Hello there just go midday here in moscow you watching r. T. International now the u. S. President has sacked his National Security adviser citing multiple disagreements john boltons policies were seen by many as controversial and attracted plenty of criticism. I know everyones talked about this for an awfully long time there were definite places that about and i told them i had different views about how we should proceed but like to me and i did something down the line is if we and our your. Group young man comes out of the same group of advisers their letters and the war in iraq and here have caused america to put our troops in harms way for far too often too a little bit of thats when john bolton is known for his aggressive approach to Foreign Policy he supported the u. S. Intervention in syria in the staunchly against easing pressure on north korea he also adopted a tough stance to iran and backed scrapping the nuclear deal and hawkins takes a closer look at his record. Scandals resignations and dismissals are part and parcel of trumps presidency a few policy disagreements a swift tweet from the president s another Administration Official bites the dust it was clear from the outset that trump on his National Security advisor would have disagreements im the one that tempers him but thats ok i have different sides i mean i have john bolton and i have other people that are a little more dovish than him and ultimately i make that decision we can speculate on which exact squabble led to boltons exit the failed talks on afghanistan the question of russias role perhaps iran but it seems the animosity lasted until his final day in office i offered to resign last night and President Trump said lets talk about it tomorrow i informed john bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the white house i disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions as did others in the administration to trump views himself as a skilled dealmaker who talked tough when needed for bolton but wasnt enough he needed to walk the walk and actively consistently show strength on all fronts the middle east russia north korea latin america you name it he held out on compromising stance on sanctions military action and regime change. Bolton was one of the key advocates of toppling the moderate government using any means necessary all options on the table ready to go this troika of tyranny this triangle of chairs stretching from havana to caracas to managua is the cause of immense human suffering this is a time for action. Trump showed he was willing to meet to negotiate with even the greatest perceived u. S. Adversities even if it meant just a symbolic photo op the right intentions seems to be their bed and we like each other they wont i dont like sanctions because on his country i think they want to make peace i think its time for bolton though this was unacceptable so it could be a long and unproductive meeting or it could be a short non productive meeting we have very much in mind the libya model from 20032004 while bolton boiled that north korea had violated u. N. Sanctions off a missile test and may trump downplayed the incident saying he wasnt spooked north korea fired off some small weapons which disturbed some of my people and others but not me. Taking on iran was perhaps boltons priority number one within a month of his appointment in april 28th seen the u. S. Have pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal and advocate of preemptive strikes he pushed for military action against iran ofter u. S. Drone was brought down and as ever his thinly veiled threats centered around regime change we hope that these new measures directed at the iranian dictatorship will compel the government to reevaluate its pursuit of terror at the expense of its people well i think he is on the verge of making a mistake i think his advisors are pushing him in the wrong direction ironically just as bolton prepared to depart speculations been rife on possible talks between trump and the rain in president through any it would have. Not possible after so much hostile rhetoric perhaps the final straw was trumps plan to wind down the longest war in u. S. History including hosting talks with taliban leaders at camp david its speculated that bolton this was in comprehensible so whats next for u. S. Foreign policy will troops words often have little correlation with his actions and the u. S. Secretary of state reassures us not too much will change of leave to the present to talk about the reasons he made the decision but i would say this the president s intitled to the staff that he wants it at any moment as a staff person who works directly for the president of state and he should have people he trusted values and whose efforts and judgments benefit him and delivering american Foreign Policy seems that with or without boltons presence u. S. Foreign policy may have more surprises in store during trumps 1st. Hawkins there we discussed boltons dismissal with the former u. S. Naval Intelligence Officer Steven Rogers and also with the former u. S. Congressman ron paul. John bolton was rather more hawkish than any National Security advisor that ive seen at least in my life time he was opposed to the president taking steps to sit with foreign leaders across the table look when President Trump suggested that lattimer putin be invited to the g. 7 summit was opposed to that the president recently want the taliban to come to camp david and talk and so it seemed to be a situation where the National Security advisor john bolton was not respecting the wishes of the present United States the president is the duly elected representative of this country and mr bolton had an obligation to support the president s policies. Also i had a lot of disagreement with secretary of state might pompei oh and as a result we now see what this culminated in today every time i think is making progress bold you know but there arent any rules is so i think the timing is just too late i mean not to lay bad later than it should be a shouldve been a long time ago. A lot of people here didnt even want his appointment because hes the only was able to take