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Triple threat tensions soar in the middle east israel. Troops in syria it comes just days after a suspected this really drone attacks in. Iraq. Live from our International News center this is our international my names you know meal of the world cup. We begin in the u. S. A judge in oklahoma has ruled that the drug maker johnson and johnson is responsible for driving the states Opioid Crisis and ordered it to pay a 572000000. 00 fine he said the pharmaceutical giant run a full sun dangerous Marketing Campaign which doesnt play the risk of addiction and directing country bruited to it johnson and johnson said it will appeal the decision with a look at the implications of the case. Got a landmark ruling today in oklahoma the drug manufacturer johnson and johnson a giant Big Pharmaceutical Company in the United States has been found guilty and has been ordered to pay 572000000. 00 to the state of oklahoma in order to deal with the ongoing Opioid Epidemic in the United States this is the 1st time that a big pharmaceutical manufacturers corporation has gone to trial in a case alleging responsibility regarding the Opioid Crisis this is the prosecutor in the case stating what the judge ruled to the judge bachmann has affirmed or position that johnson and johnson motivated by greed and avarice is responsible for the ok would have prevented. Johnson and johnson will finally be hill accountable for thousands of deaths and addiction caused by their activities now at the trial the prosecution argued that johnson and johnson and its subsidiaries had overstated the effectiveness of their opioid drugs when it comes came to treating ongoing chronic pain they overstated their effectiveness in treating ongoing chronic pain and understated the risk of addiction posed by their products previously the way Big Pharmaceutical Companies have avoided going to trial is by settling out of court and paying out hundreds of millions of dollars or do pharmaceuticals manage to withdraw themselves from the case by paying a 270000000. 00 settlement for them or tell the pharmaceutical industries they withdrew from the case in may by paying an 85000000. 00 settlement so johnson and johnson was the only defendant in the case they were found guilty now they do expect to appeal the decision the defense argues that this will not hold up in a court of appeal they think that they will be exempt and that the the convey. It will be overturned however this is a landmark moment because this is the 1st time that a Big Pharmaceutical Company has been found at trial to be responsible for the Opioid Epidemic and many different forces in the United States have long argued that Big Pharmaceutical Companies should be held responsible for the ongoing Opioid Epidemic that has claimed a number a large number of american lives well how did we get to this point rates of opioid addiction have increased dramatically in the u. S. Over the past 20 years culminating in a nationwide epidemic in the late 1990 s. Prescriptions for painkillers were made readily available as pharmaceutical companies assured doctors out there patients would not become addicted but it quickly became clear that many people were becoming dependent with deaths from opioid overdoses reaching a record high of 4202016 the following year the government declared a Public Health emergency now currently if we break it done on a daily basis 130. 00 americans die every 24 hours as a result of opioid medicines the Health Crisis is also placing a huge burden on the u. S. Economy and courage ng higher rates of herbal in use addiction specialist told us that both the pharmaceutical industry and doctors failed in their duties to customers and patients. Well doctors certainly there are some responsibility for the opiate epidemic but i think to really understand how this happened in the United States its necessary to realize that a whole generation of physicians was educated to believe that opioids are not addictive as long as youre giving them to a patient in pain and this was a message that was eagerly adopted by produced by johnson and johnson by chance and by t. V. By many other opioid manufacturers why because it helped their bottom line to sell more opioids so certainly doctors have to be reeducated as they are now they have to withhold opioids they have to stop prescribing opioids for ankle sprains for chronic pain conditions we would not want the pendulum to swing in the opposite direction and for people who really need opioids not to be able to get them so finding some kind of middle ground is going to be essential. The french president and money will mccrone has hailed in his words an extremely productive g. 7. 00 summit after 3 days of talks wrapped up in be a ritz on monday but despite the group of attending World Leaders voicing optimism for the future of this years meeting just very few concrete commitments heres our Senior Correspondent steve. It was nice nice stuff the weather was decent lots of people nice people good conversation and good stuff nice couldnt you. First of all i would like to thank President Trump and all the heads of state and government present here for the extremely Productive Work and very productive discussions weve had since saturday evening together i want to thank you very much mr president for the credible job you did this is a truly successful g 7 there was tremendous unity it was great unity as i said nice not exactly wonderful or amazing but yeah pretty nice i mean could have been better they could have agreed on something significant the cheveley little more argued the little less and