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A lot of updates from the g 20 and had to. Stay with us now for the Financial News in the kinds of. Ok everybody is max kaiser this is the report the share that makes you taller more beautiful and sexier stacy yes max well you know whats happened in the past week or so is not only is the big queen bull market back krypto winter is over but finally gold has broken out of her range and which is then trapped for over 6 years when it took out its 2013 high and then its no matter what this ups and downs right now its in a new its in a new cycle yes the bull market and gold is back so weve had a long 77. 00 most a year bear market in gold and thats now over driven by a realization by the marketplace of 2 things number one quantitative easing is now permanent there will be no downsizing of the feds Balance Sheets theyll be no return to normalized rates financial oppression will continue that is low rates that destroys savings and destroy capitalism and destroy labor thats now a permanent feature of global g 20 economies and 2nd of all its a realisation by the marketplace that the only way to develop create outsized returns like Paul Tudor Jones a very Famous Hedge Fund manager in connecticut follows career for 30 years hes now all in on gold purely on a valuation of timing basis to the pendulum bear markets and at some point the bear market in gold is now finished it took 7 or 8 years us sometime you know that when i started on wall street 1982 there had been a bear market of stocks for 16 years people and working at paine webber where i started my career were working nights as schoolteachers and taxi drivers to make ends meet they key could not afford you know to support your software. As a stock broker in 1902 was considered a dead and worthless job and then the bear market ended and we began a bull market which is still going on from this day the stock market the dow jones was under a 1000 it could get over 1000. 00 for 16 years now of course the rat 2627000. 00 that took place since 1082. 00 to days market Interest Rates were 1718 percent now theyre less than one percent closing in on 0 yet so were going to go over 2 sets of charts from charley b. L. O. And its going to basically highlight some of the numbers which show that were in a very unique time i think its mostly to do with all this monetary intervention and experimentation thats going on live on our Financial System around the world and has been going on for 10 years gold hasnt reacted im told recently but thats because all the participants in the system have been doing quite well and now theyre starting to realize maybe its not going so well as we thought 1st were going to look at the s. And p. 500 is up 16 percent year to date the best start since 1997 just one percent from its all time high at the time were recording this number to unemployment at 3. 6 percent the lowest since 1969 number 3104 straight months of job growth the longest in history number for wages up 3 point one percent year on year outpacing core inflation which is the 2 percent feds target for 78 straight months and yet 5 fed expected to cut rates and july so on that surface that they can control thats essentially their billboard and they could put whatever advertisement they want on it thats the s. And p. 500. 00 thats the Unemployment Rate which they can make whatever they want they can set a target and say look dont feel great its the lowest since 1969 when you perhaps walk around and see under the surface. Its of the advertisement of the American Dream perhaps its not as good as many people think and were going to get to that but the negative bond yields what were talking about here is that theres a lot of inflation going on and the government will say its targeting 2 percent or maybe its now drifting a little higher than 2 percent the actual inflation for stuff people buy few thats your measure of inflation that would be Health Care Education and housing things like that. Inflations that 89 percent thats the true number of inflation in America Today if the Federal Reserve bank were to respond to that number by raising Interest Rates as is their remit as is their job then you know it would be a problem for the banks because the banks then would have to admit that theyre insolvent j. P. Morgan Goldman Sachs citibank b. N. P. Lloyds of london h. S. B. C. Theyd have to come out and say you know what were actually insolvent but they dont allow that to happen so what youre left with is a policy by the Central Banks that goes like this they buy trillions of dollars worth of bonds forcing the Interest Rate lower and then they tell people that while the Interest Rates low so were going to lower rates again so its through the Looking Glass theyre not supposed to manipulate the market and then base policy on a manipulated outcome theyre supposed to sit back let the market decide what is actually the demand and the supply and then respond to it you know thats the relationship but the fed says we manipulate the price. We drive the rate down to near 0 and then we tell the public that well the rates near 0 so were going to have to lower rates we of course here in kaiser report did warn for the last 2 years that you cant taper a ponzi as the fed tried to pretend at least signal that it was on winding quantitative easing and that everything is great the stock markets on all time highs wages are rising Unemployment Rate is down and everything is great we can raise rates everythings fine we said you cant taper a ponzi and this is it the fed has to act now they have to cut rates because the market hasnt is now pricing in 100 percent certainty that its going to cut in july so it cant not ok with out a crystal ball or when you say the market is pricing in a rate that price exile is manipulated by the subtle bank so that its an illusion to say that the central bank has looked at the market and is responding. But thats what i said is like thats their billboard the things that they can control are the s. And p. 500. 