a position that didnt require Senate Approval so he had this position which is very very important but hes been a Monkey Wrench in Donald Trumps policies of trying to back away from some of these conflicts around the world and its led to a lot of frustration here. Now the russian government is described a c. N. N. Reporter as pope fiction after the news channel it claims about the cia the touring a high level spy from. C. N. N. Reported that a source inside the russian government was successfully extracted back in 2017 of the concerns about the way donald trump handled classified information but and the cia say the story using correct. Secret missions exfiltration of spies top level intelligence it sounds like the makings of a thriller and in a way it is because this is an elaborate tale recently that by c. N. N. Multiple trump Administration Officials tell me that these are officials with direct knowledge that in a previously undisclosed to secret mission in 2017 the u. S. Successfully extracted from russia one of its highest level sources covert sources inside the russian government the c. N. N. Report claims a man at the highest level of the kremlin was secretly feeding theeye a information for over a decade that he was so ensconced within the kremlin wall so friendly with and trusted by president putins inner circle but he even managed to photograph documents on the russian leaders desk u. S. Intelligence officials had already expressed concerns about the safety of this by other russian assets given the length of their cooperation with the u. S. This according to a former Senior Intelligence official the report is peppered with think mentions of secret sources mysterious interviews and skips a bit on the facts facts make a thriller indeed the c. N. N. Report doesnt even given in playing of the identity of the informant but the Russian Media was willing to give it a chance and landed on one leg while in cough its been reported that he previously worked at the Russian Embassy in washington before becoming up to stay counselor at the president ial administration not really the pinnacle of influence which is true that smiling cough worked in the president S Administration but several years ago he was fired his position wasnt that of a top official all the discussion in the us media about someone urgently extracting someone and saving someone etc it is part of as you know a sort of pope fiction genre but c. N. N. Probably felt it had a bombshell report on its hands it found. Another unverified crime to suggest it was the russians not the American Public who elected trump and then showing that washington had successfully outwitted moscow by sneaking that alleged spy out but what could make this revelation for more delicious how about trump also being shown to be an unreliable slip president now that would be called a person directly involved in these discussions said that the removal of the russian was driven in part by concerns that President Trump aS Administration had repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence and that that could contribute to exposing the covert source as a spy are so just to clarify the cia gave up its most important source on the off chance that trump might spill the beans a source thats been cultivated over 10 years in the country is readily says its almost impossible to infiltrate i could even buy into that if the cia gave me something to what quits i mean they arent exactly trumps cheerleaders their response that must have come as a bitter blow at c. N. N. H. Q. Misguided speculation that the president s handling of our nations most sensitive intelligence which he has access to each and every day driven alleged exfiltration operation is inaccurate i love a good story but Anonymous Sources classified information which is impossible to verify trump is incapable of dealing with the discreet demands of office and washington being a step ahead of everyone well it just fits all too neatly. The u. N. Has issued a stark warning to Benjamin Netanyahu over his new nie and im supplants for the west bank israeli Prime Minister is up for reelection next week and hes promised parts of the territory if he wins. And. We are on the eve of elections President Trump said that after the elections he would present his do. Well of the century for a permanent agreement for israel and the palestinians this offers us a great challenge and a great historic once in a lifetime opportunity to apply israel sovereignty over our settlements in judea and samaria and also other areas with significance for our security our heritage and our future any israeli decision to impose its laws jurisdiction administration in the occupied west bank is without any International Legal effect i think such a such a prospect would be devastating to the potential of reviving the goshi a sions Regional Peace and the very essence of a 2 state solution. Of the council is considering this announcement a Serious Development and a new Israeli Aggression through its intention to violate International Law the un charter and the concerned resolutions of the International Legitimacy while the area is home to some 3000000 palestinians but increasing numbers of israelis have settled there over recent years with Major International organizations labeling it occupied territory and theres concern that a move by israel to seize the part known as the Jordan Valley will mark an end to a 2 state solution in the historic conflict. Where the israeli Prime Ministers promised as come just a few days before israel snap election that was triggered after he failed to form a governing coalition earlier this year we spoke to a political analyst that he does think that netanyahu is announcement has a political stunt to win votes. This is whats happening in the israeli election every single day and its a now is throwing some other hail mary hoping that hes going to catch some voters hoping that someone is going to listen and right now the United States is in the corner of the and again this is a lot of electioneering he has donald trump helping him campaign helping possibly will providing something to israel last few days in