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And the people say the Prime Minister should have done the all noble thing and resign. Mourning will. Stay with me 1st then a summary of phone call between the us ukrainian president that led to an impeachment inquiry against donald trump has been released to us democrats claimed the president abused his powers by tempting to pressure the ukrainian leader into investigating a potential election rival of trumps in return for military aid funds but on the sidelines of the un general assembly. You who are the head. I think. Cole was normal we spoke about many. And the so i think and you read it is that nobody bullshit bullshit me yes and no 3 you know there was no pressure or you have to do it is one of the call now the contents of that conversation they were describing is now fully public declassified by order of the president and if you look at this brief conversation held for 3 minutes on july 25th its pretty clear there was a mention of joe biden his son hunter biden and a prosecutor in ukraine this is from the transcript that was just released theres a lot of talk about biden son by didnt stop the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great i will have mr giuliani give you a coup and i move so youre going to have attorney general who and we will get to the bottom of it im sure you will figure it out but in this in this transcript there is no mention of the 400000000. 00 of military aid in the initial allegations from the democrats it was alleged that trumpet threatened to withdraw aid from ukraine unless they gave him information on joe biden that simply is not in this transcript however the democrats have moved ahead with their impeachment inquiry and at this point we are hearing some very loud denunciations of trump from the Democratic Party release of the notes of the call by the white house confirms this behavior which undermines the integrity of our election the dignity of any presidency and our National Security the iterate. For the release of the full transcript like any mafia boss the president didnt need to say thats a nice country you have it be a shame if something happened to it because that was clear from the conversation there is no quid pro quo necessary to betray your country or your oath of office even though many read this as a quid pro quo im not concerned whether it is a quid pro quo or not. President trump abused the powers of his office and b trade the public trust. For personal political gain both the Us Constitution lays out a procedure for removing the president by impeachment so essentially youve got 2 houses of the u. S. Congress the 1st house being the house of representatives they would be the house that decides to go ahead with impeachment at this point weve got 6 committees investigating trump it would be the Judiciary Committee they would be the ones to ultimately bring impeachment articles against donald trump and if they were to then vote to begin impeachment proceedings it would be then the u. S. Senate that would convene an impeachment trial and then vote on whether or not to remove trump from office now point to note however that at this point the senate is controlled by republicans in u. S. History only 2 president s have been impeached bill clinton was impeached as was Andrew Johnson and both of those u. S. President s remained in office they were not removed from office the impeachment trial happened and the senate voted to keep them in office now Richard Nixon was facing an impeachment inquiry leading to an impeachment trial he resigned ahead of time so we have not had any president in u. S. History ever removed through the impeachment route not all democrats are immediately jumping on to the idea of impeachment gabbert has spoken up and said she doesnt support the idea of impeaching trump she says it would hurt the Democratic Party and the country in the long term and divide the country so tell us a gathering and she she has spoken out but Many Democrats seem to be excited about the potential of beginning an impeachment proceeding against donald trump this whole thing is about supposedly trump saying hey we give you a lot of money you need to investigate biden it didnt come out that way but you know in fact in march. 2018 the u. S. Senate sent a letter to ukrainian prosecutor general saying if you dont investigate trump theres going to be trouble so theres actually a record of the senate explicitly mentioning us a and threatening that aid if they dont investigate tromso this is another example the democrats accusing trump of what they have actually been doing. In terms focuses the alleged corruption but as potential election rival joe budden but the u. S. Presence that hes a should go way beyond just one country. So and. From joe budden and his son hunter on the millions of dollars that have been quickly and easily taken out of ukraine and china when he was Vice President and i think they should have transparency for the one trumps doing something theres a naysaying liberal media following close behind despite President Trump and Rudy Giulianis repeated allegations against the bidens no evidence of wrongdoing tied to his son Hunter Bidens Ukraine Business has actually been found the allegations against him which which have indeed been been proven baseless at least to this point these are proven claims that the president is making about bud right well hes making up to the allegations against the Vice President i think thats really important to understand so does biden and his family have a squeaky clean track record lets look at the facts in 2014 biden was in charge of washingtons policy stance for ukraine and for some reason his son was put on a Ukrainian Oil companys board of directors around that same time when a prosecutor launched an inquiry into that weird coincidence biden had this to say and i went over. 1230. 00 time to key events and i was supposed to announce that there is another 1000000000. 00 Loan Guarantee and i got a commitment from poroshenko and from yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor and they did so they sent their walking out. And im not going to were not going to give you the 1000000000. 