the fee there was a lot of nervousness at the outset a lot of expectations a lot of tension and we had a lot of conflicts just look at the bright side theres always next year to get something done is not nice to be fair there was a lot of stuff on the agenda in the trade war with china the brazilian president s rudeness brecks it should not begins whether to invite the largest country in the world iran for the millionth time. We all know what trump thinks about iran much as a bit of a cold war between the 2 most of the rest of the world actually wants to go back to the Nuclear Agreement trump ripped up what a conundrum huh so macron invites the foreign minister of iran hoping to break the ice and surprisingly things became a little all could also unsurprisingly trumpet would heed his own tide before admitting it it was coming in and i respected the fact that it was coming in and he met with president mcbroom in iran is a very difficult situation. In the position not a very good position from the standpoint of economics and thats ok because we concluded a very quickly even said hes open to meeting irans president when the time is right perhaps after another few rounds of sanctions once they find something in iran they havent sanctioned yet speaking of sanctions that trade war is still raging. One mans sanctions are another mans tariffs and the United States likes both so much so trump says he regretted not imposing more tariffs on chinese made goods because trump making companies and consumers the average american pay more for ordinary stuff is great for everyone which didnt go down well with the rest of the summit squad just to the point. Of view of free will. To be honest it wasnt trumps greatest performance and they were having a nice dinner all in cincy is smiles and forced laughs and use and brings up the boogie man. Trying joining your mitchell in star red chuen a stew prepared mommy tackled style while trump talks about inviting russia back apparently he wouldnt shut up about it i think if youre working. With a number of people who would like to see russia back i think it would be in that it would be advantageous to do. Many things in the world or das its worse some of those present agreed why on earth would you want to invite a country thats a key player in almost every major global issue. Well it would make sense but not off the crimea g. 7 is for friends and friends pretend to be there for each other everyone knows that and putin it seems has Better Things to do. To get a little g 8 doesnt exist anymore how can i return to an organization which doesnt exist today its the g 7 regarding a potential format with 8 Member States we never reject any proposals some time ago it was russias turn to hold a g. 8 meeting but our partners didnt. But there are other International Organizations which play a significant role in International Affairs take the g 20. All in all as i said nice great as g 708 sco but the total catastrophe but this year trump even scientists single page unlike last year when he simply stormed out. That wasnt nice. To have a we asked our of in a us libertarian politician whether he thought there were any positives to be drawn from this yourself. The g. 7 is to the world at what the Federal Reserve is the United States is a meddling problematic internationally damaging organization whose time has come and gone and we no longer should be having decent meetings at all in my view to me it was political theater i think that the United States and iran should talk i think that not talking to an unstable regime that is on the verge of becoming a Nuclear Power is a diplomatic mistake what should be doing in terms of of tariffs getting rid of all of them there is every reason to get rid of tariffs that does not require a g 7 or g 8 or a g 20 it simply requires individuals to say i dont want to pay more for the same thing i mean country that unilaterally lowers tariffs is going to benefit its own citizens immediately. The United Nations is calling for. Restraint between israel and its obvious arisa fears of a new conflict in the middle east through the plea comes after a drizzle or a strike against a Reunion Forces in syria on saturday and what it said was an effort to thwart a planned drone attack lebanon and iraq also accuse israel of conducting aerial attacks against Shiite Militia groups on their turf over the weekend with more on this your quarter. Continued instability in the middle east and the alleged culprit is not the wests usual fall boy the israeli strikes were similar to a declaration of war and our country has a right to defend itself a series of attacks syria lebanon and iraq and people are pointing the finger at israel. At least they owned up to that last attack usually accusations that israels attacked another sovereign nation are met with silence from tel aviv but this time Benjamin Netanyahu justified the attack claiming iran was targeting his country with explosive drones according to him the situation was kill or be killed. But logan. If someone rises to kill you rise up and kill him 1st in a complicated operation by our Security Forces we determine that irans quds force dispatched a special unit of militants into syria to kill israelis on the Golan Heights with explosive drones i would like to emphasize that this was a mish the only rung under the command of iran at the behest of iran that on yahoo often harps on about the supposed dangers of iran but when it comes to the facts the Islamic Republic is often on the receiving end of military violence about a year ago israel struck nearly all of irans military structures inside syria it was the countrys