Family Office Accounts Corporate Accounts various manage money accounts is over 100 trillion just sitting there looking for something to preserve wealth and that something will be increasingly big coin well says. Everyone agree with out. There on there im getting the standing ovation now wherever i go people throw flowers. And they think me profusely now but still i question is looking out is that trust let me share. Mine because gold has always been a safe haven during times where nations are de globalized and where they dont trust each other and that is when people turn to gold and now people are bigger institutions and nations might be turning to big coin but on the individual level where there retell hers. And operates one thing you see over and over and you saw that with you see it with Elizabeth Warren and what they do is they mention that its a rigged system. And gold are ways to escape that rigging the manipulation and system rigged towards a particular participant in that system and its always the banks in terms of our Financial System and im going to turn to have mine that again report has been at the forefront of this since the beginning 10 years ago we started in 2009 and what did we talk about we talked about the Precious Metals manipulation well it was called the Conspiracy Theory and people even when anybody in like the u. K. Press will write about us and say where conspiracy theorists about Precious Metals well heres i have mine cave and long talks about this headline she calls another Conspiracy Theory that became conspiracy fact Merrill Lynch caught criminally manipulating Precious Metals markets on tuesday of last week after the close to see f. T. C. Announced that Merrill Lynch commodities and l. C. I. A Global Commodities trading business agreed to pay 25000000. 00 to resolve the governments investigation into a multiyear scheme by Precious Metals traders to mislead the market for Precious Metals futures contracts traded on the comex the announcement was made by assistant attorney general bryan. And the Justice Departments Criminal Division and assistant director in charge william f. Sweeney jr of the f. B. I. s new York Field Office in other words if the maryland Commodities Group was a normal individual he would be doing the perp walk live covered for years now the Precious Metals markets is undeniably manipulated by the same people who are printing all the money because they dont want gold to rise up and attract capital while theyre trying to pump the big money called the u. S. Dollar why big coin is important is unlike gold the. Community can pull their base layer of collateral out during what mayor would call proof of keys and every january 3rd there is a proof of keys event unfortunately in gold and silver no such proof of keys exists any time gold or silver starts to move higher the comix and the people who run the comebacks the people who are members of the comebacks slugged the market with fake sell orders counterfeit orders otherwise known as naked short sales to bang the price down artificially this is been documented over a year its not really something that folks debate anymore its irrefutable this is just the latest proof that its a criminal conspiracy and it will continue it will not end because the regulators and the government officials are part of a racket the only path forward is through big coin which is hard money but not prone to bend obvious criminal all market manipulation Merrill Lynch and virtually every other bank on wall street Merrill Lynch is of course owned by bank of america and this is this fraud went on this criminal fraud and if it was just an any individual here at this conference doing it they would be in prison Charlie Shrem for example went to prison for much less than this because this went on from 2008 the mits of the financial crisis to 2014 i remember all the central bankers all the treasury secretaries all the heads of state said we need to stop bashing bankers we need to move forward we need to look forward not back and that there was no way even if it didnt give us sleepless nights we have the Justice Department that there was no way to possibly know whether or not he. This was illegal but in terms of actual this calling this a Conspiracy Theory there were people that would say for every buyer theres a seller and theres no way to manipulate the market in the comix market max who invented the virtual special technology which is a Market Making technology which you know how buys and sells are matched and you said exactly what this paragraph that im going to read here about what they did to manipulate the Precious Metals market they did so in the now Traditional Market manipulation way by placing fraudulent orders for Precious Metals futures contracts that after time the traders place the orders they intended to cancel before execution and doing so the traders intended to spoof or manipulate the market by creating a false impression of increased supply 0 or demand and then turn to fraudulently induce other Market Participants to buy in to sell futures contracts at quantities prices and times that they otherwise likely would not have done so over the relevant period the traders place thousands of fraudulent orders spoofing is one of half a dozen ways to manipulate the price in the futures market let me point out that in the middle of this period and 20 levon was crash j. P. Morgan by solver we got people around the world to buy sober because we knew j. P. Morgan was short solver and if enough people took delivery of solver