A world of topsyturvy them and they think theyre skipping by traveling to the aft deck i think thats what its called but they should be actually trying to exit through the stern thats correct the hall should be trying to get through the hall and its a motley crew old people like red button the paul newman Shirley Maclaine you know just like this motley crew of extras from 1950 s. Movies stuck in a capsized ship called the Global Economy trying to create alpha and going horribly wrong because all the instruments there could be another way to look at it is theyre flying over the Bermuda Triangle of Money Management ever all the dials are spinning in opposite directions all these funds are crashing as usual and you know thats when i read you this quote why is the fund so volatile how well mainly because its obvious to me that growth is slowing globally and risks are all to the downside but what is also obvious to me is also obvious to policymakers and other investors we. Or seemingly in a never ending cycle of markets beginning to price in a slowdown and then pricing in stimulus and policy response and so after successful may for the fun we have to down months now what is shaping up to be a successful august when there is no stimulus thats the the great realisation that kaiser report has been reporting on now for many years that the money printing and the negative rates of the 0 percent rates cause deflation they dont fight deflation so there is no coming back theres theres a corpse called the Global Economy and they inject it with formaldehyde every few months and so the curse is through the veins and the cause is like our rats through a snake you see these bubbles and theyre like oh the corpse is coming back to life of course thats not going to happen the corpse is deader than Jeffrey Epstein and theres nothing bringing it back and these people who think that the stimulus is somehow going to bring back the economy are trapped and the side adventure you have to also remember that this guy is talking about the stock and bond markets and a lot of people look at those as if theyre still real and still have meaning and still represent Something Real and tangible like it used to at one point before all of the fake accounting before all the fake before all the fake and production numbers before all the fakery before the Algorithmic Trading and before all of that stuff so that this guy is this old school hes like hes still brainwashed to think that that means something that represents anything about the Global Economy that the markets will never ever fall if they dont want it to because its just fake the fed can buy up as much as they want and keep that little number keeping certain people happy i dont know who theyre trying to keep happy because you know who owns any shares anyway but anyway the fact is its all fake is that mostly the 1920 s. You know and there were no laws really. On wall street and the abuses were huge and the market went up and people began to look at the stock market as the proxy for the economy people are getting wealthy because their stocks are going up and they did they quit their jobs to just become speculators and so this is what happened now people are saying look the economy the real economy is terrible we have no jobs theyve been shipped overseas and i have nothing left a day trading and the market goes up therefore im being productive but its a piece of until such time as like in the twentys you have this mega crash which is coming and then theres a reversion back to maybe we shouldnt put some rules in place maybe there should be the like to bring back the top tick rule for short selling going back you cant companies cant buy their own stock get rid of the digital millennium the commodities futures modernization futures modernization act that legalized gambling on wall street you know maybe wish but clinton brought out bring back a glass steagall right let me everything that was brought in after the twentys they got rid of it now theyve got to bring it back in again from that point in 2000 at the last few days of what bill clinton did in his administration and pave the way for the next 20 years of ever declining Living Standards for most people while the top one percent ran off with everything futures modernization act the ending of glass steagall all those other things is represented in this tweet from the wall street journal the bottom half of all u. S. Households have 32 percent less wealth than they had in 2003 the top one percent meanwhile have more than twice as much as they did that and that little data point explains oh most every single thing and why kaiser report can continue to have content week after week day after day because this drives almost everything this this economic injustice and this wealth and income gap think of an ecosystem you know theyre supposed to be clouds. Above and the crops below and occasionally the clouds rain down to the crops and then the crops grow and they create food in the people who have nourishment so in this economy this financial engineered economy since deregulation of the 0. 19 or the neo liberalism the reagan factor here or the reply or my glass steagall the commodity futures modernization act whats been happening is the ecosystem has been radically altered so that the clouds only rain money down on the People Living on park avenue wall street greenwich connecticut and the people down here who are tending the crops are. Becoming dehydrated theyre theyre dying but they keep seeding the clouds with free money from the fed so you dont need the people growing the crops anymore just like in saudi arabia they dont need workers because the 5000 princes just pump oil anytime they want to raise in america you dont need workers you dont even need tax revenue because if you have access to the money printers you just print more money for yourself thats the big joke in america they dont need the workers they dont even need the taxes how much of the collecting taxes last year 3 and a half trillion thats like 5 days of money printing in the global central banking land thats nothing and so its become a cracker stock or see its become a corrupt ocracy its become a a its become a just become a nightmare are you know one of the things that economists especially during you know preone 1071. Concern oh was that workers would their pay would increase too much and that was something they were terrified of the inflation of workers earning too much so what they seem to have