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By their two pm wednesday afternoon this is Art International with me kevin i would think that was so much for joining us first this hour that the Dutch Foreign minister has been forced to resign after admitting that he lied that he had a meeting with president putin went back in two thousand and six. Done a lot. Of. People over for if. It was an emotional resignation mr departure comes just a day before he was supposed to meet his russian counterpart here in moscow lets look at whether those false claims were worth it. Because. In early two thousand and six i was a lad a mere putins countryside house that i stopped at the back of a room or a meeting was being held but i could hear very well for jimmy in talking about a greater russia he said this included Russia Belarus ukraine and the Baltic States and that kazakstan would also be nice to have. No acknowledged that it was a lie that he wasnt even in russia in two thousand and six he said he did it to protect his source a person that presumably attended a meeting where he now describes it as the biggest mistake of his political career and it looks like some of his fellow said this was couldnt agree. More boston thats a marriage if that fits into a friend you want to create but it slowly turns on you like a boomerang because it becomes this thing that gets linked to his Foreign Policy experience from the trustworthiness of the netherlands is questioned internationally making things extremely difficult for the loss of this identical business title if the media lands wants to remain credible you cant have people saying that your minister is lying about being at a specific location at a specific time thats not right especially not about that place at that time but he seems to least for this nice of social media twitter exploded with the hash tags tags and lying dutch murthered. Featuring photoshop pictures of its of Historic Events and visiting landmarks. When he first made his claims no question that back then russia was frequently accused of many things including aggressive politics authored rusher analyst Martin Mccauley thinks the now former dutch diplomats false remarks are a symptom of the times. There are two reasons why he made that statement one is that it projected him into the public newspapers the headlines and so on this was a sensational statement to make and the second thing would be that of course it fed into the need to. The native narrative the narrative of the west at the time still is which is basically under russian sees video putin as a threat to the National Security and it fed into that and therefore for these two reasons then it appeared to be from the dutch point of view this is a very good very good thing to do the. Alarming report predicts increased terror attacks across europe this year carried out by returning fighters some skilled in high tech warfare defense analysts james terrorism and Insurgency Center warns that some will have knowledge of drones and sophisticated bomb making techniques and the number of returning i saw for his is increasing too with the problem spreading across europe fighters have returned to germany to britain and elsewhere but its france where i saw recruiters at the most success. And one former i still fight russian one who fled the terror group in syria says he was misguided in his beliefs and pressured to become a suicide bomber parrot he surrendered himself to Russian Security services on his return from the conflict zone guys name is yuri election he was raised an Orthodox Christian but then converted to islam and in twenty fourteen went to egypt to study the religion he told r. T. It was there that he was recruited by eisel to fight in syria. And smuggled in from i got interested and started reading forums and watching video online i was given a phone number of a person who could help me get to syria and here is sure to me that those who came could leave it any time and no one would be kept there but they immediately took away our documents and telephones it was a shock for me i felt helpless everything was different from what they told me. In syria lost a leg in an airstrike before finally deciding to flee then return to russia and surrendered himself into the authorities since hes now working closely with Security Services and has been shown a certain amount of leniency election was one of the thousands of russians indeed who went to syria and iraq to join. Studio. After an explosion i lost my sight and felt a sudden pain when i realized my leg had been torn off i had surgery and went through rehabilitation at the same time they were making a prosthetic leg for me while i was lying in the hospital people came up to me and tried to convince me to become a suicide bomber and they said that i anyway had no leg what else could i do i couldnt refuse directly it could have caused a suspicion probably. To some. I was first overcome with joy while on a bus in turkey and only once i was in russia did i realize i had managed to escape and i went to the f. S. B. Department and wrote a confession i decided that it would be better i was interrogated a lot and i told him the whole story now i have a new family i married a russian muslim girl i work at a Construction Company and still stick to islam but i dont want to go to mosques anymore i want to avoid questions. Meantime over in from. Out of almost two thousand known citizens who travel to join Islamic State intelligence sources there say that sixty seven came from one particular paris suburb from where charlotte dubin ski reports next. A short train ride from paris