of people been talking about over the past week or so what you know what happened sure so. The treasury market is one that needs to be funded at the primary dealers balance all right so theres i think its 18 primary dealers and theyre the people that interface with the Federal Reserve bank right and the way that the economy is managed in terms of the cash is there they have a certain relationship with they have to buy stuff from the fed and they get a guaranteed revenue stream and then they market essentially to wall street so its kind of like the inbetween layer of the stack if you will the financial stack the primary dealers stack right so so the primary dealers in this case they were what was going on there so the primary dealers are obligated legally to take down excess treasury supply in the auctions and what happens is every time they take down treasuries they fund those treasuries through the repo market that is coming from money market funds cash balances from across the country so that money ends up in the repo market and funds the treasury. For some reason the treasuries that settled last week didnt really go well in the funding market and the fed had to step in and do an emergency. 75000000000 repo facility on an overnight basis for these treasury securities so repose a repurchased agreement. Its the most the shortest term piece of paper in the Financial System its a loan that secured by the treasury collateral itself and its short term and this is kind of the stuff and this is whats used back and forth to finance the transactions back and forth you need a lot of actually a loan to just cover the transaction and in this layer of the economy its all pretty small you dont have these types of disruptions right so its shocking when the rate on the repo market so it shows that there is some trust in that market has shot up and that would imply as we saw in 2008 when short rates and the rates shot up that was telegraphing as a big signal like somethings amiss here somethings bad is that what did it was it telling us something and if so whats it telling us right so its telling you that the its not the quality of the collateral thats the problem the treasury market is still very well bid and you know rates are still quite low because the treasury prices are high what happened is that this treasury collateral was at a counterparty or multiple counter parties that other banks just stopped trusting people kind of parties just stop trusting last week again like in 2008 right shut up because these banks dont trust the dealings with that theyve got the goods that they they dont want to go out there and do business because they think that banks actually insolvent and the fed came in and all these Banks Community 1000 if they were looking for everybody now it seems like were out that state again you know its funny its a game of Musical Chairs sometimes the music stops and somebody loses last time Lehman Brothers was taken out bear stearns taken out sounds like the musics about the stop again and which is which bank is the unlucky bank this time that will be caught without a chair i really dont know its hard to speculate my guess is that its a European Bank weve seen a lot of trouble. Over there over the last several years in the Banking System. But its really hard to guess i would guess somewhere in germany france or switzerland somewhere in germany france or switzerland now sit down you can do a little work yourself there at home and come up with 2 or 3 names thats right you want to germany weve mentioned many many times thats my favorite the new Lehman Brothers said it would be your bank and so now were getting some Market Action then became one of these big banks about to go under that i 1st heard of you when you began writing about the time value of money and how the Lightning Network in particular makes this relevant to big claim so explain time value and why bitcoin matters in this regard sure so the Lightning Network does something novel for coin it allows you to earn income without taking explicit counterparty risk because when you stake big coin to a lightning node and open payment channels those are all still real big transactions and youre not actually giving over any control that big quite so this idea that we can earn income we can earn an Interest Rate without counterparty risk is pretty special my idea was that we can use these rates from across the network to establish a time value a big client and perhaps a reference rate for big Capital Markets where we can have lending activity thats actually referencing this Lightning Network reference rate and not just an absolute rate versus 0 right so in the credit markets you know you have the bond market and other markets they are paying Interest Rate i am sure particularly the 10 year treasury bond is used as the benchmark to come up with packaging of securities and what the Mortgage Rate is going to be and what the matrix rates are from the longest to the shortest term the yield curve as its called so now this can be introduced a big point with the Lightning Network because youre getting an income youre getting in revenue and so you can start to do some real applied mathematics as a financial analyst. At the same time weve got wall street kind of entering into the big points space with their products and futures products what are they use to establish the value of those products sure so the Lighting Network reference rate is something that is just conceptual at this point theres not actually a lot of return to be made and its very difficult to allocate Lightning Network capital to in order to make money with it the way that the wall street types are valuing the time value of big coin are these lending contracts and these Exchange