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Rebuilding a country that the United States has a great deal of responsibility for destroying in the first place go ahead in london well i believe United States realized they were defeated in syria been a project in syria was completely defeated russia got hands. I mean could be that the building of syria again so at least building needs money and syria needs the oil guys which is. Where the oil fields are situated so it seems that america would like to prevent syria prevent the russian from actually putting their hands on the old reserves as a reserve so i dont think they will succeed here i have a lot of. Information saying that the next stage could be actually a war against American Forces in syria and also in iraq so if this happened. Happened after about American Occupation of iraq in two thousand and three i think this would be the phosphate thing to United States i believe but i sure wouldnt affect any five its second feiss and actually that heavy price which they paid in syria says that two thousand and fifty and they love it they pay that money let me tell you they would include them anyway when they let me jump in were going to go to a short break and id like to point out to everyone since the pentagon the can do anything it wants because it has more money than god right now it is no longer a political issue in the United States thats a tragedy were going to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion on whats next for syrias state. Seemed wrong. But i will say just dont hold. Me. To shape out this day comes after. And in detroit equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Hey everybody im stephen bob. Taft hollywood guy usual suspects every proud american first of all im just george bush and our v. M. To suggest this is my buddy max famous financial guru well its a little bit different im not a Abraham Lincoln tunnel no no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country im shooting the road have some fun meet every day americans call me closely start to bridge the gap this is the Great American people which. I. Think. Ive. Seen most losing a misplacement them. To sneeze at this thing in the room with this stuff which foolishness and none of the new clothes just a. Small apartment or. A little bit some of it is just some awesome trying. To put down play on the street to gather some awesome all this while. I. Laugh just. I want to do is just show you very soon to be very clear. The way. And they are they they have one they have and they have the little thing. You need to feel. Some of them what do you how might that. Be when theyre not. Going to mind if this was not about i want to be in that with the measuring stick with a constant neck to. Welcome back to cross talk where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing whats next for syria. Ok let me go back to mohammed into and i mean i started out by talking about this conference thats scheduled for istanbul that will have a Turkey Russia and iran mohamed its really interesting whats going on with turkey here because again theyre butting heads with the us in Northern Syria and im not giving any and justification for the illegal invasion of syria by turkey but the interesting gambit that is being played out here is the two most important countries in nato are at odds with each other in a third country that has nothing to do with nato nato sphere of influence has put it that way. The interesting thing is that you see the turks are are really looking at different options right now ok im not convinced theyre the most reliable partner but a lot of people feel that way include. Nato and so will so im i think were seeing a real drift here i dont think turkey would give up nato they would want something for it ok a lot of people are saying theyre going to walk away from one of the rebels will leverage their way one way or another but thats really the changing Shifting Sands of whats going on because of this proxy war in syria go ahead into iran well trump actually promised the turkish president that the u. S. Will stop funding the the wife e. G. Which is the p k k affiliate a terrorist organization thats killed many turks and then almost immediately afterwards the military in the United States started to make noise that we will continue to support the Democratic Forces which basically is a front for the y p t and the p. K. K. And so its one wonders whos in charge example United States in this sort of reminds one of what happened in two thousand and sixteen when the u. S. Administration and the u. S. Secretary of state at that time he made an agreement with the russians and then almost immediately afterwards as you are her. Bomb Syrian Government positions and they are those who are killing almost one hundred syrian soldiers and and immediately afterwards isis attacked their positions and took those positions as if they were. As if they knew what was about to happen so the United States is i think its unclear whos in charge but we do know that trump has given the huge amount of authority to the military and the people in charge right now in the United States the sort of joint Mcmaster Calley and there are of their close friend. Petraeus these people. They are revisionist alice are crook of congress Conflicts Forum the head of conflicts form wrote a very interesting article recently showing how. These people are mad at us as well that these people are our revisionist vietnam revisionists and they believe that if the United States army had in the not armed forces had been given the authority to destroy North Vietnam that they would have won the war and if it wasnt for the politicians and the military command the United States could have won but these are the sort of people with that sort of mentality and i think that that may partially be part of the reason why theyre taking such a hard and well its a Northern Syria its very i think a nobody but its very its very interesting its very interesting though that if harry truman would