G. L. A. Shown anymore and that this is a conspiracy one thing you do notice is that they do not appear on the day anymore because the police have successfully kept them from there so paris is a sprawling city and there are continuing to be protests despite you know having been august and they dont come back from Summer Vacation until mid september but one thing i wanted to note is that there is a lot of attention that has been paid to the ongoing you know unrest in hong kong the protesters there and something remarkable happened that really stood out to me because it reminded me of what is happening here on the phone this globalization of not only protest but also globalization of Police Military Tactics Police surveillance tactics National Nation state surveillance tactics and here is an image from hong kong this before kerry lamb back down but this is a poster this is a nurse with a eyepatch and sir you forgot your conscience it says Hong Kong Police attempted to murder hong kong people so one young woman had her eye taken out by being hit by the equivalent of an l b d or a flash bang as they are flash ball as they call them here and france where 24 people have lost their i right you know its interesting this trickle down military. Zation and targeting of civilians that we see in global conflicts is now happening more on the local protest so you know we normalize the idea that civilians are targeted in a war now they used to be against the Geneva Convention used to be against the rule of the war but now this is been normalized and so now in their day protests. You know you also see the militarization of protests in the targeting of civilians with the military grade weapons well actually what you see with Robert Chalmers piece in g q is there not specifically randomly necessary targeting ordinary civilians theyre targeting people who are journalists medics and bloggers people who get interviewed participants and as you they shown who get targeted because they go on the news and they tell the story so thats why i think its quite interesting that the i that i patched i being taken out 24 people here and and france have lost their eyes at these the weapons that they shoot are from switzerland and they have laser persistence so the fact that 24 eyes get taken out it seems almost intentional but in this day and age where we talk about big brother the eye in the sky orwellian like totalitarian states surveying everything and also at the same time like in the past week the u. S. Department of defense is now going to save us from social media viral stories that they say are not true and that theyre going to suppress these that suddenly theyre taking over social media they want to control what we see so here theyre targeting according to Robert Chalmers journalists who report the situation whats going on here what people are protesting that. People that are telling this story that its not not just some random acts of violence its people who are talking about. Economic injustice theyre talking about important economic and financial matters and they dont want people they dont want to spread i think well yeah reminds me of the wiki leaks video that was leaked of the u. S. Military targeting the reuters photographer and killing him cold blood so there again they know this has been normalized in this new age of terror and this is what protesters and journalists face so here is the piece from on g q magazine and its from Robert Chalmers and it goes the real victims of frances yellow vest revolution classified sub lethal the rubber bullets tear gas and stun grenades used by French Police have nevertheless maint blinded and killed almost as many in the last 6 months as in the 20 years before the Yellow Jacket protests began taking to the streets of the republic to investigate how and why our cousins across the water have stood firm in the face of authorize force that would shock and outrage anywhere else in europe g qs Robert Chalmers joined lazy days own remember this movement started the 24th of october 28th and he goes and talks to Sharon Rodriguez who is a 40 year old plumber and he became a kind of one of the symbols of this she later on he was often on the news here and then he believes he was targeted with this because he lost his eye and i cant even show the photos because its so gross most of us who have lost an eye or hit near the cheek bone or temple says Jerome Rodriguez at which point that section of your skull shatters your cranium is then reconstructed using screws and titanium plates i was fortunate in that i had no skeletal injury the officer responsible aimed directly at my eyeball which burst he pauses coffee. Looks like a new generation of ghouls for him oh yes in fact they do mention a world. One inch warfare produced this horrific injuries facial injuries and the term google came at the time 24 people have lost or i at least 5 people had the limbs blown off and thousands have had other severe injuries like broken jaws and stuff like that and a lot of it is caused by this flash bang or a flash ball l b d l b d which is. Defiance as a High Precision swiss manufactured weapon equipped with laser pointer sights the category as sub lethal is potential to maim and kill especially if pointed as it should never be at the upper body as such of it is used in almost no other european country the g i f 4 stun grenades which contain 24 grams of t. N. T. And explode before delivering c. S. Gas at a deafening 165 decibels are also used only in france president a man well mccrone and his minister of the interior Krzysztof Coston they have ignored repeated demands for the abandonment of the use of both weapons from organizations including the United Nations the European Parliament the council of Europe Amnesty International greenpeace and reported some from tear at the time of writing both weapons continue to be used by the c. R. S. Which is the riot police the french government sole concession has been to say that