Malnourished after being placed on the diet escaped jail time but are head of Community Service instead we break down the issues. Youre watching arent International Coming to you live from the russian capital where its just turned 7 pm welcome to the program. But a mere putin has ordered an analysis of the threat posed by a new u. S. Missile the weapon was recently tested just after washington pulled out of a treaty arms control treaty with moscow the russian president also ordered a symmetrical response to the weapon trying to have a story there you have a new all the latest developments and statements are in essence the new reality of the World Without the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty how murder by washington and moscow decades ago and eventually torn apart after an announcement by the u. S. President donald trump at the end of last year earlier this week the u. S. State department announced that the u. S. Successfully tested a new Cruise Missile that was preview. The outlawed by the terms of the i. N. F. Treaty plus even before that the u. S. Secretary of defense revealed that america was working on the deployment of new missiles to the asia pacific and the head of the pentagon made it clear that he wants that to happen asap now this friday the russian president as a result of that got together with the most senior russian officials that are in charge of security in this country and now hes saying that the american tests are nothing but a clear indication that washington pulled out of the treaty now because moscow was violating something russia believes that this was a well calculated plan to get their hands on tied the americans have orchestrated a Propaganda Campaign alleging violations by russia but its now clear this was just a smokescreen to hide washingtons own breaches of the treaty and its intention to leave it this all leaves 0 doubt about americas real intentions having got rid of the existing limits its now free to deploy previously forbid missiles anywhere in the world top american politicians say that you systems could be deployed 1st in the Asia Pacific Region but this affects our interests as well because it is situated near our borders over the last few months we kept hearing warnings from the russian capital that if here they realize that washington is rushing to develop or deploying new missiles now that they dont have to abide by the terms of the agreement moscow will do exactly the same and on friday mr putin made it clear that the russian take on this wont change and that moscow was ready to take all the necessary steps theres a new book and i mean. As you know weve never wanted and still dont want to get into an arms race which is expensive and destructive for a countrys economy all the latest weapons that weve been developing where response to americas unilateral pullout from the 2003 antiballistic missile treaty. We were forced to maintain the security of our people and our country we are doing the same and no doubt will keep on doing this in the future so once again the message from the russian government is they dont want to be dragged into this game but they are being forced to do it and the response from them will come quickly Nuclear Policy analyst maxwell down and believes without restraints on an arms race the world is heading down a very dangerous path the u. S. Is looking into different Sources Research into hypersonic blind vehicles not could be destabilizing because they can cross the. Already youre getting. New technology and the big dangerous and risky questions is is nobody know what this will mean in the future and what this will mean for future stability and what we really need is a dialogue between the u. S. And russia as a starting to bring the 2 sides together because it is in everybodys mutual interests to minimize the risk of a nuclear war i think whats important to realize with arms control treaties that put restraints on countries where heading into dangerous and uncharted territory. There comes a severe possibility this situation surrounding the collapse of the i. N. F. Treaty was addressed at the u. N. Security council where tensions flared russia and china called for Global Action to prevent a new arms race and rival powers blamed each other for the ongoing escalation. Do you realize that because of the u. S. Ambitions we are one step away from an arms race that cannot be controlled or regulated in any way the United States will not remain a party to a treaty that is deliberately violated by russia as if this depended only on us we would not reach this dangerous situation the United States is taking the necessary steps to address the threat posed by intermediate range Missile Forces being deployed in ever larger numbers by russia and china but you know what about you are you going to avoid responsibility for what is happening to future generations forgive you for this russias present actions are in line with a pattern of aggression that represents a clear threat to International Peace and security the Russian Federation is the sole responsibility for the reason demise of the. Images we do not understand by your responses to the americans you are returning to historical situation when missiles targeted european cities from different sites. Was a heated debate at the United Nations Security Council now the United States has recently withdrawn from the i. N. F. Treaty the intermediate range Nuclear Forces agreement and not only has the usa withdrawn from the treaty but the usa recently tested a missile that would have been a violation of that treaty had it still been in effect many are viewing this as an escalation of a potential new arms race between russia and the United States now when the representative of the United States spoke to the Security Council they accused russia of being responsible for the agreements demise this is the us representative here today because the Russian Federation preferred a world in which the United States continued to fulfill its i. N. F. Treaty obligations while the Russian Federation did not weve heard a narrative today that the United States had itself been in violation of the i. N. F. Treaty because of our recent flight test which used the m k 41 launcher that is also found in our aid. The sure Missile Defense system this is categorically false now russia emphasize that its concerns about the m. K. 41 launcher have been proven to be indeed correct and that this launcher could easily be tested in transformed into the tomahawk missiles that were recently