Reporting on racial inequality and see the difference i just stop talking about systemic racism against black hispanic and Indigenous People exist no matter whos in the white house lets move on to Climate Change right there cant possibly be Racial Disparity there hurricanes dont exactly only hit black people twelfths a new investigation found is that White Communities nationwide have disproportionately received more federal buyouts after a disaster than communities of color you see one of the things fema does is they damage properties after an emergency what federal disaster aid is not necessarily doled out to those who need it most but rather to those whose property is worth more and to those who own property in the 1st place we have a system designed to help the rich the most after a disaster when the poor need it the most because its been proven by by some. It says that rich people have more feelings than poor people right i mean that you never notice that you like me. Right so. Were poor people dont even know when their house is washing away their only. Desire thats my son flown by. Others but i wish i felt pain and. Yes some of the systemic racism does not originate in race but instead in the way the rich have crafted our laws and our systems to favor the rich so its a class right its a its a class. Its a class issue rather than a race issue unfortunately other factors of systemic racism such as hiring practices and who gets promoted the most make it so that white people are more likely to be wealthy therefore our country has a huge racial wealth gap data from 2014 shows that black alice holds hold less than 0. 07 on the dollar compared to white households the white house whole living near the poverty line typically has about 800000. 00 while black households in similar economic straits typically have a median wealth near 0 that wealth gap that impacts where people live and that brings us to our 3rd new studies which found a racial gap between who causes air pollution and who breeds it while we tend to think of factories as the source of pollution those polluters wouldnt exist without consumer demand for the products air pollution is disproportionately caused by white americans consumption of goods and services but disproportionately inhaled by black and hispanic americans ok fine but why are black and hispanic americans breathing so i mean. Come on slow it down a Little People are right skip every other brats just like just like people do when theyre around rush limbaugh. Called willpower. So because of the wealth gap as well as the population differences white people create the majority of the pollution in the country and then minorities and breathing it in or drinking it in their water because they more often live in the corporate sacrifice zones the areas where the Property Value is lower and again that comes back to the wealth gap now not really surprised though the white people create the most pollution by using and buying the most i have family members who own polish for the shoe tree that holds the shoes that their pet rabbit wears. So its things to take care of things that go on things that are attached and not. Find things that are high standards. And making those things grid pollution and the non non white person is breathing in rabbit shoes you know micro particles abut dazzled cell phone cases nonwhite people drank last year its messed up all right hes done just air and Water Pollution either white people also create the majority of the Noise Pollution in this country you know you you you never heard. Me just never shot of earths junkyards. Going to everybody is just wallowed that kraft. Point is a lot of this comes down to class and wealth not just race but race class and wealth are deeply linked and therefore im sorry systemic racism is the thing and its in the schools its in the air its in the water its in your television it impact impacts every a reel of our lives and much like Climate Change we need to start fixing it rather than acting like it doesnt exist thanks for your reply continue to make sure you people vote in our elections as possible and big surprise ground 0 for that fight in florida to learn more. Lets go to redacted tonight correspondent natalie mcgill. Apparently the hot trend this month is googling the words florida man and your birth date the see what jacked up headline you get but no one ever talks about the many smart professional people in the Sunshine State all you have to do to learn about the real florida is watch their local news a man accused of destroying a liquor store in Okaloosa County told police he was in alice in wonderland matthew horse jones also said a caterpillar smoking is told him to do it tonight a woman is sitting in jail with tuesday of shooting her boyfriend after a fight over snoring a local man who like in some self to the joker arrested on a weapon charge is now out of jail and theres no prove me waving a gun around i know but i kind of night i did not have a gun on. Someone who altered his face to look like a comic book villain you have to applaud him for his honesty and thankfully in 201865 percent of florida voters were honest with themselves about the importance of democracy for every floridian when their vote on a Ballot Initiative called amendment 4 restored the right to vote for 1400000 x. Felons but the republican held Florida House