Entire population they could match that distribution a fair money from the fed using crypto coins and visa v. The Social Security account yeah i mean and one problem of course is you dont want just one air drop like a roar queen try try because there oh it is the soviet problem because when the soviet union collapsed they did give basically the equivalent of what an air drop was that every citizen got some sort of cut of the assets of the nation and it turned out that the oligarchs went around door to door knocking and and collecting them all and bought them for cheap and then became the controllers of the assets if you want a dividend that keeps on coming in absolutely we can solve this stacey right after the break well have it all figured out dont go away. Elliston is Getting International recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos remember wolf it was dismissive to do it like you know that this isnt my cup of tea is something going on local study hall meetings. Held john doe it up a tough job or they should be the only palestinians who gets the most help from its jerusalem counterparts i dont think this is about those who endure in the open vision that not only because it is a book and though it is all of us not just the hottest lady in the most of the jihad im not going to continue muslims you know do more commitments also dont piss off. Hate everybody im Stephen Baldwin task hollywood guy suspects every proud american first of all im just George Washington and r. V. s to suggest this is my buddy max famous financial guru well hes a little bit different im not. Going to. Know when those up with all the drama happening in our country im shooting the road have spun me every day americans. And look for the star to bridge the gap this is the Great American people which. Seem wrong but all wrong just dont call. Me long yet to shake out this day comes out of hand and it gains from it because the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to go to acapulco and speak with jeff burrow a who puts on the biggest mass and arctic conference in politics and economics that is an article polkadot in this year is at is a one day crypt of polkadot jeff welcome back its my pleasure max and jeff congratulations this is an archipelago krypto polka thing as blowing up man is a must go to event era here about all the time you must be very pleased yeah actually weve been totally shocked we were not expecting this we have about triple the audience of last year its going to we actually sold out its going to be about fifteen hundred people we had about six hundred last year and yet its piers that this anarchy thing is kind of popular there id say to as if i or somebody showed up out and they couldnt get a ticket its completely sold out you know the main conference is sold out but theres all kinds of events before and after its almost like a month long sort of a vent but so you go to an archipelago dot com and scroll down you can see all the workshops and you can also live stream the conference at an arco polka dot com slash live stream so what a lot of people are doing is coming down and theyre going to actually just sit by the pool and watch the conference on their i pad and then when the people all come out from after the conference and they all go to the parties and Restaurants Join them theyre all right i call that lets get into some of these recent developments in the big coin space and you know lets talk a little bit about bitcoin a big coin cash. You know as well as one or two big coin maximalist so we say are you staying away from that fight big going versus big going cash or how do you weigh in on that one i know youre going to have a couple of the big cash people at the fest of all what are your thoughts on this jeff yeah i definitely have not been staying away from this debate it actually took me a few months after the for a. On august first to kind of understand what was going on its not complex and technical and theres all kinds of different interests involved in this is what happens when you have a completely decentralized currency is there is a lot of disorganization theres a lot of fighting theres as we know a big cash forked off from decline on august first and that was generally a dispute about how to scale because and that dispute is still very much still going on because bequest transaction fees have been still very high and bitcoin transaction speeds have been quite low and the main reason i got into big question was because i believed that if we could have a Digital Currency that is decentralized it will essentially get rid of Central Banks which will eventually massively downsize governments and even eventually get rid of governments and as a matter because thats exactly what i want but the way the big quake has developed and you see a lot of these big quake or developers you see people at block stream these have been the bucks he has been one of the most. Active groups involved in this sort of thing and bloodstream is kind of half owned or owned by the chairman of builder burg so thats a lot of doubts about their intentions and you hear a lot of the big Core Developers talking about its ok if they cost one hundred dollars to transfer because that just shows that its its really popular and thats not what i first saw for because when i first got into it in two thousand and eleven i foresaw that we need a currency that can be eased by anyone in the world that is decentralized very cheap to use and very fast at least within ten minutes or something along those lines at the very least and now were seeing big queen being moved to ive seen transaction fees well over one hundred dollars actually paid one transaction fee of over two thousand dollars once trying to transfer three Big Questions about two weeks ago now there is a segment theres lightning that word has all kinds of things we could talk about there but i also have my doubts about those and the main thing that i see is there are a lot of these techies dont really understand what. The big queen was created for and that was to become a currency used by everyone and they keep talking about it being digital gold now so its not digital cash is digital gold if so if because it ends up being digital gold it cant be used very easily as cash then were going to have to look at alternatives thats an