After earlier threats by the taliban to disrupt the vote. And victims of oppression in sudan file a complaint against a major french bank saying it was complicit in he would rights abuse. By their good morning. Welcome to this 30 minute news roundup with me kevin. First the latest in the double trump impeachment inquiry story 1st now a prominent critic of the us president democrat out and shift is often explosive interpretation of trumps now infamous ukraine phone call with the ongoing impeachment investigation President Trump struck back accusing schiff of making up his version of the conversation. Want you to make up dirt on my political opponent understand lots of it on this and on that theres a lot of talk about the biden son and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do would be great. Im going to put you in touch with attorney general United States my attorney general bill barr hes got the whole weight. Of the american Law Enforcement. Behind him im also going to have attorney general barr call and we will get to the bottom of it. And by the way dont call me ill call you when youve done what i asked whenever you would like to come to the white house feel free to call give us a date and well work that out and i look forward to seeing you. When the choose day the house of representatives launched that formal impeachment inquiry into trump over alleged attempts by the u. S. President to force his ukrainian counterpart to investigate hunted by the sun the joe biden his potential 2020 democratic rival legal a media analyst lionel told a sudden shift play fast and loose with facts when presenting concocted details of the phone call. It is extremely duplicitous it is extremely misleading and very troublesome for the way adam schiff came about and basically provided a parody a unique way of looking at it and he was receiving what people thought was actual transcript provisions actual statements made yes that is a conversation and then later on when pressed he says well i was being. A bit loose with this i was giving you one kind of a perhaps a a parody a kind of a satirical look well that satirical look. Is absolutely 1st of all side necessary but it was most problematic and the cause of many many people being very very angry with what he did it was on call for duplicitous misleading and wrong until recently discovered. Just ukraine but in u. S. Politics russia is never far from the fore is it this perfect democratic heavyweight nancy pelosi is now thrown moscow into the mix for good measure too. It is wrong for any Foreign Government to interfere and narrow elections and here you have the president of the United States asking for that by the way i think russia has a hand in this by the way the week before nancy pelosi told her staff told her democrat she is the speaker of the house of representatives she told her democrats enough with this impeachment talk that all of a sudden when a certain faction of her democrat said youre not tough enough youre losing favor with us all of a sudden she changed her mind. Meantime kovach American Special envoy to create stepped down amid the phone call scandal is the corruption of the geishas circling about joe biden this summer which has been dismissed as a Conspiracy Theory by the Mainstream Media next this morning in for trying to look at whether or not the big of it too quick to write off the story. So the reason why the president is after the man whos most likely to challenge him next year is nothing but a conspiracy so many voices are saying just that he implored the president to work with his personal attorney to manufacture a smear against a domestic political opponent we cannot have a debate about a Conspiracy Theory democrats have to keep this very clean lets dig into these unproven claims that trump is making about the former Vice President but just how much does the public in america know about the case of a Ukrainian Energy company a few years ago but the root of all this stir the public deserves to be aware and make up their own mind conspiracy or proper investigation material so joe bidens son hunter was on the board of directors at mr biden seen here as Vice President was washingtons point man with kiev at the time meanwhile this man victor schalke in the prosecutor general there was in charge of investigating barista ma and its founder for Economic Crimes he eventually lost his job well just have a look at how Frank Joe Biden was about his involvement i said you not getting a 1000000000 im going to leave in a year i think it was about 6 hours i looked as a reader to 6 hours of the prosecutors not fired youre not getting the money oh son of a. Fighter jets guess what happened later after the new prosecutor came in his office eventually gave the company a free pass obviously though we cannot connect any dots here but just so you know the fired ukraine official no matter how corrupt he ended up being was confident about why he got kicked out heres a quote from his affidavit the truth is that i was forced out because i was leading a wide ranging corruption probe into recent holdings of Natural Gas Firm active in ukraine and joe biden son hunter biden anyway let me move on with a few more relevant findings by a journalist from the hill who studied a bunch of the. Emails then Ukrainian Government memo. It turns out the folks from a us p. R. Firm that represented breasts were really eager to get a meeting with the most senior prosecutors in kiev one a male claimed to have been sent by craning Embassy Diplomat to one of the people from the firm said this with regards to the missing some key i suggest that you wait until the next week when the reason expected to vote in the government. Its been revealed that on the same day prosecutor shocking was shown the door the top guys of the p. R. Team once again got in touch with kiev and only took them several days to get a meeting with the new acting prosecutor general his memo suggests the folks that help bristol raise the changes at the Prosecutors Office the visiting side was surprised by the info and sent the Us State Department has