they will stop using stun grenades when the stocks run out and theyre tempting fate particularly here in front of the legacy of 1000000 robespierre. The reign of terror and the revolution they can push the people who so far in the its time for retribution well again max and i have lived here in france over the years we max has lived here 15 years weve seen many protests and thousands of protests manifestations all the time and its always very organized in the police the riot police the c. R. S. Sit there in their van and they have their lunch have their wine but ive never seen in the videos that this sort of violence has never happened so whats going on. Were going to talk to palmer a or a whos a journalist who has been attending these for his take on that but in terms of who who who is conducting the violence you know here Robert Chalmers says he you know is a press officer hes nowhere knows he himself is not wearing a yellow vest because by the way even though by law you have to have it in your car if you wear in the streets of paris the police can find you 135 euro so he didnt Robert Thomas did not wear that and he was mentioning that he would be chased by these riot police that were just chasing him down the road like looking to do violence to him and he says that the widely mistrusted c. R. s which formed in late 1944 partly recruited from the ranks of the detested g. M. Are the force used by the vichy regime to counter the French Resistance are complemented by a group of plainclothes and forcers called the brigade anti criminality back who you see mingling with on the back and their conduct in appearance resemble nothing so much as the less conciliatory type of millwall supporter so a hooligan the economies of these countries like france the United States and britain rely heavily on ransacking foreign areas Foreign Countries foreign territories through what you know the confessions of an economic hitman john perkins describes as ransacking of these countries and taking all their wealth and they ran out of wealth in these Foreign Countries other raiding their local pension accounts the french government is raiding the french Peoples Pension account same thing in britain same thing in the u. S. And so this is devolving into guerrilla warfare effectively so all the rules of of conflict are out the window and its everyone for everyone we always point out massless hierarchy of needs and this is something that the cia uses when they look at countries that they can overthrow and when they attempt to destabilize a country the most basic basic needs food water shelter you know those if the if your government cant meet. Those thats when youre targeted for unrest and thats when on rest as possible so i mean that quote from this guy who lost his eye what they represent is universal what we are asking for for people to earn a salary that allows them to eat properly and put a roof over their kids heads basic provision for the unemployed and an end to this obscene situation where people are left on hospital trollies through a lack of medical care the abolition of extortionate prices for privatized gas and electricity we have a word for this vision its called humanity and this point has been met over and over again look its a social contract and thats what is being violated by those who are doing the governing theres the governed and the governing body and theres a contract and there has a quid pro quo and typically what happens is the governing body gets arrogant and too rich and they subjugate the everyone else to poverty and disease and theres a revolt so theyre at the point to go and quickly once the final headline here the french are finally doing better than the germans this isnt Bloomberg News and what they are saying is that for the 1st time france is actually doing better than germany in terms of g. D. P. Growth and they credits macros capitulation to the own and the introduction of the 25000000000 euros and fiscal policy stimulus right well thats a lot of. Thank you geese quark. Dont go away much more coming your way. And. We want a catalan republic because we think it would be fear to our people and we want to contribute to the well for europe into the European Values of democracy of equality of dialogue of peace and we think that we are ready to contribute. To this new europe but as part of the euro mean the European Community and constituency whats the big deal whats the problem why cant we accept that possibility in the 21st century. Joining me everything on the alec simon chill and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to paul moran hes been called a chunk of era of independent journalists out there on the front lines taking the chair gas and danger were ever things are kicking off paul walker on back we had john a few years ago some time ago the mayor of paris to catch up with old friends particularly independent journalists or give us the straight dope on whats been going on out there even covering this for most of the acts as they are called each saturday where act 43 heading toward act 44 according to what youve seen paul how has it evolved over the past 40 weeks of covering mostly the beginning of it and its was. Quite an interesting movement because in the beginning of course there were there were rebuilding of against the price of gasoline so it was like the starting point and then it built up on inequality basically the main topic was inequality and i remember in the beginning it was something that incredible because there was like a front line. Clashing with the police not very violently actually but it was spectacular some hall and then like 20 meters in the back you had like clusters of people talking and they were talking mostly about docs inequality and it was quite fascinating because you had this mix of violence. Really nearby and then people talking and we know that this kind of like free talk is always the sign of of a genuine insurgency movements that are not kind of