Lest you lose your job and completely off the cable news for this any. Here the almost to be disheartened and. This is jill is an expert on gypsies handle boxing coach so we asked him for a quick guide to frances gypsies. Estimates are says he believes the. Arguments. Closer to home are each of us on our list. To thank goodness norm. Coleman from because it was hard. For me. Sheila as a gypsy to a french citizen he thinks interloping gypsies from romania and moldova only bring discredit on the locals. Thats who called who move almost saw a. They are forced to choose. To list some big. Producer because she didnt. Even have a common about the need to link to. Plan dont they need to im not going to see past. Their own. Home and they want to do this yourself this is where the moldova gypsies live but why do they choose to live all down as a rule while awaiting a decision regarding the status kristie g. s live special camps with better facilities and which are legal unlike the settlement and you want to night Refugee Status is to call to the camp people that have done the surveillance but if these people send any fail with their applications they can quickly pack up and move on to germany or sweden but this is the british your group of. Them the pollution runs to get it done you cant really call these divine to the good and you book just me they just dont know silicates someone of all fancy. You do this before the truth is that besides this year dont worry its just the if you start the pizza because it is the chilling it comes to me and short of the congress of the Congress Family with the truth right you would be true yes if they began. To be a body should they be happy when they find a church. Pushing please for the bill that. Will turn up which. Is the thing you have to do what they have appreciated it with a. Good deal it would interest who is on your menu. In the p. D. P. This. Is for study shes made to love. Me knew anyone but of course a few of those who she didnt. Of course you know she didnt want. You know when its. Nobody here. Mainly because she didnt really come before a lot. Of this video. Number of years from now this is really. Now if you look at. This it was. Because of the. This is kind of back hes a name that many ethnic french gypsies take pride in hes going to show us around his trailer park where his family lives so much like this often provoke conflict between gypsies and local authorities. Although not if you define me. This is for me to cheat. On like maxie him. Because french he has a passport and his trailer park has a mailbox. Here where you where you said he. Says i think everybody is already so its all consuming. If the carbon comes on. Board often the wolf used. To harvest is. The truth is that like most gypsy encampment this man no spark is not entirely legal assistant and i couldnt even get. On the. On any stick in your. Local authorities are not at all happy with the state of affairs. The new law prohibits more than 2 trailers being parked by nomadic people in any location thats not approved the same law limits the amount of time they can stay. Home do populous your d. V. D. If youre. What yash a pool after. A year of mud. It could be this you know. Really. Dont. You know. That lemon forfeit their kid you know monkeys at p. K. You know they speak to what you can get along. Leak if. The show is not a gypsy. Hes the senator who drafted the new law all the french gypsies consider to be discriminated. Initially i dont even with them on. Where you see me so far with that one but when i saw it with them on continued job and i saw what i want if you want to completely dysfunctional he was going to shoot only tim was really the. Only televisual. To allow. Me. Your home. Must have been normal. Community pressure when they give you could be no he could study dont its not the end. Of us if they should because surely it wouldnt commit cialis your. Career on the problem. That i dont want to be the problem be had one of these are they still physically are bad i dont do many of. The physic mow. Your see examples dont. Seem want to do in. The future they will just go and. Get this cause. Still if you swing into the. Rock not contraband crap. Table because the pot so much i probably got. Caught so theres a hole in the wall just behind my access plywood house on the top at least to an alley which in turn takes me into a back yard because this is where rumanian gypsies rain supriya they have the moldovans neighborhoods. With. The teachers to remain elsewhere the 1st to settle here and thats why they have a yard with a dog not a brick house is a live further from. The face of. This new thing to do something. Totally out of the fear of a simple this is to say im the one who knew she. Could. Come to reduce you know you can feel this is the reason you just found visit in today experience to make me feel. In the moment. Just for the he doesnt see good going to those rooms with the constant come. Up and sit on top of the call and garys results and to discuss his work. On music because. I just dont think its fair cause it done is only good because the past 6. Am. Must be both. Again we stand on the brink of war we should not be surprised the fischel washington was quick to blame iran for the attack on saudi Energy Assets iran has denied involvement while the who have claimed responsibility will try to take the bait and said the middle east on fire. They all see themselves as dying swans in their dreams. But only one of the cells will ever make it to the top. Theyre ready to give them the chance to die on stage if only once. Not even broken ditto. For generations at the madrid ski theatre ballet sweat and tears. Oh. Please. Play. Lists lists lists. Clicked. Play. And very well might continue watching on since last. But. Funnily enough Court Testimony rather is a local celebrity stuff and does videos get hundreds of thousands of views on you tube back at home as you crack through the. Date cuts as his family and friends all live in a southern french province. And they have their own opinions about what life is like for gypsies or from spent one day down the. Golf. Course i never should. Have waited to do it because yeah yeah sure ok but with a mutual we will take it out on the whole mess what he thought he did a good thing he said i should have whitehall you anything you want to me but i mean all. We can say is he will call you but that could suck and that you guys should know and they are the force that is what this is you know that. Hes put on the way through with visiting somebody before well be welcome i mean i dont see why folks. Have been replaced and all that they have told me they could see what i should ask what i what about. Putting you in your Budget Office because you wont. Know. These little people. By stripping always will. Useful to. Put up a little only. Because it was political to a political but because it was says he did ask to 80. Also so that you could get it off those. Gypsies and out of cockfighting may be a cliche. But in all courts is has no qualms about looking like a stereotype. He likes