ongoing debate i think them the market is going to sort this out one way or another nothing is bigger than the market i know theres a lot of grumbling about big cash kind of plays razzing the name bad cawing and by using but cawing dot com as a gateway to big going cash causing a lot of what some would say unnecessary confusion in the marketplace but lets move onto another crypt a current say that here involve the as your very prominent poster that steam it and this is an interesting application jeff because its in all the coin and they all coins came around during the period of scaling debates and the delays in scaling that way of saying going to going back a few years and it really laid the foundation and created the room for these all coins to blossom and steam as one of those all coins but it also has a very specific use case and i always liked it ive talked about it before on this show it seems like a great use of tokens to incentivize contacts cetera and youre a big big big guy on steam and can you tell folks about it yes sure i got on to it about july two thousand and sixteen i believe and i didnt know anything about it i made my first post and i because you cannot vote and give steam to the best post on the site i made fifteen thousand dollars on my first post because im quite well known in the Cryptocurrency Community and every one of the time whos who was on steam it was all into crypto currency so i started to learn about it and i found out that the developer was a person named dan alarum or i really got into his concept hes an american capitalist hes trying to create all of these sort of things cryptic currencies and ways that we can essentially make governments and Central Banks obsolete. Wait and i got really to stay minutes and then he went on to move on to something called ios no e. O. S. And im a big supporter of that as well but steam is one of the for me personally its the first use case of a crypto currency being used for something other than just a currency and so far its going really well for people out there dont know about schema dot com especially with what facebooks doing now facebook just banned all cryptocurrency and big related posts in ads so you can see whats going on there steam it is a social media site based on the block chain so once you post there no one can censor it its on the block chain essentially forever and as long as i block chain exists so it is it could be the next level for social media all right jeff lets get into some politics here because it always panned outspoken in your politics and obviously with an arc of all co and air push for anarchy and weve talked about this before and now with bitcoin encrypt achieving the certain mass adopt ends or a certain level of adopt ends but it its gotten to a point where wall streets running scared a little bit governments are running scared and theyre pushing back they are facebook as you point out is banning as far crypto were saying government india you know they were far more positive torbay kind other negative tarpit point so they the revolution that is becoming has reached the state level and so this is really a new era well house jeff because you know you are. Either out of describe this antistate i guess i mean so but so its got to that level you know its got to the jeff berwick fight you know so will the state have the tools what are the state what are the tools the states using to fight bit coy as you say it and how successful will they be to fight that point jeff its going to be very interesting this is a battle for the future of freedom for humanity if they win we will have tyranny on earth like weve never known it if we if. We win we will have peace and prosperity on earth like weve never known and give the power back to the people so really when big quake came out that was the big thing because the real first step for the problems for people and for things like government was the internet for the first time people had access to information and sort of the mainstream propaganda you get on things like n. B. C. And c. N. N. And fox news and all the other ones that are like those and so people for the first time had access to information now. Has really hit at the root of their power structure because its really the power the power behind these governments is their Central Banks you cant have many of the things that they do you cant have any of these wars without Central Banks theyre all paid for through the inflation even donald trump that some people are for some reason excited about in the u. S. So he might reduce taxes somewhat but if you dont reduce the actual spending of the government then all youre doing is shifting that burden of those expenses onto the currency itself by printing more money to pay for it so this is where its at and this is a massive battle this is a colossal battle that really has just begun it just began really in the last two years as you pointed out and now you see it talked about at davos you see the g. Twenty s. You see it everywhere because theyre finally realizing this is really he a major threat to their power structures and they will try to do many things to stop you pointed out many of them coarse theyll put in as many of the laws as they can try to outlaw it you see in china some of the things that theyve done theyve theyve sort of outlawed i. C. s but the great thing about all this stuff is you cant really stop it there is no place you cant go to big coin and and find the c. E. O. And put him in jail you cant go to the big point office and bring in your typical government swat teams and shut it down it doesnt really exist anywhere and this is the beauty and this is what its going to be the battle and i dont i dont expect it and for many years and i expected to be very very bloody but not in terms of physical blood just in terms of a real struggle. For this for whats going on for what we have complete tyranny complete government control global government as theyre talking about one world government one World Central Bank or will the people finally have the power back and have a currency that gives the power back to the people that will those two key technologies share that weve already seen the futility of trying to stop them one would be a bit torrent and then all the torrent sites despite the hollywood m. P. A. Are i. A. S. Best