Role in the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Its 1 oclock here in moscow and youre watching r. T. International live from our studio with me. Welcome to the program. Russia has a firmly rejected accusations that its military was involved in the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight m h 17 thats after dutch prosecutors on wednesday charge 4 suspects with murder over their alleged roles in the 2014 disaster which claimed 298. 00 lives says the case against them relies heavily on falsified a video footage supplied to investigators. Joint you know neil in the studio with more on the days developments. Its the 1st time were hearing names its the 1st time we. Seeing photos so its 4 names of 4 photographs that we have been shown at the Media Conference just today weve also learned plenty about the intentions of the investigation now theyve announced their intention to charge these people with murder and also they are putting them on the International Wanted list now an interesting detail that all these 4 suspects have in common is that none of them related have any connections to a Russian Military brigade that is accused by the same investigation of smuggling the book Missile Launch system into ukraine that eventually brought down the mh 17 whats russias reaction been to todays that well of course its a big accusation russia has said that they feel that russia feels nothing but regret over this case and thats because according to the Russian Foreign ministry the joint Investigation Team takes into account information that it received from questionable sources this is how the Foreign Ministry put it now some information is known to have they have known to have gathered some information for instance from social media some of the of the information came from ukraine a biased side a a side with a horse in this race and russia also once again reiterated its readiness to cooperate and also underline the fact that more school already has done so quite a number of times that it has provided plenty of information has been knocking on many many doors but it has been sort of ostracized and kept away from the investigation thats an important point is that moscow has provided with data done in the years as you say what did the investigation there for doing well absolutely and i mean the accusations against russia have become sort of a major line like a highway the magic highway if i might put it this way at todays Media Conference but the investigators were a bit they sent mixed signals because at 1st they were saying that they received no. Information from russia no corporation whatsoever that russia didnt explain anything and then admitting that they did indeed have received plenty of information and they had they even looked at it well have a listen yourself. If you look back you can establish that from the 1st day after the 17th of july the Russian Federation hasnt disclosed anything about what happened and that is a slap in the face to all the relatives of the victims and i call on them to start cooperating to tell us what happened there we received the information for murder Russian Federation from asian about a dismissal of the documents about a missile there we also received the rod or. That wasnt clear enough to say exactly what whats happened with the missile given this and didnt give us the right picture we prepared a short clip explaining what they what they received and what they are now saying wasnt clear enough doesnt paint a clear enough picture have a look the previous investigation so many triumphantly shouting accusations at russia but instead of trying to out yell its critics russia showed original documents raw data and experiment results which poked holes in the investigation exhibit a. Russias Defense Ministry dug into its archives and deep it traced the missile based on the pieces discovered among the debris of m. H. 17 the ministry determined its tail number revealing the full life cycle of the project tile manufactured back in the days of the soviet union in 1986 the missile was shipped to a military base in ukraine it never left the territorial the soviet republic and then after the breakup of uses of the country according to the ministries date of the book missile was moved only within the borders of ukraine and in 24. It was set up and stored at a base in the west of the country malaysia has repeatedly criticized this probe even having access to it saying that it was made into a political farce the accusing russians of. But where does the evidence you could even be the Ukrainian Government because they do have does him. A long way we excluded from the examination but from the very beginning we see too much politics in the the idea was not to find how did this happen when all that but you seem to be concerned that it needs to be in on rush or here we have but these who have some political interest in the matter and the examine so the judge will have to have a look and to weigh the information the evidence presented by both the prosecution and by the defense so if well see how that fares in court how the evidence provided by both of the j. T. And russia and if anything new comes up how that will fare. To discuss the latest in this case because live to Dave Lindorff founder of the news site of this cant be happening day fans are coming on to the program now 3 russians and one ukrainian have been charged how much direct evidence linking them to m. H. 17 do you think the dutch prosecutors are prepared to present. Well theyre going to present the evidence that was given to them by ukrainian intelligence which was you know has a one sided view of what they want to do they wont have tell you what they wont