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A bit. Here in the middle of moscow where theres a huge celebration going on for russias National Flag day theres thousands of people here not just from moscow but also from all over russia so well bring you all the details in just a couple of minutes were going to. Be watching our to International Coming to you live from the russian capital where its just turned 3 pm welcome to the program a deadly separatist crisis in the Central African country of cameroon has deepened this week in military tribunals of the french majority state has handed life sentences to 10 leaders from an English Speaking breakaway region activists warn that it will impede efforts to end the bloody conflict i mean accusations of human rights abuses. Everyone can understand a conviction if youre saying a fair trial but this has been fair trial with procedural violations from start to finish the way things are going the schools will close no one knows what will happen next with radicalization of young people and all these weapons around. And lawful killing sinews of Excessive Force by Government Forces during Security Operations have been rife since the crisis started Security Forces seem to have little fear of what will happen as they commit brazen crimes against civilians. Nearly half of all the schools closed across the region gto attacks threats of attack and increasing violence are located in the northwest in southwest cameroon 4437 schools there closed as of june 29th seen pushing more than 609000 children out of school. The current Armed Conflict began after a military crackdown on protests in camerons 2 English Speaking regions over the words of the crisis also like further back in the countrys colonial past a stroller devinsky explains. Cameron is a mixture of the new phone and francophone communities English Speakers make up around about a 5th of the population and they mainly concentrated into Western Areas of the country the Tipping Point came in 2016 when the anglo phone said that they finally had enough what they believed was discriminatory practices against that community that was after the government imposed french speaking teachers and lawyers in schools and the poor in the areas protests ensued afterwards but they were tracked down on by the Security Services and the phone leaders were arrested sparking further rest poor chant death on the burning of settlements. Parts of the country many have fled and in the last year theres been a 30 percent increase in the number of people who need 8 humanitarian needs in cameroon who have never been greater in the south west northwest in particular we have witnessed the emergence of a new crisis characterized by numerous abuses in violations of human rights but all of these problems have roots that reach far into camerons past a former German Colony from the u. K. Were given the mandate to look after the area following the 1st world war then in the 1960 s. France and the british finally gave the territories that independence to former colonies which had been ruled in very different ways became a single state that havent quite got the origin of the. Kloof and. The blue powers are aware of but theres no real effort to want to. Shout over this stuff that comes through the independent country and should be. No more from my for to keep close tabs on it. To be honest. With you there was collusion between. Government. The french government to ensure that. People remain in the country. In. Which we should. Give them. I think. The. 1000000. 00 countries whether its a month earlier but its a coming. As the world what she saw and what some already describing as a civil war in Central Africa is cameroon is becoming more entrenched the number of the issue may lie in the countries kowloon your post but its today citizens who are suffering the consequences. In australia in 1000 month old baby girl i met up in hospital severely malnourished after being fed a vegan diet from birth eating only oats and sparse she weighed less than 5 kilograms suffered major problems with her bones and was hardly able to move doctors said she had only developed as much as a 3 month old and had no teeth because of the lack of necessary vitamins the parents avoided jail time after a judge handed them 300 Hours Community service and that. One putting fact out of you that there is no greater responsibility and that by a parent to his or her child to care for the child to nurture the child and protect the child from any harm or injury caring for the go was caring for a very young baby she couldnt sit up she couldnt speak any words she couldnt feed his so hold a bottle she couldnt play was to spend the day in who called trolling back and forth she couldnt roll over all the way. And its not the only such case in may a swedish couple was jailed after their 18 month old child almost starved to death on a beacon diet and also emerged that the parents have registered their babys birth and that the child had never been examined by a doctor or vaccinated and in another case parents in the us were arrested for similar reasons they ignored a doctors advice on what supplements to take when raising a child as vegan not with legalism on the rise the question of whether or not its ok for a child to be feeding given a vegan diet is attracting more attention the American Academy of pediatrics says it can be safe without any developmental risks however not everyone agrees we discuss the issue which is the more it registered dietitian and nutritionist and Patrick Holden the founder founding director of the Sustainable Food trust. The contact between health as it is now with our Health Services is quite poor. And children arent seeing nearly as regularly or as often as they used to day say 10 or 15 years a care and i think thats one of the problems that house physicists just cant keep keep an eye on the on the number of children that theyve got on that case and we need to keep a vigilant oyola people who for the probably the best reasons are misguided late feeding their children unhealthy diets its possible to keep the child healthy balance they do need supplements