Communitys Drinking Water they claim theyre doing this in order to extend the investigation and charge more people yeah you know all those times youve heard of investigators dropping all charges on a case just so they can really do a good job next time around. I give us a nickel for every time. I would over 0. 35. Anyway its been 5 years the wonder and fully its still tainted despite claims to the contrary and no one has been prosecuted for it but its not just clips excessive levels have been found in almost 2000 Water Systems across all 50 states so theres something nationwide going on here and it has to do with how we view the common good or Water Systems used to benefit everyone right whether youre rich or poor or sexy ugly didnt matter it used to be a turn on the faucet and get nice clean water our country. Used to care about the common good unless you were indigenous or black or something but to some degree we used to care for the common good but now Water Systems around the nation are collapsing and poisoning people how about public drinking fountains you seen one of those recently there spiders living on this fire in the founds yet receipt of a repairman fixing a public water fountain no of course not but because the common good doesnt matter to us anymore and letting water fountains die just means that nestle and co can sell more bottles of water and the wealthy who generally have much more political power they dont care because they can afford a 1000000 bottles of water every year their dogs only drink bottled water right then their plants only drink coke and water which might come as cannibalism but. Our Corporate Media isnt going to lament the death of the common good either with the exception of a rare article like this once public drinking fountains are disappearing and thats a bad thing what about Public Transportation the new york city subway system looks like the lower intestine of a 68 chevy. The walk to d. C. Metro catches fire once awake and their slogan is im not kidding back to good faith wow way to set the bar really high the see what was that slogan meeting like. Here the final options folks d. C. Metro back to. D. C. Mad show less than. D. C. Metro at least you know live in detroit. Finally d. C. Metro only rarely the center of an ebola outbreak. So what are the reasons that motivate a city to have a really great Public Transit system well its not generally meant to make a lot of money right so that means it has to be me. Same pain because the people and the elected officials want a great Transit System they have to want to help create a positive living experience which is done by having things meant for the common good like oh i dont know ridges bridges are useful right they get everybody over things they want to get over here and they rarely ever discriminate between rich and poor dahmer old you know bridges dont care bridges like years or destination. Well we have 58000. 00 u. S. Bridges found to be structurally deficient across the u. S. Our infrastructure is breaking down because common good doesnt matter anymore Public Restrooms hardly exist anymore public swimming pools were once abundant in america now theyre mainly where people go to do math you know what about Community Centers Community Gardens libraries now all 3 are generally only used as a quiet place to poop in a corner because theyre already falling back rooms. And then theres the question of where have all the jungle gyms gone when i was a kid public jungle gyms were they still existed you know they were like the bare knuckle boxing version of daycare jungle gym the kids the fuck out of the public ones they were tougher than the ones that chic bouncy rubber expensive day or your your kids not going to die jungle gym juno and it was good for us to build up immunity to eating lead paint it was good it was good for a kid to learn how to get by without his front teeth they would go. For a life lesson the idea that the common good is scary or flawed is so ingrained in our cultural psyche that when i see Something Like im not kidding when i see the Community Garden doing what he did free for all to use look at a racket you run into here just because its hard to go from. Extravagances it yeah right pick your own baseball. Not falling for the pick your own baseball gambit how up is it that were skeptical of things that are good or pure or operative thats a messed up society right there ive done so accustomed to a culture based on profit and manipulation that if i saw someone like like giving away free vegetables on a corner i would cross the street and tell parents like keep their kids away ok hey hey watch other theres some sort of free broccoli me thing going on over there i dont know what it is to stay back but if i saw someone charging 50. 