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A smear campaign. Broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is r. T. International thomas certainly glad to have you with us. Has just arrived in japan for the g. 20 summit youre looking at live pictures from osaka where the russian president s aircraft has just landed were expecting him to step off that plane any 2nd now you can see a delegation at the bottom of the stairs waiting to greet him to that event of course the g. 20 is the top 20. Economic groups countries in the world meeting together to discuss the direction the World Economy should take however a lot of attention being paid on the sideline events and those sideline meetings between. The russian president and donald trump the u. S. President of course also. A lot of attention toward india as well and right now were waiting to see the president step off that plane. For the g. 20 summit. All right as we do that lets go to reports on the build up to this event. Let me just give you a feeling of downtown austin could just before the main events of the summit the roads are almost deserted and it is very quiet. While there is something that explains it easily this area is filled with some very important people who say they want to get together to sort busy out whats troubling the world nowadays im very happy to be here for the g. 20 where the challenges are great but let me be honest with you for several previous g. 20 gatherings in a row journalist really hungry for formal round table discussion for how the president s and the Prime Ministers were reading out their vision for Global Development what mattered most back then and what matters most right now are so called by last when to the leaders sit right next to each other and deal with what piled up between their 2 countries by the way the japanese Prime Minister shinzo abi will be welcoming some of his guests because medieval summarise. So what are these sort of say golden by lots of this year the american president. And the chinese leader Everyone Wants to know whats going to happen with the trade wars next especially after what happened to chinese tech giant wall with another highlight well thats easy to guess donald trump together with the russian president Vladimir Putin by the way i was told that we are approaching a hotel where one of them is staying at the regal raul hotel. Yes indeed this is the home of lot of marble and also go. Head doesnt look that cost to me lets see if we can try and get in a few hours before the president arrives. Well obviously the special type of id was required to get in there. Face to face was also meant to be one of the highlights but let me remind you what happened just before mr trump got on his plane i have a very good conversation with what i said is none of your business obviously everything could change at the very last moment here too but compared to walk mr trump said before he headed to also go. Based on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to ukraine from russia i have decided it would be best for all parties concerned to cancel my previously scheduled meeting in argentina with president Vladimir Putin so the protesters that were viciously gather in the whole cities for these kind of events might want to change their agenda a little bit the g 20 summit isnt any longer that much about the group of 20 itself or globalization right now it has a different twist to it. Well tree experience seeing is in you were psych your. Job protection but ward it means new power emerging varies a great power rivalry which dominates the scene and the latter one organizations are less and less of a center of. Attention of great powers and he can see that as his g 20 eva be led to or dieters an meetings who will be more important than zuid g 20 summit he said if hes seen it i know weve or the new american doctrine america 1st on the eve of the g. 20 summit the russian president gave an interview to the Financial Times speaking about key threats to global security. So you start to put it bluntly the situation is definitely become more dramatic and explosive in the sense the world has become more fragmented and less predictable which is the most important regrettable thing well this interview was particularly extensive and he touched on almost every major topic i mean g. 20 summit coming up putin donald trump said to meet of course the question was about putins relations with american president s and he said hes met many during his years as president as Prime Minister from bill clinton all the way to donald trump and he said usually he has a good solid working relationship with the United States leaders he also added that donald trump is an odd one out hes not a career paul politician hes a hes a maverick hes someone from the sideline sidelines not a politician at all and he said he doesnt agree with many if not most of Donald Trumps decisions his problem solving but at least he gets stuff done he will soon ridiculed again allegations that russia interfered in the u. S. Election he said donald trump didnt win because of any collusion which was disproven donald trump won because he felt what the American People wanted. What is happening in the west what is the reason for the trump phenomenon as you say in the u. S. Whats happening in europe is where the ruling elites have broken away from the people the obvious problem is the gap between the interest of the lees and the overwhelming majority of the people russia has been accused and strange that may seem it is still being accused despite the minor reports of mythical interference in the us election what happened in reality mr trump looked into his opponents attitude to him and saw changes in American Society and he took advantage of this year the thing he talked about is the square pulse poisoning in the u. K. He said here that. Look we can spend an eternity blaming each other compiling lists of the what the other side has done without any sort of proof just just talk he said this group owl poisoning