of representatives wasnt going to let a silly thing like the will of the people thrown their state as americas laughing stock thats why despite the Ballot Initiative restoring exparel and Voting Rights Florida Republicans voted to strip most ballons of Voting Rights unless they pay a poll tax in the case of floridas house of reps a poll tax means felons would 1st have to pay any Outstanding Court fines and fees before regaining the right to vote walking up to 80 percent of the 1400000 for. Fallons before amendment 4 passed ex felons had to wait 5 to 7 years after finishing their sentence to apply to the states clemency board in order to restore their Voting Rights before filing a written application in hopes of appearing before the board in person except the board much like the Homeowners Association only meets 4 times a year. And just like in a way its leadership is just those evil and arbitrary and its the station making ever bored can ask a bunch of tough questions that make them feel like theyre at a speed dating night from help when the last time you had to drink how many children do you have how many how many different. Mothers 2 of those children you know go to church give or go take your parents to dinner and former governor rick scotts 1st 70 years of office only 3000 of more than 30000 applicants regain Voting Rights his predecessor restored rights to more than 155000 applicants but since this enfranchise in phelans has been a centuries long tradition in what will be a battleground state in 2020 it had people like Richard Harrison on edge especially since his group floridians for sensible Voting Rights policy railed against the amendment for everybody on both sides of this issue seems to agree that that universe of new voters if they actually go out and register. Are probably going to be more inclined registration was to favor the Democratic Party who do you know is there to support that none are we really convinced this is just the dems attempt to boost their numbers or are we actually horrified that people can finally vote out politicians who pass highly punitive laws that trap mostly people of color into multigenerational poverty. Or are we concerned that really elected republican governor wrong to sanchez has even less incentive to assist expel him when he accepted 100000. 00 from geo group a controversial florida based private prison giant and 2018 we dont know you should never bite the hand that feeds you. Unless that hand belongs the governor to santa stand the teeth belong to an impossibly drunk alligator in a can handle petting zoo 6000000 americans werent able to vote in the 2018 midterms because of a felony conviction and a quarter of them are in florida and millions of people have already served their time only to face another hurdle in a criminal Justice System that thrives on mass incarceration this poll tax isnt written in stone yet but my birthday is in september so by then i hope that when i search florida man in my birthday it ill see a florida man votes for 1st time in 20 years and not before the man was electrocuted trying to retrieve one of his pet pigeons from a power line boarding from florida now to let me kill redacted tonight. This is the poseidon adventure mixed with the titanic in one colossal sinking of the Global Economy right now weve got donald trump starring with the ghost of paul newman on the bridge of the titanic watching as they engineer a colossal failure of the Global Economy. Cash cow and hes drawing all forms over a long very dark there situation page he starred. His 1st words were at long last year a challenging post youve got to use to me and. I have no doubt that what happened was scriven. Lets concentrate market has been. Well the industry these companies have a huge financial motivation to solve these problems there are numerous talking showing that doctors were keen to chest x. Ray concentrates for insights of its own that patients wont gives them doctors the wrong place to play golf or why they would keep me from secure those years. And people still i dont know which question michel ive always been hard to live where so many. Welcome back thanks for sticking around lets dive back into the best of redacted tonight 2019. Medicare for all more popular in this country than it ever has been before but opposition to it is coming from someone usual places for more on this raging god of mercy we sent your dad correspondent only care of ali al to the middle of a field wide because she said something about you had to get her 2000 steps in her day out of this report. Hundreds of nurses doctors and medical students march this weekend for what i thought was an extra effort to get this weeks steps in but apparently they were protesting the American Medical Association the a. M. A. Which is the professional association for doctors and other medical providers the American Medical Association is leading in assault on medicare for all legislation its vs. Youve got another acronym thats right actually. I need to work on my steps to. While these angry nurses marched outside the a. M. A. Held their annual meeting to help themselves on the back for the work they did do here is this a. M. A. s president delivering a riveting speech about equitable care and here are the members checking with live m. D. To see if she is correct. It seems that a. M. A. Has been historically