At this it brings up a lot of questions not not about the actions but more about you know we know were here in washington you live here for a little bit your followers a little but you and i both know that the collusion between you know corporate lobbyists and corporate entities and people in positions of power here in washington is pretty much a daily occurrence well there would be no restaurants open in the city right of washington d. C. You know when there is so get here if there wasnt collusion and so whats interesting about i think this investigation is why why was why wouldnt the Inspector General of the f. C. C. Start looking into. His interactions with sinclair in light of this big deal when then in light of these you know him kind of paving the way through this vote yeah you know and while it is unclear right now the extent of the Inspector Generals investigation you know how deep it goes or even you know where there was a time when i doubt its happening i mean were going to lets take it out is how far how long before he took the office was a premeditated illusion right it was a large ad. The dental killers or what is interesting i think one of the reasons that this is suddenly got a magnifying glass and for a member of the pile has been very vocal you know hes like the town have referred of the f. C. C. Might not like our rules are here today hes always liked where hes always hes saying its helpful to treat yourself you know whole word turns your friend less regulation and thats kind of our failure its interesting though because when one calls for an investigation this is going to been going since the boat back and bill bunbury when calls for the circus to november of two spokesperson representing mr pipes so the allegations of favoritism were baseless and said for many years chairman pi has called on the f. C. C. To update its media ownership regulations the chairman is sticking to his long held views now raise interesting thing yeah this is not he believes its not hes being influenced to do this i think it really gives what he believes the Corporate Media should just kind of run amok and there shouldnt f. C. C. Should regulate as much as it does money so if thats what someone believes in that falls in line with like lets say a corporate c. E. O. Like the head of sinclair is that collusion or just like minded individuals thats what i think this guys going to have to sort out. Its tough its tough for the thing he says like oh its just loving you is thats how i fare and really only he made it up to this position of power and authority i think is believe my another word for has believes might be his pocketbook good point i think there is money i mean anybody want nobody nobody is that bold that number is well. Comedy a daily caller video about Net Neutrality would prove for you to. Not the idea i want for a communications to you so the part of these with this murders or time of billions of dollars so even if you got like a pittance out of that thats a large amount of money and he received any kind of payment any kind of kickbacks or favors all of that and everything that happened because. Into question or world war world the standard of revolving door in d. C. Will be kicked back a favor happened when he gets out of office you know where is it because memory was a he was of rise of the warrior so you know could it be that thing like oh you know a couple years after you leave office suddenly youre working for sinclair for us for us its incredible bow house and clear media operates that theyre not this is not a company thats exactly running around you know getting any awards for how they treat their employees the f. C. C. And the Justice Department are pretty widely expected to approve you know this whole three billion dollar merger now according to the times the company has a history of cutting staff and shaving costs by requiring stations to share News Coverage in that way reducing unique local content and its required stations to air conservative leaning segments including law and order features from its terrorism alert that ask so what theyre doing is feed it keeping keeping local politicians from being questioned on their and their stations because they have to pay someone to go to the City Council Meetings and actually know whats going on why not just do what radio stations are touring which is hey we got one d. J. Of york and they make a list and then you play it at the heart of using that same idea they dont actually care about the media they dont care about making it more conservative or under making it a better laze and last bias they just want to be biased specifically in the way that they cut corners and reduce the amount of voices of them over reporters you have out there were certain about the babies were born with or followed this investigation sure goes thats real clear. So what does a south korean evangelical cult leader some upstate New York County officials and a Biblical College have to do with Newsweek Magazine and why are newsweek executives so concerned when newsweek journalists try to find out on february twentieth seven newsweek journalist posted a piece entitled why is the manhattan d. A. Looking at newsweeks ties to a Christian University it began with probably one of the most peculiar. And biting notes from the editors ive ever seen in it they described executives and journalists being fired for doing their jobs or breaches and journalistic ethics and the possible harassment of Confidential Sources after threatening to quit they were allowed to publish the story saying that quote this story was written and edited tuesday free from interference from company of executives what they found was that the Manhattan District Attorneys Office had been investigating financial ties between newsweeks Parent Company Newsweek Media Group Formerly called i b t media and the biblical and Theological College called all of the university all of it university of Theological College and seven area was paid over two point seven Million Dollars by newsweek for quote research and development apparently for use of their socalled proprietary design assistants and Computer Resources and if youre