have they wont have satellite data from the United States because it hasnt been requested and the u. S. Hasnt offered it they certainly had satellites stationed. In position to keep track of what was going on in ukraine during that whole era since the coup but none of its been provided and they wont have russian satellite data which also should be available because theyre not accepting it so this is being done clearly without wanting to get to the bottom of it yeah thats interesting that you mention that while why do you think they havent also the u. S. They. Well ray mcgovern who is a retired cia agent who was a russia specialist in the cia and who gave the cia morning briefing to several president s in a row both parties has said that the reason theyre not giving it has to be because it doesnt support the position that the United States once he is pretty convinced of that he said they absolutely do have excellent. Visual you know photographic data from u. S. Satellites which can read newspapers space. So you know headlines so theyve got very good photographic evidence of what was going on and im sure they know exactly what happened and it doesnt bear out what theyre trying to claim if we look at what the malaysian pm has said he said from the beginning that politics have played too big a role in this investigation whats your take on this. Well i think my hope here is a credible source on this you know its his country half of the people that were killed were malaysian he doesnt have an axe to grind one way or the other this country isnt in the middle of a cold war between well it is in the middle of the cold war between the United States and russia these days that hes not taking sides and. You know he does business with both sides and he wants to get to the bottom of what caused the shoot down of his countrys plane and hes not getting it i mean the point he makes is that even malaysia which is an Interested Party in this if anyone is was not allowed to have a role in the investigation thats ridiculous yeah i mean what were hearing mixed signals as well only so why do you think they investigate to send mixed signals a little is it in the way that theyre saying that on the one hand russia has disclosed no information about the tragedy but then a whole so saying that they received documents information on the missile and radar data so why that makes the messaging well remember the investigations being headed by the dutch and holland is probably the most owning member after britain of nato in terms of doing what the u. S. Beating for nato is so it would stand to reason that the dutch would be i think. Steering this direction in one direction which is the one the u. S. Once the trial is expected to be Held Next Year how fat and how impartial do you think the trial will be. Well on the evidence of whats happened so far i dont think it will be fair you never know i mean these just the way these judges work you know its its sometimes the luck of the draw if there isnt some corruption in the way the judges get picked so. If maybe theyll be surprises maybe theyll be judges that that really openly looks at the issue and says this isnt a case that can be proved without more evidence ok theyve been theyll find a new side to this cant be happening thanks dave for coming on the program to discuss the thanks for having me. Members of the venezuelan opposition have been implicated in a Corruption Scandal the leaked documents appear to reveal that officials from a movement have been embezzling aid and for personal use the money was intended for soldiers who defected and fled to neighboring colombia. Humanitarian aid it is more a humanitarian robbery that all the money from the famous humanitarian aid fund was stolen of take note washington not only are the opposition liars but they are thieves too who stole thousands of dollars from each other thousands of dollars raised from an aid concert on the colombian border were apparently spent on have talf prostitutes and luxury goods by 2 members of quite as party they were in charge of overseeing the humanitarian and heres our Senior Correspondent lara asked if. Sex drugs and rocknroll arent something youd associate with a humanitarian aid concert wrongly that seems colombian authorities themselves a shocked and embarrassed that what theyve uncovered and to think it all began so innocently we need to try to help those who are not getting medical help help those who are hungry and today hopefully on the back of this concert we can start maybe getting the supplies into going to sway those people who are not suffering so much back then the freshly selfproclaimed the president of venezuela called in the military to defect join him and top of the corps upped regime. We gladly armed forces welcome to the right side of history welcome to the soldiers who are today following the constitution welcome hundreds of soldiers did defect some with families some of the small children they scared to colombia they were put in hotels and by mid march were living in the streets we are desperate we do not want to stay in colombia we want to return to venezuela but not in the current Living Conditions we do not know. How could this happen out of the 7 hotels that the soldiers were staying in all but 2 were being paid for by the un and the colombian government to hotels is all who and why do those representatives had to pay for except they didnt according to the journalists who broke this story why and why do all of this a month ago. We couldnt allow for any bad managing of money to overshadow what has been a big effort on the part of all venezuelans thats why as soon as we had the information about the Ongoing Investigation we decided to send