should be investigated solved and resolved by intelligence agencies by. Agents and spies and they should look into what happened they should the professionals they should establish what to do about it he said that politics has no place in the script poisoning and in the whole affair. Also added that while traitors should be punished this isnt the way to go about it. Listen all this fuss about spies and counterspies is not worth serious industry relations the spying story as we say is not worth 5 complex or even 5 pounds for that matter as a matter of fact treason is the greatest crime possible and traitors must be punished this gentleman scruple had already been punished he was arrested sentenced and then served time in prison he received his punishment for that matter he was off the radar why would anyone be interested in him he got punished he was detained arrested sentenced and then spent 5 years in prison then he was released and that was a thing like me and putin talked about is the death the liberal idea he said the liberal idea which has been dictated to the world for the past 10 years as liberals progressives dictating what to do how to go about various cultural policies immigration about multiculturalism he said look whats happening in europe look whats happening all over the world the right wing parties are rising because people have spoken out against the liberal idea it is now obsolete he mentioned angle of merkel letting in a 1000000 Syrian Refugees is as one of the mistakes that the liberals have made and. Plenty says. With regards to russia. There is no there is no problem with the. Community said let people live as they want but it will never be a replacement for traditional family but to there is also the socalled liberal idea which is outlived its purpose our western partners have admitted to some elements of the liberal idea such as multiculturalism and no longer tenable various ideas various opinions should have a chance to exist and manifest themselves but at the same time the interests of the general public should never be forgotten also spoke about building budding arms race that i would say is already begun a Nuclear Arms Race he. He he blamed the United States he says it was the United States that pulled out of the antiballistic missile treaty it was the United States that pulled out of the. Treaty their building their arsenals modernizing their asses now what the situation now is worse than it was during the cold war because journalists old war there were rules there were things that neither side would do now apparently there are no rules which makes the situation so much more dangerous said russia for its part is ready to Work Together with with the west with chinese said were ready for another treaty arms limitation together with chinas a trilateral but he says that the United States must also show a willingness to get involved. Nevertheless this is this is you know this is a huge interview a lot of a lot of stuff covered obviously we cant go through it all now but the big meeting between Vladimir Putin and dong trump is imminent hell be meeting with terrorism is world which is a pretty big step forward considering how awful russian british relations are so i expect much more interesting interesting stuff there. Im out the month. The u. N. Special report tour on torture has once again highlighted his concerns over the case of Julian Assange and is now accusing the media of ignoring of the alleged Inhumane Treatment of the leaks founder the guardian Washington Post and reuters have reportedly declined to publish the u. N. Officials latest report mills meltzer told us of the reasons he was given for the refusal some of them said it wasnt high enough on their news agenda some of them said that it was not within their core area of interest but you know there have been reporting all of them on the case of julian assigned when it was about his cox into skateboard and kind of the allegations that he smeared excrements on the walls but when you have a serious piece that actually tries to do you might ask this this public narrative and to actually show the facts below it then theyre not interested. In special reports or earlier highlighted dishonors prison conditions as a major concern is currently serving a 15 week sentence in the u. K. For skipping bail back in 2012 mr meltzer also brought up other issues last month saying lawyer visits have been limited and too short and access to case files and documents have been lacking. Once again. I think its very important to point out i knew that i was going to get into a very politicized environment when i visited Julian Assange i didnt know him before so i took with me to experienced medical experts a psychiatry and a forensic expert and have worked for decades in examining torture victims just to get a objective scientific medical basis for my assessment and what they found is a person who shows all the symptoms that are typical for a person has been exposed to prolong psychological torture he has been exposed to public mobbing now thats a slippery slope you know will be in a debate when its 2 side its done more being basically is Something Like mudslinging thats not torture yet but when you start exposing a isolated individual who cannot defend himself with a sustained campaign of shaming of humiliation of ridicule of even Death Threats and call for his assassination and hes completely isolated then that can cause severe psychological trauma the foreign secretary jeremy hunt is my counterpart in the u. K. And i asked him for authorization to visit Julian Assange in order to examine the situation and the risk of torture and so he knew precisely what i was going to do and when obviously they didnt like the result of my observations now all of the sudden this should be meddling in the judicial process it is my mandate to examine whether to digicel proceedings are fair whether they are in compliance with human rights and whether or whether we have come to come to the conclusion that rather we are