wondering why a Bible College would be the go to for an eighty year old venerated news magazine you wouldnt be the only one turns out not one not two but at least five high level executives at Newsweek Media group were directly involved in the university and were members of a religious group known as the community that many like into a cold and has ties to the university and theres more to come turns out newsweek was giving free ad space to an upstate new York Community that all of that university wanted to build a satellite countess in but was struggling to obtain permits and Tax Exemptions it remains to be seen just how deep this conspiracy between them goes or if the goal was cash or eternal salvation but i do know that this story isnt going away and that the problems at newsweek are legitimate because i write about it in newsweek while does pretty wildly this whole story is just dynamic and weve been watching a play out now for like the last couple weeks and yes it is very strange very strange who i mean this is better. Like the movie the paper you know its like oh yeah i d like you know for full disclosure you worked at newsweek long before this go in one thousand and three yeah i worked in the International Division was one of the car is this and it was for a time and that and so when i was there it was still owned by the washington post. And i have no idea what this group was like but then maybe one knows where it was a really good so what is that or what is the angle here its essentially that they were using newsweek to curry you know to basically sell ad space true communities they want to build this this. University into so like ok we can kind of like a part of the sweet deals you can advertise for free at newsweek and that kind of thing but the no youre in a deuce that they called the community which sounds like you know the new hit drum on a. B. C. Next fall yeah the community what is the community. Here shout watch it the community is a evangelical group a religious group started by a gentleman named david yang david yang is the founder of the Elevate University and has ties to in south korea south korea a pastor or priest evangelical he has ties to reverend sung on loan and if you dont remember them youll remember that the mooney used it was known as the moonies back in the day he would do these mass so at a how does that translate to like i b ts over ship of c. N. N. To. Really sort of lose weight ok so all of that is owned by this david yang who is the. Religious leader from south korea with connections to calls he often. People who are in part of the religion say hes the Second Coming well yeah hold right so he owns the city hes a founder of this University Members of ivy tea were also men are all members of that church and theres connection so at one point when you had newsweek was being own and you know its gone through like three different owners since you know in its eighty years really all in the last few years and what happened was so i was really called International Business times media and they ran an International Business times and a number of other properties so the founder of that company and today to sack he buys his and his company i b t buys newsweek you know changes their name to Newsweek Media group and the reason he did is he set it straight up in an interview that when he bought it it was for the. I connick brand cache and that newsweek opens up a lot of doors on the business from this back in two thousand and thirteen so and the reason his open reasoning for working with all of that on this Technology Thing they have a they have a school in San Francisco and Technology School is only a ten Year Old University their reason for it was their evangelical world view. Not sure how that helps with technology but somehow theyre developing a Bible College is developing proprietary information and truth what a lot of people are saying what a lot of the concern about is that david yang is really using his you know this university and Everything Else for his own business and the concern is that ends in a. Sack and in the number of members of the. Media group that there are connections personal connections and theyre using you to others business because musically even and i did see was in financial distress at one point and they were still giving me. A masquerade universe out of bad as wild as thats lot of are going to give us that yeah thats a really deep well its like a game over the loo and that is all right so we have it has to go to break watchers dont forget to let us know what you think the thoughts were over on facebook and twitter see our poll shows at r. T. Dot com coming up we find out if the notorious Michael Fleming may in fact be preparing to change his plea deal with you or conclusion the best edition and we welcome you to the slice of the hawks opus dissected a two. There is now three hundred trillion dollars of sellable wealth in the world today but now look at how much money we spent on the world the military. We just talked about a few more million. Save the lives of people around the world in doing this such a way that doesnt create dependency it was that much wealth in the United States that much well. The rest of the world is a nice usable for any person in the world today you know today. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Lets. Let. The with us. Its. The face of modern political life youd be forgiven for it forgetting that general Michael Flynn was once a u. S. National security advisor before pleading guilty to a single charge of lying to f. B. I. Agents about his alleged conversations with the Russian Ambassador charged convicted and forgotten Michael Flynn baby to all but his family and most loyal conservative fans but that apparently may be all changing and in some rather shocking ways according to analysis by Margot Cleveland of the federalist a motion by Michael Flynn to withdraw his guilty plea based on government misconduct is likely in the works based on recent under under reported events at the d. C. Circuit court now hawk watchers you may be excused for assuming that conclusion is simply a feverish fantasy headlined willed into existence by sean hannity but evidence that something isnt quite right in the flynn case appears to be mounting by the day and all of it carries some rather grave implications for the future of robert millers rush to get investigation try to get today to examine the facts of this legal of side down is not other than our own legal and media analyst line of law and already its been too long welcome. Thank you oh it was so whats interesting about this is this may have gone unnoticed by many but the judge who first accepted a guilty plea and who is also one of three pfizer court judges in d. C. Overseeing wiretap applications like the ones the target of a you know Donald Trumps campaign now he for some reason we dont know recused himself from the case within days of the guilty plea deal the new judge in the case Emmett Sullivan ordered the b. O. J. To hand over any potentially exonerating evidence to flynns legal team lionel why is that order so important and why would a judge issue it after a defendant has already pled guilty and made the plea deal great question this judge was instrumental it was involved in the ted stevens case and he has a Standing Order that says all exculpatory or brady information from the night hundred sixty three case brady against maryland all exculpatory evidence evidence that would tend to help somebody all must be provided now whats odd about this is in federal court in particular to withdraw a plea is never why i imagine. Imagine if all of a sudden people said you know i want to you know judge what i pled last week i was thinking about it in. Oh there is a finale because youre told during the police colloquy are you pleading guilty because you are guilty as anybody promise you anything or threaten you in any way or you want the influence of alcohol are you really sure to realize youre giving up the right to a trial the right to appeal and you go throw this so when you say later on im changing my mind and what has happened is that it appears that mr komi has said that through some particular at some juncture im not sure if the f. B. I. Really believes or believed that this man general flynn was lying or by meeting the Russian Ambassador now youre telling us. So so so what theyre doing is hes going to now withdraw it so what does that mean we start over again here is my question to you he already pled guilty under oath cant we use that one again canvassing five not so fast general were going to use this little plea where you swore that you pled guilty so well just do it again this time giving you this information the issue was that he pled guilty not knowing about this information see a justice a prosecutor is after justice i know you think it. Is not supposed to really go off or hes supposed to tell you person just once you know something out of the ten people that we have none it could pick you on the lineup tyrrel all of the stuff that we had on wiretaps of you none of them turned out anything that would help you any the i cant hide anything but this judge you never appointed throughout his career by reagan aged. Bush bill clinton had a steam jurist who really is an obvious to god great judge who says i dont like sure there is so flynn and ive been waiting for this is going to walk and once you walk they just say hes going well but hes calling for his for his head. And not only that if i get to say one more thing the worst kind of witness you could have is a person who lied who pled guilty to lie youre not interesting for the record judge judge general flynn is the same general flynn who was fired for lying to my parents yes and you pled guilty to lie to the f. B. I. Yes but you are not lying now right here where. They use what had to go hes a stinker you know. As i have called them less than truthful there. Was one sort of drug in the word trouble that is part. Of the person but we were talking a little bit about sullivans background i think thats whats really interesting when you say you know this this seems like a straight shooter its really like this is a true believer in justice and law and the rule of law and in this situation yeah it seems odd that it would be the idea of i was lying about lying about lying. What is it about this judge that that we can learn by his actions in this case i mean you mentioned. Work for reagan was appointed by reagan could tell us a little more about sullivan. Well what is interesting is that he has his involvement with the stevens case apparently really affected him you know brady brady material is understood prosecutors i was one we knew this before a judge to say oh and by the way. Press the cuter wallace i want to remind you of your duty yet judge i know this no no no i want to remind you we have a Standing Order think well know kitty he apparently is very allergic to judicial enjoyable show now and again and it makes my heart saying because remember you know the power of being a federal judge appointed for. You know and if you think impeachment of a president stuff getting rid of a judge no one stay put that robot. I dont care if there were republicans that are whatever theres a sense of autonomy theyre not theyre not theyre run for reelection theyre there for life president s come go they stay and if that kind of sometimes imperiousness which can be a problem but it gives you autonomy and it lets you really show who you are and this judge appears to be a straight shooter you know of a straight shooter im going to i want to talk you mentioned call me earlier brian york at the washing sings salmon or brings drew to our attention a visual bizarre fact that under oath komi james called we told lawmakers that the f. B. I. Agents who interviewed flynn did not believe that flynn had lied to them or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional in other words the stories simply didnt really match up with if women had lied to the f. B. I. I wouldnt then director komi know that and presumably try to avoid perjuring himself before congress but on the flip if komi wasnt lying how can Robert Mueller charged with lying to the f. B. I. When the page and some selves are saying it didnt how do we blood how does that balance. You ask