Covering this for 10 years the European Central bank has managed to keep it afloat by buying all their bad bonds some of their rate some of their bonds i believe at negative Interest Rates even and italy and yet you know if everything is so hunky dory italy proposes tax savings hidden in safety deposit boxes as total retail deposits hit fresh all time high the italian people they have a lot of cash and theyve been putting it into their savings accounts and more importantly in italy they put that into safe deposit boxes salvini is proposing that they basically raid all these savings these safe deposit accounts and introduce a tax if you if you voluntarily tell the government how much you have in there theyll do a flat tax of 15 percent i dont know what the higher rate will be if you fail to voluntarily disclose it but theyre coming after your savings quicker. Well for those italians that want to keep their savings you put into it because you can escape that confiscation of the government or the vatican whoever runs the country over there and you will preserve your wealth and jurisdiction that respects your sovereignty as an individual and respects your wealth dont live in a country thats just going to rip you off blindly we live in america because they have good speech rights and we dont want to end up like that these other journalists that are being beheaded or jailed so we liked our american passport but you know we prefer that but if youre an entirely and you want to preserve your wealth dont live there if theyre going to take it move to a some other area where you can move here because women have a life you dont want to be a part of a neo feudal slime state of living in dirt and picking you know whatever seeds you can out of squirrel poop you need to get a life. First of all 2nd of all this is a complete repudiation of everything post the enlightenment right so theyre saying that markets dont work that private property doesnt work and that only the crazy statists with their guns and there are some crazy theories based on some discredited catholic cult nonce these guys are insane you know dont live there its a nutty many many place theyve got good pizza but dont go live there but this is a theme that weve been covering for the past 10 years we saw in the last episode Deutsche Bank ran up some bad debts they made some bad bets and they lost but they themselves do it a bank was not made to last the taxpayers of germany have been gifted all their bad debts here in italy again the banks have made a lot of bad bets and those have already been perhaps transferred to the e. C. B. We dont know yet and told it all actually falls apart and we get to look at the books but right now theyre going after the individual. The bottom 90 percent and theyre going to come and take your stuff theyre going to do like a bail in thats already in the globe in the european laws that theyll do a balan and this is what theyre looking for theyre prepping for is a bail out where theyre always going to take their stuff i mean just to be clear right so the italians that have money in safe deposit boxes those safe deposit boxes are going to be raided by the state to pay the bankers who made bad bets ok so we saw that in greece we saw that nice. You know they had a different reaction iceland actually kicked out the terrorist bankers you know iceland i think all the italian should move to iceland ok its a different whether you get you know its not so much pasta more fish but you could keep your wealth move to iceland you can buy a property there cheap dont live in italy so wasteland. Then the south its all the mafia its tarver. I love italy its amazing place as great food and stuff like that but youre open a bank account there know just like greece you know greece is also beautiful it has an amazing countryside amazing food maize and weather and. But theyre not germans and the European Central bank is set up in order to help the germans the dutch and some of the northern states as if you read collusion by no mean prince she highlights this exactly and she talks about this but again so this intervention by the Central Banks over the past 10 years there their scheme is falling apart they have shifted a lot of wealth to the top and its the bottom 90 percent who are having their assets seized in this case in italy right here theyre proposing a tax like its very blatant its obvious and at least this transparent theyre saying were going to take your money ok in the United States there is this. We have the exorbitant privilege of the world serve currency so they are allowed to print and allow and allowed to say look the average wealth is going up the average income is going up because the the wealth of jeff bezos is rising you know in 2008 it was like 45000000000 now is 150000000000 how did that happen during this time so i want to look at the story. That came out in the past week and thats from Jesse Eisinger and he looked at a home a property that donald trump his Company Owned in Beverly Hills and he saw a case of individual corruption not systemic corruption i posit that this is systemic corruption so he knows that the price of trumps Beverly Hills mansion was assessed at last year 8300000 dollars price indonesian Business Partner secretly paid for the property a couple weeks ago 13500000 this is the property that trump own to the flats of Beverly Hills right near off for a day or drive. His Company Bought it for 7000000. 00 in 2007 and now its worth 13500000. 00 Jesse Eisinger looks looks at that and thinks this must be corruption on trumps part in mosques be him individually being paid when more than the property is worth thinking that 7000000. 00 property must really only be worth 8. 3000010 years later but if you look at all the properties all around on zillow you find out that they also doubled since 2007 all of these properties i sent them this this is from zillow all the properties of animals have also doubled and in fact this is what the elite are getting this is what the likes of donald trump is now where 3000000000. 