is trapped on the surface theres nothing much to set it aside from the thousands of other towns in the country but you dont have to scratch very deep to see that trap is very different where you will see any non how and butcher shops there are i think at the moment over fifteen hundred prayer rooms and five mosques if you look at people on the street you wont see Couples Holding Hands youll see the women are dressed in strict islamic dress. Theres a lot of home schooling so you couldnt really consider trap. Typical french town anymore its a little bit like a state within a state for decades its been considered a magnet for muslim fundamentalists hardline salafism and one hobby is a widely practiced and trap has become synonymous with joe hart ism. Dozens of people. Islamic state i was have carried out attacks on french soil have been linked. In two thousand and fifty why with her right appears to. Think that. There is some plain white pride remaining bad but your heart is its only a matter of time before we have another attack the basic problem is that the ideology thats driving this and this goes much deeper than terrorist cells planning and executing attacks that ideology is so ingrained that last year a poll of French High School students revealed thirty two percent of Muslim Students believed islamic doctrine was superior to scientific fact another in two thousand and sixteen showed that sixty eight percent believed islamic law was superior to french law theres also concern that in an area like this that was once run. By. Dorothys that syria is becoming the land. The full veil covering has been burned to the cheese the police are often reluctant to intervene off the riots in two thousand and thirteen when officers try to i. D. A woman who is fully couplet a very very fragile situation which the government doesnt want to provoke urban riots which would quickly spread like wildfire all over france. President says he wants to reorganize islam in a bid to fight fundamentalism but some experts say thats a pipe dream radicalization in places like this they say its already too deep rooted to take out. R. T. Trap. News next the former u. S. President Barack Obamas reportedly received a letter containing a identified white powdery Substance Use among a number of high profile figures in fact to be sent such mail of the last couple of days Khaled Maupin reports now the incident took place at the office of former u. S. President barack obama this is his office on the Northwest Side of washington d. C. Place he has been ranting for the purpose of conducting business not too far from his residence now this comes just hours after a similar package with a similar suspicious white powder was delivered to the house of parliament in the United Kingdom so questions are being raised about that individuals are trying to get to the surface of that situation in the u. K. Its being investigated on the previous day we have the delivery of a suspicious and follow up to the residence of Donald Trump Jr the son of the u. S. President now when the package was delivered we then heard that his wife Vanessa Trump the wife of the president s son that she was taken to the hospital preemptively in their concern. And that this is specious white powder may have actually contained a dangerous substance like anthrax or Something Like that it was tweeted out that this could have come from the opponents of President Trump however it has now been determined that in the envelope that was sent to the residence of Donald Trump Jr all that was contained was simply cornstarch now keep in mind a week ago a suspicious package containing white powder was sent to the residence of julian a sign she was hauled up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in the u. K. Lot of questions are being raised now a lot of people in the United States in the United Kingdom are observing these events as they go on but at this point we really dont have enough information to draw any clear conclusions about who is behind this or what the purpose of these suspicious envelopes really is at this point were still waiting for the truth to come out. And its going to. Put those opinion when we talk about this because south korea and the olympics Severe Weather conditions prone to the evacuation of a limp in south korea wednesday spectators rose to go indoors and a number of events were spotted as strong gusts of wind fullest authorities to dismantle information tents was going on lets check it out if the trend is of the sea late at night where you on the coast is appealing and for a second but a lot of people most of the North Koreans wish it was there but of course its in the south looks probably come over my shoulder at the moment whats going on then. Kevin young chang and ill tell you what there were some really serious issues with the wind in this part of south korea just a few hours ago for the first few days of the olympics people were complaining about the cold but then finally when it got warmer. There were just some unbearable wind gusts throughout the day and while i was working outside the coast olympic park here and khan in we had to stop filming a very other minute because it was almost impossible and i saw these temporary tents with merchandise falling down fences falling down things falling off the roofs the trees as well and unfortunately i even saw one volunteer being carried away and then taken away by an absolute rule and so it looks like there were some injuries as you were saying fans were being told to stay indoors it got calm right now as it got dark but then really fans were just running and doors had