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Bugle rights record of military troops. Though they welcome just on the day here in moscow watching International Match on a visit to poland the u. S. Vice president mike pence has once again warned of russian interference into western politics. Now is the time for us to remain vigilant. About the intentions. The actions being taken by russia. As we stand together and as we see other nato allies follow your lead president to. Meet their obligations to our common defense we know their efforts will fail. In his remarks to come as a daily beast article frames historical events going back a 100 g. Is as russian interference however as modern. Why stop. There are a few legends as obscure and my dear as this one seemed leaguers the freemasons u. F. O. s the loch ness monster and big foot there is russian meddling and with every retelling someone nods and the little twist i mean who is going to disprove them the russians have been attacking us for 100 years but moscow mich still doesnt get it now its the daily beast turns out russian meddling is ancient lenin who already targeted western capitalism and specifically britain for a long Term Campaign of infiltration and subversion. You scared yet well you better be lennon himself was a bit of a medlar says the daily beast though they do say a lot of things but with every telling as i said a Little Something gets added in this case another 50 years to Russian Election meddling plus the 50 years that mr secretary of state pompei you added when it was his. Of cool and the one before that and the one before that didnt stop at 2008 you can go back to the seventys i decided to investigate these claims and fortunately they wouldnt let me play spooky music didnt take long though to discover how all this meddling was literally here is russian octopus depicted in 2018 its tentacles reach far far back into the past same octopus seen in the 1950s who were incidents i think not its the same one cited again in 1970 russian octopuses do you know theres only one and wed never have known if not for British Imperial propaganda no matter how deeply buried the truth is out there and the new york city of forgotten passageways where the monk covered more evidence of russian meddling that you know the russians interfered in the us civil war sent warships to support the north Abraham Lincoln so efexor really did they meddle with the americans actually welcome those warships potentially the russians not only lost the election for Hillary Clinton but the war for the Confederate States now this is the part where the spooky music would have been really good found. Fathers were infiltrated and recruited by what would all wouldnt become the k. G. B. Benjamin franklin himself 789. 00 was elected to the Russian Academy of sciences for his quote scientific contributions others say he passed on early manuscripts of the u. S. Constitution his russian handlers the proof is in your wallet look at his face and the 100. 00 bill it doesnt smile and its well known that russians never smile it was difficult but we tracked it back a 1000 years we found russian meddling before russia even existed. Anyway millennium ago the ruler of kievan roost married his daughter to the french king and surprisingly the king died very soon and she ruled the fronts for decades a 1000 years of russian medlin proved beyond doubt back to you daily beast at sea which you can dig up about jesus christ and his ties to the k. G. B. For a nasty of their now recovery teams in the southwest of yemen have pulled 88 bodies from the ruins of a jail bombed by the Saudi Led Coalition the search was halted for the night but according to the red cross more than 100 people are presumed dead a group is condemned the attack as shocking the facility how 770 people medics have been dispatched to the scene of what is the ought to be the deadliest strike on the country this year. They are a few hours after the. Body halt laying around being able to support around in hospitals around 50 people have been. Wounded we can see 110 by 10 people have been. Around 20 people me proves you are also lying on the dropped all reactors reject the accusations and insisting that it took all precautions to protect civilians the coalition also claims that the building was not a prison but a Storage Facility for drones and missiles this is a traditional who the tactic and a violation of the laws of Armed Conflict this site was not registered with the United Nations and was not on the no strike list the south and as yet let me tonight for all of the Coalition Warplanes work the residence in the warplanes flew past and drop bombs directly at the building where 170 prisoners were in custody what you are seeing now is a real disaster scene it is a crime against humanity well him and civil war pits the rebel who think hes up against the Multinational Coalition led by riyadh 4 years of fighting have sparked the worlds worst humanitarian disaster the head of the yemen delegation of the red cross says that International Law may have been broken. It begins a bird again minisub a very big can meet there we have been busy in book various pines people would hand. In close contact with them so it was a place that was quite well known you could get a nice bed for your protected by International Humanitarian law when youre a peg person and by International Humanitarian aid all the question of why youre lesion of i