done is you know there was fear when this the Global Financial crisis really happened is that they printed all this money and everybody like peter schiff lots of people are saying there is going to be hyperinflation but they didnt give it to everybody they just gave it a 1000 guys who hoard it or buy more you know luxury homes. But it doesnt trickle down to the people and thats important for the system to sustain itself but people are figuring it out and thats why you see the likes of m. M. T. The modern monetary theory where basically theyre saying hey we have a new theory how about the fed print a whole bunch of money just like theyre doing for banks and give it to the people so thats whats happening there thats whats happening here with theyre noticing the economic injustice and thats causing that Effect People say this and that native Interest Rates are radical Central Bank Policies are been tried before but going back to when all the money printing came after the 2008 crisis that it didnt circulate into the economy it didnt cause inflation because the banks hoarded the money yet and that was actually unprecedented and the banks were actually able to put that money on deposit with the central bank and earn interest on the us instead of lending it into the economy and increasing money which is what have caused inflation which would cause tax revenues which would have given wages higher boost in potential and would have cost an economic boom none of that happened it was hoarded by the banks who were allowed to get even more free money by putting it on a posit with the fed so the ecosystem became between the fed wall street and the dad most people took a thats thats the ecosystem and they create this dynamism based on we want to with the fake message we want to create inflation to boost wages which is false they want to print money to increase the acid dyes of their homes in our work but the Mainstream Media buys it because they are also owned by the same folks so there is no diversity we come in weve been saying now for 10 years thats all false this is the real economy and weve gone from financial repression to financial vandalism at least now bloomberg calls it to financial terrorism which will be the next up the next step here is money for nothing in growth for free dutch considering 50000000000. 00 euro growth fund financed with negative rate debt this is kind of in a way this m. M. T. Is here theyre saying theyre being presented with investors willing to pay them to borrow defying all. The laws of our known economic history perhaps before the bronze age we did stuff like this and thats why we dont hear of what we did back then because they history has been wiped clean this is what they tried on easter island. The people would disappear suddenly this news leaked last week that the Dutch Coalition government is considering setting up a fund for investing in Economic Growth details are scarce of course but media reports suggest a fund of up to 50000000000. 00 euros that would most likely be announced along the rest of the dutch budget in mid september it would be financed by borrowing from the market and spent on growth friendly initiatives in areas such as infrastructure innovation and education policy makers appear keen to capitalize on negative race along the entire dutch state yield curve i might add that usually all of this stuff because we have such a corrupt Financial System all the mckinsey sort of people will step in and all the like consultants they are friends of the revolving door in government will say you need to hire the consultants and tell you how to spend this 50000000000 just give us 3000000000 euros and well tell you how to do it and then they give it to the same construction conglomerates who then say well well give us 20000000000 euros of that 50000000000 and then well take our 10000000000 and then give 10000000000 to some some sub contractors from china right i n g is the bank and how long in the netherlands is insolvent but they need the fees to pay the salaries so how do they create fees from an insolvent institution like i n g they say were going to put 50000000000. 00 into these Growth Companies that is funded from negative Interest Rates stolen from savers with a quid pro quo that that money is dumped mostly back into the bank to create a cycle of. Oh weve got to go away much more coming away. Today. The bad news in yemen. The good. The cia and the u. S. Military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up right away military windows funding an army. Theres no. More because theres always a small people for really good. Profit. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Very Dramatic Development only really. I dont see how. Very. Time to sit down and talk. This is. Phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is part of the Cocacola Company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that lets tell consumers theyre the bad ones theyre the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. On. The mountains of waste only grow heigho. Welcome back to the kaiser report im max keiser time now to retire to our conversation with. Gold money dot com and minae dot com full disclosure we are investors and both of these Fine Companies roy welcome back thanks for having me max always a pleasure to be here to get your thoughts on these 100 year bonds that governments are issuing argentinas came out its down already i think 70 percent you know 100 year bond in collapsing what was this all about yes so were obviously seeing this phenomena of negative Interest Rates its praed its now become common wisdom and i think even sort of a mainstream idea so yes the mill analysis is more negative Interest Rates means Everything Else becomes a form of money which includes your argument for silver and why would you want to own an any central banking currency. However the ideas that i tend to think about and come up with always lead me to go against the herd when it becomes mainstream im not sure if youre aware of max but a lot of the ideas that we have been proposing and you have been proposing us since youre 90 years old and been doing this for 5060 years are now becoming mainstream so when i look at the negative Interest Rate phenomena and whatever it is 20 or 30 trillion dollars in bonds now. I try to think about it and say well what is the invisible hand argument what is the actual thing thats taking place the dynamic thats leading to this being a plausible policy for an