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That for about half of the law and. War crimes you know it seems that we got so used after post World War Two you know we had nuremberg so we kind of it seems strange that now Going Forward we havent had that postmortem of of wars and conflicts i think the problem with that there was a wars and conflicts for some reason in this day and age but we know the reasons dont actually and. Thats the big thing is that like when you look at conflicts in the twentieth and twenty First Century sure got to stand iraq you know they dont have an ending theres no set ending you know george got on the Aircraft Carrier Mission Accomplished but the war dragged on for how much longer i grew up on a golf. And thats the way out something with gaza seventeen years going theres no exit strategy theres no other like that so you cant have that like you said the brilliant moment of like you know lets lets sit down and see what what crimes were committed which is convenient because you dont have to look back at your behavior because youre just never done well we dont have what well get to that afterwards well see how bad our behavior was after the war is over once we really interesting about these these claims coming into the i. C. C. The International Criminal court says that one statement out of you know was a hundred. In point seventeen million so far theyve gotten one statement one claim by actually include multiple victims and one organization by represents thousands of victims statements the number of afghans essentially stepping forward seeking justice in just the first three months they started taking these him could actually be the actual number of people seeking justice could actually be open to the millions upon millions when you really like all the news there is like one person maybe it was a other people were involved or the other this person could say look this village was affected you know theyre right were going to do i do entire village. Its incredible like theres something about it is that it just seems as if the United States at least over the last twenty years or the last like ten years sorry the last ten or so years has really treated the idea of an International Criminal court as if it doesnt really exist so its not really important it that it doesnt have any power i mean you know theres a long running joke that george w. Bush wont leave the United States because the International Criminal court so thats why he never leaves the u. S. Now is because theyll get snatched up by the International Criminal courts at the end of the day heres an organization a star in two thousand and two which at that time should have been a really good thing that should have been the thing that kept everybody in check that how the checks and balances internationally and globally but it didnt happen so the first they were the first the worlds First Permanent court set up to prosecute war crime so like nuremberg all these things its Just One Court and its done this was a permanent place crimes against humanity and genocide now originally bill clinton had signed the treaty the other because the court to be created all right so everyone on board grade progressive globalist say the one good thing to come from that and what happens is. Every bush feels that he wont do it that the United States wont be fairly treated in this card shows that really when you say about what youre saying as we wont get preferential treatment in this court. Translation enters every of us but when he says it he renounced the signature and the us is a member of the International Criminal court which doesnt stop americans from being prosecuted under it and to me when youre not involved in an International Criminal court that says something but then again this is a place where im supposed to believe that people like Henry Kissinger ive looked up to them and look at their thing when honestly if you put them in front of an International Criminal court theyre good point good point and you know its very convenient when you see that one like you know right before or right during before the iraq invasion george suddenly says no no we dont need this you dont get it for convenience you dont want to be held accountable for it but its convenient now because everybody can go oh these are just this is really about alqaeda its about somebody else and its i want a real core right its a very convenient it is very convenient and whats interesting is that like you said though that doesnt stop them from being able to go after us so the so that if the trials are being held to hold in a country that actually signed the treaty and the grams were committed in that country would you have guessed i would be Catherine Gallagher a senior staff attorney with the new york based center for constitutional rights. Wrote or said to date no high level u. S. Official from the civilian leadership military cia or private contractor has been prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity and i. C. C. Investigation could finally change that bringing an end to the impunity u. S. Officials have enjoyed and critically some measure of redress the victims of the u. S. Torture program because they were operating black sites in afghanistan course you know so im hoping that you know one point one seven million thats a huge number theres going to be more lets hope to see that theres some justice served in the law. The nations paper of record is no stranger to controversy with the inside baseball of the New York Times Editorial Board playing a part in many of our political narratives from how they cover a president so vociferous lee opposed to the Mainstream Media to how they balance their coverage of cultural flashpoints and groups potentially unfamiliar or controversial in new york citys Upper West Side like religious americans or Blue Collar Workers but alas talked about point of contention in the gray lady is politics of journalism is the issue of israel or more specifically the moral quandary of surrounding the long simmering conflict between israel and palestine and the brutal tactics often employed on both sides of the conflict parties on your part poll recently returned from a trip to israel and palestine and has more on this story. This beautiful home in the affluent western islam neighborhood of cuda mona once belonged to a renowned b. B. C. Arabic broadcaster haasan carmi he lived here with his family until one thousand forty eight when the israeli army drove him into exile in seized this home along with thousand others in the city in one thousand nine hundred four it was purchased by then Jerusalem Bureau chief Thomas Friedman on behalf of the New York Times since then this residence has been home to a succession of New York