completely different information describing the failure of the reforms at the Prosecutors Office but then they changed their mind and realized u. S. Officials were misinformed they also promised to hook up ukraines incoming Law Enforcement officials with ties to the state department and help organize a trip to the u. S. They informed me that they would seek to facilitate my visit to the u. S. To pass on the correct information to state department officials. After this man you are that sankoh officially took over from the acting prosecutor general step by step all proceedings against the firm where hunter biden had one of the top jobs began to vanish now back to mr biden seeing here and someone who used to meet him quite often as the head of ukraine according to the fired prosecutors testimony the president was pushing too on several occasions president poroshenko asked me to consider the possibility of winding down the investigative actions in respect of this company but i refused to close this investigation now where that would lead experts in conspiracy tagging or the us public as a whole i have no clue. Buswell is demanding action of Climate Change have been held across canada with over 300000 people marching in montreal alone seeing climate activists go to Justin Trudeau the canadian Prime Minister also joined the right to a private meeting between the pair she urged him to do more to save the environment meantime in the cover of us to geisha is found that Canadian Companies have been sending Plastic Waste overseas instead of recycling it counted or exported more than 10000 tonnes of it im a lazy or in 28 its claimed that thats led to a drastic increase in the number of illegal. Processing factories that are inside this factory we see workers exposed to potentially toxic fumes without proper protection. Wherever that stand there are ways to malaysia ways where those plastic ways or whatever ways we will send it back and we will fight back even though we are a small country we cannot be bullied by a developed countries we asked people at the climate munching on trail whether or not they were aware of what was happening with canadian waste them. You know what happened to the logic of a few seconds no. Warning to a recent c. D. C. Report a lot of this plastic containers being shipped to malaysia were going to get it i just want to take the response about how you. Feel ashamed of it we should take care of our whole new dishes in a sense im sorry to hear killing not. Kept up with whats happened. Its terrible 1st of all its if its shocking to say. He should do something about it. Long range. Should be you are looking as well you would. Need to do a lot of things with respect to closely to do a. Lot of. Things here start of this like a big city here sort of set it over their words has said. The philippines experience similar problems to malaysia in the past years to president attend he put an end to the violations and sent tons of rubbish back to canada physicist an environmental scientist and a strong cold told this canadian politicians are only paying lip service to environmental concerns. True or not such a hypocrite he would not be marching in montreal he would be making an announcement that theyre going to ban this kind of moral and improper behavior in the world which is to export your talks it garbage most canadians do diligently recycle and they participate in the in that recycling programs on the. Net their cities and governments are you know following how Companies Collect as sort and recycle this material they cant imagine or the most canadians. Think that these companies are actually selling the materials off to distant lands to to the developing world countries its mass hypocrisy is what were seeing now among our canadian politicians they dont do the real things that they have the power to do instead they would prefer to do token gestures like walking this march. 2000 to the afghan president ial elections already been 4 different blasts in parts of the country injuring 19 people and killing one theres no word so far whos behind the attacks but taliban militants earlier promised to disrupt the vote its the 4th election after the u. S. Forcibly removed the taliban from power in 2001 the 1st since donald trump halted peace talks with the Group Earlier this month while the 9000000. 00 people are registered to vote in the election but the latest survey suggests only 20 percent of Afghan People believe its going to be free and fair ahead of the vote we spoke to people in kabul about their expectations and about security in the country. Doing good security if you are physically close to the busy 3. Years. Trying to see voters and for these laws no one should be afraid of anyone they should vote for president because it is their right to vote the security. It would be sufficient for the security is good right now we are voting to have a democratic country on land should be peaceful and our people should be happy. Well the Afghan Government control slightly more than half the country the rest is either under the taliban or contested there are about 5000 polling stations open today down from more than 7000 initially planned hundreds of them are situated in dangerous areas a Research Analyst at the center for conflict and peace studies told me about the complexity of this particular election. The security is higher alert in we could see a lot of security measures and checkpoints along the way particularly inside kabul so i think it made it difficult for the taliban or any other groups to carry out attacks in inside kabul and the number of attacks that we have we have seen so far i think people were expecting more but it appears that the there is a lot more security than expected which is making it difficult for for the taliban and other groups to carry to target the polling stations in the waters but nonetheless. Having said that despite all the security i think. The turnout appears to be extremely no thats because people were already afraid that they would be more more of more attacks in the 1st place a lot of people did not expect the