opposed to considering health care as a human right so much so that now the medical professionals have stood up and said that the a. M. A. Does not stand for them and you know when a drum circle appears outside your door until drum circles only have been on seouls disses to ward off evil spirits or to give the seniors of ashville Something Else to watch because they couldnt figure out how to operate the smart t. V. The rhythm is going to get you i mean it already got them many say that the a. M. A. Doesnt serve the patients aboard even the doctors rather they work as p. R. For the Insurance Industry and its very difficult for the a. M. A. To deny those claims since they just joined the partnership for americas help your future which is spending millions of dollars to buy the m. F. A. And is backed by the Blue Cross Blue Shield association and cigna emblems and other insurance giants while americans pray away in their medical. Aid and main spends more than 400000000. 00 a year lobbying its the 3rd highest spender being on care. Little hill the majority of its funding comes not from the members of which only 25 percent are doctors but a monopoly on managing Health Care Data and pricing with the help of government contracts so it profits from the entire Health Care System as it is so doctors if i caught your attention with this segment. Do you think you could tell me what this is. It is now the majority of americans who want universal health care in london or medicare for all who believes the people i think we need a 2nd opinion from someone who is clearly not the People Democrats are just running on good age ideas like a higher minimum wage running on new ideas like medicare for all maybe the a. M. A. Should listen to him hes mainstream. But isnt he unemployed worried now thanks in part of a oh come on then why do you think you are going to do a big oil p. R. Stunt but you may not have even known it was p. R. When you read it for more on this we go to react to correspondent natalie mcgill. With print journalism dying out i dont blame newspapers for trying everything under the sun to generate revenue the Washington Post has even allowed corporate sponsors the lease out their new xbox and so houses both 7 have a chance to win a mystery prize. But thats a much more wholesome way to generate ad revenue than a practice that accounted for 20 percent of all ad income for news media organizations in 2017 its called native advertising while made to look like editorial content its actually paid content and these papers biggest customers are Oil Companies and oil lobby yes like shell b. P. And the American Petroleum institute who recently partnered with the post on the peace 10 natural gas be the key to lowering emissions well sure tad. If youre ok with the fact that drilling extraction and transporting natural gas releases methane and methane traps at least 86. 00 times of war heat in the earths atmosphere than Carbon Dioxide of course some people will say that any responsible reader especially in a place as well read and intelligent as washington d. C. Can spot the signs of paid content and i would have agreed with you and till i saw the analysts on slot of d. C. Residents writing scooters at warp speed nearly taking out kids and baby strollers in their wake with the brain damage in the city at an all time high. Were a little not to take advantage of tricking your readers and major papers like the post in the New York Times did by creating their own brand studios marketing departments that working hand in hand with corporations and specifically tell their newsrooms reputation as an asset such as the New York Times t. V. Brand studio whose website says use of the New York Times proven recipe for storytelling we work with Global Brands to develop industry leading Strategy Creative and distribution its why this i popping New York Times native ad about exxon mobils efforts to use plant ways than algae as biofuel sounds promising despite the fact that exxon mobil along with the other 4 largest publicly traded Oil Companies in the world will only spend a combined 3600000000. 00 on low carbon investments such as biofuels and renewables but we already knew fossil fuel companies were as interested in people over profit as the championship winning Baylor University Womens Basketball team was and having to meet the president this week and a 100. 00 says he accidentally called at least 2 of them omarosa whats disappointing is the shadow this cast on any future reporting these publication. Its due on Climate Change an issue that already gets very little mass Media Coverage as it is according to media matters in 28 team the major nightly news and sunday morning political shows on the National Broadcast networks spend a combined total of just 142 minutes on Climate Change slapping on a paid or partner constantly only goes so far and were all going to find out the hard way. God knows i did. But how was this. Wait. So warm oh god. Why did you walk out of there to go back. To the meeting room you held right through a lot of stories about people barely getting by in america for more on this raging controversy we go to redacted correspondent i only go by. Now we all know the side effects of watching the news depression agitation fits apocalyptic visions violent mood swings and sars to combat this major news sources have turned to curating