the next few days its a cynical use of policy its a cynical use of a very serious issue its a serious use of a contentious issue internationally there are people that think that maybe these territories are occupied there are a lot of people that think that theyre not to use it now i think a lot of people think its a political stunt and its a political stunt that may work. To attract votes is to provoke a cross border rocket rocket exchange sirens sounded to warn of rocket fire from the gaza strip on netanyahu was speaking at an election rally in the Southern City of ashdod video who does show security surrounding the Prime Minister before leading him add to the main hall of the venue and you know he returned minutes later and continued to address the crowd for any minute from said that it into set to 2 rockets that were loans from the gaza strip and no injuries were reported israel has carried out retaliation and strikes in gaza not. Some brief starting with twentys aires because thousands took to the streets there in argentina to vent their anger at the countrys economic crisis people are demanding better wages and food 8 elections are coming up at the end of and then the Current Administration argentina to the largest live in i. M. F. History but living conditions. In iraq religious holiday to the tragedy when a worship of during a mass ritual starting a stampede that killed one papal over 100 others were injured witnesses. The mines full of lead to tell me no effects of people tripping over each other offices the stampede happened in a war quite collapsed on the European Space agency says that the amazon rain forest fires have led to a huge jump in pollution levels in brazil the flames rage the spy become trees president banning land clearance 560 days Officials Say the number of fires in the amazon this year is the highest since 22. And i still had diplomatic turbulence between china and germanys perlin gives a high level welcome to one of the leaders of the Hong Kong Protest Movement will have a look at that in more detail in a couple of. You know world of big. Law and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to plight for the middle for truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by personal there is. No day or thinks. We dare to ask. Welcome back to with r. T. Now the protests in hong kong will not stop even though the authorities there with thrown a controversial extradition or at least thats the message from one of the protest movements figureheads or through a wall during a Media Conference in berlin the activist also called on europe to put economic pressure on beijing withdrawal of the feel is far from enough the protests in whole call are not likely to stop because we are still fighting for our fundamental rights and democracy what hope is apart from each statement to show its support on the holocaust in a can i say should we strongly hold. In the future European Union when they need to make trade negotiation with china they could at human right cause related to a song called protests china meanwhile is that germany for giving me activists there a high level reception in berlin earlier on tuesday joshua one was met by the German Foreign minister something the beijing has said was disrespectful of andi the values china is extremely unhappy at germany for hosting hong kong separatists so they can undertake anti china separatist activities and a German Foreign minister publicly meeting such people it is disrespectful of chinas sovereignty and interference in its internal affairs we dont Court Reports now from berlin looking at what message the hong kong activist had for the west. Berlin recently rolled out the red carpet for hong kong Opposition Leader inviting the 22 year old busy to a human rights event at the boom to stop once there jumped at the opportunity to call hong kongs political situation part of a new cold war if we have any new cold war on hold. For you were to stay with it resisting and probably age it was time for wong to turn on the charm for germanys big weeks and foreign minister heiko moss was one of the 1st to be won over after hearing that one was detained in china for breaking bail and then released just a day before the event moss was overjoyed. We will come to. You st. And what could make a bull in the stock conference even better a photo shoot wong was pictured with the leader of the White Helmets an organization often praised by western leaders and just as often accused by critics of staging Chemical Attacks and supporting terrorist groups by now was probably an expert at posing in pictures because just last month he was caught on camera meeting with an employee of the u. S. Consulates Political Division in hong kong now although hes been hustling hard for that western support hes also been very critical of the west and the fact that they havent done enough. I want the conflicts to be resolved without violence and anything else would be a disaster joining the law is a help but its a country with 2 systems and this is im in hong kong gives people more civil rights than it does the china. I think chancellor merkel for speaking to hong kong in beijing but it was far less clear than the hong kong people wanted germanys business interest should not override the universal value we believe in if the chancellor wants to do something then she must help president she responds to the cool for free elections of course china is even more against western officials stoking the flames of opposition in hong kong theyve already labelled meetings with western officials as meddling and the root cause of violence in hong kong but based on this most recent rendezvous it seems the west is not listening the main topics of the protests headrest the Hong Kong Government has moved in the direction that they have austral the bill has not just been declared dead it has been drawn and Independence Police commission 3 m. Work already exists and it is in the process of putting together an inquiry on with regard to Police Activities so there really isnt that much to protest about but they have now escalated their demands and these sort of and meeting mr wong and