it would bankrupt j. P. Morgan and put jamie dimon on the street what happened when the price went from 15 to 50 went to this incredible high based on cars a report and press j. P. Morgan buy silver was that the regulators in the comebacks allowed for expansion of the counterfeiting beyond even the extreme that they were allowing up thats on him and they bang the market down with hundreds of thousands millions of tons of counterfeit its nowhere life masters is the architect of the silver manipulation ended up leaving j. P. Morgan because. Too dirty to state the bank of too much of a liability she ended up going to london and starting a big company or a Crypto Company that has sense basically gone out of business but she was sacrificed the sacrificial lamb and that was the Collateral Damage of j. P. Morgan crash over so i mean that difference between these Precious Metals on these bankers and how theyre they they do manipulate the price they they do comverse in chat rooms like telegram groups amongst themselves they openly admit to each other that theyre manipulating the price but at least like if you go to an exchange that is now been closed down by the f. B. I. That was a big change but theres other exchanges now they have introduced the troll box and it sounds like exactly what the troll box used to do is like people be like huge whale coming in and dumping a whole bunch of this like mine and that would cause the markets to crash so its like trying to transparent but this was that they were. You know these bankers have way more its asymmetric information that theyre theyre basically doing this to your pension fund theyre scooping pennies from your pension fund every single time they do one of these fraudulent trades they only had to pay 25000000. 00 no jail time no mention of them having to hand money back to all these Pension Funds and other investors that they defrauded you know they defrauded Pension Funds out of hundreds of billions of dollars this game and many other schemes let me explain again the difference between markets today and markets is they existed 5060 years ago in the old days markets on price discovery that is the price thats reported is the result of buyers and sellers if theres more buyers than sellers the price goes up if theres more sellers and buyers price goes down but that doesnt exist today in modern markets and theres no market in the world thats immune from this right now instead of waiting to see how the buyers and sellers are interacting on the floor of an exchange and then reporting that interaction as the discover price. Big Banks Like Bank of america which owns Merrill Lynch they get together in a chat room and they decide what price they want the markets to be add tomorrow and then they fill in the trades to get to that price thats a complete inversion of free market capitalism this is a form of kleptocracy stock or say that has created a nightmare scenario where the only path out of this mess is through hard money because big oil aims to them and thats why its going higher institutions dowson if 100000. 00 a client the rates will come back and of course they always well were going to take a break when i come back ill be talking to somebody i met here at the conference 21 st San Francisco with a new product that is intriguing dont go away. With just manufacture consent to consume to the public will. When the ruling close is protect them so. When the flaming. Lips and we the one percent. We can all middle of the room sick. Room. Much of mushrooms use down some contexts used in the wrong way carry potential like any any some kind of substance. Used in the right way they seem to have quite a. Profound 30 to 10. Sure and quite a good safety and i found this while. My son in this doing drugs my nephews was still in drugs my sister just with doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse americas public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse he started going after the users in the prison population sewer we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like criminals while i was on the hill i increasingly became convinced that the ready war on drugs was a mistake there are countless numbers of people who are in prison for. A long sentence in this for minor minor offenders in the drug trade its a lot watching your children grow up in issue in waves and say by daddy as youre walking out of a business its just it doesnt get easier. Welcome back to the kaiser report m. X. Kaiser time now to turn to randy breach hes an entrepreneur and share at big client 21000 San Francisco you know we come to these conferences and one of the thrills i have is meeting new entrepreneurs new products not only for great news to deliver to you but our fund that we manage also looking for investments and we try to push new ideas and seed stage into it randi prieto welcome thank you for having me here ok so 1st of all your venezuela youre in venezuela and you know the question people always hear about the client is one of the internet goes down what if it goes on im going to do that now people say mesh net as being an answer and you have now a product that is awesome whats the name of it again not chumash. Mesh so let me just hold us for a 2nd so this is an antenna. This is a this is a bore to devil and mission and what a device so this is a regular bore that you can you for uses but we are using it to round it so were open source so what about we have long given how to make and know what. This is and its open Source Software its on and if youre within