feel good stories for you this morning we want to share something to make your day a little lighter and better home depot with toys worked overtime to help a little boy in the georgia his parents worry that insurance would not cover water so they went to a home depot when cedartown georgia last week to buy parts to build one themselves when employees heard logan story they surprised his parents building the walker for the call me crazy but im fine but one wanting kid gets to walk things to a chain Hardware Store story kind of disturbing what about the other disabled children who are in surrounded by extremely healthy for home depot employees what do they do if these volumes about the people there actually trigger thats i dont think you know everything thats the america we know and in other countries their basic assistance to handicapped child would be a basic human rights on the other hand when it comes to home depot into. My experience is much different. Do you know where the orange pipe is. No i dont think thats my department you think we sell that sort of thing we have i just saw a kid with the orange pipe crippled kid with the orange walker he had the pipe you know lady we dont so kids in another similar story and picked up by a Major News Networks who year old couldnt walk on his own so one High School Robotics team built him a customized toy car you know what would make good news if you close your eyes and just imagine those teenagers are Congress Just an amazing story what wonderful young people so remarkable the coming of the market cornered to one of those actually cost 20000. 00 if you like that did it for perhaps cheaper than that but all clearly. What is great 20000. 00 a life lesson on bad edition of the nation in a country of immense wealth and resources disabled people need to win the wheelchair lottery to move this is a genre of reporting some call perseverance porn but this is where the realities of poverty in america are unquestionably accepted while people are lucky to receive things which are basic rights in other countries like paid when turning to leave for example a new way employees are rallying around their expecting coworkers helping them taking a turn to leave by donating their own Vacation Time to let this be us and probably new guinea are the only 2 countries in the World Without mandated paid Maternity Leave oh well. Take a look at this story that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside south with students oh a total of more than 3000. 00 per school lunch district why the number is much bigger about 41000. Dollars a School District where 64 percent of children live below the poverty line who were in foster care for delinquent school lunch. They threatened to take children from parents what if they send ransom notes and sloppy joe mix. The Corporate Media while trying to be a feel good story call attention to the dire conditions of a dystopian late capitalist system depends on crushing the poor and then show that if you were rescued from sickness or death and that is a few good story that is a very big story. I personally feel awful after watching all of that. I think im coming down with a case of sars i mean im not sure what the symptoms are reporting from washington this is where we care about their rights and. Thats our show but i will be back with a brand new episodes next week plus a new episode of redacted the night v. I. P. Aired last night so if you missed that you can watch it right now at youtube dot com slash redacted tonight which is also where you can get web exclusive content so make sure to subscribe until next time goodnight and keep fighting. Join me every thursday on the elec simon short and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. You need my. Help with this tool is human and we said. Just said. Theres enough. Im old but im also the most amazing nose ive been they give us easy ways not emotional when they meet. Us compass he most people in the school most even though he goes from didnt you notice or speak to c. B. C. Just put oh you get to a. Good muslim and im going to the notion of you seen it in the local you come in this beautiful. Day. You come to your list to. Be. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids that ask and as a parent. I can come up with arguments theres a lot of conflict in the game between the 2 most of the conflict i would say. Is maybe. Close one on each others cosimo each other is Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of the prison complex just to get some 20 a life where. You dont care. Anything. Im one of them but i think. One is were buddies. He. Should have been there so. I dont want that or i can just let me as i knew she knew that i loved me and i did yeah i am kind she whom he could feel that he had a ticking bag. He made a move on to follow the love young enough i dont know before i dont know. How to ruin his head why divisions rooted in its colonial paws thats fears grow of civil war in the african nation. Americas strictest law regulating the use of force by officers when making arrests all of the studies showing that Police Brutality is the 6th most common cause of death among young men in the united states. Thousands of protesters staged a rowdy in southwestern frogs small 2 against the g 7 summits of leading economies

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