you chose is really at the full ground to have a definitive conclusion we need an inquiry to be need to bet that on the stand what was the motivation what course because the measures taken by eyeballing a decent very tragic incident that has killed a very very high number of people. Our rally in the u. K. In honor of cheeriness sanchez saying celebrities take to the stage to voice their support for the whistleblower among them the pink floyd front man roger waters who performed his song wish you were here hes now spoken supporter of the wiki leaks founder. Should. See. What is an out front 7 so why would say its like almost. I dont want to say that. About whats happening and what that will come out so its its a real issue of an attack and democratic right which is so profoundly important that this silencing someone whose only crime is to tell the truth always comes to defend june in a sowne she is being tortured for telling the truth about our governments crimes and meanwhile the criminal. Who got us into the sydney was still. In power we heard that hes absolutely still using the terrible conditioning belmokhtar. I wish is unbelievable also joining forces is Award Winning titles will make the top kill tough to speak as he says in the mccarthy richest political prisoner having recently had contact with assad he tells us about his stake as well as giving us his thoughts on the case in general. C this is. The 6th. Thank. You very much. Just. Before rex decision to make. The sexing for todays concept might be on his shoulders the atmosphere of tennessee and anger towards the british couple met on this issue is not because i have seen plenty of crash for him president assad he is as we know scoring 7 out of 0. 15 jumping bail back 20 had a song famously sought refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy and none to the south but his Office Website wiki leaks released classified u. S. War logs on cables which read details about americas Foreign Policy on casualties critics have also price out over the possibility of expedites whistleblower us with his once 1. 00 charge of conspiring a cover because you stuff and all that. Cable pay sent to us to march on that point out of hearing in february 2021 thing is. The 3 weeks of the scientist confinement might have cost the perfect outcry protest and pressure on the British Government and its sas to tailor art and. France foreign minister has urged the you to prove its commitment to the International Nuclear deal and says to you that iran is ready to stop the enrichment of uranium within days or even hours it does come after iran announced plans to further reduce its compliance with the treaty starting this week to iran earlier raised its limit on uranium enrichment saying it would breach the deals restrictions further if no one proves eager to save the accord with irans foreign minister javad zarif to tell r. T. Why reach an agreement with the you is key you can see this interview in full on arties worlds apart throughout the day and also on our website too but heres a taste of what he said. Im not preaching anybody im simply talking about the realities you see all of us when we went to Primary School and high school we had bullies in our class and bullies would not stop if people just look at them while they beat another student once they beat the 1st student or go to the 2nd and the 3rd and the 4th do parents must know that the appetite of the United States for breaking International Law when ever and where ever it set of them really not stopped with casey purely as it has not ins. Unesco the Climate Change to be honest with you at the end of the days not even in the interest of the United States in the long term if you have a lawless International Behavior you cannot have predictability one state being unpredictable will bring other states to the state of unpredictability and then we will have chaos so its not in anybodys interest you will not have any rule of law respected if one country starts to break them basically as a matter of habit unfortunately the europeans have not been able to put their money where their mouth is they have been stating their support for the case of pure way but they have not been prepared to take the risks and to invest in order to maintain a great achievement of diplomacy i can only say that thats what they need to do how they want to do it they want to convince the americans or they want to defy the americans its their decision i believe the americans will not be convinced unless they see a determination for the from the rest of the world to uphold principles of International Law as i said a bully. His appetite be simply will only grow if they see lack of reaction to the negotiating table is death. Its a ticket to get to that. And thats poor compliance with j. C. Still to come this hour a local council in france is fined 90000. 