00 when they get from the Federal Reserve was how the intervention looks for them member this inflation deflation debate is ill oh estimates that property of that trump sold was worth anywhere between 10120000. 11 so this indonesian guy perhaps it over pay but what theyre showing is that the last 30. 00 day to change the property prices in that area are going up 1. 2 percent a month which on those wealthy big mansions equates to 131000. 00 a month jesse. Limburg isengard eisenberg he had a conclusion 1st and then he filled in his. To fit the conclusion yes and youre saying look there is a story here is the systemic breakdown of economics and crisis coverage through central bank flooding the market with phony fake money thats the story yes you know it also reminds me of know me wolf you know shes a famous feminist i think her name is that is know me well know me well fia so she came out with a book where she jumped to the conclusion its about homosexuality in line in the 18 hundreds and the punishment there of. And she missed read the law and made the absolute wrong conclusion and was pilloried for this well not pilloried but in a very english understated way that her face ripped off on a live radio interview in london but again she has a conclusion 1st and then you fill in the fake data the fake news to support it but marcus you know this day everyone learns us from the stock stock market right so in Goldman Sachs they pick a price 1st for where they want the stock market to be or where they want gold to be and then they fill in the trades to get to that price theres no price discovery just like there is no journalism theres no Investigative Journalism anymore you just have people who make incredibly. Conclusions and then fill in fake facts to get to those conclusions so in that regard trump is correct theres very little outside of just pure fake news if thats not too much of an oxymoron just say its fake news and thats unfortunately it spilled over into every nook and cranny every orifice of society is now jump 1st and then fill in whatever law you need to get to that fake conclusion again when you tune into the cable news here they are so or look at geopolitics they hate Saddam Hussein they hate khadafi they hate trump hes an orange guy and its him individually its not the system you the viewer out there do not question the system this system is perfect because i you know this elite journalists in washington d. C. Or new york where they all live it benefits them so they dont want to look at that system they dont want to condemn the system they want to condemn individuals who we all can agree has funny hair or theyre fat or theyre ugly in some way and theyre vile in one unique individual trait of their personality and that is the reason why his property prices going up 131000 hes uniquely corrupt its not our system which is you you. Weakly corrupt dont question the system they dont write so and you never get anyone questioning the Financial System for sure because you have a financially illiterate population that cant add 2 plus 2 rights value just bamboozle them very very simply on every major mainstream alan you can bamboozle folks into believing this nonsense as you have pointed out very distinctly well were going to take a break well talk about much more coming away dont go away. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Period Dramatic Development the only really im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Through descriptions sound up to tell using even for the owners. How to choose pet Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us necessarily good for the pet. Food may not be the best people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders these allergies we are actually creating these problems its a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple. On the diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets last treats the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making a doing dollars on it and theres no reason to do that research. But come back as a report time now to turn to david margan of the Market Report david welcome back to matts its great to be back to you stacy thank you ira so david margan the gold silver ratio recently had about 9 d. Whats the significance of this of any and that if think all do you think all drop or a civil war rise to return the ratio to its historical average david 1st off a 26 year high but if you look at it and what does it tell you theres no doubt what it really tells you if you could argue its meaningless is mainly for i dont care the fact is it tells you how much silver takes a bite out of gold so right now it takes about 90 ounces of silver by an ounce of gold whether that means silver undervalued or not i would say it is but you know you can make that argument really really want to point out was you go back to silver bonanza my friend Franklin Sanders book way back if you publish in 93 and you look at the ratio gold silver ratio for the 13141560 hundreds it was a 12. 00 to 1. 00 which is the natural ratio thats how could mother ground so for a 1000 years that another 1000 years another 1000 years or another 1000 years the ratio was 12 but once you have 4000 years where the ratio was 12 to one when they were used as the same thing money. And then we got on more sophisticated more quiet except her and we went to the baker being they were surprised at luton you know got the bank back on the Gold Standard and the ratio had gone to about 60 in the one he deemed it 15 and a half and thats what i call the monetary ratio and it remained there for a while so if you look at it from a Historical Perspective its only been the last 100 years or so weve had these i love their anomalies are not factually where weve been above much above the 16 to one ratio and of course we actually hit about 100 to one a couple of times so whether it was the monetized thats one silver star these rather significantly. Big changes in 2 its a ratio many argue that the seller has bank completely de monetized and so it should trade more like an ordinary industrial metal like palladium and sell the gold and sell ratio no longer matters their thoughts well still monetary aspect i was given the program a debate on the up and comers very nice nice guy pretty thoughtful about silver being money or not and of course i had to take it to go help you know i never said i know everything which one of the best legal constitutional legal people into in the world my view. Dr edwin vieira and we discussed it so theres 2 aspects to it naxa not trying to complicate a sure make a real simple legally or economically legally silvers money no ifs ands or buts about it it absolutely is legally money but ive become to stupid to go into walmart with a legal tender 1. 