you cant just rely on a begin diet yes we need to eat less meat but dont give up put together the right kind of meat and thats good for your health even if you do all that and you help and somebody helps you plan the very last youre channeling greg to the heights. Genetically potential height because we believe that milk protein and Meat Processing also are trying to an important factor in growth probably very challenging and you have to be an expert in this to get it right and i would argue that perhaps its not necessary to be quite so extreme as i have seen several reagan parents who come to me and say they want to bring up their challenge the gann and once we talk it through and i explain the implications of it and have plans for right to be in the planning of the doc most of them decide against it but i would say that most of them that ive seen race and they were light of the last 2 or 3 years and not getting the going because of their Environmental Concerns theres a lot of worry at the moment about what the dart that is correct for addressing Climate Change and all the other problems with facing is what we would argue that it is possible to eat sustainably to include a whole range of sustainably produced livestock or us in the diet without feeling a little guilty about it and probably your children would be better off of that avoided begin to have. Very Young Children and let the children decide when theyre old enough maybe after their great specials finished with a trauma begin dosh or not and in the mean time allow them to eat a full. Diet full of all the. Food groups we can address Climate Change but he she will sustain. Those. Californias governor has signed a new law limiting the use of force by Police Officers when making arrests officers will only be able to use lethal force if they believe there is an immediate threat of death or injury the new also makes it easier to prosecute Police Officers who abuse their power they could Face Criminal Charges civil liability or disciplinary action a lot of change comes as a recent study finds that Police Brutality is one of the top 10 causes of death among Young American men and has this report and a warning you might find some of its content upsetting. The killing of unarmed African Americans at the hands of Law Enforcement has been an issue that dominated headlines in the United States for years names like Michael Brown eric garner and samir rice bring back memories of mass protest movements and rising anger from the black community and concerned citizens. Be a part of. The latest statistics reveal just how systemic the problem of Police Violence could be police for this is the leading cause of death for young men in the United States over the lot of course about one in every 1000 black men can expect to be killed by police risk of being killed by police peaks between the age of 20 years and 35 years for men and women and for all racial and ethnic groups in fact dying at the hands of Law Enforcement is the 6th leading cause of death think about it american Police Officers take more young lives than diabetes influenza and most diseases only Car Accidents suicide homicide Heart Disease and cancer kill more Young Americans than Police Officers its almost like interactions with the police or becoming a Public Health crisis or a drug epidemic the start of the reinforces calls to treat Police Violence as a Public Health issue racially unequal exposure to the risk of seat violence has profound consequences for Public Health democracy and racial stratification of Course Police authorities maintain that they do everything in their power to exercise restraint take the case of tony tampa a 32 year old living in dallas texas he called the police himself to say that he was off his medication for schizophrenia and then he needed help after the Police Arrived responding to his own call they restrained him they laughed at his pleas and he eventually stopped breathing. Both. Of them the only thing that i know nothing about rolled and rolled out of the code only. Lunatics that exist. In new york city the subways and billboards warn the public about dangerous diseases like diabetes there was even a controversial Subway Ad Campaign warning about the results of teen pregnancy so with police being the 6th leading cause of death for young men in the United States should a similar Public Awareness campaign be waged we decided to ask people here in new york city i dont thing that would help i thing with proper training would help maybe you know train these police like to understand how to take care of lives you know thats what is needed i think more. A more useful Public Service announcement would probably be about advocating for knowing all your rights and knowing how to talk to police in an encounter knowing that its legal to record it record them doing their job in all states those kind of Public Service announcements might might be more useful in my book issue with with people being killed at the hands of Police Officers in the usa yeah i think its 5050 to be honest even playing 5050 meaning like place officers pass away as well as perpetrators and thats just a shame thats our society the us public seems pretty aware that the country has a problem with Police Violence these statistics werent really shocking to the people we spoke to they will pop and r. T. New york. We also spoke with a former Police Officer dominick as though he says there needs to be a tougher entry criteria for those joining the force. Raise your standards its not enough its not a popular opinion along foresman i truly believe todays day and age that Law Enforcement officers need to be a minimum of 30 i dont want to see cops at the age of 21 anymore i think thats not a mental state of where theyre ready to go at the human brain doesnt evolve until youre 25 years old id like to see that done id like to see if youre going to train them better id like to see the standard for pay increase id like to see command staff go back to Law Enforcement for the constitution vs 5 patrol for profit theres a lot of things i would like to see change inside of there but i would also like to see the