a certain number of kilometers people with the National Nodes can communicate off the internet you do not need the internet to communicate you do not need the internet to make it coin transactions so this is a complete secession from the internet where no matter where you are its got to go through a server somewhere and that server could be compromised this solves that problem right yes this is. Censorship resistance so he doesnt use the regular internet. You dont need service a service or for you know to be able to chat and transect and be and its completely and use. Hops to help us through then you go to the masses through its destination but it also can send all the lang signal transactions and be going on the line and network that thing fine i gave way to that because network completely censorship resistant completely anonymous completely offline a parallel economy run by a bit coy that nobody can touch obviously venezuela is a hotspot for monetary shenanigans and problems its also a big quite hot spot as people turn to hard money like they claim and they like the fact that they can preserve their wealth and bit coy and now the authorities will be unable to get in the way of that revolution using the net correct so. It was this developed as you know they say necessity is the mother of all invention so is part of why youre going down this path because youre living in a country that is going through a tremendous stress right now i have some of both of ours in my pocket you can hold the other note here 1st you know somebody you know people are giving away these bolo our goal of ours at the event and theyre just throwing them around like garbage can so years ago they were throwing around zimbabwe dollars and trillions of dollars and heres a bowl of our mean this is 100. 00 ball of ours is probably worth less than once a toshi that one is even less than that it has a feisty role the last number so its this is your sovereign currency and its literally bless valuable in toilet paper weve seen us use it on the history. Of that because you cant use it that. You cant even use it so this and growing problem i mean this coming to the u. S. Dollar the u. S. Dollar is going the way the ball of our money and money is going that way. So when they had their thing is that how you can continue having people in that country. Weve been able to do commerce being able to do trades. Rounds infrastructure off communications the electricity that is being collapsing and not only because of a lack of investment in infrastructure but also because of censorship and also because its sad but thats because they want people to be. On their knees and they have because thats the way they want them so how can people continue trading right now people continually being that country because they are able to use all their. Cash on cash in euro or. They still need to tell their people to bring the problems to the center of the country somehow that they have to be on their hands because you cannot send a bill bill through the internet or even even through i mentioned were going to still have to chat with that person what would you do when you are not more allow or there is not service at all to check in with that person so always who will bring the problem from the coast if you are not able to talk with them and its going to happen either way even if you do it to the censorship in the Country Communications and internet or also because the collapse of this infrastructure so thats why we are building them mesh network with open source and open where so you can flash go to the vices if you have one and. Do b. And know that all the match so you can you are allowed to check out and sandy can find section even if there is no internet. You brain together 2 aspects of such a ship resistance both chatting or communicating as well as commerce which is only available in big plane and completely outside of all the established sense or intermediaries like Media Companies governments and banks so you really taken a total step backward let me look at again so you consider yourself to be a Software Company yes this is a Software Company but its over well also be. Able to make where i was going to make it easier to use affordable so we are allowed to to deploy them invent a turn key. Thing in here that is this looks like stuff i can order from china for pennies a pop right i mean this is not an expensive unit as it is you can find it on amazon. These plane so its good for the ones we are going to sail we are going to be more easy to carry around so people pockets and carry it around and turned green when theyre just not if they want to talk privately so they dont do it through go through us. And when anything bad. Can be asked to the company and they need to they need to comply and give the access to it so your communication are not in this situation and then mentioned where the communications are increased to from point to point so no one can tell what you are talking or what you are transacting with who are trying to 2nd wave. Actually because as youre developing it has a screen and other items which are not necessary correct me if im wrong but i believe it you said that a version of this product you could actually. Get in under a sticker on your device. Would actually just basically cover the unit and it would be more or less invisible you can use if they get sticker on the back of your phone some when you need it you can connect to a. Hotspot there are but you can read around eating some he has a battery and 10 hour radio antenna that this is the yet this is a radio antenna this is a smaller one you can put i got to go to the line but this is this one give you like 14 interest. Area we have really good we are going to be able. To devise which is going to be a need to be bigger but he also will give you. And so we will help in their 1st stages when there is no density. To get to reach it under the senses so why dont we have the blowing it will find our path to his destination even these and there is not enough devices on the 1st base for kilometers in an urban area this works you build longer you get 10 kilometers the cost of this unit for an individual buyer im guessing you can get Something Like this for 50 or 60 bucks right these board you can find on amazon for 20. 