the congress u. S. Congress getting in the act it just provides that. Much more oxygen for the movement to keep going on even though their protests are being met which is in ever doubly then drifting towards violence. Vivienne westwood has revealed details of her prison visit to Julian Assange the British Fashion designer is one of several high Profile Campaign is calling for the release of the wiki leaks founder he has been locked up in london since april are fighting extradition to the us shadi at least dashti has more on the story. Campaign as in solidarity with your innocence continue to up the ante and keep him in the public eye as every single day marks another step closer to his extradition to the United States now im here at the belmarsh prison where cheeriness on to us held since april of this year after he was sensationally dragged from londons dorrian embassy where he had been holed up since 2012 hes now serving a 15 week sentence at this belmarsh prison for skipping bell back in 2012 but activists here says that sentence is grossly unfair for a preacher you get 50 weeks which is a routine for friends in this country people are on the streets to preach bail should not be happening this is a political stunt by the British Government nothing more well because yes it could be genetic and what youve done is is completely illegal with a few you know the press is a man and theyre being murdered literally and people and so you know i mean look i wish all the other people you know if you wish was in there today there are people trying to help him now youre innocent continues to live in limbo of course the United States is indicted him for 17 counts more than him to face trial for spying and publishing classified documents relating to the war in iraq and afghanistan Many Campaign as an activist including Vivienne Westwood and leading British Fashion designer believes if he were to be extradited he would not face a fair trial took me a month to get to go to to vanish to see him during the time hes been in solitary confinement. Is now gone but to some of them. What they want to get him for is telling the truth a nice a Freedom Fighter democracy is in crisis at the moment but i think that what is happening nevertheless is that. People are beginning to get the same sort of their own responsibility that they. Get involved because the politicians are not putting in the Public Interest at all at the moment and so i just really think that the public is going to make all the difference in support of julian the flowers he must not be extradited but why are the police just keeping him there why have they trapped him all the time in order to save him up i mean theyre in league with the with this world conspiracy so while journalists are just battle continues his supporters outside bellmawr say hes a valiant campaigner and should be applauded rather than pass a q tip for seeking justice and delivering truth shattered stache day r. T. U. K. London. More than a 1000000 tons of radioactive waste water could be dumped into the Pacific Ocean that is the grave warning from japans environment minister where authorities are still dealing with the aftermath of the Fukushima Nuclear disaster the only option will be to drain it into the sea and dilute it the whole of the government will discuss this but i would like to offer my simple opinion the groundwater has accumulated at the plant since the events of 2011 when a tsunami triggered multiple Nuclear Meltdowns officials have attempted to remove harmful pollutants but a lot do remain and theyre warning that the run out of Storage Space by 2020 meanwhile the government has spent Something Like 320000000. 00 on a wall to slow the flow of water to the reactors but its not working the way they had hoped tens of thousands were evacuated from fukushima after the tragedy which claimed the lives of more than 2000 people according to japans Reconstruction Agency we spoke to Nuclear Experts about the ongoing dangers. People will be getting concentrated radiation doses and seafood this is extremely hazardous highly concentrated radioactive waste water that will bio accumulate in the food chain and humans are at the top of the food chain its not just japanese people its anyone who eat seafood from the Pacific Ocean thats why the south korean government is very concerned the United States government should be very concerned only now the japanese government is proposing to intentionally release a 1000000 tons of highly radioactive waste water thats a 1000000000 liters of highly radioactive waste water they should retain it they should store it for 125 years let the tritium decay away but there will still be other radioactive poisons and there that have to be filtered out and isolated from the environment for much longer periods of time and that is you and this are you watching our programs continue after the break. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military and the decision. Every song came to a complete. The day that i was ready to be instructed you told a short while to kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any scream didnt eat any meat how many grams my own even ate meat. If you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tapping but ive never seen trauma like ive seen from women who are veterans who suffered military sexual. Trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished than the offender by hand and almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an hour in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there whether thats men or women. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics sport this unless im showbusiness ill see that. Hello and welcome to cross talk were all things are considered im Peter Lavelle with the socalled afghan Peace Process in tatters u. S. Troops still in syria iraq more times than not agreeing with the rand maximum pressure on to rend failing and americas allies in the middle east at odds over yemen can anyone make heads or tails out of trumps Foreign Policy in the middle east it seems to be going from bad to worse

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