00 for back alley Organ Transplants no questions asked id be like thats an entrepreneur right there right there is a good guy is out here working hard right. Ok so you know we have cool balls we need a revolution of the mind of our culture we have to again appreciate the common good because selfish consumerist unfettered capitalism is a death spiral thats where it leaves many washington d. C. To build a base is a. Welcome im doing ok well its a good news from. As you know by now last week the country of iran stepped up their behavior which they began years ago by placing themselves inside all of our military bases. Just yesterday they shot down one of our drones which was flying over top of their country i mean its an outrage there will be a. On ians no the airspace above other countries belongs to us. We rightfully great claim to you the 1492 columbus claim the skies are blue. Plus last week they went about their dastardly plan to attack oil tankers off iran thereby hurting all of their International Interest and pushing the us closer to war how dare you are wrong. One of the explosions took place against a japanese ship wall the iranians were meeting with japanese leaders which totally makes sense for the iranians to do. Soon when theyre out of their minds. Which they might be within minutes of the explosion secretary of state and smudged painting of a potato life. Came forward and said it was clearly the iranians who did this to which americans patriotically replied shut the guy. But pompei also insisted i had nothing to do with the us because the us wouldnt have hurt interfere if other countries exam for the recently gaudio in which pompei o promised interfere in other countries. Gave a private speech and someone leaked audio to the press the tape includes promising to do his level best to stop Jeremy Corben from ever being elected as Prime Minister of the u k. This is secretary of state former head of the cia and former swimsuit model mike palmer. Saying the United States government will interfere in the election of a close ally i find this shocking because id assumed we would never want to do to other countries what the dirty russians did to us remember remember the dirty russians hacked into the d. N. C. Servers and revealed the d. N. C. Is corruption how do we know that it was a dirty russians because the f. B. I. Told us it was after examining the d. N. C. Servers so there was a. Ok so the f. B. I. Never saw the d. N. C. Server because former head of the d. N. C. Donna brazil said that after the hacking the d. N. C. Replicated the server but destroyed the actual machines as you do. With any crime scene you said fire to it and then. Describe to the police what you saw. But a private Company Called crowd strike was hired by the d n c a to review the servers and give a detailed forensic report to the f. B. I. About the dirty russian behavior what. Ok so this week we found out in Court Documents that the f. B. I. Never saw the crowds writes on redacted or final report on alleged russian hacking because none was produced ok but still dirty russians i think we can all agree on that russians are girding. This look at this image of minors from the h. B. O. Series chair noble. Dirty. Their dirtier than the judge who locked up former brazilian president Lula Da Silva however segue. Right. There is chaos in brazil this week as a leaked documents reveal that the prosecution of the left wing lulas was political in nature with the judge collaborating with prosecutors in order to imprison the former president and stop him from winning the presidency again and it worked installing neil fascist and zombie mr rogers also noro in his place but back to russia you know how you can be sure russians are dirty because they are allies with syria and venezuela and cuba and diabolical of them we here in america only ally with good people like al qaida. Yes over 17 years after 911. 00 the us counts al qaida among our allies in syria and yemen the past year is revealed several instances in which washington has been making deals with protecting and even indirectly but knowingly arming alqaeda operatives in countries like yemen and syria yeah but they werent really alqaeda they were associated with al. They were al kind of. Kids. This isnt so different this is different from a few years ago when it came out that we were paying the taliban to let our trucks through in afghanistan so that we could fight the taliban sometimes you have to arm and train your enemies so that they are Strong Enough to justify fighting them i mean without our help we would have defeated the taliban too easily and then well we have done. Stand around not bombing things bowron. We have so much military weaponry we have to do something with it we have so much it is just falling from the sky today is there a u. S. Drone cry. To earth or no data thereby showing direct u. S. Involvement in the war on yemen sometimes you need to help other countries bomb civilians because thats what friends do really. You know you give them military weaponry however whatever you do dont give water to people from other countries only missiles and bombs all right a man named scott warren was prosecuted harshly for giving water to americas greatest threat desperate refugees in the desert at our border some of them armed with babies. Babies in their arms and those things you dont know what theyre going to do that theres no safety on those right. Now like most americans i wanted to see scott warren locked away for 20 years 50 years for his sinister water distribution conspiracy but unfortunately last week a hung jury ended the federal prosecution of the arizona teacher apparently most of the jury thought you should not be illegal to give food and water to a desperate human being but if we allow that i mean well whats next giving away shelter to the homeless giving away Free Clothing to this guy. Look i cant stress this enough we cannot give away anything for free its anti capitalist our system is based on cut throat cut throat mentality designed to make most people hate their lives and thats why it works so great. In fact this week to mark the longest the federal minimum wage has ever gone without being raised the minimum wage is still 7. 