00 ounce us minted silver eagle put it on the desk and say heres 1. 00 which there would have to accept legally for you know half a pack of gum but i could do that and its absolutely the other part which is more important is it economically money in the answers really not because of what i just said who would be in the right mind put down something the. You know you had a much higher value in the open market that it has on the face value of that coin but coin is not legally money. But the community is making it legally money because its got a lot of Community Support you know why cant the Community Get by itself or you know a kind of tip my hat to you max it means you had to do it by silver to j. P. Morgan i mean i think it added a lot of Peoples Awareness of you know silvers potential to be reintroduced as a monetary asset but as we all know it didnt go our way you might say however i think there will be a resurgence of silver as money because what is cool starts to take a run then the people that are tuned to the gold move will move in the so rick has this better value it is cheaper its maurices afford so i think there is still that monetary aspect and look ill be the 1st to say so residue a purpose primarily Industrial Base 60 percent of series uses right now is industrial uses so only you have to the other 40 percent is monetary be less than half of it is it youve got jewelry and got silverware so the monetary use a silver really around 10 to 10 maybe 15 percent of the total but its still got that amount as again its a small market that if brother was a russian the gold i think would spill over the silver be rather significant so lets talk about the kind of like how the u. S. Dollar fits and all the the dollar continues to rise the most quarter and dax is now over 97. 00 and in now that where is this going or the dollar going and also its important to understand in our talk about gold and silver priced in dollars if you look in a gold its making new all time highs priced in australian dollars its making a close to new all time highs and Canadian Dollars and russian rubles and there are number of currencies arts at or make. You know all time highs only the u. S. Dollar you know do we say theres a lagging saudi but the u. S. Dollar is at the rate World Reserve currency. How important is the dollar to this whole thing Going Forward david 1st of all wheres the dollar 1000000000 dollars going that doesnt bin of history like all theocracies this is going to the last when they get there and so as you said you know visa these other currencies go looks pretty good the dollar is strong for a variety of reasons primarily because we have special access to be the worlds reserve currency it has to be accepted in most your Commodity Trades however its at a lower level than it was a back in early 2000 when it was 120. 00 on a dollar index right now i think the dollar will maintain some strength to some weakness but i ultimately believe when the liquidity squeeze comes in the next 2000 a crisis hits when the panic manic buying of real assets takes place that the dollar will actually strengthen the reserve why is because its a liquidity squeeze and people go to what they trust the most most people less to listen to max kaiser you know others in our peer group have no idea what really goes on in the field system they just are clueless and so it takes place as people sell their bonds sell their stock sell their house all their car sell anything 4. 00 so you see a run of gold enter run the dollars at the same time and many people say why might that cant be right how can the dollar and gold are going up the same time is because there is a run to what you trust theres a run to capital thats understood then will take place later and i dont know how much itll be a week 2 weeks 2 months 6 months or develop the 6 months but will be some period of time where wait a minute if dollars arent buying me as much of goals accelerating you know piece of beef the u. S. Dollar more than these dollars are so that im out of dollars dont know in those exact amount but some amount of that dollars will move in the gold market that. When you get the acceleration in the gold and you see 2. 00 tomorrow this really took place just a dollar dude out salute 0 no no i think the powers that be are too aware of what route takes place in these few out systems and they probably have a plan a b. Or c. I dont know im not privy to the upper echelons of the deep state now their thinking goes on this Banking Cartel what i do know is you look back to be a yes about a decade to 12 years ago. They only accounted for member banks in gold they could care less for Foreign Currency Exchange were they sure less would feel ill rather other countries all they cared about was how much gold was in their bottom line but you dont hear that anymore because its you know secret now but the b. O. s you know as the bankers bank as most of us know and thats how they account for their own account for stuff you can print their accounts were gold oh yeah theres still the internet account among Central Banks is gold and you know theres so much of the sphere of money thats been printed and i heard somebody recently mentioned that the amount of money thats been printed in the last 15 years versus the way that the gold stock reflected the amount of money that had been around in the system back in the thirtys. Youd have to make the conclusion that gold at 1300. 00 an ounce is a roughly equivalent to gold and 35. 