00 so you can buy it or you are ready if you have simply been a slut out there and. Very old people should be there because the electricity is free its completely paid by the government just for people to to to be able to survive. And so in that situation you have a lot of basic. All of being have a router inside event and all of them have one of these devices so you can rate those devices people to having in the house and for their family into an income from mining now it doesnt make any profit that all because of the difficulty on the. Chain so you can reuse that and you can flash them with howard so what i mean is going to be i know one of the big point of the basics that are not profitable any more money you can repurpose as a note for those yes and so you can have communications and be content section. Of thought exercise there lets say theres a country and lets say that there censorship laws are very restrictive and lets say there are surveillance is very pervasive if you if someone were to air dropped 10000 of these into the country and then they spread out 4 kilometers or 6 floggers from each other that population can effectively say to their government drop dead well they will be able to talk. Even if no one wants them to do it i see what happens now what you see now that there are there are near is that not even a mass are working from outside the country into not only the companies that are receiving the s. M. S. As the masses not working even better at work yeah this had been like 2 days now without complete blackout on a mass so people doing like estimates between one its that kind of really bad idea also s. M. S. Into our phone number of people so if you can find people using their now and their name so these were lets you communicate company encrypt it and you dont need an idea and so this will be showing up. Making the rounds i would imagine the v. C. Communities if you talk to many of these i mean here for that theyre talking to bases and what if they said one of the v. C. 0 San Francisco whats their reaction when they like it because not only works for deploying for places like it also where for places like what to rate go to have been completed its going to. Any other all the city and have been completed back out on communications because of a hurricane 2 years ago so no one has invested in infrastructure for communications. Has brought tears buying 10000 of these to puerto rico and why not yet wait we could do it wrong you would have enough to be having bought 20000 of these 20 bucks a pop to. Brock. Is very busy just a kid yeah i have raced up to him he asked me if we are going to incorporate the. If you are going to bad we can do it. Sounds good lets bring on the concert park thank you for having me here oh my pleasure well thats going to do it for this edition of kaiser and for with me back skies are station ever like to thank our guest randy. Britto of. Mash do you want to catch us on twitter its guys report and so next time. Organize. The march to the united. This is a virtual invasion of our country. And. If you do. Will not obey the voice of the lord your god will be to do all these commandments and. Then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you. And the people. Must pretend to. Get rid of whites only problems will go. With and the. Presence of the physical. People. Being tortured to death the elderly people in the. Mania somebody. Somebody. In the. White horse will find themselves affected by. Means and dreams oh its all sweat and blood of. What are you going to have for dinner today we dont have anything last night me bad things to the civil war in south africa never to. Last forever. Was there any chong not be in the cold of your hand to prevent. Exists is a stick from the water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is spawns of the Cocacola Company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that lets tell consumers there are the bad was there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. As soon as. A special project funded. On the. Fun now the mountains of waste only grow. Up. But it will be landing in rome shortly on his 1st visit to italy since euro skeptics came to power both sides spoke of the strength of bilateral ties head of the trip also to come this hour russias defense minister says the fire which claimed the lives of 14 sailors in the deep sea submersible broke out in the 1st 3 compartment he also gave assurances to the subs Nuclear Energy installation is secure and around mourns the u. S. Not to start a fire and if it cant handle the consequences after trump warned the Islamic Republic not some play with fire by increasing its uranium enrichment. Very know what theyre doing they know what theyre playing with

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