25 an hour which is plenty i mean thats thats nearly enough to get a half a hamburger restaurant. At 725. 00 an hour you could afford the cheapest ticket to this years super bowl after only working 503 hours. But the point is it doesnt matter how much you make because in america so long as you work hard you can do anything you want i mean thats not what the studies show but still. Thats whats printed on our stationery so a recent study shows that confidence rich people are more likely to get ahead than smart people with no money. In competent ridge be able to get. I cant think of any examples at the moment. Im sure there are some. I know there must be there must be someone but i just its just alluding me right now i just incompetent but still get ahead ya got enough and i got enough anyway not important point is donald trump doing a great job as president yes the 29 team Global Peace Index came out last week showing trump has gotten us up to the 128 the most peaceful country in the world were right up there were saudi arabia. Thats awesome i mean that means we rock yeah man is real and we dont play any role in the violence in those countries 6. I mean iraq they they have been they have been really violent since im a go back to roughly 2003. A long time not sure what their deal is but getting together a rock all right or else we might have come over there we might come over there bring some peace thats right were going to a quick break but im performing live in London England this summer im also come the kids didnt ask was to be seen as it was concert tickets details exactly for what the right. We came here where you were before you came here when you live well death row in many us States Capital punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend years waiting for execution but most of the time the victims families they are very much in favor of the Death Penalty there are some people because of what they did have given up the right to live among us some even proven innocent years on death row but how many more exonerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about it. Quick now for those italian the sad want to keep their savings or put it into a big client you can escape to confiscation of the government or the bad again the whoever runs the country over there and you will preserve your wealth and jurisdiction that respects your sovereignty as an individual and respects your wealth dont live in a country thats just going to rip you off blindly. Ruddle got thanks to the new trade war with china the u. S. Is purging Ethnic Chinese scientists working here in america some of the you know some of them study significant illnesses like cancer and report is are but 9 mo my only cure running. Years and im not going to be honest i know youre a mole and. This is. What do you what do you say this is not my 1st operation ive infiltrated voluntas taxidermists mellor docs your very own mother the hells angels and universities just like these chinese scientists did. Yeah wont china has been stealing us intellectual property for years now but thankfully the Trump Administration is ramping up effort to read american universities of chinese influence with the help of f. B. I. Investigations that have led to several dismissals so were stopping the theft of American Science by cancelling science great. Bill now i. Mean there you can complain about water rising i mean you dont have to give it. You cant plumb the world its true this is this is its paranoid its just another red scare its not pay or annoy you know were talking about trump so its demesne shop. Which also has no cure but its not as tragic it was pretty funny my grandma once thought i was the grim bre. That cloak and really paid off. You think were paranoid only one of professor. Greatest discoveries was that eating charred meat such as barbecue raises your risk of cancer. No wonder they charged her with an american activity and had her terminated from her post i mean whats next dr who are you going to recommend that on july 4th i dont consume a burnt hot dog hamburger grilled with a baseball on a deep fried bald eagle are you going to say. Its probably well you would constitute a last year. Yeah i might be a baseball intolerant. What evidence do they have against her with the listener this she violated ethics policies by sharing grand proposals with us colleagues to get help with her workload thats it thats not evidence of spying youre right but good guys dont get caught you know i probably shouldnt. Told you i was a mole. Im not a mole dont dont collaborate the best science is still one wants in in cricket i mean more like i want to encourage. Them want to nobel prize because these stole the double helix idea from Rosalind Franklin and she probably still that idea from those proteins and limpid she was studying in the laboratory who speaks for the weapons. Very noble if you forget the forget the nobel prize all right various roots in science or maybe thanks to sharing research for get the nobel prize. Well there really it takes a load off my shoulders. I was going to go for an easy one like literature i mean if bob dylan could do it. You know as the number of as go up the Chinese American Community does feel targeted given that one law professor said profiling of Asian Americans as spies may be creating a new crime researching wall asian. Like driving while black or cockfighting while azerbaijani. Its time a cop fly in peace the f. B. I. Arrested a Temple University physicist at gunpoint in front of his family while the data he was