lies by a specific entity even though there were many many people very active trying to manipulate did movement of course from the phone. Right. To the fall if the fall right towards kicked out. Physically by the fall left or of the movement. January. And of december january but all the time in the because the movement was. Stemmed from from the people who had no structural involvement like in trade unions of little structural involvement theres always been this possibility that some of them and i believe some of them would go vote for the us a little less and know which is the national populist movement in prince all those who would not vote for white so having lived in paris and in france for a number of years myself you know theres always a manifesto somewhere protesting somewhere and how is how is this different than what you would see many many times over the years what makes this different than theirs it isnt it was not really a demonstration in the series of. Intensity insurgency moments there were people who inserted low intensity insurgency moments thats what i would call them in their ranks and youre characterizing this as really started off with folks talking about taxes and inequality and you say that the behind the barricades theres a lot of chatter and that indicates a lot of people talking informally and believe that that indicates what exactly that there is more that its less specific that its more generalized that there is a protest seeking a purpose and other words we need to protest or not exactly sure why were protesting bowing. Need to get out there and then well figure it out once were out there yeah but well actually the movement was like that because it was. 20000. 00 people looking for a cause its one of their reason to be angry maul is generally it was about inequality but this is generally about the way the left is there they sense inequality they sense tax abyss but they have not a unified approach to combat the monopolies that are all in a raid against them and its to its interesting because youre seeing it all over the world now whether its in spain with indignados that kicked off to solve global insurrection against bankers the banker occupation we saw occupy wall street and you know now are saying this year later do you see all these movements connected in some way i mean the connected because the historical moment where basically the cycle the thought reagan cycle comes to. A moment of truth. You know given birth to societies that are super polarized neo liberalism has run its course its like a Truth Movement for goal down economics did not trickle down those didnt work it doesnt work so busy and like everybodys will putting their eyes about and thats worldwide and. This option basically. I dont know if its that conscious in the peoples heads because there are so angry that they just you know its sometimes i was in this demonstration and i felt. Like the 14 of july 17th 1009 must have been like this because theres a mix of politics full garrity anger something that is not controllable and it could go either way you know you could get a free french or the french revolution their weapons and the french revolution. You dont usually there is something that kicks it off so the french revolution i believe the price of bread was reaching a level where people were starving you know here the taxes as you point out on gas on petrol was at a point where people had to be at a sacrifice a no. Or a bore get gas exactly because the movement didnt come from paris the movement came from outside and those as you may know now its a purse there are fewer and fewer jobs for people to work they have to use their cars and they usually have battered old cars and consume a lot of gasoline because the could have changed their cars. And why this is something actually stacy pointed out to me when she was looking at the movement that it did kind of get traction outside where people are more dependent on their cars theres no mass transit for example and so the life in france which is its a welfare state you know its a mixed right mixed economy though for the margin is very tight so that the state provides a certain welfare certain income which covers the needs coffee some bread some gas but its very tight and any you slight deviation from this like even a small raise in tax on gas and suddenly that that life style is shattered in a way what was the governments response because typically in france the government always caves they always give in and they always end printing more money in this case i believe if im not mistaken macron did capitulate earlier this year introduced a 25 1000000000. 00 stimulus and so its so they got what they wanted they got some more money yeah some more money but it was i mean it was like i know its printing some. Aid money on the 3rd world country i mean that structure. Lee the problem is we will keep going on because its not because you offer i dont know if you say that in english but. A blueness exactly a bonus of 100 euros thats going to change the life of people who are stuck in the faraway towns where there are no jobs are going the talking with the lady when i was in the demonstration she was from eastern france like really the fullback with which is the border of germany and she looked so tired and so genuinely sad and tired it was wooden moving. She said you know there is no jobs anymore you know we work like 2 hours here 2 hours there theres germany i take my car i go to germany to make some cleaning time said before i used to work in a factory we talking eastern france is the area that has been the most struck didnt just relation i mean the fact that outsourcing the fluctuates would be closing and the work would be outsourced somewhere rumanian china etc so its also this moment that has been sanctioned by the. Right so this structurally economically thats a whole topic to get into but i did want to touch on Something Else here which i thought was remarkable that