have given macarthur that kind of authority we would have had the third world war in the generals report out of the politician but if the politician is a wall and i think thats the case right now this is what we get when you go to morrow in beirut lets go a little bit closer to home to you theres a lot of open chatter right now with israels heightened involvement i mean its you know what is it over the even the last year it is the legally. Violated syrias air space and looks like now the syrians are not accepting that and theyre making it very clear but theres a lot of talk chatter that israel is eyeing another war against hezbollah again fighting a war against lebanon and it seems this all kind of goes into it because that is the paradigm has a law in iran thats their narrative right here interestingly enough you have the United States based in syria as well i mean all the puzzle pieces seem to be coming together go ahead in beirut. Yes i definitely agree with that specially after the blow that was taken by the Israeli Occupation air force on saturday when when the f. Sixteen jet was downed by the Syrian Arab Army over occupied syrian land and they were hoping for some kind of award to start whether in the southern part of syria or with lebanon for that matter but. After that head they are now thinking a thousand times before they do so even at dawn on thursday this week serving the strong was sent from israel into syrian territory and was also attacked by the syrian Missile System im sorry the aircraft system and the fled they went back into palestinian occupied territories so now even a drone a survivor the strong one is not being able to go attack the sovereignty of syria for that matter now when we talk about a possible war between hezbollah and the israeli entity i dont think that the front would be this time the southern part of lebanon the southern border with occupied palestine i think that the syrian Golan Heights would be the great place that we should all put our eyes into because first of all thats an occupied territory second of all it has been for the past six years at least where the resistance the armed forces of the resistance whether hezbollah or other allies have been putting their efforts in there to try and start some sort of a new front with the israeli entity because thats the front that israel is most of rate of. Its continue with syria here i mean when we hear again from the trumpet ministration assad must go here i mean what does that mean is that the justification for the United States to say that we started out the program in why does the United States want to stay in syria and not make peace in leave like everybody wants to leave everyone including their sometimes on our friends in iraq go ahead in london. Peter i agree with you there phonetically that American Military presence in syria and iraq actually is not legitimate one now that syrians and the iraqi are calling for the americans to pull out their troops because they dont want them anymore simply because they where to find that Islamic State there is no more Islamic State as they pretended or as they were talking about now the situation is completely different about two weeks ago the israeli media was talking about some sort of agreement between the United States and israel to destabilize iran and syria and it seems that that downing of the israeli f. Sixteen s on this on the syrian out of a city in that attack actually it means that it is a clear message from russia to the United States to israel that we are not going to hit you or go ahead with this plans to destabilize sorry. Relies a around and syria so i think the american will face a huge trouble that are russia as last year now is strong there and russia has the upper hand in syria turkey is standing against america saying that your staff does in the back you will see you not five times more vietnam experience and syria and in the region so the syria now actually threatening that any israeli warplanes violated their airspace will be shut down so i believe it is it is tension but that the three major power superpower in the region iraq turkey sorry. That. Tacky and that i share they are actually waiting for the american to do something stupid and i believe when hezbollah got about a hundred and fifty thousand missiles and we dont know how many. Thousands or one hundred thousand. And that on arsenal or in the theater i believe that there is huge now and we have to wait for ideas to unfold confidence and it will be in this field but what i think also that the two to two tripping points the tipping points that im worried about is israel attacking lebanon again i mean if you listen to Israeli Military officials active duty and retired its full on the airwaves of course its never reported in western media never report it never hear about that mohammad let me go ill go to you i mean if you look at the israeli criticism and justification for its violation of syrian airspace the los recent spat its all because iran has bases supplies there they are if it was if syria doesnt even exist ok but of course it doesnt exist in the minds of really Foreign Policy makers it doesnt at all there are no sovereign countries around israel theres places where you could go metal but thats what when i looked at the response and of course it was echoed like a stenographer in washington d. C. They said exactly the same thing as the israelis but its really directed against iran and. Adel said something a few minutes ago waiting for the americans to do something stupid well the stupid thing it would be in conjunction with israel attacking around go ahead. Well the israeli is like to use iran as a scapegoat to justify their aggression on neighboring countries and also the Palestinian People is very similar to what its for Apartheid Regime in south africa used to do when they were demonized they end the now and mandela and they were communists and in the west they passed laws against them too in the United States they and the was a terrorist organization and so was