tested by the United States and those missiles do indeed violate the treaty now russia which had been accused of having violated the i. N. F. Treaty had repeatedly requested that inspectors come to russia and see if indeed these allegations from u. S. Leaders were true however the United Nations and the United States ignored their requests to defend themselves against these allegations of violating the i. N. F. Treaty russia asked for dialogue around the issue and this dialogue was ignored heres some of what we heard from the russian representative. In accusing russia the United States and the countries that grunt alone with its are ignoring facts and common sense we proposed a closed door meeting to look at time misato of this and give full information to convince them that we did not violate the treaty but they refused we cannot understand the arguments from the u. S. But we do want to save the treaty china was also subject to us allegations that the Security Council United States accused china of boosting its military arsenal as well china responded that it was not correct for the United States to withdraw from the treating and blaming china for their decision was not honest or correct either this is the chinese representative addressing the Security Council with the i. N. F. Treaty is of great importance to not only the u. S. And russia but its a global peace and security is an accent to which use china as an excuse for leaving the treaty china rejects the baseless accusations from the u. S. Now the i. M. F. Treaty was signed in 1987 it was a key moment in the deescalation and ultimate end of the cold war but. In the United States and the soviet union and the recent decision of the United States to withdraw from that treaty as many concerned about the potential for a new Nuclear Arms Race now many hoped that meeting could be the opening of dialogue toward restoring some kind of treaty regarding intermediate range Nuclear Forces missiles and such and wherever while a lot of accusations were exchanged no real consensus seems to have existed among the countries represented at the un Security Council. Conservative activists in the us are celebrating after a court agreed to reconsider a censorship case against Facebook Google twitter and apple thats bringing the lawsuit accuse the tech giants of bias and of suppressing content from the conservative and of the political spectrum controversial right wing activist laura lunar is leading the case with a group called freedom watch shes previously been banned from all kinds of Online Platforms from twitter and facebook to pay pal and a lawsuit also alleges the 4 tech giants violated the 1st amendment and he wes antimonopoly laws there have been a growing number of leaks and testimonies from those who work for big tag alleging anticonservative bias. Even out blacklist where is someone thats right it goes to show that there are conservative theyll be blacklisted between Different Companies and different teams. That really need to change i see google executives go to congress and say that its not going to be that it is not political and im just so sure thats not true theyre telling people that oh they dont they dont have any blacklist this is all you know they dont have any political ideology they dont have any political bias but its really clear that they do the current legal consensus is that tech giants are allowed to moderate the content which appears on their sites or through their apps and they have denied any censorship. Do you discriminate more on philosophy like anti conservative versus pro liberal no or policies in our rhythms dont take a look consideration any affiliation philosophy were viewpoint there is absolutely no directive in any of the changes that we make to have a bias in anything that we do we use a robust methodology to reflect what is being said about any given topic or any particular time and we try to do it object to leave using a set of rubrics certainly if this happened to her this is happened to a lot of people and its high time that the big tech giants were challenge to hunt this theres a confusion i think because americans love free speech and we love private property so we love for example when its a company and we say well that company has a right to do anything it wants to but there comes a point where its almost like a public utility because they have such a monopoly on communication in general especially in terms of social media so some of these giants that really do have control. Theyve changed the game you can only come to one conclusion when it seems to only happen against conservatives in general and and i think that this flies in the face of of our free speech and you know that for most of us in america we could agree that our 1st amendment speech right is critical to everything that is freedom and most of us would wish that some of these tech giants would go along with that. This picture you see behind me a british Prime Minister Boris Johnson putting his foot on a table during breaks at talks in paris has drawn much criticism online but many users didnt see the whole video which suggests the french president seemed to joke that a table could be used as a footstool but the pair then sharing a laugh over it. Rude and embarrassing imagine if micron put his food on the table and Buckingham Palace were not a slope take your foot of the table man arrogance uncivilized the updated version of donald trump dont love this pseudo boorish antics fool or distract you he doesnt act like this because he has no class but because hes off and for the class that can afford to act as if they had none some even suggested micron had tricked johnson to make it 4 out of him or that its a display of alpha male body language a french newspaper operation even real a story explaining its not an insulting incident but rather a joke british radio host and columnist john gantt thinks the accusations against the u. K. Prime minister are ridiculous Boris Johnson is what you call a rock star politician hes the only politician apart from trump whos knowing known by one name is boris and thats what he was like when he was the mayor of london a dozen gay got democratically elected twice hes the man who got stuck on a zip wire which would have actually left him suspended in the air which would have killed most politicians career but people go oh its boris so his style is very hands on his style is optimistic Boris Johnson is trying to deliver what the british people want and the british people at the moment are