academic or an economist and what ive started to consider is whether the negative Interest Rates are telling us that were just going to see a rapid decline in the worlds population and if you follow my thought on this for a moment think about it like. The worlds money is something that has a value per capita so the stock of money if the value of the money is self the leading at a rate of 4 percent a year but the rate of population is decelerating at a larger rate then the amount of money per capita can still grow or even remain the same so really its almost like the invisible hands so lucian to the problem of wealth inequality because the people cooperating every day in waking up and trying to toil for you know meritocratic purposes will be rewarded a larger share of that negative yielding money. While the people that are just sitting on their money are going to lose their share so i think that may be an interesting way of thinking about it a more pessimistic way would be that perhaps the negative Interest Rates are predicting a minimum major decline in population due to war or perhaps some kind of a geo political war but ive started to come around to this view more because im not really seen how they can reverse these Interest Rates without causing massive nominal deflation which is what they are trying to avoid at all costs because of the credit cycle and credit debt outstanding and all that said the old axiom price proceed and this sowed these prices and they dont conform to any kind of wont. Policy or academic model in real time in current but they discounting something is the invisible hand moving in a way that well find out at some point in the future what this is all about this often happens in markets and price machines and if it is an old you know wall street axiom so youre suggesting that the new is coming down the pike air could be some kind of a rapid population decline the facts yeah so so you know if its a game where theres a bunch of people in a circle and the way you joy. And the game is if youre bored and the way you leave the game is if you die and you start off with a certain number and then everyone passes around an apple you know thats money and everyone gets one bite at a time and so if the amount of people joining the game being born is less than the people leaving the game even though this apple is shrinking with which with each move everyone still getting the same bite so perhaps thats whats what were about to go through and you know i dont believe the u. N. Figures on population i was doing some work on this and i found that the fertility rate in the philippines declined from 3. 00 to 2. 00 so 3 kids per family to 2 in just 15 years the last 15 years whereas in the United States that took 200 years to happen so we are seeing a decline in population i dont think you can trust the u. N. Figures which are really just meant to juice all of their projects and their goals and i think that if you look at the voting numbers if you look at the fact that no ones really having babies Younger Generation people forming households whos to say that the worlds population cant be 20 percent less than it is today or 30 percent less in 100 years i think its totally plausible so perhaps thats how the keynesians are going to keep control of the money system we certainly have looking at these events that are sweeping the globe whether its ecological all events whether its this kind of these violence picking up around the world we have a you know could be outbreak of ebola or Something Like that contagions dead there are other seems ripe for something to happen that would possibly threaten the population numbers but they the the price of these of these bonds trading at 300 you know were trying to guess from liechtenstein racially at 300 year high basically yeah its just a bond bubble set some point and. Pops and then it causes a mass die off because of the poverty in other words it has a chicken and egg situation is it telegraphing something or is it a bubble that when it pops it will create a scenario as youre describing it you know theres a lot of in markets theres a Feedback Mechanism lets hard to determine where you are on the on the continuum is is a reaction cause a reaction or which way time is flowing i dont want to get to thats a terrible air but could it just be this massive bubble it is a bubble but i just dont see how we ever see a 2008 style credit crisis that systemic given all the control and manipulation thats going on and i think that if we see a breakdown of the power structures that are now fully in control and fully in the minute manipulative function for attention for what we know for privacy i think the last thing were going to care about is what the Interest Rate is going to be on the bonds because its all going to manifest through deflation and so if we have massive deflation then the system will work itself out i actually think that. You know i dont know why but at this point i still cant see that materialize i i think that what they did in 2008 was change the rules of the game and theyve cemented their dominance over that you know method of play and thats why there always are these puts in the market so ready perhaps theyre just killing are killing our population and by puts about the greenspan play at another large the those at the bernanke you know what the yellen put you know the chinese put the druggy put the risk is different for the average person whos actually i just think maybe the story will be written such that the academics proselytizing. Money will have literally killed off our population enough to the point where we no longer exists its not Climate Change its not a bowl its basically bad money they introduced a system of bad money which allowed them to get away with murder which allowed them to run deficits with which you are going to pursue nonsensical policies for so long and 1st the social fabric of the nation has been destroyed and then they try to export that doctrine globally but the result is that theyre going to destroy the park where i started in this talk about this put thing put the cause of the put for 2nd so what i try to tell people is that its an asymmetric warfare if blackstone buys a 1000 apartments their heads and if they their most are at risk of 2 or 3 percent if the individual goes out there and buys an apartment theyre not hedged and they may get caught up in a down cycle and lose 5060. 