Times Bureau Chiefs this is from a video tour of the home shop by former bureau chief Jody Roux Doron and this piece of furniture was here when we when we go i think its been here since tom friedman pretty much journalist and author ill expose the story of how the New York Times took over a house from which palestinians were forcibly expelled and the fact that the New York Times is occupying the property through which to me from italy was forcibly hold during the night by like so many other palestinians is some symbolic because the New York Times is reporting. For so many its kind of justified coverup israels expulsion of dispossession of palestinians and here the New York Times goes beyond simply. The complicity of its reporting to becoming really a participant in this now. So unfortunately no one was home to answer my question but i was hoping to get to talk to the current residents here about the former residents of this home the palestinians who can no longer return for the subject of countless New York Times articles in jerusalem this is on your part and pilfer r. T. Theres a fascinating bit of what another would never would have known that never would have known the that all the New York Times over his barrel there was a single most or that they dont understand the symbolism of it that they dont understand what it can mean for someone and how it can imply a certain amount of bias thats about the situation considering that the older their editorials are on right now is how dangerous this looks and i dont. And so its sort of there is this narrative that this is how you should think and you should think about how things look how things look to the outside and so its very so it is its theres no way around it to sort of sit back that when youre in the. That situation in that place thats not a good choice yeah man i mean its one of those i mean im always somebody should be like i mean im sure and this is giving people a big benefit of the bout but you know im just sure that it was like no one thought to check that its own it was nice piece of property already have so many years ago that you just dont think about it anymore and you know this happened and what a little bit early eightys to say you know its sort of every move. Oh really thinking about theres a really you know but thats the thing how things look how things come across has been such a big issue in the media lately especially perpetrated by us Mainstream Press avoid how things appear to be but you see you know its not the sort of youve been youve been spreading this whole idea of globalism you know living in a Global Society and that how things look and how things are represented that these are all really important you cant say that and then turn around and say well thats just dont worry about that because it doesnt matter maybe its time to rethink where our bureau is you know remember this time by time so you know you know this house is kind of about history maybe we should move it over here and move our operations this way so we dont have to you know so were not suddenly you know upsetting half the population over there share the moments it its not about finding their it there theyre not there to find solutions right what what you have are people who understand a certain narrative and write about it and thats thats i dont think and i think its hard to get out of the tunnel vision sometimes i think thats one of the dead nothing you have to understand things from another part i suspect if you dont have to agree with it you dont think its perfect but you have to understand it and right here to form a real opinion about a person or an idea great great point all right as we go to break off watchers dont forget to let us know what you think of the topics weve covered on facebook and twitter see our poll shows our two dot com coming up with both of those by those one of the hawks those to discuss troop the media the drives of independent journalists stay to watch the hawks. Ive played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside i. Football isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the superman ija billionaire owners and spending shouldnt twenty million on one player. Its an experience like nothing else i want to do because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy a great so one more chance with. The base this minute. Now. Sir i want to do things that show me very slow with really be very clear. The way your. Management. And they are they they are then they have. You need to build. Something yeah im them what do you how much. Do you. Want to talk more negative cash. Flows or. When you dont. Need to. Get a court to do. What they need not through only ten tests it. May be. Left alone they. Said. Claiming to know somebody did the say that to. Alex you speak french. Thats a new possible and it is talk of. The council itself this. Ovaries. And years many of the institutions that make up the traditional fabric of our society have in many ways been exposed torn up or entirely replaced a Political Revolution in two thousand and sixteen left the two party system reeling in shock as a vow disruptors like donald trump and Bernie Sanders told not just the spotlight but the entire stage Financial Markets and government regulators have descended into a state of institutional confusion as a boom in crypto currency is present an entirely new way of doing Business Online and an uncharted potential for consumer investments the last and lot but not least theres the mainstream news media with its dismal credibility unprecedented public distrust of a gleeful embrace of the toxically partisan role that plays right into where the brand in chief cast them in this reality t. V. Drama the best way to parse these cracks and fissures in our media political complex we were joined earlier by ben swann Award Winning news anchor reporter and founder of the reality check news series and truth and media project. I dont think theres any question about it and again thanks for having me on you guys know the entire real for people who are watching full disclosure here these are two it might be good for him so its not exactly like were in uncharted territory here but look absolutely no question that were in a position right now what were seeing Mainstream Media and we all know this right is its coming to an end in terms of the power structure its held on american viewers the difference now i think is that independent media didnt have to do a whole lot to really cause this rise its actually been the decline of the mainstream to their own actions and now the opportunity what we would call in the business right the market gap thats been left behind because theres so little truth in media today and so theres a huge opportunity if you believe