00 thats up 16 percent year to date one percent off of an all time high they can control they determine what the Unemployment Rate is they say its 3. 6 percent but they have changed the way they count unemployment over the past 30 years and it always ends up looking better in terms of buying the bonds and driving down negative yields if you look at this chart another chart from charlie b. L. O. All of that sea of red is negative yielding debt only the u. S. Has positive debt on the whole scale of from one year to 30 years so negative bond yields through 30 years in switzerland 15 years in germany in the netherlands 10 years in japan denmark austria Finland Sweden 9 years in france and belgium 8 years of slovakia 7 years in ireland to slovenia 6 years in spain 5 years in portugal 3 years in malta and bulgaria and one year in italy so negative yields all the way out. Up to 30 years in the case of switzerland right now Jerome Powell who runs the Federal Reserve bank took over from ben bernanke you know he got to testify before Congress Periodic like ok heres a question that maybe a sake it could ask or somebody in congress could ask your own pal next time hes in front of congress this is a simple question you must ask him mr powell tell us under what circumstances you would raise Interest Rates to answer from drone power will be there is no circumstance under which i would raise Interest Rates the answer to every single economic problem every single number every single statistic every Single Market reaction is to lower rates thats the old its like an alcoholic who drinks when theyre happy they drink when theyre sad they drink because its tuesday they drink because its daytime they drink because its night time theyre not a holiday they just drink drink drink drone pow will cut rates whether the economy is expanding whether its contract ing whos a president who doesnt matter his dog bit him is wife hates him hes going to lower rates makes no difference thats the only thing they do importantly remember back in 2008 during the financial crisis when it was all going haywire when. We broke the dollar broke when the mutual funds broke the bucket with the money market funds broke the buck that was when really all chaos broke loose and the fed really intervened to the treasury and everybody and they bailed out and they bailed out Lehman Brothers not Lehman Brothers they let that die but they bailed out j. P. Morgan and everybody else i think that thing to look for in these negative yielding bonds is if the u. S. Does that if the u. S. You know the center of this Global Financial empire goes negative then that i think thats what gold is signaling now is people are thinking like oh my god is that actually going to happen that will have negative yielding debt in the United States because thats i think the equivalent of of breaking the buck i think thats a fair analysis ok you know. Similar to breaking the buck during the last crisis if you go negative Interest Rates in the u. S. It will sound alarm bells but it was an interesting thing just like to claim a star Mark Zuckerberg into a drone and that he introduced labor as a stalking horse to make that claim go to 100000. 00 a coin. The Interest Rates on aereo going negative is similar to the big claim protocol that they hash rate increases theyre chasing after a nonce where the fraction is ever more fractional preceded by zeros its almost point 00000 the difficulty is further further away the difficulty if you going higher so that in a negative sense its goes because more higher negatively thats the way the nonce chasing of the protocol work so i think thats had an influence on global central bankers theyve been turning to drones and they are seeking negative Interest Rates because a suppose shes vision and thats going to drive because higher so once again is turning. Constant over there at the bank of International Settlement the 2 targets and constitute an karsten karsten out just right and carcillo gust in carson to tonga. August hes been affected by the bitcoin protocol droning mechanism and so as Mark Zuckerberg and so as a drone powell so this is all about getting because 200000 through the disease or the virus of the big protocol i mean we only have 30 or 40 seconds left here so i wanted to say you know with regards to facebook coiners box or whatever theyre calling it libra. You know the fact that france the central bank there and the u. S. Is calling for congressional testimony and in the u. S. And france is investigating this its a little too late its amazing that theyve missed all of this stuff happening while theyve been focused on the sideline hole of bad acts in waters will become like try gray and lose her bearings she gets big coin derangement syndrome right youll get because everyone in congress well that if youre if youre not of pure spirit and you look at the protocol like medusa you go mad or if youre on dress on some uplift you become ennobled you become a saint but if youre like a cry greater Maxine Waters you lose your footing ok were going take a break when we come back and become a full dont go away much more coming your way. Elite a showdown between washington and tehran there is no regional ally to restrain the us is worse tendencies with barbs treated and sanctions imposed what can stop the us from sliding into yet another middle east war. Welcome back to the kaiser report im max kaiser heres the headline the obscure london startup that made facebook libera possible look at this they are like look look like ok so what about the london startup let me introduce jeremy ala dine dot org jeremy will welcome back hi max hey stacy thank you for having me again so i see here a company is in the news here is evil corp otherwise known as facebook paralysed post your team wired magazine got so toshi wrong now theyve got your story wrong with a headline that read the obscure london