effort to stop file swapping in torrents they have not been able to stop if they had to change their models to accommodate the new reality second of all encryption itself is still in. The domain of the cypherpunks and and the people who are supporting corruption as a as a means of privacy and for a mans of Self Governance as a man is. Getting together for their right to assemble so these things have not been defeated let me talk about another weapon in their tool box i was ever in that would be the wall street. Financial futures in our big coin price was twenty thousand are selling then they launched a Financial Futures contract in the c. M. A. And we recently trying to seventy five hundred a lot of people say think theres a correlation there because of all the games weve seen in the futures market even a long term observer of markets as well as what weve seen in the gold and silver market over the errors is that a Fair Assessment jeff in your view does see that connection you may find it funny to find out that i actually dont think that those futures of severely affected because at this point ive looked into the futures trading on the cme i believe its called and the daily trading is around twenty Million Dollars or something and the market of course is one hundred billion dollar market so at this point i dont see that. As being the reason for the fall i see other reasons for it so i think we needed this fall if you look back one year ago max and just look at the prices of these crypto currencies i believe because even a year ago was still around under one thousand dollars i believe a year ago a theorem was around ten or twenty dollars a could have been a little higher now its all around a thousand dollars this has been a very hot space a lot of the money printed by Central Banks has actually been flowing into the space which is really interest in the kind of half destroying themselves by printing this money and people putting that money into Digital Currencies but yes well see how much they can try to affect it through all of the other means they have and some of those are things like futures for sure but i dont think its affected it too much yet guys you have got to go thank you man alicia thank you max all right thats going to do it for this episode of kaiser a par with me max kaiser stay sarah but i think our guest Geoff Burrowes and our call paul go and this aircraft all go in acapulco what could possibly be more fun than that to get in touch with us its kaiser report on twitter its all the time by all. In america a College Degree requires a great deal. Paying a decades long debt. Studying so hard and requires strongest. Going through humiliation to enter an elite society. And paci into debt sometimes quite literally. Want other true colors of universities in the us. Please. Apply for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. Football isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the super money just kill you narrowness and spending student twenty million one fly a. Book its an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy but great so one more chance for. The face of this minute. I. Shall miss lucian amused by smelling him. To sneeze at this thing in the room with this stuff which is really none of the new clothes shes a. Little bit softer and you just almost try and look. At her dont promise to gather some are done in all seriousness. I. In an exclusive interview with us the head of the court of arbitration for sport tried to defend the Olympic Committee decision to exclude russian athletes which the court itself or the ready cleared of doping allegations. The fact that. To show the guilt of an athletes doesnt mean that it has nothing to do at all with the case. From you in this case president warns aggressors they will feel the force of the slab as tensions between ankara washington escalate the Kurdish Forces and so. On the consumer goods giant uni lever is on a mission to clean up the internet with threats to pull profitable ads from facebook and google if they dont break the news and hate speach. Hello im kevin and thanks choosing to start t. V. Your world news this hour this tuesday the thirteenth of february just turned four in the afternoon here in moscow that means ten in the evening in south korea and thats where were starting it is day four of the Winter Olympics and russia is added to its medal tally i can tell you with the bronze in the skiing currently russian athletes have been on the podium in four events winning three bronze and a silver medal thats all despite the reduced number of competitors from russia following those decisions by the international Olympic Committee and the court of arbitration for sport over doping allegations in twenty eight cases the evidence collected was found to be insufficient to establish thats looking at rule violation was committed actually its concerned house a decision is a extremely disappointing. Decision of the church and the need for reform. In though the interludes structure of because the division of the court of arbitration for sport dismissed the application filed by thirty two russian athletes against the international Olympic Committee applicants did not demonstrates that the manner in which two special Commission System by the i. O. C. Was carried out in a discriminatory arbitrary or unfair manner recent potted history here casts overturn the lifetime ban for twenty eight russian athletes at the start of february then it did that said new turn saying it actually supported the i. O. C. Decision not to allow the athletes to compete in the winter games our correspondent has been speaking exclusively with the secretary general of cass to find out more about these conflicting decisions that. After the court of arbitration for sport said no to forty seven russian athletes and coaches just as the winter games were getting underway perhaps the number one conclusion that came up on some peoples mind was that presumption of innocence doesnt apply to the russian doping scandal well the cast secretarygeneral didnt literally say that the key law principle didnt work for cas but see for yourself how much it applied to the russians the fact that the unable to show the guilt of an athlete doesnt mean that has nothing to do although with the case of the innocence this is a logical consequence