it straight to every impartial of dorothy. The people who did this bear in mind were appointed by why do personally and he only chose to speak with the story already Public Knowledge saying transparent investigation is needed also amazingly managing to somehow imply that the venezuelan government does involve culpable complicit and that guy duo doesnt cover up corruption which he kept covered up for at least a month obviously the actual venezuelan government has questions. This huge drop in corruption plot to divert money that we could use both Sick Children instead of being spent including the medicine that is being used to pay for alcohol prostitutes expensive Shopping Trips and Luxury Hotels as do who and why do those allies why is his party which promises to cleanse venezuela of corruption and exercise the demons of the old regime why are these people blowing tens of thousands of dollars in aid money on prostitutes drugs and booze and live a concert that Richard Branson has led along with others in the u. S. Pro championship february 22nd 23rd thats a complete failure for plan why dont force it inside of bennetts file and columbia have been using the money to enrich themselves for luxury staying in 5. 00 star hotels and therefore theyre really showing what theyre about its about wanting to take power for personal enrichment the Corruption Scandal is just one small part of what the u. S. Is engaging in in this enormous assault a genocidal assault against the people of us well its hundreds of millions its chance of billions of dollars that the u. S. Is stealing in the name of one way though stealing money from the venezuelan people and the report has once again linked the Saudi Crown Prince to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi on this part of the pike. Democracies do not deport human rights defenders over there peaceful expression democracies do not rule over millions of people for another people you know for decades on there is a larger context here and that context starts with the fact that israel has been occupying palestinians for 52 years and that occupation itself has deteriorated the most basic ideas of what a legitimate democratic government looks like inside of israel. Some time shows were like a honeypot everyone believe that it was all on stable and on the reliability of russia but they thought that everyone was great over there russian businessmen wanted to do business in the west because they feared some could take everything away from them in russia which now is the opposite they have businesses outside of russia was less has frozen the old log now the student whine about. Welcome back to the program a un report out today says theres credible evidence that the crown prince of saudi arabia is it liable for the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi he was killed in the saudi consulate in istanbul last october. Remember the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi the saudi journalist who was killed in his own countrys embassy well the u. N. Human rights expert is now calling for a criminal probe into the Saudi Crown Princes possible involvement agnus column ards 100 page report suggests its inconceivable that the defacto ruler wouldnt have known about the well planned assassination the 1st Important Message i think my my report tie light blue is the fact that the execution of mr casualty wards. The responsibility of the state. A report thats focused on the number of high level officials including the crown prince conflicting turkish and saudi reports immediately followed death in istanbuls Saudi Arabian consulate back in october he was 1st declared missing amidst reports that he was actually chopped into pieces in the building saudi officials said he left but there c. C. T. V. Evidence showed an eyebrow raising body double dressed in clothes after a joint turkish saudi investigation the turks reported tampering of evidence that pointed to cause showed his murder and all the while saudi authorities continue to claim they didnt know anything that is until 18 days after the investigation when turkish authorities said because shoji died of strangulation saudi arabia then came out saying it was a rogue operation his 100 has nothing to do with this issue. The National Security adviser in the u. S. Said this. This was. We have a better sense of what happened this was individuals exceeding their authority. Going beyond their mandate and these individuals made a tremendous mistake. With this mistake they will pay a price and their cases are not in the quote system saudi government vehemently denied any involvement from crown prince mohammad bill psalm on but no information from column a report definitely hasnt been the only reason for skepticism turkish president has specifically said the order came from the highest levels of the saudi kingdom because. The evidence that we have so far indicated. Was slain in a wee shoes while a murder those responsible from the highest level to the lowest level will be brought to justice and will get the punishment they deserve the incident was not a moment a result but the result of the planned operation so far the saudi government has been tough. Lipped about what came later we know arrests were made and 11 suspects face trial back in january with 5 death penalties dished out but a new criminal investigation into the crown princes involvement could mean the 1st trial wont be the last. Month after sudans president was ousted by the countrys armed forces the african nation is now trying to find new ways to resolve the resulting constitutional crisis president shares removal after decades in power led to a struggle between the military government and groups