00 shortly after the prosecutor was fired and the inquiry dropped biden said neither had to do with one another just another coincidence but lets go back to bidens 2013 trip to china for talks with president cheesing paying 10 days after that a subsidiary of the bank of china cut a deal with joe son hunter to form a 1000000000. 00 joint Investment Fund another bill. Dollar coincidence then there was 2011 when he oversaw u. S. Troop withdrawal from iraq that same year joes younger brother sealed a 1500000000. 00 deal to build homes in you guessed it iraq theres plenty of money for everyone if this project goes through and that mountain of benjamins 2 was only a coincidence it seems when youre related to the former Vice President things just tend to work out and joe scott no problem with it mr Vice President your take on that was a conflict of interest there was a clear conflict of interest but you heard him people move along nothing to see here im not seeing now questions about well it could also be distracting us from what joe biden has done and others have been involved maybe there really is something there thats a question thats not coming through really the questions that are being asked in the hope i think for those who are for answers from this it does lead since you really agree leaked information or a juicy information not about joe biden but about donald trump. People who are upset with his politics and this could be a way to move us away from when joe biden might be involved in a family thing. And unrepentant his return to britain the defaced pays off the u. K. Supreme court ruled his suspension of parliament the promise to face the boat criticism. The truth is good members opposite are living in a fantasy iraq i. Would say i was there i was going to have this is what we want to do it is a chance in the 1st referendum that you live to sleep for a 2nd referendum this miss is for the cure was 10 minutes of bluster from a dangerous Prime Minister who thinks he is above the law. Art of sheer selfishness and political power and was willing to the side of the people who are saying the Prime Minister should have done the honorable thing and resign. I used to quote hes my ex was trying to i was shy as i was i was i was. The best way to get rid of the surrender is not to vote for it in the 1st place to repeal it and to vote for the deal that we are going to do that is the way through it so where the question of what happens next is still unknown territory however there are several possibilities Boris Johnson could get a break said deal as he says hell try to do which one eliminate the options of asking the e. U. For any extension or plunging out of the e. U. Without a deal or a vote of no confidence in the Prime Ministers government could also be called which could potentially trigger a general election and suspended or parole Parliament Earlier this month of course which was supposed to stay shut still for 5 weeks it was seen by critics though as a move to prevent 10 piece from scrutinizing his plan to exit the European Union halloween with or without a deal from his 1st day in office the Prime Ministers maintained hes ready to leave the e. U. Without a deal if necessary to however at the beginning of september parliament there. Just got through that law designed to stop but no deal exits lecturer in International Politics david blunt told us brussels is tired of the whole. They concern the letter to brussels and say we would like an extension and the government is already implied that it will send a 2nd letter full of reasons why the europeans shouldnt grant the extension because its not an Automatic Process just because we ask for it doesnt mean we get it and the europeans especially the french seem to be running out of patience with the United Kingdom theres been no alternative put forward this is what the europeans are so frustrated about nothing on paper that is feasible has been for put forward as to what another extension will achieve its anyones guess it does take no deal imminently off the table and that would be damaging for the country but it just kicks the can down the road more delay more drama and the people seem to be getting a little tired of this faffing around it a related story of yukos National Crime agencies no proof of wrongdoing by the Campaign Group leave dot edu and one of its fundraisers in banks they stood accused by the Electoral Commission of receiving donations for the campaign from abroad was more of a partridge. Britains National Crime agency says its dropping an investigation into arent banks one of the biggest donors behind the brics Referendum Campaign the n. C. A. A. Looked into potential offenses concerning 8000000. 00 pounds worth of funding it was claimed banks wasnt the true source but the inquiry found banks illegally took out a loan from a company theo and so he could give the money to the brits that campaign the n. C. A. A. Investigation has concluded that mr banks was legally entitled in his capacity as an individual to release these funds to the better for the Country Limited by instructing another of his companys Rock Services ltd to make the transactions on his behalf but its worth noting the n. C. A. A. Felt the need to highlight the hype surrounding the case the investigation has been subject to press and social media commentary the n. C. A. A. Has not received any evidence to suggest that mr banks and his companies received funding from any 3rd party to fund the loans or that he acted as an agent on behalf of a 3rd party why is this important because our in banks was the going to hero of trump russia collusion during the brics it can pain around the time he met the Russian Ambassador to the u. K. A few times as well as russian businessmen and as is often assumed by associating with russians you must be a russian agent something banks. That crimea you know what the police are going to investigate lunch with the Russian Ambassador Butler University case but the media seemed eager to find a russian connection so we travel to south africa to find one they also filmed russian opposition figures with no knowledge of the case as they brought up his russian wife mr banks is a perfectly good reason to