elections to happen because of the peace talks that were going on and but eventually they were suspended by President Trump one of the key reasons for the taliban to not negotiate with one government is president romney because in 2014 before the elections he made promises to them but once he took power. That he could not fulfill those promises so i think thats a likely scenario where interim government will be created. After the election crisis come in so i think that would be the only solution in if you look at the reports that are coming that a Peace Process is going to start in a week it makes more sense to you what she also says national its 15 minutes past 16 past moscow time ahead a weight loss pill which is reportedly behind as many as 6000 dead hes the drugmaker face a landmark trial in france just one of the stories were across here at r. T. To dash. You know world big. And conspiracy its time. To dig deeper to get the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Richard marles worst nightmare. Planet everything on planet earth is dead because. We can see well theres a teenager in the us. Because shes going to grow up on a dead planet. Except the dream. Helps countless roll confronts a drug my kid is on trial over a weight loss pill which some think may have killed as many as 2000 people a drug in question is called it was introduced in 1906 for diabetics who try to lose weight from this did ban it 10 years ago but it was long after other European Countries Health Officials claim it could be a contributing factor in the deaths of patients those who survived say their lives have been ruined. They stole my life i had just retired and thought i was going to begin a new life but they cant live in my house now i can see anyone i get tired all the time savvy i knew that it was so you poison the lucky ones like me are condemned to a slow death my life is ruined the truth was hidden from the patients a lie i was created thats why there are doctors pharmacologists and officials that are being accused of conflicts of interest we expect exemplary sanctions because whats at stake is not only what survey did its also about prevention because we cannot say today that these practices do not exist. Or refreshed was the 1st dog to link the deaths with mediators she told us why this trial is so important. When i dont use the pacific we have been waiting for this trial for many years because he has been announced and then it was always being delayed now im thinking about the victims some of them are now with us in what they died without making it to the end of this trial it makes me feel so sorry and upset today the trial got in the way we see a very carefully crafted sequence of bringing the case to court but its a tough indictment and a spreadsheet totally reviewing the level of the tragedy more than 3700. 00 people have a right to compensation that led to the heart so whats the current thinking well as the allege that this pill caused High Pressure in vessels that supply blood to the lungs which in turn the lives it to the left a trail of the heart causing a variety of problems its now reported that some of the deaths were in fact a result of Heart Failure and cardiac arrest a lawyer for the drug maker though says the firm didnt have any idea at all about the side effects resulting in heart problems or refreshed on the game believes french people today have little trust in medical companies and the bats dangerous. Many scientific publications proved the toxicity which was just enough to be discovered that alone would be enough not to buy this lie from severe the criminal investigation in the victims interests is now under way but it is also in our interests it benefit society to show that the pharmaceutical companies crimes if they are recognized this crimes by the 4th one go unpunished it today we french people want to trust any medication its necessary to understand what happened with the mistake by the health care regulators was and how the lab was cheating and we have to learn from that and everybody must remember our. Victims of oppression are accusing a major french bank of complicity in human rights abuses in the country b m p power of. General central bug during a period when widespread Rights Violations by the regime were curried out of the country are to show dubrovsky takes a closer look at the accusations this weekend. Charges. And genocide linked to the conflict in Sudans Darfur region have long been made against the countrys former president bashir but now an alliance of human rights organizations waltzed to broaden the burden of responsibility to include french bank b. M. P. We call on the french authorities to promptly open an investigation to determine whether b. N. P. Is criminally responsible for its dealings with sudan 2 out of knowing plaintiffs have waived their right to remain anonymous they are my son an activist who spoke out against the government he was injured during an attack on his village in darfur later arrested and beaten and he says he saw close relatives shot and killed the 2nd this whole silly who was kidnapped by jun 2 we force is a loyal to the former Sudanese Government she was shot tortured and so 100. 00. Family members executed so why did they hold the bank responsible for what has happened to that behind the greatest crimes in human Rights Violations that there is always money by granting the sudanese regime access to International Money markets b. N. P. Power allow the government to function pay its staff military and Security Forces make purchases abroad all while sudan was a pariah on the International Scene for planning and committing crimes in darfur. And the crimes were horrific widespread human Rights Violations between 20022008 led to the deaths of more than 300000 sudanese civilians b. M. P. Power to sudans defacto central bank giving the former government access to International Money markets thats according to the u. S. Department of justice the complainants say that despite substantial evidence of such crimes they have largely gone on punished we want to make the voices of sudanese victims heard through this complaint to this day the have been denied the possibility of justice whether in sudan before the International Criminal court or in the u. S. That reference to the u. S. Relates to a previous case against b. M. P. Party about the violation of u. S. Sanctions partly for its dealings with sudan back in 2014 the bank settled the case for a record 8900000000. 