president mandela when he was president the law wasnt changed so when he would go to the United Nations General Assembly hed have to get special permission the present. South africa to enter the country because he was the head of. A terrorist organization so thats by using communism apartheid south africa a person with those policies against neighboring countries and the guns of the african majority the black majority and Israeli Regime the Apartheid Regime just the same but i think there is a big difference now today than before first of all israel israel does not have the mabel superiority that it had before its its trade is vulnerable to missiles from in the mediterranean its air superiority is questionable and i personally think that there are there are more advanced surface to air missiles out there that are being kept under lock and key in on the ground israelis have lost the war to hezbollah before and this time around you have syria two you have gaza and you have many people the people from the Popular Mobilization force in iraq who would come to the aid of syria and hezbollah are there if there is a war and the government in lebanon unlike before is the supports the resistance in southern lebanon so i dont think it is cool at all a winnable war and the one thing we can do were or i wouldnt run out of much more devastating time but with what weve discussed in this program is certainly in the Shifting Sands in the region many thanks to my guests in london beirut and in iran and thanks to our viewers for watching us here dark you see in x. Time and remember. If you agree or really believes were about to conduct a preemptive strike its going to be a significant and a serious preemptive strike that may. They may be motivated to make it to try to visas. Twenty fourteen. A bloody revolution to achieve the demonstrations going to be relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just no war here i mean your list with video and the bill is that i new school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty four g. And. Those who took. Invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. Palestine is Getting International recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos a member of the commission to do loving you i can hear you this is in my capacity is going out local study hall maybe you know john tells. Me the only palestinians who gets the most help from its jerusalem counterpart i dont think theres some of those who are under the oak vision not only can do this. And know it is unfair advantage to have this lady of the muscle that you have im going to compete in the gaza machine to do more. But result. On a visit to ankara americas top diplomat attempts to improve worsening relationships with the key nato ally turkey thats the tensions grow in syria and the potential clashes between turkish and american troops. Feeling the experience is being embraced by competitors from around the world at the winter games in south korea with blindfolds helping each other. Resist specific russian athletes he offered me help or technical help the fact that he was willing. To reach out and help me in such desperate time shows that sport can bridge cultures it can bridge politics. And a new report into alleged russian interference in the twenty sixteen u. S. President ial election claims Popular American Media Outlets were in directly involved in meddling themselves. Watching r. T. International live from our moscow studio with me and if you are welcome to the program the u. S. Secretary of state is in turkey in an effort to mend ties with ankara Rex Tillerson has already met with the president s and erdogan as well as the countrys foreign minister the nato allies have been at odds over washington support for Kurdish Militias in syria and angry that the u. S. Backed groups which turkey calls terrorists practice and trying to ease tensions by claiming the support is limited however this does not seem to be enough for ankara. Always been clear with turkey that the weapons provided to the very forces would be limited missions. Provided only. To achieve dilatory objectives all we demand that this relationship and by that i mean we want them to and all the support given to the syrian army of the p. K. K. The white b. G. Lets take a closer look now at the two groups just referred to by the defense minister the p. K. K. Is the Kurdistan Workers Party a Group Fighting turkish authorities for more than thirty years both ankara and washington consider them a terrorist organization on the other hand american turkey have different opinions on the syria based Kurdish Militia called the Peoples Protection units all the white p. G. Regards it as a branch of the p. K. K. And therefore terrorists but the Us Led Coalition sees the wipe e. G. As allies in the fight against Islamic State in syria in january the pentagon and it was creating a kurdish led Security Force right on turkeys doorstep in Northern Syria in response ankara launched a military campaign against Kurdish Militia theyre threatening a direct clash with American Forces well were going to discuss this a little bit further get our correspondent arties caleb moore pin weve been following the story caleb has to assume his visit to the turkish capital produced any specific results as of yet. Well its too soon to tell now at the moment there has been agreement to normalize relations between the two countries and the principle disagreement between the two countries being the United States support for the Kurdish Forces in syria that seems to be the primary disagreement now turkey says that any support for these groups which it considers to be terrorists is completely unacceptable washington says that at this point its only limited support thats necessary in the fight against i still so this key disagreement doesnt seem to be anywhere near being resolved there is talk of forming working groups to discuss this issue but another point of disagreement did come up during the meetings and that is the purchase of s four hundred missiles