visit russia whenever he wants his family he has 3 children by his russian wife to the formula its usual for such people to siphon money or services through intermediaries and. The preferred political decision is the result in this particular case they are interested in bricks it extraordinary documents filed in a south African High Court they allege that in 2015 aaron banks tried to raise money in russia to invest in his mines here in south africa and surprisingly they try to connect banks with donald trump and felt it was newsworthy to discuss banks some time visit to transplant and publish pictures of it to controversial backers of the brakes a movement would guess last year at Donald Trumps mar a lago club are in banks and the week more known as the bad boys of bricks visited the Palm Beach Club in april according to a review by the Palm Beach Post of Instagram Post tagged at the spot mainstream politicians also pushed him on the issue so much so banks walked out of a select Committee Meeting as m. P. s questions on the exit and russia ran late because like you know it was all this isnt just one. Story it is that it was it is it is which is the n. C. A. A. Found no evidence banks had committed any criminal offenses he says the allegations against him were part of a political witch hunt as with claims of trump russia collusion reports of banks russia collusion were apparently founded. On fear rather than proof the decision to leave the European Union was something so monumental that it impacted the elites in britain both in the politics in Civil Service and in business and media that they needed to find the enemies they needed to find a way of discrediting the whole campaign and so the 1st thing they did was start to attack the donors to the campaign to leave and of course mr sharon banks and the leave means leave movement came into the firing line of the anger without a doubt this was a witch hunt it was a witch hunt against those who campaigned for bricks it like myself from the leaders of the movement it was a campaign. To discredit those who donated it and they also tried to discredit bikes saying that there was collusion from other nations such as russia that there was russian money behind mr am banks and all of this was to discredit the movement discredit the referendum it was a disgrace and should be something thats looked into by a Royal Commission in my view in the way that we look after our elections in the future. Internationals 4870 moscow time head amongst the stories the downfall of a massively Popular Online site that apparently loved america just a little too much as one of the stories were all. You know world a big part of the law and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. The world is driven by a dream shaped by. Dares thinks. We fear to ask. Good morning 19 past the facebook has shut down a popular ukrainian run pro trump aides have boast of more than a 1000000 followers saying it violates the platforms policies the i love America Facebook page has been spreading content about patrick tism veterans gums and even q. Dogs with a message of support to the u. S. President and his policies but the memes have also reportedly been littered with misinformation too so the deleted site had an outstanding Audience Reach nonetheless exceeding many prominent Us Media Companies in likes shares and comments the journalists the 1st brought facebooks attention to the violations says its just the tip of the iceberg. I love america as part of a complex network of ukrainian run facebook pages that seek to amass large audiences and then funnel them to rabidly pro trump pages the reach of this Ukrainian Network of facebook pages is absolutely extraordinary political analyst to the louvin believes that Tech Companies should face stricter regulation as they can affect peoples right to free speech. This is the new frontier really for your for Companies Like this we were kind of making these decisions as we go 6 it seems like are these Public Utilities or are they just social Media Companies and these are decisions that were having to make as we go but as we start to see them impacting americans and the rights of free speech even abroad i think we have to make decisions about if they are influencing peoples right to free speech or the ability even for people to express their free speech rights then maybe we have to look at them more like they are. Some sort of public utility with need of regulations sort of like any other monopoly. Painstaking process of removing land mines and booby traps and started in the syrian city of concha couldnt that was liberated from Islamic State barely a month ago moved part of a log scale Restoration Campaign so the people can safely return the country could was a nice was strong hold of more than 2 and 2500 terrorists before it was liberated in august by Syrian Government forces authorities there also found a huge cave near the city approaches as a base for terrorists through this drug is more of a story really cause for quoting from syrias border. Are now in. Syria now several of these the green buses arrive here in hama on a daily bases now you just saw some of the refugees that are leaving the buses now the procedure is 1st the go to see the doctors and see whether they need any medical help at all then they move on with their belongings to the to receive humanitarian aid because part of the city has been successfully d. Mine all explosives have been removed but the militants did plenty to damage the citys infrastructure. The water supply now with people coming back to their homes were doing Everything Possible to restore services pretty soon. Because i believe the players. And i think its been very. Clear the people here in. Syria and according to sources from the military route so i dont know if the percent of its there are 3 and syria is now Free Syrian Army claims that this cave in the province was used as a base for some 3 and a half 1000 terrorists that seris were completely autonomous according to military officials and they found a command center along with a detailed map of the recently liberated hunchy who area this particular cave was a real fortress with an area of around 10000 square