00 euros for violating a gender equality floor by hiring too many women well have a look at that just after the. Join me every thursday on the alex simon short and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you there. But i believe jason pugh it was an important accomplishment of the problems. And its too early. To talk about its demise but unfortunately the europeans have not been able to put their money where their mouth is they have been stating their support for the g. C. Pure way but they have not been prepared to take the risks to invest in order to maintain a great achievement of the compass. He with artane i tensions remain high in hong kong at the moment toronto beijing protests are into their 14th consecutive week some of the demonstrators in the chinese territory a former british colony and now asking london to grant them u. K. Citizenship on quarter though looks now i would have britains own questionable policies there when hong kong seem to be forgotten. Hundreds of hong kongs protesters are shifting their focus to the british consulate demanding full british citizenship that was denied to them under colonial rule. When right now i. Want the British Government to declare that they sign the british agreement has been pushed by the Chinese Government before you became east meditation i want to send to do while we are at the forefront at the global level if i can fighting against the evil party which is the Chinese Communist party it was 997 that hong kong officially returned to Mainland China the citys residents and initially had 2nd class citizen status in the British Empire reserved exclusively for colonial subjects so of course many were thrilled to throw off the chains of colonialism but for some nostalgia for the old union jack clearly persists both in hong kong and westminster the u. K. Had obligations to hong kong citizens before 997. 00 and the extension of overseas citizenship which is many ways a 2nd to citizenship was a mistake and i think its one that should be corrected at a time where there are clearly tensions in hong kong the u. K. Could reassure many home kong citizens that their existing its recognised by the u. K. And their own valued britains foreign secretary felt that very same obligation its up to the people hong kong to decide what they think should happen in terms of their own government hong kong is not part of the United Kingdom but the u. K. Signed an internationally Binding Legal agreement in 1984 that in trying to the one country 2 systems rule in trying to the basic freedoms of the people of hong kong and. We stand for square behind that agreement foursquare behind the people of hong kong and that we serious consequences if that internationally Binding Legal agreement or not to be on that yes british hong kong once an outstanding model for all who craved freedom and human rights right well not if you consider that there was no democracy there it was always ruled by a british governor directly appointed by london and as for protests forget it 981 u. K. Army document shows how comfortable the government was with shooting unarmed protesters practically the stench would be took photographs baton rounds shotgun and small arms fire small arms fire would be directed into the crowd for lethal effect shooting to kill protestors a real cornerstone of basic freedom the u. K. s ministry of defense dismissed the document as theoretical speculation but even if thats true with the outcry over such a document be as muted if it were from the Chinese Government i doubt it kong was a british colony 450 years didnt attain there was absolutely 0. Democracy it was ruled from london through a governor who was appointed in london and sent over to hong kong was one of which was christian to be one of the most militant voices in straitened bushs agenda intervention by the west in this Current Crisis so there was no. Democracy whatsoever he shouldnt put tears as the oldest article memory if it ever seems to be interested in the west as it will be just as all these are the people who are seduced by the western culture which the late western liberal democracy in there is a logical switch total maybe theres a lot of historical a kneejerk reaction of the u. K. Government it was overturned on principle that principle. Or so for International Solidarity isley the new un charter would be to and refused to get involved other than to devise a good. Esthers to stop being violent to stop trying to preserve the crisis to stop trying to create a situation whereby the Peoples Liberation army of trainers no choice other than to intervene. Now the 3rd and final day of it yours is being held across russia marking 15 years since the Beslan School massacre. It was the deadliest terror attack in russias modern history claiming the lives of 334 people most of whom were children back then over a 1000 people were taken hostage on the very 1st day of school the ordeal lasted for 3 days with hostages held at gunpoint and not allowed food or water with explosives hanging above their heads on the 2nd day of the siege more than 20 hostages were released after the former president of russias republican english. Convinced the terrorists to let him in with babies we did speak to a girl who was one of the infants that was allowed to make. Yet this time or just was now youre. Going to trust reform that worked on yours to snow is knowledge dont know stroudsburg if it were squashed im gonna believe you are not us guys of we do it again. I wonder if she called boy. Dog pleasure. Governor to shout it out in your skies of it still dont appreciate you. Did it just stop when you were proceeding on my gentle for you. Would eat look at that and it just goes just so you rock. That ive spent a. Few. Years when you my door. Was written by the no damage to you im about to give in it. Just acknowledged i do to charm i dont wish. To. Impose much and i took that up to a cop to make it look probably oh yeah she was not quite sure of all mischievous mommy yet you could call in a new. Way to. Finally this hour in france a local council that has been fined 90000 euros for failing to comply with the gender equality law after it employed too many women surely been scared as the story. If you thought gender bias was becoming a thing of the past youd be wrong over the years much work has been done to quit my job when it comes to gender quotas have been put in place with a view to make sure that women have their voices heard and get some of the top jobs but what about when the scales tip well thats exactly whats happened in one french cancel the press is a town just north of leone and its being fined 90000. 