biggest assault since the beginning of the civil war back then netanyahu played the very same preemptive strike card wherever he will hit back sevenfold whoever prepares to strike at us we will act to strike at them beforehand this is what we have done and this is what we will continue to do for the never ending demonize ation of iran might have made israel its share of enemies in the middle east but in the west its reeled in some powerful allies this is 40 years 40 years of the line behavior so whether it was seizing a british tanker that was in International Waters or shooting down an american you waving that was also in International Airspace or assassination campaigns in europe are trying to kill an ambassador here in the United States has this long history of blind behavior iran had its tankers detained its airspace violated by drones its military installations outright bombed all by the u. S. And israel what other aggressive provocations does iran have up its sleeve but we asked them to listen both iran and israel for their assessments of the situation. Iran is trying to envelope israel from all of the sides through hezbollah which is effectively iran through syria through iraq and even through gaza its like a big octopus sending its arms in order to strangle israel the problem you have these israelis like this oil brat of the world. And because no one no one calls it to account its allowed to get away with essentially minute. Talking to it and hit 3 separate sovereign countries in the past few days israel has no issue with iran if iran would focus in word on its own people and stop trying to destroy israel as it explicitly says it will do and this meant in tear around the world we would have no issue with iran however iran has decided to attack israel to build forces and to strangle israel but were not going to wait with Defense Systems you dont win by playing defense you have to preempt and thats what we will do i see no one questioning why israel is doing something why israel is provoking the situation at the end of the day israel needs to understand that iran has said this time and time again that look youre playing with fire dont do this dont be silly behave yourself iran has been a real interest in starting a war and iran will not stop the war its a long time and i have said it categorically. What iran will do if it is attacked or its allies within the resistance axis are directly attacked they will retaliate and rightly so because in this case the aggressive the one whos instigating problems whos lying and making up fairy stories because its control and influence within the Mainstream Media is israel and everyone knows israelis are ropes that its a country that has close to 400. 00 Nuclear Weapons targeted at multiple countries and yet no n. P. T. And no questioning no no discussion about to get iran which has a Nuclear Program Energy Program it constantly gets accused of making Nuclear Weapons and all this stuff which is slightly from the supreme leaders own discrete to schools is forbidden. All happening today in moscow or just id signed the capital because the russian turkish president s are set to hold talks of the mux 2900. 35 fighter jets well be reporting from shit called ski fields off the bridge. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president and should. Want to be rich. But youd like to be close its like that before 3 in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the water. Question. Thats my life and you know i started on wall street 40 years ago and ive been living in the log cheeriest life of ever cheaper money ever since and literally not having to work a day in my life because the assets bought it 40 years ago have gone straight up. Join me everything on the alex im im sure ill be speaking to us a little the olympics sport this list im show business ill see you then. 20 minutes into the Program Welcome back dozens of families for returned home to hunt in syrias North Western province on monday after Government Forces we took this city it was one. The 1st talons to fall to opposition fighters in the early days of the conflict and have been under the control of an Islamist Group since 2014 the militants fled last week Bashar Assads forces with russian backing pushed deeper into the province which has seen intense fighting and aerial bombardment heres what some of the returning told r. T. Are about. A lot but how much. I can describe my happiness i was very happy for my son and i kissed him a lot and i said thank god son you will be back in one thing got in the hand that. We came today to check our lands and properties and to visit the city where we were born thing god i cannot describe this return is incredible the feeling i have is incredible. And the saddest in how our we were in hama for 7 years we were forced to leave haji one because of terrorism and sabotage the terrorists forced us to leave and took our house hopefully all of syria will be brought back under government control our happiness can be described. Ok changing gears now and going on a world tour can sometimes become a lonely business the further you get from home so one russian traveler decided to take a bit of his beloved home and with his very own russia manufactured plastic. Which in russian means a loaf of bread youre about to see why. Ive decided to do something extraordinary to make the journey in a typical russian bend the russian go high command to be precise. One african man who saw ru a. Z. Ride and explain to us that he took part in a war in this van as a driver he said in the end that thanks to bands like this one we won the war. Our trip is not finished yet we want to cross every time zone thats why we have a route from light of all stock to moscow for the moment weve done 80000 kilometers i think we will have done 95 by the time were finished. Its adventures now rushes mox 29. 