observing judicial harassment that are designed to put under un due pressure and to actually break him psychologically. We also spoke to swedish programmer and the Digital Privacy activist all of the me he recently spent 2 months in prison in ecuador for allegedly trying to hack a Government Computers we need told us his case was politically motivated and the prosecutors tried to link him to a songe but he says hes never worked for wiki leaks i feel persecuted because public official said go on on t. V. Lying about my case and then giving conflicting testimony i feel persecuted because my legal rights have been broken repeatedly and many many times over this process i call and tell you what the reasons are behind it but i can tell you that its politically motivated and there are 2 main reasons why i say this the 1st one is that during the 1st 3 hearings the reasons the judges gave for keeping me in prison were not actually compatible with ecuador law my initial detention was illegal which was confirmed by the habeas corpus tribunals last week and finally the precedent and the ministry of the interior has repeatedly gone on Television Shows and. Saying several different strengths about my case they didnt contradicted when they gave witness testimony 2 weeks ago. American farmers are bearing the brunt of chinese said tears in the ongoing trade dispute that story much more still to come on ark international. You know world of big part of. Law and conspiracy its time. To dig deeper to hit the stories that made history media refuses to tell more than we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. The answer to every single the economic problem every single number every single statistic every Single Market reactions to lower rates its like an alcoholic who drinks when theyre happy they drink when theyre sad they drink because its tuesday they drink because its day time they drink because theyre not a holiday they just drink drink drink draw. Rates whether the economy is expanding whether its tracting who think president doesnt matter is the dog bit on his wife hes going to lower rates makes no difference thats the only thing they did. Because our. Brain has recalled its ambassador from iraq after protesters stormed the kingdoms embassy in baghdad dozens of people broke into the Embassy Compound on thursday night taking down the bahraini flag and installing the palestinian flag they were protesting against the recent u. S. Led Conference Held in bahrain promoting washingtons plan for israel and palestine the iraqi authorities have condemned the Embassy Breach and arrested 54. 00 suspects. U. S. President claims the chinese economy has been devastated by u. S. Tariffs and that beijing urgently needs a new trade deal. So they want to make a deal that they want to make a deal more than i do let me put it that they want to make a deal ive only done phase one phase one is 25 percent of 250000000000 i havent done phase 2 yet now phase 2 doesnt have to be 25 percent it could be 10 percent which people can absolutely handle us has so far imposed tariffs on 200 50000000000. 00 worth of chinese imports or what it claims are unfair trade practices among washingtons concerns are beijings subsidies to chinese industry restrictions on competition and alleged intellectual property theft china has had back with import taxes on 110000000000. 00 worth of American Goods and that has dealt a blow to the u. S. Agricultural sector as arties kaleb moppin comments. One section of the u. S. Economy is certainly on edge and that is the Agricultural Sector farmers have long been upheld as almost sacred in americana from the writings of Thomas Jefferson idealizing the yeoman to the iconic speech of paul harvey delivered in 1978 and on the age. Gone looked down on his planet paradise and said i need a caretaker so god made a farmer god sent i need somebody with me to get up before dawn milk cows were told to go in the fields milk cows again each summer then go to town and stay fashion the night of the meeting of the school board so god made a farmer now you would think that farmers would be a central focus of drums promise to make America Great again after all it was the agricultural states like iowa wisconsin and minnesota where trump won big however at this point as the trade war with china continues farmers arent winning theyre hurting bad. Farmer. Trade war i think they are one of the casualties they are the trade disruption yes but trump says the farmers should just take it after all its for their own good in the long term we were going to help out a farmers we will ensure that our farmers get the relief they need and very very quickly its a good time to be a farmer this claim doesnt match the actual numbers look at soybeans corn and Wheat Production at this point the midwestern heartland of the United States is already suffering from dust realisation and now its seeing its agricultural base plummet income of American Farmers has dropped to half of what it was in 2013 and the rate of debt of farmers has reached 427000000000. 00 the highest its been since the farm crisis of the 1980 s. Farmers are also defaulting on their loans left and right the highest rate that it has been in 7 years and 3 months a lot of us were forced to take loans to keep our business with afloat but yet some businesses were so far and the banks wouldnt give them their operating loans for the your prices for. Greens and stuff have gone down significantly that were unable to pay most of our bills and get the banks paid off to get our loans back in check with the banks that they dont threaten to shut us down their moods a nigger culture a community are very stressful its theres anger theres Everything Else our planting window this year has been so long from the wet spring that weve had half the farmers dont even have all their crops they need to feed their animals or make a livelihood this year in the ground its very stressful and very irritating now farmers received a 16000000000. 