00 euros for pointing to many women 4 of the 5 senior jobs went to the fairer sex breaching frances Public Sector gender parity nourse the council is got smacked i think is comical to be punished for this reason not only do i stand by our appointments im proud of having so many women in our Management Teams french law states that the ratio between men and women cant be more than a 6040. 00 split what many Public Institutions fail to grasp is that the more applies to both sexes meaning that men cant be underrepresented either but the whole concept of employing people just because of their gender and not potentially because of the skills has set twitter alight this proves that in forced parity stupid the commune has to play a fine of 900000 a year is because they have too many women in the Management Team if you are dumb and lazy guy you can get hired. The case of bourgogne breasts hiring more women than men demonstrates the total absurdity of the parity rule it was inevitable that this would happen one day its time we looked at people skills before looking at their gender it seems bold on quest isnt the 1st council to fall foul of this in 2750. 00 of the it was also sanctioned for having too many women at the helm if this point the hoo ha around these particular cases the reality in france is that women a still lagging behind in terms of being represented at the top across the country only 34 percent of women have management positions in local government finds have also been slapped on those who failed to employ enough women including high level government positions the french finance minister was fined 1700000 euros while the foreign minister was spotted 450000 euros gender equality may be one of my calls top ains in france i have made a quality between women and men the great cause of my 5 year time but it seems no matter which way you look at it from its cold quite seem to on the right side a bit over the last. R. T. Paris. Thats how things are looking back again in about 35. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. During the Great Depression which are all this to remember there was most of my family were working class and it wasnt it was bad you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation that things were going. Better. There was a real sense of hope. There isnt today todays america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. Reduce democracy attack solo duo engineer election manufacture consent and other principles according to. One set of rules for the rich offset. Thats what happens when you put her into the. Will switch is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as youd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. On. Their. Own and welcome to the world a part of the point born of part famously said that there are only 2 forces that unite bad p. R. And interest and choice between which is becoming increasingly more difficult for the European Countries including france as they are just saying that policies in the era of trunk argue we know where it is more visible than in the rainy and youre pretty sure of getting your opinions have enough interest to overcome. Here and salivates they deal with. Them to discuss that im now joined by irans Foreign Affairs minister zarif or is in moscow crash off his piece of and visit france minister its good to talk to you again thank you very much for its good to be here with you now on the eve of your visit to moscow your spokesman announced that you were going to discuss among other things the latest developments in the case of implementation and some would say that sounds overly optimistic many people believe that these deal is dead and buried is it no its not because i believe it was an important accomplishment of the come see and its too early to talk about its demise as mark twain said the news of its demise are greatly exaggerated but unfortunately the europeans have not been able to put their money where their mouth is they have been stating their support for the j. C. Pure way but they have not been prepared to take the risks and to invest in order to maintain a great achievement of diplomacy now we talk about europeans because russia and china are totally different be continue to have x. Excellent relations with both countries of course russia and china are also affected by the United States and by the eagle measures i dont call them sanctions but economic terrorism why the United States against iran but that but the europeans have not other than making general statements in support of a ship you would have not been prepared to invest in it now it is important for them to implement their commitments to reason ive been to france twice and president rouhani has been talking with president mccrone and today while im here my deputy

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