00 an ounce in other words. You know theres so theres so much money theres so much of these derivatives and funny money and fake money that versus the actual all known above ground quantity of gold gold hasnt been this cheap sense it was 30 5. 00 an ounce relative to the amount of this bogus fee money david exactly when thats reseller was when i started the website in silver on inflation adjusted basis was cheaper than it was during the Great Depression it was like under 5. 00. But that 5. 00 value was less purchasing power than 0. 22 was during the Great Depression in their businesses and they told the truth to max is a lot of upside to gold market and silver market and its just a matter of time i think you know the 2000 a crisis was never really solved i mean we had a dead issue primarily subprime mortgages everyone that you know listeners hes probably seen the big short l. What happens is they made the problem worse i mean that they the banking the stablish would be your local bank or your central bank or your National Bank or you know all the way up the chain the b. O. s everything took place to just make more debt papered over loan you know more. Morphia basically in the system the reason most people are really misunderstood what took place is because it was sterilized this went to reliquefy the banks but it never really hit main street it went to wall street and the liquefy the banks it didnt go on to the you know the main public with their wages were increased during that type of thing in fact theres pressure on the downside due to china competing currencies in a way the world works youve now relative to what it was a say the seventys when i started the workforce and everyone that was in Major Industries major corporations are given a c o l a cost of living allowance adjustment to their wages i think it happened every quarter every half year or so so we thought at that time that you know as this Inflationary Pressure continued you had to get hired our wages are kind to go on the lives of the weimer republic where you know you might not. Stay exactly with the inflation rate but you were at least told that were you dont to make your wages. Continue to increase as it placed accelerated that of course stopped a long time ago there wage are earth are the the nail you now stansell threat in america and that probably will not have a very glorious and. But lets in the minute we have left here you know the stock market are signaling one thing you know Economic Growth the bond markets signaling a completely different outcome these 2 are completely showing different outcomes here thoughts where the bond markets max and the bonds really see problems weve got this is good you curve theres a recession built and theyre scared to you of that and want to bomb or if you start to falter if you go slow go along with it but as started to falter you know its an existential crisis the bond market its a negative feeling they got negative yields in europe how how how much what do you what what is this all going to go david it doesnt and other words us already gone past the Event Horizon of a catastrophe. Well babe you have the markets havent. Said that i mean theyre just kind of the pretending you know what jim ziglar likes to say extend and pretend extended out in pretend everythings ok in course as you stated its not but i dont think its hit. The bond traders enough to where its you know big crisis where we see it you know in the mainstream Financial Press who assume that we have a real problem with the ball more correct there is one but i dont think its had repercussions yet this is are subtle a times i mean sometimes a small change as a big big difference over time i just think weve got to give it more time before you know this mess starts to unravel you would further that already well thanks for being on the wall i have to be on another segment thats ok but thanks for being on this part of the kaiser report and thats going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser as they say i would like to thank our guest david margan of the margaret party can reach us on twitter accounts are important and i found bio. Came him where did you work before you came here when you live well death row and in many u. S. States Capital Punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend he is waiting for execution but most of the time the victims families they are very much in favor the Death Penalty there are some people that because of what they did have given up the right to live among us some even proven innocent years on death row and how many more exonerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about. You know when i i dont want to talk. News agency forgive me well have to find someone to. Lower the trying to stay with this one stick. Of the queen to be just like the jews. So i. See and feel that where. We have to be. I think i acknowledge the. Fight false and its an indication of how important most movements all. Of us move towards we are definitely winning it because we have the people they have people in power but we are. The. Transport. Sport now if you could that carpooling or what we do is actually very very tiny today so the biggest expansion for us not in the next year but in the next 510 years is how do we build a better product with more trust more safety maybe a better economy contract between the best of the driver to convince more drivers to show break or more passengers for symptoms to. Join me every 1st day on the alec simon shore and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. 10 minutes the u. S. Came to direct military confrontation with iran before trying to change his mind and canceled the strike for the u. S. President reveals hes putting both slow and rapid new sanctions on tehran and said i want to know something before you go how many people will be killed came back said sure approximately 150 and i didnt like it. Accidentally reveals his social media post from 0 to russian conspiracy theories during an investigation into a synagogue shooting. Also to come a lesson in life a Scottish Student claims he was booted out of class for arguing there are only 2 genders

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