with Borish Johnson we dont necessarily want another slick politician like cameron no thank you to attack boris at the moment for having his foot on a table when the president of france has actually explained it was an insult to me just seems ridiculous i think the media need to grow up big and parents whose newborn child was left severely malnourished by their strict dietary choices avoid a jail sentence or break that story down with our guests after the break. You know worlds big partners through a lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Make this manufacture consent to public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. With the famous merry go round listen to the one percent. We can all middle of the room sick. To leave. The. Room. Welcome back i begin couple from australia whose child was found to be seriously malnourished after being placed on a big and died have escaped jail after a judge handed them 300 hours Community Service instead according to police the baby was severely severely underweight after being placed on a vegan diet from birth eating only oats and sparse vege she weighed less than 5 kilograms suffered from major problems with her bones and was hardly able to move doctors said she had only developed as much as a 3 month old and had no teeth because of a lack of necessary vitamins the parents face huge criticism for not thinking of the consequences of their actions. The founder of apparently discharge hes not parental responsibility to take charge by providing the necessities of my causing a danger of serious injury is undoubtedly very serious conduct particularly where the child is very young and hes unable to independently care for himself or herself and only one putting fact that there is no greater responsibility and that by a parent to his or her char to care for the child to nurture the child and protect the child from any or injury caring for the go was caring for a very young baby she couldnt sit up she couldnt speak any words she couldnt feed so hold a bottle she couldnt play was to spend the day in who called trolling back and forth she couldnt roll over all the way. This case raised the question of whether it is appropriate to use vegan diets for small children despite the protests some experts including those in the American Academy of pediatrics think it is acceptable and can actually be good for children however not all agree with them on that were now joined by judy more registered dietitian and attrition a special izing in child nutrition and Patrick Holden the founding director of the Sustainable Food trust and dairy farmer to talk about this further i do want to start with one question for both of you judy if we can hear from you 1st what do you think about the sentence that was handed down to these parents was it enough especially given that theyve actually pleaded guilty. I cant comment on that i know that some parents sayings because they really believe theyre doing the right think of their children and its very sad when this sort of case comes to light and a child suffers in that way. I can say with that sentence was appropriate. And patrick your thoughts on that. I dont say well i dont know nothing about the case you go to some compassion tools that as if they thought they were doing the right saying i think theres a huge amount of confusion all over the world at the moment well the right thing to do is in terms of sustainable Healthy Eating and maybe thats what we should discuss more about now well exactly if we could come back to you judy the question here is whether or not a vegan diet is proper for a child of this age i mean even when you look at an infant thats not being put on a vegan diet its extremely difficult to plan out appropriately appropriately and make sure that the child is giving getting the correct vitamins is it possible to do it safely. And if its possible to keep the child health a batch they do need supplements you cant just rely on a feeding diet because if they can diet itself on its own just within of a can do is not going to provide enough. Calcium some of the fishermen specimen b 12 and and. This man i as well and as the charities lots of start trading vegetables also theres the i make it 3 fatty acids you need to give your child those supplement those nutrients as a supplement and buying those supplements can be a challenge as well because the supplement industry is not regulated in this country so if youre buying the supplements and if Health Food Store you may not be getting what it says on the packet if you buy them in a found a city then you will be getting them better even if you do all that and you help and somebody helps you plan that very well your child line grow to their height. Genetically potential height because we believe that milk protein and Meat Processing also are trying to an important factor in growth. Patrick would you say that there is any possibility of filing a strict meagan died and excluding off opponents which many people do object to not least of which because as you mentioned judy its often the case that its not exactly whats in the packaging that you are signing up for yes i think its possible but its probably very challenging and you have to be an expert in this to get it right and i would argue that perhaps its not necessary to be quite so extreme as that. Theres a lot of worry at the moment about what are the dart that is correct for addressing Climate Change and all the other problems were facing is that we would argue that it is possible to eat sustainably to include a whole range of sustainably produced Livestock Products in the diet without feeling at all guilty about it and probably your children would be better off for that so really what we need to know more about is what that dog would look like what we need to give up because its bad for the planet and bad probably us as well and what we need to eat which is actually part of the solution. My work at this is to trust its all about that. Today obviously this is an extreme case and very very extreme case weve seen that this young child had seizures she had fractures and her bones because of the situation she was put in do you think that there should be some system put in place that more and more people are turning to veganism and what not some way to catch you know earlier on so that things like this dont happen again. Well i think and as patrick says we need to be on a sustainable diets that uses Meat Products and milk products and in it to say that the children are getting