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A closer look at the controversial figure who supported jihadi groups and praised the 911 year time. For welcome 6 you watching r. T. International with me carol. U. S. Prosecutors have made a formal request to the u. K. For the extradition of wiki leaks cofounder julian songs he faces 18 charges including spying and computer hacking from london his saudi bensky. Yes confirmation today that u. S. Authorities have put in that official request for extradition will soon be in the songs found open which is what such as currently serving 15 prison sentence for skipping bail tate in the u. K. Will a junior miss salis was sealed recently looking cool to playing in a video that a marriage belmarsh prison and taking his fall but has been able to visit him on t. V. Hes been speaking to join the ship to be told this zooms do it for making the story some problems be. Possible. For ice. Cream. But his spirit struck. Right because it might. Be. Now stabilized. Judy in a soldiers faces charges on to the espinosa active 1917 year olds to conspiracy to hack Government Computers in the u. S. And thats why the former request for extradition has been made by the authorities at least a vent and many people are hoping to continue raising awareness all to hear the song just pace and many have been telling us why its so important at the students pace remains in the public eye a d. O. J. Is really really stacked high and so i think a lot of people believe this is also a strategy there is not a guarantee that joyce songe will actually be extradited to the United States so right now we have a hearing on friday which is going to be at belmarsh at the courthouse outside belmarsh prison thats an extradition hearing then its going to also go to the government as well and. Affectively if you could have a situation where the home secretary would be charged with making that final call now does britain want that on its legacy thats a historic line to cross not only for the United States but to charge a publisher a journalist on the espionage act for the British Government to hand over a journalist an Award Winning journalist to the United States where the u. N. And other bodies have ruled pretty clearly that he will not get a fair trial its a highly politicized case but i think a lot of people believe that this this is going to be won this this battle for free press and free speech for julius on just like food we also want in the public of the spear of Public Opinion and so building awareness is absolutely essential make no mistake Julian Assange hes only kramer as a he there to say no no to the high crimes and the war crimes committed in the name of western civilization but not only that hes seen or he invited us all to see you know the u. S. Isnt to punish him to make an example of and to destroy this event to raise awareness for jews in the song and also the ticket sales for this event going to whats his defense fees when you know that there are going to be individuals such as dane 50. 00 in westwood speaking tonight and many others who have been vocal in the course of julian the souls of many people concerned that if he is extradited to the u. S. Theyre not completely deaf nailon ate the fruit in a press and while Julian Assange his case plays out in court his former host at cordele is refusing to extradite an alleged american fraudster ecuadorian president lennon maranoa has posted a blocked proceedings slicing National Sovereignty reasons wells which im excited to miss clark stoically why the 2 cases are being treated so differently. The white double standards very hypocrite always very show of the morals and ethics of these governments you know the message that wiki leaks has been publishing has been the truth showing that these you know major or. Government organizations are committing fraud or committing war crimes and so forth. And you know then the messenger is going to be the one that keeps going you know walk away the fact that america is its always with your percent factual evidence. Maybe people need to start reading the facts of the matter rather than those who present to us. Russian investigative journalist i havent gone enough has been released from detention with all charges dropped he was early accused of illegal drug possession but officials are now saying the evidence was reexamined and found to be invalid lets take a look at the 1st moments of the journalists really. Just that. You refer to when you know i hope the investigation will continue and no one will find themselves in the same situation i happen to be in the 1st of all. The 6 nations thanks a lot to run for a 2nd thank you but now i need time to come to terms with whats happened. Journalists arrest provokes outrage in russia and abroad arties morganti have looked at the full out from the case. The head of russias Narcotics Police has been fired the Police Officers who carried out the arrest there theyve been suspended theyre under investigation by internal affairs over how they carried out the arrest whether they used too much force whether through the legal itself theyre also investigating the investigation which led to the arrests to see whether police went beyond the scope of their powers where they were whether they had legitimate evidence proved to carry out those arrests and im sure theyll be many more people fired because this was this was a huge scandal especially in russia very very resonant nevertheless for him the trial is now over. According to the results are forensic biological fingerprints and genetic testing we made a decision to stop the criminal prosecution of event go in office and you to the lack of evidence of his participation in the crimes of the charges are dropped all charges dropped hes been released from house arrest the investigation is now over the investigation is switched to the investigators whether what they did was lawful and whether the went beyond the scope of their powers abused. Their powers slits noncommutative i see Russian Investigative Committee will analyze the materials and by the interior ministry own Security Service in connection with the Police Officers involved in the criminal prosecution of a bungalow not the investigation will trace all circumstances related to chronicle and of detention over the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs if theyre preying investigation prompts shows there are grounds for concern a lawful and reasonable decision will be taken in this case of course has provoked outrage both in the media and among the public how did it all start when he was arrested in on friday thats when the news went public 1st police. Said that during the arrest they found 5 packages containers with methadone a drug inside them this is all coming from the police the investigators that have now been suspended immediately after his arrest the controversy began because he said that they had been planted the drugs had been planted on him and add his house urine tests other tests carried out by medics showed that he had new drugs in his system nevertheless police tried to charge him with the accusation was that he was part of a drug ring his colleagues reacted straightaway the ones that work at medusa the outlet the publication where he works they didnt believe the charges they believed that they were falsified they knew him they didnt believe that he could do such a thing you know sell drugs hes respected journalist there was a lot of outrage over the arrested self because apparently he said he was assaulted by a Police Officer he was taken to hospital the released with the doctor saying that there was nothing serious and then this scandal exploded every day it got bigger and bigger and bigger went global really do believe we had politicians on the other you know the western hemisphere talking about this 1st began with russian journalists they came out in solidarity russias 3 biggest newspapers running with the same headline front page saying we are. In total solidarity with and then it was the t. V. Channels the joined in our editing chief Margarita Simonyan she came out in support of him eventually reached even the politicians we had like me a putin spokesperson come out in support of him and you know with the pressure building in building perhaps. That 9 that is what pushed the ministry of interior to start looking at things seriously to see whether. Somethings gone wrong because we would have protests public protests journalists politicians public protests in front of the ministry of interior really good things good. Scandal has erupted in brazil after leaks messages suggest a Corruption Case against the countrys former president Lula Da Silva was politically motivated their messages published by investigative news site be intercepted appeared to show a judge discussing the probe with prosecutors supporters of limited stillbirth say the leak confirms that is the case was a stitch up designed to prevent him from winning reelection last year the probe was part of brazils biggest Anti Corruption crusades known as operation car wash where he saw dozens of high level politicians imprisoned literalist silver was then to surmise that decade behind bars for corruption and Money Laundering including for accepting a luxury apartment in exchange for state contracts he denies ever owning it and the leaks messages that just prosecutors themselves south question the strength of the evidence against him or one of the journalists behind the revelations that they made sure the messages were genuine. Waited and waited for a response from the prosecutors for them to prove that the messages were genuine thats one very cautious and scrupulous checking their recipe when you work with explosive material like this you need to be absolutely certain that what you publish is true the prosecutors and the judge havent publicly expressed doubts about the messages they know theyre genuine as do we the leaks have also led to accusations the judge gave biased advice to the prosecutors with more details on this his caliber. Linda silva who served as president of brazil from 2003 until 2010 is still wildly popular in the country brazilians associate him with good Economic Times when Living Standards were rising now a newly leaked conversation sheds some light on why he is serving a 12 Year Prison Sentence for corruption it turns out that his trial the judge and the prosecutor were in cahoots these are some of the private conversations that took place during the trial with judge mauro seemingly instructing the prosecutor about how to proceed with the case hasnt it been a long time without an operation you cannot make that kind of mistake now the thing called with a thats a good idea and a prosecutor asking the judge for advice would you think of these crazy statements from the Workers Party National Board should with fish to rebut well into silver has long maintained his innocence he says the entire case was a set up he has named names. On how to political life and all of a sudden i was convicted for Money Laundering in organized crime when it was the law i set up and when i was by the federal police and the Public Prosecutors Office somebody more of them who took on the investigation that was more i didnt need any proof of the crimes committed because they all had a plan in mind because the plan was to paint the Workers Party as a criminal organization with a criminal boss happens to be made well it seems the new leaks show that little the decision was right here is an extract where the judge is seemingly directing the prosecutor and the prosecutor himself isnt moving his case is weak so listen for me the Contact Person is annoyed at having be nice to see dr property transfer the deeds for one of the x. President s children apparently the person would be willing to provide the information and therefore pawson it alone the source is serious. They will say that were accusing based on newspaper articles and for gyal evidence and here is what makes it even more scandalous lowitja silvas imprisonment is what prevented him from running for president last year and take a look at the polls to silva had a pretty solid lead so then also narrow who won the election after his main opponent was blocked from running actually promoted judge morrow after he took office are silly to say the only man in brazil whos proving that we can do for politics differently now the judge seems to think he didnt do anything wrong he says that the real crime is that these conversations have been made public it is regrettable that the person responsible for the criminal hacking of the prosecutors cell phones has not been identified as the source there is no sign of any of normality or providing direction