some point but of course the volunteers they have to stay outside so it is a really tough job for them and it is going to be tough for the athletes to compete in this kind of weather conditions because the forecast is that promising and ill tell you that a number of sporting events have already been postponed including biathlon and Alpine Skiing any more asian weather surprises soon well find out yeah just to those pictures for the first time im quite surprised because it was quote unquote blowing this say the least when it was well good job my city is Still Standing up and yes of lesson people chang thanks very much now you wouldnt usually expect say a childrens classic story about a family a rabbit is to spark a boy a new hollywood version of this month has already got people riled. I just need to keep the wildlife out where they belong here to try to. Keep. His face was so classic he was like. Well meet peter rabbit a modern twist to the Beatrix Potter tale but theres one scene in particular its infuriating parents right now it shows the rabbits attacking their are human nemesis by throwing black berries at him but hes allergic ministers choking up into object himself to stave off a dangerous reaction its led some parents to call for a boycott of the movie now claiming it makes light of a serious issue and could encourage bullying the asmer analogy foundation of america is also hit back to for its part Sony Pictures apologize for the scene admitted it was a bit insensitive reaction from the president of the Allergy Foundation as well as a schoolteacher and a political analyst for their thoughts. We believe that Food Allergies are a very serious condition again two people die daily from life threatening allergies and there are probably two children in every classroom with this condition so making fun of it taunting bullying in any fashion due to a disability or medical condition like in a flock close is simply unacceptable what wait a minute why does that assume bullying why do we assume that the consequence of showing this in the film is going to be bullying look we believe that again we understand you know that movies are to entertain but we just simply do not believe that entertainment should include harming another person making fun of one because of that disability or because of that condition or you know taunting or even putting them in that life threatening situation and making fun of it is really we believe irresponsible theyre watching these rabbits ganging up on mcgregor and throwing what they actively know is an allergen into his mouth and then celebrating that and i dont think that thats ok moral of the story from Beatrix Potter is original intent was to show that its important to obey your parents and that that will lead to a healthy prosperous life and that if peter rabbit indeed disobeyed in the snuck into the garden with my dog we could just simply not take our children the movies we feel are inappropriate for them and furthermore the idea that we assume that this is going to lead to bullying is a false premise its a false dichotomy i agree everyone has the have their own right to take their children to the movies that they choose to see if you choose to take your child to this movie thats your choice i simply hope that youll use that to elevate the conversation and a positive way around food allergy awareness preparedness an anti bowling behavior the big issue here is that hollywood license and hollywood values are not necessarily going. Reflect those of the larger viewing public that these are ways we deal with the problems in by laughing at our own problems and our own challenges we actually can encourage education about them rather than discourage bullying i think bullying is a misplaced focus here thanks for watching is today coming up north korea says the world faces an increased threat of nuclear war so after washingtons revises atomic weapons policy a lot more to this quick break. Moment was selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the Chicken Hawks forcing you to fight the battles. That you socks try to tell you that celebrity gossip and tabloid like. Tell you all and i like. All the hawks that we along with all the walking. I go north korea has renewed its threats against the u. S. In response to a new Nuclear Policy the washington umbrella the earlier this month pyongyang says its increasing the risk of nuclear war this policy adding that those fond of fire will perish in the flames as they put it which might be a reference to Donald Trumps threat made back in august they will be met with fiery fury. Like the world has never see. Donald trumps Nuclear Posture review which is the first rethink of u. S. Policy of its kind in seven years includes an option to unleash Nuclear Weapons in response to a non Nuclear Attack thats new it also calls for the development of less powerful weapons again thats new which critics say might trigger a new arms race however pentagon officials are trying to show that the u. S. Is actually liking behind its perceived adverse series was check out this charts included in the review it makes us rivals of move far ahead of the development of new systems but it doesnt show some of the missiles that washington has in the making or upgrades to its existing stockpile those puts countries on the same scale despite the differences in the weapons they hold making north korea look mightier than china even though its estimated to have some twenty times less warheads interested well the head of the nuclear monetary organization for selling a study group says there is a powerful lobby in the u. S. Government