Life a no over the shock when i was free as all saw its a long story of go shots for me the more difficult im in pursuit was when i was on my 1st bitch up for the post but all of those we voted because i didnt see shot dead before so it was the photo i wanted so it was only by luck my motivation was stronger off today because i knew that i wanted to be there i didnt and continue to go to boston with. Her and just leave it there. What i wanted to do with. You know that youre helping the world be a better i would say that would be to me one of the things that has impressed me the most is how you get the energy from where we need to get to but. I want to do something for earth when i came on board it was my 1st time at sea it was my 1st time in the galley. So i had a lot of. This is this something. I just love it and i just love it. I dont think i love. The crew. I just love the whole thing and being at sea i feel more im. On a ship at sea than i do on live show. Last year i spent 45 years in the navy i retired in summer 2016 so one year ago and after why i left that mystery going at sea but i didnt want to just go and see for fun because i do have a sailing boat but i need to the mission. To see anything like this in my life to what you. Know. Yet. Right. Just not. You. Know you might actually come to find out you find. Time to come to canada now and im not sure how i should. Be itself letting out all the its called if they do you know it gave them more money. To back from stuff floating in the water out there and if they need to trade something needs water attracting the least one of us in law to have a boat they need so insistent holding free a descending memories of our waves at all this leave more ships because now its time to love machines and of causing the rubbish that misstates we kind of leave it in the ocean was maybe a shark population i dont think that in tangled theyre all redundant this old little boy and to a lot of. The. Police. And the league. Think that it doesnt matter because for their own no. What about getting one so screwed up. And close their. League. For the. City. Or. For a. Way of getting. Exact. You know where. All of. The water. Or water. Please. Please. Please please please get some of that. Stuff not the. Lead. To. Some vessels to drive the navy down on monday sold. My soul to bob barker and i was going to try to. Might be all that some of this new stuff. We write off when weve done this one and type stuff as well to. Situate stuff 3 of them that dont want to cross the border. Theres a. Lot of them. On the other side of. The know so many muslim i know it will be a leafy no. Legal opiates to go but to go but do well in the world in the summer of 2 jobs but this also wasnt. Such a bug in my view but close party there are a lot of this through direct dont you guys really do it. Because if it was just always wrong. Oh are we going to go will we see from you for all i know you go home grown it doesnt run just run yeah. Youre. Going or just 1. 00 order. To. Go to remember but before its over. Its told that you. May see her meds. On the these waters but right now we arent got any supporters and instruments for things right last year something enough even things going on well. Absolutely nothing that one. You need to follow. A little so. That. Its not. What i. Call call or the i dont want the job was what you call. Want to know who you are going to be cong. Was. One of the shock. It was a mess here and all of that all your. Money going to them i want to know what you call. You know melt that we ought. Under. The computer even the smallest of the. Reasons we didnt. Need to do this. One will come its worry that. Ill give you i dont think i got. It. All i. Know. That our own backyard. So our next steps now is that were going to bring to the officers over on the ships here for interrogation and then were going to support the ships that were. In the know which is. Now persons you. Know if you will or you sleepy day. Its a very good story very good very bad day. Several targets across the border we we didnt hide information on what type of vessel it was be full of visual on them all the behavior on the radar you know very same it all to what weve seen and possible told us when theyd be able to vote send the said one try to manage to run away because. We were busy. The 2 other both. Through. This all the 1st iris we are doing. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military and the decision little sheltered lives every song came to a complete. The day that i was raped be instructed you know told to shut up or theyd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in the gram my arm and he write me with his birthing curia if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished and be offended by hand and almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of tower and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats a man or woman. This is this is a stick from the water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is part of the Cocacola Company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that lets tell consumers there are the bad ones there are the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all of this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. As soon as cool sets for their. Its a cost me on my end are you staying on your own social projects funding me. On i knew best that is the end of a footy team the fun now the mountains of waste only grow higher. When were talking about Sustainable Growth is just above Sustainable Development its not only. The number of tourists the sustainability is itself in the world war which is among tame bonus between the romans and war between culture and. Conservation a game of nature in rishon of. This is where all of this is supported by interest how to manage them so to see in. The day there are good terrorists and bad evidence the bad news in the end when the United States deems to be a threat the good those who are in syria the cia and the us military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up right Wing Military juntas funding an army just was theres no anymore because theres always a small people for really good. Profit. When the law makers manufacture consent to instant of public