public more held accountable im all for the demands of Law Enforcement being more ruthless it is a job that requires a more critical eye and a more critical watch but you have to have the public being willing to do their fair share too because some robert peel zog 7 principle 9 principles of policing is the police of the public and the public are the police so therefore are part of the same cohesive unit and they have to start working together. In australia a former defense lawyer faces jail over the leak of controversial files on the war in afghanistan he appeared in the Supreme Court this week for initial hearings David Mcbride release classified material in 2017 alleging australian troops committed war crimes and afghanistan has been charged with breaching the countrys defense act and is expected to face trial next year he claims it was his duty to the australian people to make the documents public im gets a few tricks up my sleeve its with having a go i might fail but ill be happy in jail if i try and. Among the incidents reported in the socalled afghan files were the killing of a civilian man and his son during a raid where it was alleged they were shot by mistake and another case an afghan detainees were shot dead while he was alone with an australian soldier David Mcbride claimed that before leaking the information to the media he tried to bring it to the attention of officials but his efforts were in vain we discussed the issue with former cia officer turned whistleblower john kerry aco its so typical its so common in places like the United States the u. K. Australia really the 5 eyes countries to attack the whistleblower rather than to address the crime and to punish those who committed the crime there ought to be hard and fast whistleblower Protection Laws there are in many countries there is not even in australia but they really need to be Legal Protection so people can go confidently to their supervisors or to their legislature or even to the media to report crimes in this case i think that that the australian soldiers involved were probably im not even sure how to say it but sucked into the same kind of of were time situation that so Many Americans have been sucked into you think that you can get away with things you think that they arent crimes and eventually theres going to be a whistleblower you know theres theres an old saying that the truth always comes out and i think that that is the case it was the case here its been the case the United States whether its cia or n. S. A. Or f. B. I. The truth always comes out and so if you dont want trouble just do the right thing russia is celebrating National Flag day our correspondent has joined the festivities here and moscow that story and more after the break. What holds us institutions. Who put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president and you. Want to be rich. But youre going to be cross this is what before 3 of the more people. Interested always in the waters of. Course. This is the poseidon adventure mixed with the titanic in one colossal all sinking of the Global Economy right now weve got donald trump starring with the ghost of paul newman on the bridge of the titanic watching as they engineer colazal failure of the Global Economy. Welcome back to the program across russia people are celebrating the countrys National Flag day including here in moscow which is where our 2 stomach order is for us. Im in the middle of moscow right now where theres a huge festival going on as you can see behind me for russias National Flag day earlier on we saw a giant flash mob with thousands of people and you can just tell the atmosphere is very positive people are having a great time it was actually also a record breaking number of slags here today over 2000 in fact taken from across the Russian Federation by over a 1000 young guards of the flight based off of that you can probably guess that there are also festivals going on across the Russian Federation lets take a look at whats going on elsewhere. Now the tricolor russian flag itself has been through a lot over hundreds of years it was actually 1st created by russian Emperor Peter the 1st and only adopted years later by tsar alexander the 3rd during the soviet union the flag was changed for the hammer and sickle over a red background and again to the 9091 after the fall of the soviet union we actually talked to a lot of russians here about what the flag means to them and why this holiday so important the system when you might we simply couldnt soon decide when to a bit older you know thats why me and my friends came from our town this commemorative day to be closer to our homeland do you think we came here to shore he sung the heart of our homeland our flag. That are going to be this event shows how great our country use our ability to gather under a single flaco whole region unsure how big and friendly russian. People have been handing out these buttons all day you can see on my suit jacket celebrating 350 years of the flag i havent got im. Flags painted on my face earlier today when i wasnt paying attention and the festivities arent going to stop anytime soon or later today theres a concert scheduled were many many people will be on even in moscow and across the rest of russia theres going to be festivities for russians of all ages to attend one till the end of the week. Young climate campaigner Grantham Berg is on her way to the u. N. Climate summit in new york and shes chosen to sail there on a 0 emission boat instead of using a plane to highlight the impact of aviation on the environment however some people claim shes done more harm than good. People were using airplanes to get the ship back to europe the captain is going to fly because well 0 emissions save in fact more will be emitted. What about the guys your. Home when you get to the us. But you still avoiding the fact crews being flown out to new york to bring it back so more carbon use the normal flight which makes your journey pointless. Former White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders has announced she will join conservative cable news outlet fox news known for its favorable coverage