that that left right paradigm of media is a lie which i know that you guys do i have to leave it is then we have the opportunity to actually see seismic shifts take place in terms of the viewing public most definitely with that rising popularity what are the biggest pet balls the biggest mistakes or obstacles are Still Standing in the way of Independent News Media and their success and credibility because you know its been sort of an open field that at any level you can get in there and learn and thats great so what is that what are the things that that are the challenges for independent media to get that credibility. So that i think the biggest challenge is going to sound terrible right but the biggest challenge is money and people say no no no that cant possibly be a challenge right all you have to do is go out and buy an i phone to do great reporting thats all you have to do and it just doesnt work that way look ive i was in Mainstream Media for almost twenty years i went independent i went back into the mainstream and now im independent and i actually hadnt chins from it but i have found is that there are a lots and lots of people tens and millions of them who will say that they didnt trust the stream media but then when im in a suit and a Mainstream Network will stand up and say things that are true for all of a are much more willing to accept that and share that content with their friends and their family who still believe the mainstream i dont care that content. Unlike when somebody does it from their bedroom with an i phone and says ive got great information he does not take a slight anybody whos it was doing independent media who doesnt have a lot of fun behind them the problem is this though is that we have to be consistent in the delivery of content it shouldnt be that way but it is that way and if you dont have the ability to create Quality Content that rises to the level of whats in the mainstream and people simply dont want to hear it i wish it were not like that and you guys a over an hour to america you guys know it requires beautiful sets which you have a great life which you have and professional crews which you have coupled with great content that speaks truth but if you dont have both things its very difficult for people to take you seriously and so i think thats one of the challenges i wish again i wish it were not this way but it is this way and so one of the challenges is how do you take all those great independent journalists who are out there who are doing quality work and how do you get them with the professional delivery so that people believe that what end. I couldnt agree more couldnt agree more and thats that is one of the biggest hardest things out there that the folks are facing or trying to do the good work you know its interesting ben you know like you said were friends and you know you know we Work Together here at our t. Before and we did and you know i consider you one of the best journalists out there working today whether in the news in the mainstream or as an independent and you know as a journalist one of things i respect most about jews youve covered report of mass questions concerning some of the more controversial and important stories in recent news cycles you know like any good journalist this has gotten you in hot water from time to time and you know obviously i can think of last year your before was you just basically you know that was your reporting on the whole pizza gate craziness that comes to mind and more the things i really respected about how you approach that story was not endorsing or anything like that is what you were accused of but just simply saying hey its ok to ask questions about something its ok to ask you know was this procedure followed correctly in order to disprove something are we have a point now where we can even because theres this weird kind of thing where we go after the person or we go after the personality that we can even just ask questions as a journalist without suddenly being attacked if the if the subject matters deemed too controversial to even ask a question about. Well i yeah i agree with you first of all thank you by the way very kind of you to say that but loading so peace again or you know the other story that at the same time is going to get a lot of people to remember because it came with such a controversial story and there was another story that i had been doing a series of stories about syria what was going on there in the fact these socalled rebels in syria were actually jihad its they were a kite and isis fighters and i was doing a series of reports on that and that also got a lot of attention from mainstream so heres what i found guys what i have found is that you can go around and you can report on a whole series of things and you can be a true focused journalist and you will not really get into trouble trouble until you start to really shake the power structures and you start kicking those hornets nest and one of those is the military Industrial Complex and its those who profit war profiteers and those who profit from war when you start challenging their ideas and you start. Showing influence in that space they come after you you know the pizza gate story was the same thing again as you said i didnt create the gate im not the architect behind it all i did was say hey theres this massive thing going on the internet everyones talking about it and i actually i didnt even do a story on it until c. B. S. News a. B. C. Some to c. N. N. Everybody was doing it on the shooter who went into the pizza parlor and so i explain to people what the theory was didnt endorse it theyre just said heres what the therapy is that and what i found was there is an entire smear structure that is built into the media in america and it is it is coming from media matters for america they are not a legitimate organization theyre a smear machine that is funded in the design for one purpose to attack anyone who messes with the power structures that are in place and you guys know all too well were going to win r. T. America as i did when i was working with you guys that theres plenty of smears about r t theres plenty of smears about the russians and everything that is russia im still told today and i in fact it even had someone on twitter the. Can you prove youre not a russian spy. Tell you are you a russian spy or for asking questions or government or. Just trying to inspire people to think i mean thats what thats whats so ludicrous about the situation that were all in right now oh yes its all a comic book movie. Sparrow and this is how its all supposedly explosive work theres something about that d. Centralizing something and one interesting thing about about your trip the media project is that you partnered with dash its