meters fully equipped with various weapons and other recent discovery is the drone factory where terrorists use these u. A. E. These for both reconnaissance and to deliver bombs according to experts some of the drones were so sophisticated they could fly as high as 4000 meters and as far as 150 kilometers artsy on syria. Confidential f. B. I. Documents obtained by the New York Times have shed light on some of the bureaus covert activities there a villa that multiple court orders have been used to collect personal data for far more companies that was previously thought. The demands can scoop up a variety of information including user names locations ip addresses and records of purchases they dont require a judges approval and usually come with a gag order leaving them shrouded in secrecy fewer than 20 entities most of them Tech Companies have ever revealed that they for received the subpoenas known as National Security letters but the new documents show that the f. B. I. Is interest spread far beyond just Tech Companies banks credit agencies Cell Phone Companies even universities received hundreds of National Security demands the letters have been the subject of controversy for decades issued since the 1980s the f. B. I. Is required to show clear reasons for sending the orders like the target was an agent of a foreign power thats been downgraded to anything linked to information on terrorism counterterrorism or leak investigation now the f. B. I. Had to comment on revelation but previously said its for the safety of citizens of the only investigate it is a suspicion of a threat he spoke to us a whistleblower William Binney he believes the agencys actions are legal. The National Security letters are issued by individual federal agents of the f. B. I. And they simply couldnt say right away or say give you all the data on all your people theyve been after all data from the beginning the natural going to every executive order it went to triple 3 which theyre using as a basis also to collect but across the buyer up it lying around the world in the United States so its a matter of their employer p. Every big mess there thats what theyre after all that hit on everybody so they can monitor anyone for their criminal activity or use it against them to pressure their own to do anything they want but basically i call this population control thats what it is in terms of using leverage to get people to do what you want them to do and when you have knowledge about people to this extent that easy to happen. Well thats way to. Looking for more schools so far this thursday it was so much more of course an aussie dollar co mo for now though for me kevin owen here in moscow what time is it coming to 26. 00 be exposed to it in the morning but if you do today i hope its profitable all good for you and that you have a good day and thank you for watching. Here we are 2019 with negative Interest Rates and multi 100000000000. 00 trillion dollar thank your capital unicorns are all going bust and the colossal failure is being felt in every corner of the Global Economy and thats why countries are buying gold. And the big pain your existence crosstalk started 10 years i think its time to shake things up maybe change the branding maybe the format here is what ive been thinking about next season related episodes filmed on an island 10 experts fight it out for a trophy what do you think ok a more affordable option 25. 00 text for. One red rose another suggestion. Jeopardy parody no political cookout where we will literally. Be elites. Late night show its a rare form of peaceful. And its cheap all you need is an old microphone in a printed banner like you or. I can do this and laughter politics d on why i dont like music. Ok crosstalk is not about hype its about meaning 10 years of talk and still going strong. Peter if you want to change something why dont we get rid of the i know that is too much. Greetings and salutations well well well hawk watchers it is now up this whole the formal inquiry into the impeachment of us president battle drum has begun the longer the stuff that dreams are made of for the Rachel Maddow neo liberal wine tasting circuit yes the gears of the trump impeachment are now in motion here on capitol hill after House Speaker nancy pelosi took to the stage yesterday and made it official take it away nancy this week the president has admitted to asking the president ukraine to take actions which would benefit him politically the action of the truck the actions of the Trump Presidency revealed dishonorable fact of the president s betrayal of his oath of office betrayal of our National Security and betrayal of the integrity of our elections therefore today im announcing the house of representatives moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry reason dot com reports the allegations of against trump appear to be mounting theyre saying that Rudy Giuliani drums personal lawyer flip flopped on National Television and thats really denying but then admitting to urging selenski to carry out the Opposition Research on biden his family. And then just a few days prior to trumps controversial phone call with selenski the president of ukraine acting white house chief of staff Mick Mulvaney withheld 400000000 in military aid from the ukraine from ukraine at trumps behest from intelligence whistleblowers thwarted to attempting to collude with a foreign power for potential dirt on election opponent to a whos who of the administration as rogues gallery electroboy Rudy Giuliani and secretary of state mike palm pale this impeachment beechers all all of the bell wastepaper political figures topics and places and has energized the democrats in the mainstream news media but you know all of this begs a very important question why did it take a threat to the election chances of joe biden to invigorate Democratic Party bosses to find the grounds to finally impeach President Donald Trump i guess putting immigrant children in cages instituting a ban on muslims at our borders or the dropping of bombs on civilians in syria and afghanistan just just arent really considered impeachable offenses these days and what my friends

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