start up that made facebook labor possible tell us more jeremy l. Its quite blowing me away or so my colleague said to decode project so basically its not just might be nice the 2nd source of European Research and we paid those researchers for more than 2 years we taxpayers money the research on privacy as a human right on technologies to make dot i used only when people consent to eat to avoid a day extraction and dot a mining and when it does issue not private data of people this sort of stuff that even of corp is doing all the time and it well we are very sad to see some of our colleagues go we dont carry are in the completely opposite direction which also poses some ethical questions to us in the meantime and a Wide Technologies we are developing the out quite bright groundbreaking as older people hes there is a lot of people that are doing wonderful things on the ward its what is really disturbing is that the ethic oh the ethical focus that we all started doing beat going already back getting involved following that to most of set us back in 2009 down to now being completely aqui hired to so busy. Stolen to be industry that that actually foster sold extract the beast and everything that is standing against it so thats the sad news but i think there is something positive going on in this war starry and well one thing clearly is that that the fence between these it is a buck that they are creating is is that its completely centralized this thing is not even. Is just like a distributed database where dead this sort of company that is theyre getting zuck bucks is different from paper in the way that it knows where you go out where you get droughts the people who got wheat and what you read the end all your pics that you regret from the parties you go so basically they just put needles into your life to know more about your or your private life to actually s. S. If you can get a loan or not because thats whats coming next in that in that business and in the meantime can you imagine having that pop up message on your wallet on line that says well you posted to some new d. M. That were there so we suspend your wallet and your account for tree days now we are going to review if you can buy something with bucks this is just utterly insane so i think the good news is that it will never really succeed and actually maybe here people we really see the value of what we stand for to principles out on a me of liberty and off decentralization that also our european project stands for and i think that the difference between these dems and know what we what we know as meat going provides and many of the up them seem to keep the horde then would be evidently more positive people cannot forward in a trap banking down bank to buy a Single Company them pants them bank to get the ready bank that they just download a decentralized wallet. And started doing crito there is no problem with that so i think the law is it would be an acceleration and i think that regulators will react and are reacting and we will advise them to react very quickly to that we cant stand by and watch these monsters fight like that beat carpet gazed at the beginning late theres and in the meantime we know that we are beating the rio decentralised really permission lest really not remind economy that that people can enter and out honestly my age so i think beat carney is becoming revolutionary again with this move it will become less road show and much more of evolutionary eastons and this is a sorry to use your at your show for these but i would like to call to our common friend me of docky who recently actually does dismissed beats going as just that a road show in a marketing gig i mean look at this beat going it is a revolutionary technology and when the big market will try to actually recent realize it and connect it to these black that explore exploitation of private data because we stand as the technology that has endured all of these time and hes providing a truly decentralized platform so i mean it be back because we need to you know ive come up with a theory called the bitcoin the ranchman send around where the protocol has the ability to transmogrify human intelligence and to convert ordinary people into. Drones on behalf of bitcoin and we are saying this manifests itself in a number of different ways for example in the case of craig wright or john mcafee they clearly went insane in the case of undress on sanaa policy became ennobled by big coin derangements says syndrome he became greater than he was before bitcoin but in many cases people degrade themselves into becoming really a sociopath like craig writer john mcafee now heard the elegant let it leg of lamb lamb let me let me fennel to get to my point here so in the case of Mark Zuckerberg i believe that he now has been turned into a drone by the bitcoin protocol and hes become a useful idiot of big claim and hes become a stalking horse for bitcoins sun other words hes going to go to congress is going to take the hey hes going to put his 500000000000. 00 company up for to be slaughtered by the marketplace on behalf of bitcoin sowed this was predictable you know weve been following because when youve been following this since 2009 weve been reporting on it since 2011 this is the pattern a big point it is able to coop bigger and bigger entities to work for it its a virus in that regard its a plague of happiness that cannot be stopped your thoughts 1st of all and what really i couldnt keep is that i heard did it create right now claims to be burke hes is seriously claiming to be Mark Zuckerberg now he has left to disassociate yeah and he wants to be desperate minds up bucks basically so but for 4 footed as they only have night easy something that people go manioc complete write in to be. Old do governance and. Everything thats been going to men should be doing for us i hope that entirely gentz left in Public Sector realizes that we have at least some safety bevs if not the regulations in