00 or a percent or their whole house thats true what you have a certain amount of capital it becomes easier to crew capital with less risk so its asymmetric in an American Economy i think people have the perception that everyone is taking an equal all risk at entrepreneurial as im an at the economy but thats false sense of completely financial ised and those with the means can make hedge their arrest the point where theyre making risk less rate of return a risk less rate of return and meanwhile a peep other people are being charged negative Interest Rates or being charged 16 percent on a credit card and friends of Goldman Sachs and get paid to borrow money and they laugh about it they call it the opium of o. P. M. Other peoples money or heads i win tails you lose and that has all the grades of social unrest yeah and the revolving door is a critical part of because you could spend 5 years putting forward policy that supports the financial industry or Silicon Valley and then just like burning he did go and work for citadel afterwards and get 5000000. 00 a year and your position. Yes as a as an existential crisis it is ok so the average person they know now is headed to gold for a 2nd yes so the average person with the real money that theyre accumulating gold they have individual sovereignty thats the key so theres 2 ways to do this gold money we know weve been talking about it for years youre buying gold bullion on you can look it up on the line you stored in around the world but with minae its fascinating because 1st of all it is hard money but its positioned as 24. 00 karat gold that is priced based on the spot price of gold so i bought some trinkets on gold money and they may you know but i mean you know cufflinks and jewelry and its give me a real time quote and its not like pretty substantially since i bought the stuff and i can go to my mini account but roy i got to ask you because you know when i 1st met you i didnt know you there is this startup guy hiding in there i mean minae is gone from 0 to tens of thousands of customers millions of dollars of sales and like 24 months on something that nobody would have thought of would be asked a success as a startup 24. 00 karat gold jewelry 1st of all is tiffanys now completely going to be disrupted by this and what whats the Growth Prospects for this thing because it looks like its you know on fire tiffanys is in trouble i can look at the camera and say that. Is really doing extremely well its growing entirely via word of mouth its been less than 2 years and we are approaching almost 20000000. 00 in jewelry sold with one physical store as you correctly pointed out every Single Person and every single currency that is purchased or 24. 00 karat gold jewelry is up in many cases theyre already up more than the premium that we charge them so theyve made money on their jewelry well theyve got other forms of enjoyment from it and yeah to the moon the skys the limit and just if you know if they can actually send it back to us they can so in our. My authorized the fake cetera and so but this is individual sovereignty this is a 400. 00 i got a time one coughing all the time is that why peter 7. 00 like rabbits cufflinks this one couple i got a time its going to change everything yeah and just back to the final point you are 100 percent correct we can sit here and talk about all these macro issues but what ive always said on this show is the personal you know the perk the person watching this show should always measure their earnings in gold and when they have a surplus of savings they should gold and i will be even more aggressive this time i think 50 percent of your net worth should now be in gold in this level 50 percent till the next election cycle United States because i do think trump is going to lose the election and i think its going to swing the pendulum back towards a lot of the policies that are going to destroy capital and increase inflation in taxes and the jurys all designed by Diana Picasso Diana Picasso thats correct the granddaughter of Public Policy granddaughter apollo because we had a very met last we met last night whos now agreed to come on the guys report and talk to us about all the stuff diana. And i were about because im sure. Im in a blue period. Come on over and i think about time well roy great having you back and glad to see things well yeah were investors in the company so were doubly placed things are looking up thanks for coming on the show its a pleasure thank you well thats going to do it for the subset of cars are part of the max keiser and stacy ever life there gas price of gold money dot com in a dot com you can catch us on twitter kaiser report a crash report dot com and. When were talking the most Sustainable Growth this is the bubble Sustainable Development its not only. Grow the number of. The system abilities itself in the world war which is among tame bonuses between the romans and the war between culture and. Conservation again. Nature and submission of. This is the world and this is supported going through so to manage them so to see. To believe. Joined me everything on the alex salmond shill and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics sport business im show business ill see you then. Well you know they were kind of adopted because we were called pirates for so long. I mean theyre in the small boats next to the harp on ships and its. Not. The little self to be told fish already 90 percent of the dots need to fall on the collar. Cons of 15 scoops 75 tons they do it several times a day with a big fleet so no you get an idea on why. We have to understand we can all still use to just. Be with them this will be news for you. Im doing this because i want to the future world to future generations to have and enjoy the ocean we have. An american t. V. Network soon as one of m s n b c told post for describing them as paid russian propaganda please look at the track record when it comes to making claims about the kremlin while a group of independent us jim this hit back after being criticised for visiting parts of syria controlled by the countrys government. Any time does anybody visits a government of the Syrian Government side and offers a realistic perspective they can expect to be attacked what weve been able to see and report already has threatened the narrative thats been conveyed by western Corporate Media and arties video agency ruptly dont choose a special project 3 which you can explore the mystery surrounding the deaths of 9 hikers in the year

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