since a magistrate despite information being taken out of context and the sensational as some of the articles known as accuse us of those accusations published by the intercept are not true and their origin is linked to a criminal hack even though i dont acknowledge the trustworthiness of the messages realized that they can create some discomfort for some people who are deeply sorry about that leak telegram conversations give the impression that the silver was railroaded in order to keep him off the ballot and theres more to come said to me and we are continuing our work on the case as we said these are just Office Reports we have a lot of information we have analyzed i think only one percent of the conversations we will publish materials from these messages. Part of the main stream media and the Syrian Opposition are mourning a controversial figure that branding a rebel icon who died in a battle against Syrian Government forces in homes province according to his rebel faction the find his role in syrias uprising with the subjects of an Award Winning documentary a go caper for the countrys Youth Football Team who gained prominence for staging street. Protests against president assad and singing songs praising the revolution some of those songs though hold zani is this seem to go completely against those of western countries fighting Islamic State in the country arties dont cause the explains a warning his report contains scenes of an execution. He became the poster boy of the syrian uprising or shall we say the voice ringback. Showing. And his death in battle against Government Forces apparently made him a fallen hero in the eyes of the media syrian footballer and singer of revolution killed in conflict syrian soccer goalie who became rebel i can dies in battle. Syrian soccer star symbol of free vault dies after battle. That also roots was a former syrian footballer who turned rebel fighter and not just any rebel fighter oh no he became an icon of the fight against Bashar Al Assad so he wasnt shying away from speaking the truth heres one of the socalled singer of the revolutions greatest hits judge for yourself. Perhaps the lyrics dont exactly communicate the artists intended message thats all right though also it was much more articulate about his political beliefs in this 2014 interview that our vision of what we do blame Islamic State. But that blame comes with love because we know that these 2 groups not politicized and have the same goals as us they are working for gold and they care about islam and muslims no you didnt hear that wrong the same goals as Islamic State and apparently 911 was a great accomplishment to. Was good. There are those in the media who acknowledge its problematic characteristics but for them a little elbow rubbing with terrorist groups shouldnt stand between him and his rightful page in the history books. Some individuals celebrated as heroes make you doubt all stories of heroes in history books others like abdel baset also root not inspire of but despite his flaws make those stories highly plausible hes a true legend and his story is well documented may his soul rest in peace so if these guys got an oscar. Abdul deserves a grammy no less as in other. Kovar western operations it becomes important to to maintain this sense of plausible deniability its clearly been useful for for the u. S. And the us media to maintain. This whole idea of there being moderate Democratic Forces among the rebels in syria but clearly most of the groups fighting the government were really extreme Islamist Groups thats the reality and these were the groups that the cia and and its allies its british and french and saudi and qatari and turkish allies worth supporting and arming from the very early stages of this conflict. In New York Times has officially stopped publishing political cartoons the move comes just over a month since there was a strong backlash against a controversial cartoon featuring a blind president played by saying i israeli Prime Minister newspaper made the announcement after one of his cartoonists leaked the plans. The New York Times all and all political cartoons are just learned we saw after they published a syndicated new to new yorker to their cause the scandal for me this is the end of an adventure that begin 20 years ago resigns announcing the newspapers decision cartoonist Patrick Chapin its complained about the moralistic mobs influencing the news rooms however he also slammed their image saying it should never have run in the best newspaper of the world the New York Times issued an apology soon after the cartoon was published the cartoonist responsible for the image fired back about the control to see claiming the backlash was fabricated by quoting jerrys propaganda he also emphasized that his arts hired a political not a religious meaning the decision of the New York Times to abandon political cartoons completely caused an uproar on twitter. Really did fail this time decision not to run political cartoons by n. Y. T. Opinion is spineless we need political humor now more than ever 4 years ago the New York Times was all just we surely know theyre no longer publishing cartoons New York Times are not throughout to be with the bathwater yes there was a terrible lapse in judgment to print that cartoon so pollard gys and have a keener i freak readers offensive cartoons john and art from completely personal cartoonist and author ted rall believes that not being able to larger political leaders creates a serious problem for society. This is a pretty despicable series of events i mean 1st of all i dont think we need to throw on tonio the portuguese cartoonist under the bus there really is and its highly debatable whether his cartoon was antisemitic or not and i think to portray him as an antisemite despite the fact that he repeatedly has denied it is really egregious and something that many of my colleagues probably should have spoken out against too much to months ago and now you have the New York Times firing its own syndicate i mean the editors who ran the cartoons are still working at the New York Times and the and now theyre firing to cartoonist who had nothing to do with the cartoon in question so i mean ive never heard of a political cartoonist getting fired over a cartoon that he did not draw so the New York Times has literally declared nuclear war against my art form theyve