wealth. When the ruling class is protect themselves. When the financial merry go round lifts only one percent. Thats nothing to do ignore middle of the room sit. Room in the real news room. This is like my 1st one working with the governor having the soldiers on board and all 1st time about thats completely different usually we have no real. Way of enforcing our authority you know we have authority from the United Nations charter for nature thats about it. Because you look at any country in the world right on there none of them are going up they are all stable which is a few that are stable most of them are and because the methods of fishing are so efficient now that theres no ready way that they can fish can sustain to replenish. Governments have to wake up countries have to wake up and thats happening in specially in africa where we have now a multitude of nation just about willing to work because inviting us to come into their waters to protect them. When you feast in an unsustainable way you are taking more fish out of deals and. Then we slip to reproduce if you are taking a young teacher who still havent made babies doing so you can hold school selfish. And say they have a license to get to and you will. Never catch only 2 on anything in the net but its not to know they are supposed to throw it back to see a lie when it happens very rarely. They trust again they already believe being they already did so that its very very hard for them to return to fish to see a lot already estimates saying that 519050. You have all how much fish there is the be all to old or old threshold that the fish can not to be populated anymore the stokes can not raise to a level where there will be peace left for the future generations and already the levels of big cold fish saying that. All these big fish like some scientists in juneau which he said put out to many to rain already. Gotten and it wont recover already some estimates say that 90 percent of the sharks. And can they raise up to the levels where they used to be very very. Much up to date. All the garage with the around them are on the verge these are peary really could see that have pretty. Much. The front of the west. That there were used to be. And now we have seen these fishermen. And you can see a very small round you would never be already in through the normal thats why do. You do a show to resold. If its not meant to be seen then they have polyps that cannot meet my skin no human conception cells were tossing back the species that they were definitely not years so they tell me that. You saw this really big deal in the corners you start to move everybody was surprised in this moment because no one expected there was really like i want to say to you here i have a chinese fisherman came and took sealants. Sword overboard taken from the waters off and because see that signal so why it just started to move again and he disappeared in the water these are the small stories that you might see people try and try out. Is that you wouldnt have moved and moved right and all the way through in front of your feet. Or you would just be one another that fish on board so it was in the mind that you have to continue riding the. May think is not just what the single ships are doing that it will make the difference. Even the one sure makes a difference because its a message that we have to understand we cannot still use through it and just. Be with this. Deal. There are people who view this as an adventure thats going to see its not the normal thing on a list your a booking sailor. It can be this format and you got advanced to avoid often saving the way to send all the things but for me its not that or need something that i feel its still only a way of living on this planet doing something where i actually makes a place better. Im doing this because i want to the future world to future generations to have and enjoy the ocean we have in 20 years when you. When youre with your with your kid or your grandson and used a whale you know jumping around in the calls going to see. I knew a guy. You know dropped everything and went and helped you know put a little grain of sound how about. Do i think that people can change the world as in general absolutely it shows you. Here come on to a ship on sea shepherd you dont have just one country you have numerous Different Countries coming together for one goal. It does jane but i think were all still fighting for the same thing you know fighting for the oceans and the life in the ocean so whether you do it romantically or efficiently. Semantics right. He. Was going to do. The falls so. You can sleep. With bullets of the. Song to me she saw that you moved down a soft spot will not keep you down this time i dont. Need to promote. These to continue the police the police for the way. Join me every day on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Max geysers financial survival guide. Housing bubble. Oh you mean theres a downside to artificially low Mortgage Rates dont get carried away thats cause report. This is this is a stick for the water bottle found in the stomach of the fish the brand is part of the Cocacola Company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that lets tell consumers theyre in the bad was there the litter box or throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. Soon. So. Thats. Just a special kind of just fun to me. On the underestimate this year and very well from now the mountains of money only grow. That would let. You know. You. Got to go i want. An american t. V. Network says one of m s n b cs top posts for describing them as paid russian propaganda look at our track record when it comes to making claims about the problem. Meanwhile a group of independent us journalists hit back after being criticized for visiting parts of syria controlled by the countrys government. Time visit anybody visits i government of the Syrian Government site and offers a realistic perspective they can expect to be attacked what weve been able to see and report already has threatened the narrative thats been conveyed by western corporate media. And video agency ruptly launches a special project through which you can explore the mystery surrounding the deaths of 9 hikers

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