in this particular instance and were seeing this also in Hong Kong Police seem to be targeting peoples eyes when they what they call the ice snipers and they are and this was covered recently by Robert Chalmers in a piece for g. Q. And its its quite disturbing they sublethal b. D. s bible police. Are on the front lines youre covering this youre on your you have eyewitness whats happening is this is this what is truthfully happening whats happening kony and kind of fill that in its very shocking i mean. Im now 50 something and ive been doing a lot of demonstrations in this country and ive never seen even the id end of the seventys where it was quite violent have never seen such a level of violence of Police Violence against their own strangers. They use those those l. B. The flashbulb whatever you call them nonlethal. Weapons its quite scary because basically you are but its a very short sound not very impressive sound and then you see someone folding and most of the time from what we have witnessed with it all the whole 2nd we have filmed it and put some of the material that on on you tube. It was they never should because they threaten this should like to have people running away and the. Most of the time and thats like in any war you know most of the time the real fighters move on to protect themselves then go into a neutrally when these shoot you know we have been we saw and film like grandmothers being shot one of the examples we were able to to feel and document was the lady that was she was 75. 00 she was the wife and he was there next which is a military police and the guy have done all these career in the police and they were really people coming from outside of paris or dressed properly absolutely no threat to the police and that they were shot like. The represented a threat those weapons not used in the way they should be used and the question i question the fact that they are being used because the level of injury mutualization that they inflict to people is has never been seen in this story right so what worth what worth what what is being alleged is that these flash grenades projectiles are being targeted at peoples eyes with a laser scopes not all the time but yes it up and it happens and the maiming that goes on the loss of eyes is extraordinary in the sentence so this level of bricks your skull it breaks the skull the skull has to be replaced titanium plates etc so this level of Police Brutality is also i would Say Something new in france. Its the militarization of the police or we see that everywhere in the u. K. In america around the world the militarization of the police and you know that itself seems to be a justifiable reason for an insurrection. You agree i mean if you have a police and you know in america the idea is hes hit the military is never allowed on american soil to fight the american citizens theres a law against that and thats been usurped and thats a violation of the social contract when you have your armed forces attack your population but i remember many instances where the the american the forces of. The nation that its becoming an increasing global problem thats the social contract that you talk about the french revolution and the introduction of a social contract. When its broken according to john locke you know one of the architects of the enlightenment there should be an insurrection so i mean is this interaction got legs oh its going to go back to business as usual. Difficult to predict i think some something us changed forever in the minds of the french of the french in may 1968 which is the story cool great insurgency that there was only one people that there was never someone maybe lost there or Something Like that and the Police Forces back then made great pride at. Trying to root to refrain to retain the violence of the police and i must say that they did the impeccable work ok without the stop at there yeah the 68 references good one to make paul thanks so much being on the kaiser report welcome thats going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and Stacy Herbert like to thank our guest palmer era journalist independent journalist looked him up finest work actually went i thought i just on twitter its kaiser report archives report dot com until next time. In the big 10 years and started 10 years i think its time to shake things up maybe change the branding maybe the format here is what ive been thinking about next season related episodes filmed on an island 10 experts cited out for a trophy what do you think ok a more affordable option 25. 00 text birds. And one red rose another suggestion geopolitical jeopardy parody no political cookout where we will literally wrote the elites. Late night show its a rare format these days and its cheap all you need is an old microphone in a printed banner if i actually meet with one of my guess i can do this candle after politics ready gone wild like music. Ok crosstalk is not about hype about meaning 10 years of talk and still going strong. Peter if you want to change something why dont we get rid of the. No that is too much. Today there are good terrorists and bad evidence the bad news in yemen the United States deems to be a threat the looked at those award in syria the cia and the us military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up the right way military windows funding an army of death squads theres no any more because theres always a small. Really good. Profit. The taliban sends a clear message to donald trump an exclusive interview with auti the us president to rethink his decision to pull off afghan peace talks. Despite Us Oil Exports Top Democrats unite in calling for a ban on fracking but find themselves accused of playing into his hands. On to classic british childrens t. V. Character gets fired from his job. And just under an hour kava no one will be here to bring you the latest cable news but right now stay tuned for cross told

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