right now pushing for more weapons. It want to shake money loose for new Weapons Systems and they want to break the taboo against new Weapons Systems that has gradually built up to do that they have to painted essentially faults and alarming picture about us capabilities with respect to other countries that it was an embarrassment but it happened the actual military is not for the most part that interested in Nuclear Weapons but there is a faction which is at the moment very powerful that you thinks Nuclear Weapons are an important symbolic tool for increasing pressure. The russia and china in secretary mattis used to argue for increased investment in americas Defense Budget which already vastly outstrips all of its rivals committees pleased to welcome secretary of defense James Madison no strategy could survive as you pointed out without the funding necessary. Funding for the military sustained investment budget investment the budget for a military budget funded in nato allies also in their defense. Used today in the media that the american Led Coalition is serious kill dozens of russian mercenaries of raised the specter of a direct u. S. Russia confrontation because they responded to those latest claims that lets get across to the coach and it was a great day whats the reaction from the kremlin. Well over the past week almost old world media and multiple social media platforms have been reporting on numerous russian citizens killed of fighting in syria well these reports had no confirmation behind them and therefore raise questions where the whether that could be some sort of a speculation and now weve got official comments regarding this situation coming from the kremlin spokesperson. We. Does not have any detail good formation but were the last to reach a conclusion russian citizens might be in syria but they dont belong to Russias Armed forces over if they do remain russian citizens once again were calling on everyone not to follow each time someone intentionally foods information and take a serious approach and describing such an important issue. Also suggests that all Media Outlets reach out to Russias Defense Ministry two very fine facts before publishing and asked for the us side while there has been no confirmation coming from there on the contrary the us defense secretary said that he has no information that any russian army servicemen were alone because casualties following the u. S. Air strikes now a number of reports on social media first began circulating last week suggesting that anywhere from several dozens to up to several hundred russian mercenaries were killed in syria now there are reports of alleged russian casualties were quickly picked out by Different International Media Outlets including the bloomberg the daily mail the New York Times c. N. N. And many others for Central School did a culture of clarity on it pretty sure that you watching too we are the global broadcast from moscow world was really great for you choose those for your news that you check please continue to always follow his own lawn as well about home but i for me kevin though in the next life in thirty. If you. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics Small Business im show business ill see you then. Apply to many clubs over the years so i know the game inside i. Football isnt only about what happens on the pitch to the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spend each year to twenty million and one player. Its an experience like no one else on to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great one more chance with. A nice minute. In america a College Degree requires a great deal. Paying a decades long ted. Studying so hard and require as john just. Going through humiliation to enter an elite society. And punching to death sometimes quite literally. Wants of the true colors of universities in the u. S. Thank you. Thank. You ed thank you. I thank thank thank you thank you thank god thank you. Im thanking anybody by the Severe Weather center field the way or yes im here. And it just. Shows you to be does she did you to. Mention disability show is intended to compete with bush with the british war protectionism she didnt seem us doing much to suggest resistance was the issue and now were told by no point description of me you. Woman are going to be is not missed because of its surrounds you should have refused you didnt think is a tissue between these newly created. Brain is like a scale we deal of the who is the cut out of those with their own who cannot bear to live. With a click this he has been to those a lot i think it is still no good at the first day of the game is the issue i didnt. Know knew it was. Not let it stay here sessions i tell you as well that i knew but. Which. I think. Make it a. Fish f. I thank you i said long as that way absolutely staying in a little room before the. Us that are brought up so you know when you saw him. When he is here for you sammy and what is the cheney up when you asked him and asked me at the embassy is this but oh yeah. Were stood thinking im a specimen the way doesnt with the course when youre lying in a visit we would visit at the post. Office just to stay out of the room. And look of it the way. If. You seriously think you. This is. Then if it is that those who foam wont build a star with elephants of water there oh weve been hearing of those who think theyre just a tool to us and they you know what you multiply this blue notice here dont know very similar this is the deal and. The funding by the by the by do figure move closer to where it is

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