suspected of sharing with the chinese was old and publicly available is one of the dumbest Civil Liberties violations ive ever heard dont they think about all the the on well americans who might suffer because of this because were really the cure for cancer will have to wait until we figure this thing out you mean figure this oh i was referring to a prostate exam out there. Really was a good start to the being weeded out bad cops are not for more on this story we go to our truth bomb that we were killed. Everyone needs a place to belong or knows im still trying to find a place to get in where i can fit in. So i figured id give church a try. Ok that last one is wrong im not going to hell because. Already begun there. Is what happens when you intentionally spoil a vendors end game on social media. But when you cant find anyone in real life who lied to you who you are as a person then you go to the one place someone will facebook and given that u. S. Law enforcement seems reputable as anything on o. J. Simpsons new twitter account its a strategy many current and former cops use by joining who come Facebook Groups like blue lives natter the problem is that revealed from the center for investigative reporting found a lot of overlap with Police Groups and another type reveals a new report estimates 400. 00 current and former Police Officers are members of facebook hate groups after cross referencing members of private Facebook Groups that promote islamophobia racism and antigovernment sentiment with members of Police Groups reveals a reporter said weve got 14000 hits i mean the rest of them are probably only your kids teachers or their local bankers or politicians or people who think that because shuv kid deserves to go to harvard even though he wrote the n. Word so many times in a google doc he looked like a raging racist bart simpson writing on the chalkboard in the show getting credit to you shows when they asked on the stupid hateful things they believe that life will wisenberg or a sheriffs deputy in Madison County mississippi and a member of the Facebook Group white lives matter or maybe its this white lives matter i mean either way its 2 too many wisenberg or is the subject of an a. C. L. U. Lawsuit against this department in which a fellow deputy said wisenberg punched a handcuffed black man in his face and when the a. C. L. U. Asked if he had ever used racial slurs on the job he replied ive never used the n. Word. Adding its not something im proud of or do every day normally this is when i say Something Like he talks about using the n word like we do when we eat an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting. Except that is something im proud of and i do do it every day. Except when i accidentally by rhyme or reason. Oh god were talking about the n. Word doesnt look bad that im removing all the dark bits. The company is making things worse by redesigning its apt to focus more on private groups rather than the news feed but even if they ban the group they dont necessarily ban its members meaning they could just regroup and change the groups they have to something more ambiguous like the cops who were in anti social Justice Warrior pinochets helicopter Pilot Academy a reference to chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet who had his political opponents thrown out of helicopters into the Pacific Ocean their numbers are clearly high enough to make them feel comfortable to hate in the open strongly as they do in private but they shouldnt feel comfortable they should feel just as isolated as i felt when i found out the church i was trying to join expanded its restrictions. A problem on. Its because i picked the raisins out isnt it. Reporting from washington Natalie Mcgill project you know. Here are your headlines from the future next week youll read a. Public pool quietly transitions to public done for feral dogs. In one month youll learn. Ice claims many refugees have managed to weaponize the whole unarmed hungry mother were there. And thats our show but you get exclusive video by subscribing for a preview to downtown thank you thank you thank you thank you i cry and thanks for the 5 thank god thank you c thank you thank. You. She spent 5 minutes with your worst enemy you will find something. If you spend 2 minutes going 10 minutes to 5 even more so if you nurture those commonalities you will see that relationship if you nurture the relationship you are Going Forward with a friendship. Paradise with some ground. Around the experimentation field agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants theres no question otherwise why would that the Chemical Company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that often in day you have many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of Environmental Research going on in hawaii whether these Companies Feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. U. S. President donald trump says he called off a strike on iran in the last moments after he found out the number of possible casualties. And said i want to know something before you go how many people will be killed back should sure approximately 150 and i didnt like it. And the government protests continue in georgia due to anger at the visit of a russian m. P. While that to me appears imbalance Russian Airlines from flying to the country in response. A Scottish Student claims he was kicked out of class after saying that i need to do genders he secretly filmed

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