being himself and he enjoys being a gypsy whats more he said people but you were the ones with the whole me. Me or the only one that. Would be all that. I think we need to be. The community said that because you know its all. About the ones who do the. Law dont. Its because you know we. All think when they visit the false. Stories to european gypsies all their problems are centered on achieving Refugee Status paul french gypsies have other words. They believe that their rights to a magic way of life of the violated. The law prohibits spontaneous gypsy camp months and in their field disrupts a traditional lifestyle was adopted late in 20 team. In the midst of the yellow vest protests. A little. Late the pool for the money to cool the. Cell phone the minute you get to the material damage used among. Your. Number plate. Well look each your name. Yes your. Cutbacks thought joining the yellow vests would be a chance to voice concerns about the continuing harassment of french gypsies. Comeback shows as his gypsy flag. Saturday is approaching and the vests will march again in central paris so youll need the flag again not the. Sole reason you see it. So present usually if you dont give. See your job than. Your solution is also it is written from a. Protection of 10 years of extra. You actually meant. Something. To lock. Up your blog that. I was mad that all the Young Lawyers should have 7 angiogram. Multiply to treat compounds and just tell. Them. To be a. Long tough. Fight to start on she seems to out on the top is only a symptom that means tells you the power we are causing piano shown so if you want me. A little and take it. Easy a. We have all the contacts in you just tell me about all. You know the never seen the keeper vision kid about. The movies and get back your welfare schedules dont you quit. Except the. Evil in me took my shiny youre. Retired sweat on. His own for you because now that hes here i need. You to. Show me our family. Is it their property and. We dont need. It out of the system come to the someplace e. P. T. Here. Might use all people here because they put food. So i could out mrs are better qualify for. Youre not a p. P. Town a this tunnel married on other edict from all power really believes to police shot her brother because he was a gypsy and that they wouldnt of trade today anyone else so harshly by us against the ms what whole gypsies complain about those native french pam to migrant she promptly it included both mosque is them but even sit the of the schisms him me doomed feet they look quite implant in things you can only good leapt to me at me and the lonely delhi come stand strong and the curtain the cant think think theyre things thinking of things that rosa gave up on skoal despite having the opportunity to attend call she with the yeah maybe the off or that in the got me can be one more thing why if i really felt already the other thing and you said jack of the was yeah become more by gallon full do with this are all the buddy profound company with a like wrath of kitchen full home kong on what the of put knee fear me see he was you think she so the a particular for the and that he you to in the uk the a plucking do they he holds of the ortho for learn new the couldnt started puts well theres a on the a movie it to dicks for move for the confer cd do goods it to to law it is or needs does indeed senior troop dont them teach on it my from we dont cheat on their gal these sub on the all design e does a need to many poor teague im going to different ship on a police on when you also to compete you for the city see your way of thinking. Among mari. Rose and her encampment can be found at the debate on vale under the bridge the french word will describe settlements like this with no i mean at least people have to carry the water in the beatles all callistus from the nearest standpipe which is usually in a cemetery. In every other sense the site of the camp was a well chosen if you dont know its there its almost invisible and its a nice 30 minutes to the city center by metro. Anyone who doesnt know just the encampment. Stops to take a few pictures from the bridge and link you will get on a little bit mitsui you will get this person looking at last sometimes above the monument and the sun. Is only a few were gone to. Sleep us to. The remaining gypsies are throwing a Party Tonight lost in this location. Of this film as they will already have to do a google. You. Know people. Like. The film. Was only. After the traveling recalled books its an attempt to tolerance and to avoid the word gypsies. The problem is that the governments next step was to restrict nomadic life in the country now. Pay more to roam freely than to stay in one place. But dont get. The. Street. If. It isnt. This. Something where you. Need. So that pilot is pretty sure just one of us or so. But what comes through the pits at the moment of it there. Is a certain kill off i like your coupon control but the food safety thinking so badly suitability does not get. Done is this a push to move this big deal why do you know i speak to. Your mom when they see them so sad but thats only because i suffer. But not see them for sale on their. Own ponies oh forgot to thank you. All for them but i dont see all the feel of. Me most of what i post. About puppy theyll feed some deficiency in a bit of what you. Type stuff. But i got put. Back to. Talk. To off about. The tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implement inside venezuela things look different were going to announce sanctions against the troll to venezuela associates. Have a supplement to. Get out of that. Battle to stay on the path to. The moment the focus of the who story is a new nixon called in Henry Kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated that in latin america. An alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make the. Economy scream so wants now making the economy of venezuela screed. Tax rises financial survival stacy. Out fill out lets say im not so i get. Angry stumping for the fight wall street fraud thank you for helping. Destroy 6 thats right. Thats slavery. Of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military and the decision. Every song came to a complete. The day that i was raped. You know told to shut up kill me and i see how i would destroy. Any screamed at me and he made me cum in the graham my own arm and he raped me with his birthing if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished dont be offended and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our in violent male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats men or women. And beating hong kong activist appeals to congress in washington to paulson are monitoring the terror to talk to. China in return for continued economic privileges from the us. Israeli exit polls suggest Prime Minister netanyahu could again fail to secure a majority in the countrys 2nd election just this here. And because of socalled liberal racism u. S. Democratic president ial candidate joe biden and paul moved after not just africanamericans on the parenting skills