decided that all the traditional editorial cartoons that depict a strong opinion about the events of the day will no longer appear there when we cant laugh at ourselves when we cant poke fun at our political leaders weve got a major problem on our hands politically. Of a phone networks in the u. K. According on the government to clarify its stance on qual way thats according to the b. B. C. Which says its obtained a drops letter from Industry Leaders to the british cabinet secretary there apparently concerned whether whether the chinese tech giant will be allowed to supply the new 5 g. Network put up like have a ports. Theyre concerned over the lack of clarity on walk away theyve asked for an urgent meeting with the government in order to discuss those concerns essentially theres a sense that theyve been left sort of hanging over the governments indecision over whether or not to greenlights the use of Huawei Technology in the rollout of the 5 g. Network here in the u. K. So as a result these industry bosses con to invest in vital infrastructure Going Forward for the government theyve stressed the importance of security above all else take a lesson the security and resilience of the key still calm snap works is of paramount importance we have robust procedures in place to manage critics to National Security and are committed to the highest possible Security Standards while the industry has questions for the government over while away the governments got questions to walk away and it was actually one ways Cyber Security officer who was. Was giving on says in front of a committee of m. P. s publicly yesterday and the politicians repeatedly asked him about wild ways alleged links to the chinese states and about alleged human rights abuses as well and his repeated was that while way works within the framework of the nor should we do business with a company that is complicit in human rights abuses if you should listen business with all companies that stick to a little theres a lot of door in china isnt that just like there was a lot of law in nazi germany some laws are good little some was a bad move was some company to tell the press that one party states nothing to communist china doesnt that put you see. Who it would be for. Your company is true for britain whom are you certain should. Be subject to the German Government your research. And we will. I think i would pains a different picture and of course there are strong arguments on both sides on the one hand youve got the u. S. Pressuring the u. K. To reject qual Way Technology saying that it presents a danger to National Security and on the other hand theres the opinion that in measured doses only on certain parts of the feisty Network Using while way can be passed actually safe and moreover is actually vital for the future of britain as sort of a front runner in the lead at technologically and so far this debate has been very political but now were seeing industry step in and say actually we need clarity on what happens with wall way helicon of the professor rasmus things the u. S. China trade war would decide who gains technological dominance. And all of the Chinese Companies are actually here is really about this big fight between the u. S. And china over whos going to dominate technology in the next decade the u. S. Trade war is really about Chinese Technology the trade war is beginning to slide into an economic war as the u. S. Goes globally to try to wean its own eyes away from any kind of economic relationships with china its kind of an absurd comment because you know our g. For a good product was designed to kill people whereas you know our ways product is designed for people that communicate i dont know how you kill people with with with the phone network you can take somebody by association you say i mean you know you dont say that huawei kills people but by associating them with a company that whose products did do that you know you make it sound like well youre guilty by association. Well try terror of standard big issue for china and its relations with another country the Us Donald Trump has issued no to mates and to his chinese counterpart xi jinping girding him to attend the upcoming g. 20 summit if he doesnt think u. S. President is threatening to impose another 300000000000. 00 worth of trade tariffs president xi doesnt come will that mean that the tariffs on china for the additional 300000000000. 00 in goods go on immediately yes it would and i think you will go and i think were scheduled to have a meeting but there comes a major trade war between washington and beijing last month trying to raise tariffs on 2 100000000000. 00 of chinese goods to 25 percent beijing retaliated with hikes on a revised list of u. S. Products chinas response targeted more than 5000. 00 and came into force on june the 1st beijing insists it does not want tension with the u. S. But will respond to white house not actions. China does not want to trade war which were not afraid of warm if the u. S. Is willing to negotiate. I would be open if the u. S. Insists on escalating. Point to the finish. In the meantime trump is scrambling for advice on sunday he called former u. S. President jimmy carter he switched diplomatic recognition of china from taipei to beijing in 1979 kansas is trying to phase the countrys economy is pulling far ahead of america however international and independent china specialist andrine young thinks transplants will Counter China at a Counter China will benefit no one. But its going to be highly disruptive as west especially if the terrorist is why did a lot more products and because nowadays. All the sports the Production Supply chain around the world is becoming much more the thing. Because it will take. For example call a different components the engines the hoarsely. Theyre all they want Different Countries and territories and you just cant separate one from the other even. Rare materials like rare earths embedded in a lot of pollards across the globe so the thing that you can just impose there is and expect that all the damage is formed by one side. Really. With reality so i think that all the president was likely to be held hostage to this. Conflict between a lot of states and. China is not the only country that faces a chance obsession with tariffs hes currently also taking aim at

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