a great question the question i would ask if i was the prosecutor stuck with this dog is that excuse may i tell everybody not talk to a car let me you where did this come from you now im thinking of myself wait a minute d. O. J. F. B. I. You mean this little memorandum slip by you that nobody in the course of this is a folks anybody see this memo from kelly. He said here that he doesnt believe the f. B. I. Sky pled guilty to this and heres the thing people plead guilty for a variety of reasons ill plead guilty if you let my kid go ill plead guilty because i dont want to mortgage my house version of the hour plead guilty because its just not that big of a deal i remember when they were mullers got four well forget those third that those thirteen people last night was a dog of a case not of the am i do you think they exist i think they were trolls i think there were people in russia that you cant extradite every would think theyre real but anyway you had four man of fourteen gays who basically were involved in activities involving ukraine that predated then youve got plenty papadopoulos both of them pleading guilty to lying. Nothing moaners Walking Around here saying how much of a cost cost the taxpayers like he cares and what do i have to show ive got thirteen imaginary russians and over going to deal with this i got two people nobody cares and by the way theyre going to fight this one ive got papadopoulos. The home his name should be who have a double its because thats what people say who i am and that flynn general flynn. I got him on lying and then we lie we lied to the guy who pled guilty to lying i mean so this judge sullivan is thinking and the other surprises for me i mean in this case how many millions think about the child trafficking Human Rights Violations go on by you pick whatever you think is important how much the f. B. I. Instead of finding out why this nut case in florida was threatening to kill people they were too busy with imaginary russian trolls and this i mean it makes it makes the average american and not so average americans whatever that means say who is running the show here i mean. Whats happening and its almost as if the system itself is broken and. Two party system and a simple answer yeah really is why dont i got to say thank you thank you thats the thing that really gets me the other day and thank you for really crystallizing that because it would win i think people can get lost in the in the legality of the words being thrown around but thank you for really crystallizing out for us and really lammas so always a pleasure having me on line all been too long thank you so much you so much thank you very much. Greek back in the fifth century b. C. Ate a healthy treat of frozen snow mixed with honey and fruit by four hundred b. C. E. The persian side created a royal cold treat of rosewater and south from and today you can even get caribou fat ice cream in alaska called. Today south koreans rushed to the coast for black squid ice cream and its a favorite of the Olympic Village this unique black colored soft serve frozen concoction is actually savory rather than sweet described as tasting like salted caramel and the ocean with instant chocolate and a pitcher sweet after terrorists and while squid may seem strange for a desert in south korea it is so popular even fast food chains like mcdonalds do special black squid ice cream promotion and that apply ro is the scoop squid a. Squid and its made from the squid yes and squids two are just a year and just think but you know if you go to maine you can get lobster ice cream who has moved all right so there is some strong everybody stay cool and roam around in this world we are told we are loved love so its really well i love you i am i rolled with her and ive traveled a lot of people i watch and those harks of the joy of work squibb ice cream never great but i think some. Things. That. Its. Certain i want to do is just show everybody is going to be very clear. Away the food. Management. And the young they they when they have to then they have. To. Ask him you need to feel this very. Soft yeah and then what do you how much. Do you do you. Mind if youre going to make a helmet available to measure the talking or negative. Critter. America has an economy thats been created by financialization of everything and outsourcing manufacturing to countries like china totally out the ignore asian that just made that word up means to ignore something they gratian of your local infrastructure bill now trumps saying we want to do infrastructure weve got to go borrow a trillion or two trillion dollars from who our biggest creditor that would be china to get chinas owning all the cards in the twenty second century in america cant even get from point a to point b. Were similar to the spurs to the east you know the us and most of the snowboarding one of them. Beautiful yes good new books and they were going to push. The modem close to them as material to modem i do you know but did you know my mum going through the you know comes. Surfing to me know to some im very into the muslim and even spoke of the video for the dog to us of us so just a little. Too close to the stupid yellow moon someone put in the field for me to show some cool tools to the police when you shouldnt be posting most of them so just truth be told what you could get ya you would usually the nation as we see would you do you see just as i was telling me of something good to tell you the playful to me is a symbol to me so. This hour on how to international from exile take toxic decades have been part of mental damage on the portuguese island in the atlantic leave locals fearing for their well being as they continue to suffer increased council rights. German top. Newspapers are running a bogus story about russian meddling in german politics one of the pranksters tells us how they did it we knew how to think like an editor and work with us we came up with the story of the techie like in the spine it was a. Prominent conservative commentators in the United States claimed that being censored by twitter away from the temporary suspension

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