all the nutrients they need and i have seen several reagan parents who come to me and say they want to bring up their challenge they get in and once we talk it through and i explain the implications of it and have panther write me in planning the doc most of them decide against it but i would say that most of them that ive seen race in a while either the last 2 or 3 years and carrying the can because of their Environmental Concerns that used to be where Animal Welfare concerns but now i would say as the parents i see its its a sustainable sustainability and environment concerns that drives and they bring up their children they can but i think as patrick said its got to be really well planned and you need to see an expert nutritionist or dietician in order to get it right. Because i would say just to add to that that what people should know is that actually we need sustainably manage livestock to keep the carbon in the soils and to produce healthy food we wait for them here and whales weve got a Crop Rotation which is 7 years that we used to grow vegetables the one year in 7 with vegetables 3 of 4 years in the rotation was building fertility with grass clover and then any way we can tell that across in clover its food is to graze it with beef and cattle sheep and cattle and theyre 1st to the facts from those and it was a really healthy need fishes so we need to educate ourselves about what the right kind of livestock eat be in line with the pilots in the environment and what the wrong kinds articles for seeing the news of the brazilian rainforest. A lot of that is to do with producing grains but cheap chicken and cheap pork and cheap industrial Dairy Products which usually should definitely be eating less of but actually more cross that mate. Right right now both of you are of course experts and your field you know a lot about how to go about this properly but your everyday parent is not going to have that sort of information ready at hand and in this case we saw these parents not taking their child even to regular checkups you have to assume that theres a possibility that they were also frightened that their doctors might criticize them when seeing the child in the state that she was in what needs to be done so that this information is more widespread and the parents can feel more comfortable consulting with somebody even if they dont have you know a lot of means or money to do that. Why do you think it would help with. Public Health England would actually say whats actually needed on intrigue in dollars if youre going to try it and i would say you know and outs can get by with a very good diet but children are growing so rapidly and i need a much more nutrient dense dark than an adult and i think that is a full range of foods in order to greater their potential because you know we see if you look at the can population says children always grow up to be shorter and old than than children who are eating a wide range of food including milk and dairy sorry milk and Meat Products. And i agree with patrick that the most sustainably we can grow them and produce them the mill comfortable people will feel about using them. Patrick should pull services have been more on alert especially when it comes to parents getting medical checks for their kids. Well they probably need to be alert these days because to be honest with you theres an awful lot of misinformation out there about what the right healthy and sustainable dart is and to your question what should be done to educate the public more effectively well we need to move away from these headlines which seem to be dominating all these reports that come out of the move towards a plant based diet yes we need to eat less meat but dont give up put together the right kind of meat and thats good for your health and good for the environment in the maids i we need to keep a vigilant eye on people who for the probably the best reasons are misguided late feeding their children unhealthy dogs. Exactly and why do you think if parents just couldnt see that they were harming their children could this be repeated easily and other situations. Well sometimes parents become quite obsessed with one form of lifestyle and ignore the advice that i give and by other people turn away from it and i have being involved in a couple of cases where this is happened and as i said before you have to feel a lot of compassion for these parents because they really do think theyre doing the right thing that you know the contact between health as it is now with our Health Services is quite poor. And children not see nearly as regularly or as often as they used to day say 10 or 15 years ago and i think thats one of the problems that house for the sisters just cant keep on keepin on i on the on the number of children that ive got on that case. And they are running out of time here patrick if you want to give your final thoughts as well. Well im certain that if you bring this issue up we all need to become much special root for what the right thing to eat is both for health and for the health of the planet and this is a debate which will run and run the place that it is because we can address Climate Change but he she will sustainably we can also go to records and journey or final thoughts. I would say to parents. Avoid vague and very Young Children and let the children decide when theyre old enough maybe after their great specials finished with i phone i begin dosh or not and in the mean time allow them to eat a full. Diet full of all the. Food groups and i just like to say a word about the substitute milk that are on the market today a lot of them dont have the same nutrient products profound as milk dairy milk does and i would say that its quite dangerous giving children those as substitute drinks judy more registered dietitian and red star nutritionist and Patrick Holden the founding director of the Sustainable Food trust and dairy farmer thank you so much both of you for joining us on the program thats a news break down for this hour and thats all for me as well today thanks for joining us. This is the poseidon adventure mixed with the titanic in one colossal sinking of the Global Economy right now weve got donald trump starring with the ghost of paul newman on the bridge of the titanic watching as they engineer colazal failure of the Global Economy. This is a boom bust broadcasting around the globe uncovering the world of business and finance and the impact upon us all im daniel brito in washington

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