place to say ok you cannot just mine money as a big company and not being a bank and not being a transport system and not be a Telecommunications System that has some permission for that those safety belts are to dad or by ages and ages i think relations now 1 may believe in them or not but in these case the low has to be quote for everyone and i think these regulations show heat these people that abhisit will manage trips because what is at stake is privacy and we privacy it goes out also democracy if people cant control our minds to the point in which to control how much we spend we get loans and they can predict actually what we desire and how we cannot quiet what we desire by knowing everything from what we have read who we need to gain what we eat and where we spend our money then d. C. Is really not any more a democracy can be only some want something where you can only live things not dislike damn and just like continuously be positive about the regime that constantly controls us so these are my thoughts these are perfectly they generous man hacks and if we are out to some History Lesson we should never let them become dictators of our democracies just like exxon while coopt some of the images and phrases from greenpeace to promote it a holocaust you know of an exxon ad are several on at all shall be at a full forests and beautiful lakes and theyll talk about how theyre protecting all of these assets and they it looks like a greenpeace that so they because that thats what their objective is is to delegitimize greenpeace so you have labor a over the. Facebook and there he is borrowing the phrase eola ga and some of the images and some of the ideas from bit coy about helping the world being able to transact without an intermediary without a bank and you know he is all the catch phrases and the end is certainly great but whats going to happen here you know is theres going to be a showdown between 2 psychopaths jamie diamond and mark soccer burge and and facebook is 5 times bigger than j. P. Morgan so i would imagine facebook will probably buy j. P. Morgan as part of the Protocols Initiative when it was launched in 2009 this is all hard baked into the protocol this kind of managed him and psychosis remember the hash array that keeps it secure is based on ego maniacs trying to hack it so now we have jamie diamond and Mark Zuckerberg who are going to drive that are straight up from 60 terra hash the 2nd to 200 terror ash a 2nd right here very good at pretty much. Not only a financial predictions and i think that it is fight we cant just stand by our legacy really beat going crypto created everything that they are pretty 80 and attempt me i mean be predicting our project it research that we have done on selecting krypton not all the developments but most of it and we have to stand by our developments because this is a sign it what were doing is getting parton is actually moving these people moving near interest to see what were doing to copy cat and it means that what were doing can change toward disease a good message that we can get out of the speech even if we can watch the giants finding their old fight but there is something new to understand here there is something that is moving refund. And i think as an ethical as an ethical point id like to make what is also very important to do what i thought of the creep to an off beat going and all what comes we need is that identity is not one thing it cannot be named to one number to one record in the database of a company to one provide the one assessment of your preferences to one thing no we are all different beings in different contexts and thats what we kept repeating in the code there is not one identity it depends from the context you want to show up to be its off yourself you want to show credentials to access to certain places but you do not want to show all about yourself and thats why i think what hes facebook is doing right now is deeply on at the 0 because they are narrowing down everything one human being to one representation of each in their database and they were saudi information they will sell it to or to basically Insurance Companies medical insurance banks for knowing your customer principles and know that which she is a monopoly that is bigger than j. P. Morgan because j. P. Morgan was not putting neils into the brain of people like these new people are doing theyve got about 20 seconds they wanted to mention all of benny quickly tell us about that its another colleague of us is in an Advisory Board of the project hes a bt that no journalist is mentioning it right now easing ego detention since 2 months in ecuador just for assessing encrypted devices on himself there is no proof against him they are they are just imprisoning aiding him just because they know that he was friends with Julian Assange and therefore they are keeping him inside for ever and ever without even a court case so free all of beanies went to look up and police have public good colleagues that actually have fought a good fight and theyre at dock and even in prison listen we got to cut it off there thanks so much. For being on the cause. The report she has child must show stacy thank you and thats going to do it for this episode of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and Stacy Herbert like to thank our our good friends in this jeremy eliezer over there are dying dot org and the decode project if youd like to get in touch tweet us a kaiser report the next time by all. Were going to St Petersburg International Economic forum and the topic of our panel is are we witnessing a paradigm shift in the Global Economic order well the answer of course is yes its a matter of keeping. Their own. 40 feet but so. Is the people. Just for the mothership is. Neat. And i dont mean the name of. The scared or did anything to give. Any. Kind of a system definition in. Minnesota in the news to. Her. Alone and welcome to

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