one of the sort of rising stars of the cryptocurrency sector do you see some similarities between cryptocurrency is and the block chain are sort of up ending Financial Markets or decentralizing those Financial Markets to whats happening with social media media news. Well i hope so i mean what were really doing here is were pioneering something that nobodys ever done before but ive put together this proposal my proposal is going to get over to dash and dash has whats called into our decentralized Thomas Organization treasury where they Fund Projects i took it to them and said it does what i want to do and nobody had ever proposed anything as large as what i proposed to them or had done it with this for the sake of saying were going to create a decentralized Media Organization to be funded this way and so it was a new idea it was a new thought for them and i was very grateful when the when it passed but look decent realization in media has to take place you guys know you talk about all the time i watch your show all the time six organizations or so that own all the National Media in america theres about four to Six Companies that own pretty much all the local media in america and so what you find is that nothings ratings driven anymore nothing is driven in competition or markets based its all just a couple of companies that are looking to protect their own share and so what we find is that that through the Block Chain Technology through crypto currency just as they are creating decentralization in the space of finance they have the ability to create decentralization in other sectors as well and im excited because i believe that we could be the first and i certainly hope not the last to become independent media funded by a decentralized a ton of us authorities on the say this to a lot of people since weve done this partnership the sponsorship are saying well wait a minute youre just youre just shilling for dash now and you now have you know these crypto currency people who are blind how do we know that theyre not telling you what to do will heres the exciting thing about a decentralized Thomas Organization someone asked me do you know who is funding you and my answer is no i have no idea i have no idea who these people are i have no idea what their political views are and their personal beliefs are and honestly guys i dont want to know so and so for those who are the dash theyre called master notes the master notes. Who i sincerely through dash are funding this i dont want to know if you guys are pro trump anti trump put program clinton prodemocrat Program Public and i dont care what you want as long as you dont try to impose those beliefs and those biases into the work that we do and ill tell you that ive not had a single master no that i know of or dash use or that i know of who has said hey you should talk about this or you should talk about that and by the way and i just got to say im still the same experience i had when i was that archie nobody ever said hey you must talk about this or dont talk about that there is there is a bias in media and this is whats so crazy and you guys know this where theyll say well you cant trust those people because who knows whos funding them and yet we know who is funding the Mainstream Media in america of Big Pharma Companies and Political Action committees theyre the ones who are funding the Mainstream Media so was a why is it so shocking that we get funding as well. Developed a Great Mission with nasa the Canadian Space agency and the European Space agency the James Webb Space Telescope is a successor to the Hubble Telescope recently iran and recently arrived in california for its launch in twenty nine t. It will use infrared vision among other things to figure out just where the waters of mars went so the telescope will detect distant and extremely faint targets so much so that it will be able in just its first year of operation to collect Chemical Data from the red planet of mars that could help us to lock down just how much water was there and where might have floated off to beyond that the james webb observatory a telescope will be the next leap forward and not only learning about our universe but also finding other planets more like our own and all it took were a few decades to really International Space agencies thousands of scientists and the willingness to look a mystery in the face and refuse to plea to like that i like that you know a mystery a look at a face right now is what you have been swallowed up the same hairdresser as well and never seen us in the same room together have you. Question if youre under historys because that is our that is all we have for you to be remember everyone in this world we are about told real love them so i tell you all i love you i am a robot thats out of the lawless people out of watching those dogs never break they have made over. Most of my life for the sports deal this doesnt snow one of them one of them so. Beautiful yes good bush talking to bush will spin but you will get him close but then this material to my dim ideal of the dome on the bridge of the star in. Certain demeanor to some variance in the muslim movements but of the video dog youll see yes its a us law. To consumers and you will need someone in the field coming to shows you who pulls through the police when you should be busting them for comes to shoes truth be told what you can get that would usually be as well a sure streets of soon when you do see just comes close to the simple tasks that universally mean it will soon to be so for. Me to not feel enough to nearly have a bottle of saudi in china six oir the. Area. An estimated eighty two foursomes underage refugees are now living in greece. You know still more go. To your home in there you go food drink. The many sell their bodies just to make ends meet. You know in the second all of that you know all the sins in the poll numbers says in the last things could. Also has turned to dealing drugs to make a living. And love blood runs a little. Game of that been going. To look. Childs seemed wrong. But old rules just dont call. Me you wont get to shape out just. Because active. And engaged equals betrayal. When something you find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. He said newspaper pranks the german media with fake evidence of a russian troll farm in the countrys politics. More on the ongoing hunt for suspected russian balts twitter is believed to have blocked nearly a phone belonging to conservative americans also ahead in the program this hour. For a trial of a medal winning russian curler tested positive for the substance of the Winter Olympics will. Be taking his case to the courts of arbitration for sport week find out why

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