of donald trump excited to join fox news as a contributor looking forward to being with the fox and friends team for my 1st hit on september 6th how should x. White house officials be treated when they spend months misleading the public and seek positions of fame and privilege thats all that from the top by a president who lies even about the weather in the time of day that i think is why this does deserve outrage and backlash. Meanwhile at the opposite end of the political spectrum a former deputy f. B. I. Director Andrew Mccabe has joined the ranks of the news outlets least liked by trump c. N. N. His appointment also drew criticism as mccabe was fired for leaking information to the media then lying about it at least 4 times including under oath. The guy who department of justice Inspector General found committed federal crimes and is a serial liar could work soon and live to sue the commitment to serious journalism m g mccabe fired for lying to the f. B. I. Caught by the Inspector General for an authorized media leaks and worst of all one of the ringleaders in spreading the disastrous russian collusion Conspiracy Theory his reward a paid c. N. N. Contract comical Andrew Mckinney and c. N. N. Are truly a match made in fake news heaven sanders is now the 3rd white house official to join fox after a job in the Trump Administration obama era politicians from a former director of National Intelligence to x. White House Communications officials are enjoying being pundits on c. N. N. Political commentator dave perkins i think that former politicians joining partisan Media Outlets is simply about idea. I think its a Bad Development for media that more and more political people are winding up in front of the cameras its just not Good News Media is changing from the watchdog of government for the branch as they are called to a member of government a participant of government and moreover a member largely on one side and against the other and when the media participates politically mostly on one side the public doesnt demand for them to stop it the public demands for other media to participate on the other side to balance them out because its unfair because of all this easy motion between government and media it should not be allowed to happen but im not sure theres a way to stop it because i dont want government to be in charge of who gets what job either id rather it be free and people just know what it is theyre seeing and who theyre listening to when they get their information from the media better to know transparency is better than government supervision but i still dont like the direction that its going thats a global news update for this hour but dont forget you can always had to our website our to dot com for the details on all those stories and many more. Just manufacture them sentenced to public wealth. When the room in clubs is protect themselves. With the famous merry go round. We can all middle of the room signals. Tomorrow morning real news. A paradise with some ground turned into a round the experimentation field but agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants theres no question otherwise why would that the Chemical Company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day you have many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of Environmental Research going on in hawaii whether these Companies Feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. This is a boom box broadcasting around the globe uncovering the world of business and finance from in on its all. In washington heres a look at whats in store today that are in the trade more tears on is china has slapped the u. S. With tariffs with all on all kinds of goods including autos foreign fix the car coach is on hand today to take us through what the move means for american manufacturers wasis traditional currency waivers the globe over Many Companies are getting into the Digital Currency but thats across the atlantic are already targeting some of those plans International Regulatory attorney miles edwards is on hand to 0 in on the regulators watching facebooks libor in their crosshairs and later as a high enough water just alone has been under massive scrutiny in argentina with some rumblings of the front runner could be hostile to the conditions of the bail out Party Correspondent alex mahela just standing by to break down the leading president ial candidates position youve got a pack show today so lets go and dive right in. A market moving chinese counterpunch in the chair for leads our global report as china says they will increase tariffs on 75000000000. 00 of u. S. Imported goods the state terror of council announced in beijing early friday that they will add 5 or 10 percent to current tariff levels for an array of major u. S. Exports to china including oil soy and automobiles and u. S. Stock markets the dow jones nasdaq and s. And p. 500. 00 were all down sharply on the news with balls around the 2 percent level in am trading counsel from the terrace as a direct response to president trumps tariffs mr trump recently delayed tariffs on key consumer goods from china until december 15th to avoid further disruption to the Holiday Shopping season and in a reprise of the now familiar story arc for each episode in this long running reality show us President Donald Trump lashed out on twitter among other things. Mr trump said quote our Great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to china and that he was ordering the u. S. Postal service and private shipping companies to search packages from china for the illicit opioid fence and all trump also tweeted out a remarkable attack on Federal Reserve chairman jay powell will have more on that and more importantly mr powell is much anticipated speech later in the show. And joining us now to break down just one of the important stakeholder sectors affected by the latest move automobiles we are fortunate to be joined by the car coach lauren fix welcome back lauren and 1st 1st lets just get into the details of this move with regard to autos what will be the new tariff level on u. S

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