00 subsidy in the hopes of making up for what they cannot sell to china but it was only a drop in the bucket the bread basket at the center of the American Economy seems to now be on the chopping block as trump plays his art of the deal game with the 2nd largest economy on earth a lot of voices have to be asking how much longer. R. T. New york. A british Waste Management firm has been convicted for attempting to send contaminated materials to china. Or. Ever wondered what happens to your rubbish at the end of the day or where those carefully placed for cycling in several bins actually ends up well for you is much of it was being shipped off to less developed countries china in particular but now it looks like the tight is turning. Now it turns out that the u. K. Firm has been caught red handed trying to use this as a loophole to export contaminated with cereals this company a big Waste Services has been convicted off their spot check discovered a host of unsanitary items amongst the 725. 00 ton load contain is that would do you to be shipped to china instead of waste paper the investigators found human waste used not bees condoms and cemetery towels amongst a host of other dont pay pal items such as plastic the u. K. Environment agency described the smell from the container as a moment like its welcome to the 3rd act the regulations around ship and we use were brought in to stop the wests manoli pos and the problem to other countries it was commonplace in the 970 s. And eightys for developed nations to send vast amounts of waste to brought the waste contains offensive material likely to have been discarded by the receiving contrie at great risk and cost to the environment and people the guilt of your to justify our decision to prosecute be. Bissette remains adamant that he did nothing wrong and says the real problem is that he down to a lack of clear guidance for the industry overall was sceptical levels of purity all we strongly contested this case and are very disappointed with this outcome the materials we supplied commanded market lead in prices and we match both International Industry and customer standards the Environmental Agency has been continually asked to specify a required level of purity by both the industry and in one instance the court of appeal and the feeler to do so is a breach of its responsibilities to the market in the absence of any guidelines our products always met the standards set by our customers and provided a route to recycling in an environmentally sound manner so as countries like china cracked down on taking care of the wests inability or unwillingness to deal with its own rubbish the question is what. Next challenge even ski otty high wycombe well if you look in the bottom of the screen just one way theyre put in has arrived at the g 20 in osaka japan we will bring you an update on that and much more news at the top the hour this is our 2 international news. I believe under god all. The. Elite a showdown between washington and tehran there is no regional ally to restrain the us is worse tendencies with barbs treated and sanctions imposed what can stop the us from sliding into yet another middle east war. Were going to St Petersburg International Economic forum and the topic of our panel is are we witnessing a paradigm shift in the Global Economic order well the answer of course is yes its a matter of degree. This is a boom bust broadcasting around the globe uncovering the world of business and finance and the impact on us all on doing your job and im christiane washington heres a look at whats on that today. Where it is and sidelining began at the site of the 20 summit meeting and japans throughout the insufficent. Merican studied standing by to explain how this could reshape major aid to make installation. And the rest of the world. California has sound and after ally in their fight to preserve clean air standards and mitigate Climate Change are key to our funding our behavior that joins us from toronto to break down the fighting you know lions later but one who has hit the brakes after tearing it up over the past week rocking miller the c. E. O. Is on him to figure out whats going on with things that hes got to show to this lets go and dive right in. A bold demand that head of a sheetrock meeting at the g. 20 summit leaders are global report today as trying to reportedly insist that a lifting of the u. S. Ban on the tech giant alleway be a part of a resolution of a transpacific trade fight the wall street journal cited chinese sources familiar with the negotiating strategy and the other conditions president xi jinping will suggest for creating what the business paper characterized as an optimal bilateral relationship the report also listed a lifting of punitive u. S. Tariffs and an abandonment of previously floated pledges to increase purchases of u. S. Products among the proposals chinese negotiators will bring to the table and osaka japan has negotiated for their part are said to hope just to pick up where the 2 sides were before talks broke down. Meanwhile ahead of his arrival at the g 20 u. S. President donald trump seemed to open a new rift with allies even as the fight with china drags on mr trump tweeted a complaint about indias decision earlier this month to increase tariffs on 1400000000. 00 of u. S. Imports across 28. 00 categories mr trump urged his grievances with indian policies ahead of his thursday meetings with Prime Minister modi 1st in tandem with the g. s g 20 host japanese Prime Minister shinzo on ebay and then separately the indian move that upset mr trump was a delayed response to the trump administrations increased tariffs on aluminum and steel the Union Government deliberated for a year before hitting back the choice of the trumpet ministration and made to revoke prized unprofitable g s p stands for 5000000000 dollars in Indian Imports may have tipped mr modi to retaliate and joining us live in the studio to give us his expert insight into the g 20 and all the issues on and off

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