Lending sort of situations where in the traditional markets we have securities lending thats where a holder of the security will actually lend that security out into the market so that somebody else can go short thats where were getting the highest volume bitcoin time value right now is this Exchange Lending activity people that hold bitcoin lending into the market so that the other side can go short write some pick winners stuff like paul doesnt pay in advance but were also in an environment where these treasury yields are going negative so i would think that would be a big bonus and a big plus for bitcoin right yes you know the as Interest Rates go lower its most likely because of all the Central Bank Stimulus that we have its money thats being created thats looking for a home and. Theres no reason for it not to end up in highly liquid assets and so these liquid assets include government bonds and thats why we see rates continuing to go lower cost the world right so now this brings us to an interesting part of our discussion here about essentially what bitcoin is need to understand about the u. S. Dollar versus the u. S. Treasury market and so go into this a little bit because you believe that we should look at big. Dollar instead of maybe less than we do when we look at it versus gold but it requires kind of a deep dive into dollars and so work us through the church so. Lets start by talking about bitcoin as digital gold i still i still think that this is one of the best ways to explain pick one is that its a commodity its like gold its scarce and it people believe it to be money and so i think that big point as usual goal is a very important thing now when we talk about big point trying to take on the dollar as the worlds reserve currency i think it makes mischaracterizes it a little bit the dollar is a liability based money its debt money what i think we should be focusing on are u. S. Treasuries u. S. Treasuries are assets big point is an asset gold is an asset and so u. S. Treasuries is the way to think of what is the demand or what is the current available supply of the most liquid highest quality collateral in the u. S. Dollar system its not physical dollars because those are Federal Reserve liabilities and its not digital dollar deposits because those are commercial banks liabilities its actually the treasury because the United States government has the lowest perceived counterparty risk in the system so big coin holders should be thinking about taking out the u. S. Treasury as the risk free asset of the world not necessarily thinking about replacing the dollar right and how big is the market so the u. S. Treasury market is currently approximately 20 trolling the supply for the u. S. Dollar market onshore plus off plus offshore we dont really know right and do so roughly more than 2 time football market yes more than the treasury market is more than 2 times the size of the gold market price on people put pencil to paper and i say well because should be a 220000. 00 per coin if its going to equal ball if we used the treasury market then to get to that level were talking 5600000. 00 a coin well if you think 21. 00 trillion divided by 21000000. 00 coins thats about 1000000. 00 back when so eventually i think that its. Its realistic for that to be the goal for big point as a market value surpassing that gold market cap right and that would make every said toshi worth one penny the same trail again almost by design very great tell us about open note what is it and what are you doing there for them in this new job open notice a big point payment processor lightning enabled as well so both on chain and Lightning Network payments and our goal is to bring big point adoption to the world so merchants can sign up we have great a. P. I. Eyes that are really easy to use and implement and you can start accepting big point right away so does do you change because it is but Climate Change you. Want is definitely changed me. So you know a few years ago i was working in the traditional finance world and i really saw that big coin was an opportunity to start over with money and the Financial System and its just an opportunity thats worth pursuing to see how many big pointers around the world are so passionate. It really helped draw me in all right also nick thanks for being on the kaiser report thank you so much matt so right well thats going to do it for this edition of where with me Max Kaiser Herbert like to think. Of open note and. Going to catch us on twitter its kind of the report or report dot com until next time. But if she warn you posted by you than i do the dishes at the bottom or those jeans nudist beach and you see me. As and about that come up when you guys e. T. S. Will be home in the news i mean guys are that infants involved. A lot of you will see sawing and fuzzy fights about school kids each other both sides. As in the adults to me as if i try. This out. Here in cheeky folks that cabo but fuck them days doing this is. Almost 30 am for people who listen to you soon to include in. That he should walk near to play just one game so sudden this somebody comes on the other good and they dont know what to do with it you know did a bistro just to temporize they could gin you on to their next image and election just drop is all wood to this site over at least because the democrats saw it it disposed towards the Islamic Republic so you know maybe try to go back to the old james over it quietly give you consistent as i quietly you believe being pressured im not. The more i tried to understand the more i could see the signs of all solitary unism emerging on my continent as well. Human rights issues to those. In venezuela. Every day in colombia and every day in mexico. Every day in brazil. All