by turkey from russia turkey purchases these missiles from russia and then under a new sanctions bill the United States turkey would face sanctions for making these purchases and now the officials from the United States tillerson they were very clear that the target of this new sanctions bill was not washingtons allies like turkey but rather russia however in remarks from tillerson he did indicate that turkey should reconsider purchasing military hardware from russia this is what tillerson said. To them as a solution was not your fruits of allies but it is directed at russia for its center for elections so weve been advising countries around the world as to what the impact of their relationship and purchases that there might be consider with russia maybe reconsider those that have decided to not proceed with. Now the challenge of the meeting is certainly optimistic with both sides seeming to want there to be a reconciliation and a term of understanding between washington and ankara wanting to resolve differences however the principle point of disagreement specifically the u. S. Support for Kurdish Forces that issue doesnt seem to be anywhere near being resolved ok artist giving us an update on that story thanks the u. S. Is relying on kurds while trying to violate the sovereignty of syria and separate a piece of its territory thats the view of russias foreign minister in a recent interview. U. S. Special forces and other units are on the ground in syria illegally without any invitation from damascus actually from the legitimate government or any u. N. Security council mandate. Its understood that the u. S. Probably has some kind of strategy which i think means in syria forever with its own forces they want to do the same in iraq and afghanistan contrary to all their previous promises they already sparking a situation where a huge part of syrian territory would be separated from the rest of the country violating the sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic they are creating quite a local ruling bodies all the time trying to give them some kind of autonomous composition relying on. What. Is now weeks as the Winter Olympics in south korea officially began and while there have been some touching stories to help and support sporting a controversy and then also making the headlines it has more to tell. Unfortunately with these Winter Olympics the story has been that every other day yung chang treats the media with some sort of scandal so far perhaps one of the most disgusting ones for me was when a canadian short track speed skater was receiving Death Threats from the locals after she finished fourth first but then a south korean athlete was disqualified and then her position was upgraded to start place and thats when the ugly things started happening but you shouldnt get the impression that the Olympic Games are doomed because in many sports there is such family spirit its the kind of family spirit that goes first after nationality rivalry politics etc there was one good example when george Cross Country skiing competition a russian skier lost a part of his equipment and then an american coach rushed to help him out if the russians here had to do this u. Turn you dont come back to pick it up that would have been a disaster for him and the race but thanks to the american coach it didnt happen and we talked to the men the Cross Country ski family is is exactly that its a family we often benefit from russian or no region coach is giving our athletes a pole in a race and well do the same i would say its very friendly when you walk by a russian athlete or coach will always say congratulations or if weve had a good race they will say congratulations to us three years ago and most of the entire russian womens team came up to our hotel in head to tea and cookies with our own her continue and not many people spoke the same language we know a few words of russian a couple of them they knew some more english than we knew russian but we had a great time and that it was one of those moments in my career that i remember well i guess when it comes to pole winning. Coal rivals russia and the u. S. Helping each other out in force it works both ways and here with me i got the silver medalist in luge chris master who definitely knows what im talking about and hes ready to tell us about a story that happened to him a few months ago as far as it is said chris hi again congratulations and whats that story was the russian athlete i guess helping you out yeah thank you very much who is it was a couple weeks ago where i was having a very difficult last season people were starting to reach out and help me and there was a specific russian athlete he offered me help like technical help with with my pod with with fiberglass with with aerodynamics and although it didnt work because a much larger than he is the fact that he was willing to reach out and help me in such like a desperate time shows that sport can bridge you know cultures it can bridge politics that we can connect on the human level through sports and thats thats really what embodies the olympics here is that so many countries are coming together connecting through sport and it really shows the power of the human spirit absolutely this is a small little step it takes a lot of people to get one of these and i cant think simulate enough for thinking about me and just trying to help me out in a time of need i am very Close Friends with with so many different russian athletes and yes theres been a lot of scandals and im really i cant wait for the day that we can move past this and we can just see right back to sport clean sport its so easy to talk about negative things but its really difficult to highlight these positive situations you know who knows maybe one two lympics this will all be behind us and well get right back to you know clean competition and a lot of fun. Staying with slides related sponsor russias team of athletes of out of the silver to that tally and it was a medal that

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