and this is nothing bad about it mr reeve maintains that leaving the group of clean russian athletes on paper out of the Winter Olympics isnt a sanction also i found out that the refusal of the i. O. C. To get the dozens of russian athletes on board the olympics in some cases was a result of pure suspicion and other cases it was a result of some real evidence which however mr reeves hasnt seen after all he wasnt a member of the panel but the secretary general promised that this evidence will soon be published so lets wait for now lets have a look at the other highlights of my exclusive interview a cas has been shown something as a people here there was no review of every the sochi case was not discussed here the metro report was last discussed here its only the review of the you see process so it was not just sanction it was an issue i understand the reaction of the public in russia because it doesnt seem logical exactly the russian side doesnt see the logic here how its stripping a person of the right to compete at the olympics not a sanction this is. A special procedure because the created a special commission so the cast by the here reviewed these criteria and said they were fair please let me get this straight the tsotsi case and the chain case you are saying that there are absolutely no contradictions between the two decisions yes the fact that you cannot establish the give evidence of the good doesnt mean that you have established the innocence of the athlete you see what i mean im sorry but i thought that was the exact job of cas to determine whether that suspicion is enough for that kind of bad maybe that they are suspicions which are notes. Confirmed by sufficient evidence i dont know if im clear because its a little bit skopec ated that is you can have some elements which show some. Suspicious actions by the athletes but they may not be sufficient to convince the panel that for sure at least is guilty of an antidoping rule violation but it doesnt mean that they actually did nothing at all there may be some. Some strange actions which could lead to some suspicion so you are saying there can be more transparency its possible its possible yes as you heard a couple of minutes ago when cas initially overturned the i. O. C. Bans of the sochi athletes the international Olympic Committee was very critical of the court thomas back demanded reforms and i asked the secretary general if anyone returned to these ideas after the final decision of the russian athletes was made and the answer was no so it turns out when the court of arbitration for sport came up with a verdict that fully satisfied the i. O. C. Nobody wants to reform cas anymore and as you see its a hard hitting interview for millions if you want to see the whole thing the exclusive interview with the cast of the generals in full throughout the day on this channel tomorrow. Facebook and google are risk of losing one of the worlds biggest advertisers if they fail to improve news transparency in title extremism on their platforms Consumer Products giant unilever which makes some of the biggest brands in food in cleaning products made that threat of the tech conference on monday but the only being caught out in the past however with its own misjudged marketing as john hawkins reports same news different day facebook is again in the firing line having faced pressure from governments and activists over failing to root out hate speech racism fake news divisive comments and whatnot this time its global giant unilever leading the charge even threatening to reduce and withdraw advertising from the social media platform if the things they dont improve. Unilever will not invest in platforms or environments that do not protect our children or which create division in society consumers do care about fraudulent practice fake news and russians influencing the us election they do care when they see their brands being placed next to ads funding terror or exploiting children now the message is clear no more deception abuse and controversy and a new era of positivity unity and includes everybody but a closer look at unilevers own p. R. Record reveals a contentious history from this infamous dove soap placed on facebook triggering a storm of accusations of racism to fair and lovely Skin Lightening Products marketed across asia spawning allegations of perpetuating racist colonial stereotypes to control the seas with massage me and sexism culminating in a damning report on chauvinists that marketing. After apologising unilever has said its now to change its ways its released a new adverts advocating inclusive ety it wants facebook to follow suit or else lets face it though you leave out probably wont drop one of its biggest advertising platform money talks but the story probably has generated some good p. R. That you believe or as any company is primary responsibility is to make money for its shareholders to turn a profit and sometimes p. R. Initiatives like this are part of it there are just an effort to elevate your brand i think it would be difficult for them as a company that makes Consumer Products to avoid advertising one of the most prominent platforms today but what about the central actor in the whole story. Use book the platform has shown commitment to the battle against fake news and abuse but the floodgates have now been truly opened on the left right and center to moderate to send such a sanitized and seems to have buckled under the squeeze well it has made itself very vulnerable because it has made these promises and its even done some things to try to filter misinformation out of its social network even though they have tried to do things it doesnt appear to be working were going to see a lot of pressure increasing pressure on facebook at unilever things that could fix it by giving putting marketplace pressure on facebook im a little bit skeptical that that will actually work facebook is tackling an ever growing list of coals and ultimatums first from politicians and Security Services now it seems corporations that shipping into facebook spending to dumonds could well backfire. A top u. S. Democratic lawmakers called for motives the meetings alleged russian meddling thats on top of the three major investigations already underway in the United States his name is Jerrold Nadler he thinks the current administration