00 our show is in full swing a shoe called ski International Airport located just outside where we are now here in moscow all of the latest our own Space Technologies will be on display over the next few days and this year there are some big name guests on the invite list let me or putin and Turkey Erdogan will be holding talks on the sidelines in the coming hours we are keeping a close eye on not for now heres our tease elliott patrik. The weather is absolutely fantastic here is your golf ski as you can see to the delight of the Many International visitors from more than 30 countries but there really is an v. I. P. s guests here and you called ski that is a target surprise did. Tiber dawn hes been see shoulder to shoulder with Latimer Putin watching their performance by the pilots working their magic with some of the most advanced Aircraft Technology that this country and the rest of the world have to offer but theyre also here to check out all that up close and cluing the newest russian fighter jets that of the ass u. And also make plus something that came out of a collaboration by Russian Helicopters and also the manufacturer of mr putins new limo its called all rose but coming back to military aircraft think of why this is worth mentioning america previously threatened to reconsider the deliveries of its own military aircraft to turkey because ankara decided to purchase russias air Defense Systems the ass 400 the 2nd round of the shipments of this Missile Defense system is underway as we speak by the way its been confirmed by the Turkish Ministry of defense but when it comes to the fighter jets russia does have quite a few options to offer so the people in washington will definitely be watching well that brings us to the unofficial but probably the most important reason why the turkish leader is here that has some tough negotiations on whats going on in syria as we know that in the past few weeks turkey has been complaining about what theyre calling violations of the cease fire there by the syrian Government Forces we do have to remember that moscow is an ally of the Syrian Government led by president bashar assad and turkey is backing the rebels in the only remaining Syrian Opposition on klav that is the province of idlib so indeed it will. Be difficult to avoid quite a few thorny issues on tuesday but judging by what weve seen from the 2 president s in the past couple of years they have always managed to find Common Ground and their friendship has really helped solve many crises or i tell you for a lower slice all because a report next months is standing by we cross to london in moments this is 24 sevenths r t. O y a paradise with some ground turned into a round the experimentation field but agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants theres no question otherwise why would that the Chemical Company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that often in day you have many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of Environmental Research going on in hawaii whether these Companies Feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. Walk on a concert park im max kaiser didnt know that they had links that go to the stars or at kaiser report dot com well listen to you. I like that all right. Yes we cover many headlines on kaiser report and port dot com you can find links to the headlines i get asked that all of the time and for example heres our 1st chart why we are likely to see a 4 decade bull market in bonds like this ever again and thats 40 years of ever declining yields ever rising bond prices well thats my life you know i started on wall street 40 years ago and been living the logs eeriest life of ever cheaper money ever since literally not having to work a day in my life because the assets bought it 40 years ago gone straight up. Its gone up every year since then just about and a bit of all the dot com boom and the crypto boom of the big boom in the stock market boom so this is been a remarkable period for the was a call generation jones the last of the baby boomers born in 1960 s. I was thanks to paul volcker who in 1980 you know started to you know stuffed out inflation with a huge surge in Interest Rates and its been basically easy street ever since easy money has resulted in many things and were going to go over that in a moment you and i witnessed some of it in detroit where we were last week where you could see former greatness former beautiful buildings abandoned industry abandoned creation of wealth abandoned because you know you and i can remember a childhood. Any you know any person entering the market since then well thank god it must been horrible back then right but our parents had amazing jobs they got paid well we they were able to own a home and buy a home with one income that they were you know more community. University didnt cost your life you know so here weve had this rolling over of debt over and over all the way down as we talked in the last episode theres been an ever declining utility of debt part of this has been that we need more and more debt in order to grow this fake economy of this economy because remember if you look around theres not much industry left here so what if we have been building more piles of debt and im going to turn to some of these headlines for the past week that ive observed to show that you know most

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