00 following so why did the money end up was it used to compensate the victims who had been identified and submitted their testimonies quite simply. Before these testimonies could be taken into account the u. S. Congress passed a law the diverted the b. N. P. Progress fine to american victims of terrorism leaving the sudanese and other victims without any form of redress for the harm they suffered and which the bank is believed to have played a role so with the money in the pockets of the americans and the sudanese victims now making another attempt to receive restitution this time here in france thats because its no allow for corporations to be prosecuted if theyve played a role in crimes committed a brute r t s b m p 4 statement it is yet to respond to that request the paris tribunal must now decide if this new complaint warrants a criminal investigation into be impeached. Thats involvement any case though is likely to prove complex and lengthy meaning the victims still have a long way to go before they may feel that theyve received any justice challenged people ski auti harris. A french lawyer familiar with the case thinks the bank will get off lightly and just be fined. Hard to see if youre going to get any sort of justice because the judge is going to is going to have a look if hes going to review the case and hes going to hes going to tell the people to come is going to hear them the lawyer is going to submit all the evidence is they have but lets say we in france and b. N. P. Is one of the biggest banks in the world and the biggest bank here in france saw it in the criminal case. Or the court is not going to. The bank and tell the bank to close whats going to happen at the end its going to be a fine. Some kind of big fine the for their for the for the 9 so then is going to be its going to be a long long process. Never find the real truth so its going to be in agreement between these people and theyre being. Were going to leave it there for now thanks for watching this weekend have you weekends going go whatever youre up to one of you watching around the world one is kevin and its come to 26 minutes past 10 in the morning after the break to bust for you. Throughout the year to play just one game so suddenly this somebody comes out and prays another gig and they dont know what to do with it you know did a bistro just to temporize they could gin you on to the next American Election just drop is all it is this site over at least because the democrats are bitter disposed towards the Islamic Republic and so you know maybe we can go back to the old james over quietly give you consistent as i quietly you believe the impression that i must. Tell the guys you live but if she warned you cross the ballot and i did the dishes at the bazemore those jeans nudist beach and you see me you blew true street. Cars and about that some of them when you died c. T. s will be home in the news i mean that so that infants involved. A lot of you will see sawing and fuzzy parts about 2 kids its not the most hardened most called. Discipline but as in the adams to me as if i chose. This path. He or she could walk that path but fuck them days doing this is. A almost 8085 people who simply do something new. This is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering all aspects of our Global Economy in the 21st century im daniel burrito and im kristie iowa i think in cannes i like out what we have in store for today. And it was an agreement that is back to both the japanese and i knew a little history in the industrial business it has been confirmed in meetings and when we japanese Prime Minister shinzo us president that record Automotive Industry would know that there will be new transitional mirror its. Falling apart with the u. S. The japanese Auto Industry talks are underway to cars on tap the car is standing by to break down the latest on the Trans Pacific deal while. They may be only a decade old but point has already disrupted the payments but is there a future for crypto in the global currency market managed to catch up with rogers there the founder of bitcoin dot com for his take on the future of finance around a big world of Business News today d the capital we lets go. A challenge to chinas belton Road Initiative leads our global report today as japan and the European Union unveil a sweeping deal to build Asian Infrastructure and to facilitate commerce in Energy European Commission President John Claude Juncker sign. The highly touted connectivity plan on behalf of the e. U. On friday morning at a Regional Forum on asia relations in brussels after affirming the 60000000000. 00 cord with his own signature japanese Prime Minister shinzo abi embraced a sweeping view of the deal mr abbey told reporters whether it be a single road or a single port on the u n n japan undertake something we are able to build sustainable rules based connectivity from that in no pacific to the western balkans and africa the financing for the initiative will come from the e. U. As well as stakeholders and sponsors including private investors and International Development londoners while neither japan nor the e. U. Directly framed the plan as challenging the belgian road mr juncker pointedly noted that the comic to the accord would develop a quote without mountains of debts that claim was taken as many as a subtle but clear allusion to increasing complaints from borrower countries regarding the debt burdens of belts and road projects. Japan also unveiled a new trade agreement with a night of states this week one that notably did not address u. S. President donald trump past complaints about a legit unfairness in terms of u. S. Japan trade on

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