pushing for return to civilian rule as well as internal efforts to resolve the impasse theres also help lining up from abroad the u. S. Is increasing its involvement 2 weeks after a major crackdown by the sudanese military and protesters washington is urging the Security Forces to end attacks on civilians and to investigate the recent violence. Washingtons appointed a new special envoy for sudan a veteran diplomat who on paper has a wealth of local knowledge and experience of the region 65 year old donald booth has not only served as u. S. Ambassador to liberia zambia and ethiopia but was also the abominated administrations envoy to sudan and south sudan now hes back in the role both appointment is not being universally welcomed the u. S. Based doll for women actually has doubts but the region having suffered years of conflict including genocide and ethnic cleansing. Not only did booth want to normalize relations with the murderous regime he actively neglected those being murdered booths for you to put forth any statements regarding the atrocities committed we cannot trust him to speak up now internally displaced individuals who took to booth during his visits were quickly erast it without any prevailed by booth to grant them release all protection hes a boyband will once again silence those who have been suffering in darfur for 7. And install both goes down to work caleb moore pain has been taking a look at his track record. As the situation in south sudan continues to spiral the United States has appointed a new special envoy to save the day the department has appointed ambassador down on the eve booth as special envoy on sudan his appointment demonstrates that the United States has a Firm Commitment to the sudanese people and efforts to advance a peaceful political solution now the white house says that its his experience with south sudan that makes him qualified however it is long record with the country that is the source of all the outrage donald booth was the special envoy to both sudan and south sudan under the administration of barack obama from 2013 to 2017 under his watch the civil war and human rights abuses escalated. The. Grapes again grapes sexual mutilation abductions and sexual slavery as well as killings that have become commonplace in south sudan there is no doubt that these crimes are persistent because impunity is so entrenched that every kind of norm is broken now the role of donald booth in this mess hasnt exactly been good in 2011 the United Nations imposed an arms embargo on sudan however the United States didnt start abiding by it until 20163 years after the war was already in full swing despite what seemed like Strong International consensus favor going to bargo for several years the United States withheld support and an embargo was not put on the Un Security Council agenda. Seems like a pretty big fan. And of the u. S. And israeli aligned regime of south sudan he actually worked to get them away for from the white house over their use of child soldiers and he seems a little bit partisan when it comes to internal strife in the country heres a statement he made about the ousting of the Vice President we do not believe it would be wise for him ashore to return to his previous position in juba so this is the man whose task it is to restore peace however if you look at his record he seems to have plenty of experience doing the opposite us never really carried out sincerely so sudanese didnt really care or could really follow policy from us because the us was against the very survival of the country the mistake that was made by the United States and was a mistake made by the Sudanese Government is that you cannot ignore the suffering of the people during that whole period of decades us didnt lift a finger to try to go the country even though before the breakup with south sudan in 2000 weapons so then had the largest area of arab woolley and Us Government did nothing but keep punishing the sudanese people you keep going youre for sheer keep Foreign Policy that was. A funny thing sean thomas will take over on 30 minutes time with more playable updates to stay with us. Manufacture consent to public will. When the ruling classes protect them so. When the final go round. We can all middle of the room see. What is it going to coin as magic and a new type of Digital Currency the centralized digital scarcity chancellor. Second for bankers call that got us a lot for a reason because being is civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny its just a new way of coming to consensus its a game changer in the Human History this is columbus discovering a new world this Paradigm Shifting Technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo 11 landing on to the max and stacey. The pope the pope. Number. 6 and thats step number. Less than 100 feet i mean i mean a lot of them like to clinch water but of. Such a thing like to. Live in my own mind like. I know the monsoon will fail only because of it and a few stuff in the clothes day not enough yarn im getting on you. Must have been looking in on the clothes at the low the something going any. In the house of holly and henry who comes in from. An undergrad in the studio in the hell out. Of a sudden singing. Im going to move the whole thing i should take another. Almost. Up the machine gun. In hand so one can assume your mothers through to you know for i know. That. Most of us 30 school had that thought oh oh. They lied to you hey. Diane name can. Also come down the brumbies from summer she is cynic 10000 mil nothing about. A lot of kids and. Me i had to stick with. The name of justin and. Even shes. Doing that a cute. Little

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