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Are broadcasting live director our studios in moscow this is r. T. International and glad to have you with us. Russia and the United States have voiced their alarm over and armed standoff between israel and syria in a phone call president putin urged Prime Minister netanyahu to avoid any new confrontation while the u. S. State department described the latest incident as a calculated escalation started by iran now it started with israel intercepting what it claimed to be an iranian drone crossing israeli airspace Israeli Forces that reacted by bombing twelve targets in syria including socalled iranian facilities syria then shot down an israeli jet calling it a response to a violation of airspace but the perspectives in syria and israel on the situation differ in certain respects. Confirming. Syrian air defenses intercepted israeli fighter jets that were carrying out an airstrike on location in central part of the country and then later on some news agency the state news agency said that israel carried out subsequent strikes on locations west and south of the syrian capital damascus and also said that the fences from the tsunami have been intercepting piece attacks we all we can also confirm that the sites that are targeted in the earlier attack that took place on dont today is the t for everybody in central syria in the deserts of central syria near a problem iran my military sources are saying that there has been no casualties only three want to talk to us in this dont attack but there is no official confirmation so far who has been hit before by israeli airstrikes. Earlier this year and back then israel said that it was believed to be and a gathering of iranian advisors and the command building of the syrian armys First Armored division well its a play in three acts that all started with any iranian drone a remotely piloted vehicle which entered israel proper we dont know yet where they are for surveillance or attack and it was shot down by an Israeli Armed Apache Helicopter now following that particular incident the Israeli Air Force has retaliated against the launcher of this particular drone. Hitting the. Command and control vehicle and perhaps the launcher itself and during this attack one of the israeli f. Sixteen s was idea hit by Syrian Ground if. Sensis or the pilots got the impression that they are about to be hit and bailed out israel has again retaliated he thinks the a twelve star gets several of them being iranian and several syrian this is the most serious incident. Between israel and syria and definitely between israel and iran in many years meanwhile the israeli Prime Minister is under growing pressure in his own country thousands marched through televisa on saturday calling on Benyamin Netanyahu to resign over a corruption probe journalist maximun fall has been. For over a year protesters have been gathering every week to demand the indictment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for corruption and graft this protest in tel aviv has taken on an especially electric atmosphere thats because this tuesday the police chief of israel is expected to recommend netanyahu is indict earlier tonight so many nuff tali a former Maintenance Worker for the netanyahu has helped launch these protests told me he fears that netanyahu has influence on the investigation could fatally compromise its independence a palestinian member of knesset jamals the halakhah complained that. Netanyahu on corruption charges would be like jailing al capone for tax evasion completely evading the fact that netanyahu has committed much greater crimes in the gaza strip thats idiotic for his part has struck a defiant tone declaring that the truth will come out and that his critics are engaging in fake news. With less than a month to go until the general election in italy tensions are boiling over several cities witnessed antifascist demonstrations on saturday and the long protesters clashed with police i. Think on. The march was called after a racially motivated shooting in the central city of much auto last week here you can see footage from the antifascist protest for much about itself and justice for say hundreds of protesters of a far right party clash with police there that was after a shooter targeted african migrants injuring six he said he wanted to avenge the death of an italian woman allegedly killed by a nigerian Asylum Seeker the incident has fuelled concerns about the rise of neo fascist forces in italy. National as well as foreign media have weighed in the shooters lawyer told journalists that his client was greeted as a hero in Prison Police say racial and religious violence has soared in recent years now these are the numbers from the Italian Police force hate crimes have jumped ten fold in just four years we spoke to professor of politics marco bassanio who believes there are deep conflicts within a society and people need answers no matter what Political Movement they supported seventy seventy five percent of the town were very afraid of this wave of migration you see the last wave of migration came in a country thats got more than twelve thirteen percent on employment rate its really this clash. Of the population will locals and the migrants the thing is all the Political Parties are not address and everybody know so clearly almost half of the leaders will vote for a look for parties or parties that would be considered an entire system of you know Everybody Knows that. The Turkish Military helicopter has crashed near syrias northern border where turkey is carrying out an operation against kurdish militias which it considers to be terrorists to target soldiers died in the incident the circumstances of the crash are unclear but president said the aircraft was shot down and vowed retaliation. Helicopter has just been down and of course all this will happen we are at war theyll be casualties on both sides yesterday we destroyed their missile depos surely will make them pay a heavy price what we do know is that the helicopter came down according to the kurdish fighters near the village in syrias afrin district and north of the country according to the turkish side according to the president that helicopter was shot down in her type province thats a Southern Province in turkey was borders after and to the west of that region now we know that two turkish soldiers were killed in that incident we dont yet know the type of helicopter but according to the Prime Minister been alejandra the cause of the crash is unclear we dont know if it was a technical malfunction weather conditions or actually brought down so still unclear as of yet what we do know is that this incident certainly wont help the calm situation in the region we also know that its the third aircraft to come down in the region in the last week or ten days the first one was the russian su twenty five shot down over by rebels the other one the israeli f. Sixteen by syrian antiaircraft fire and now this helicopter as well proving that groups in the area do have the weaponry to hit targets and bring them down at a distance and so a lot of people are wondering why turkey was on syrian territory in the first place well exactly the turkish general staff said they hit nineteen targets in the region that included shelters i mean mission gun positions belonging to terrorists. The turkish government often uses to describe kurdish militias in the area now its been three weeks since operation all of branch of the generated twenty of the Turkish Military operation to clear the border region of terrorists as theyre described by i do want to bring the syrian land back to Syrian People who were recently stated that once our friend is liberated the turkish army will go further take a listen you know you know were going to continue the Olive Branch Operation until. Chivo goals and then as promised we will clear man beach of terrorists after that we will continue our struggle up to the iraqi border until no terrorists are left. The Turkish Forces are a long way from reaching into lube or any areas of true deep inside syrian territory but what this does mean is that Turkish Forces in the long run could get bogged down in a quagmire against armed groups which ironically have been supplied by the United States so whats the threat that we could see things escalate further theres definitely a risk of escalation u. S. Forces are present in Northern Syria in kurdish territory where theyve been involved in those train assist the Quick Missions helping kurdish fighters against Islamic State no one has said man bridges a city that could be next where this could bring the Turkish Forces into direct conflict with those of the United States take a listen to how much this worries the americans we would call on certainly on the turks to not take any actions of that sort dont want them to engage in violence but we want them to keep focused on isis now turkey and the United States of course our nato allies they have been for decades but in this particular conflict they support sides which are diametrically opposed and certainly when the fight against isis may well be over that conflict those tensions in Northern Syria are unfortunately only at the very beginning of what could be a long and difficult drawn out process. We ask a middle east expert i risk whether the deadly incident could lead to further escalation by turkey in syria. I think that the turks the turkish president of russia. Already intends to escalate so i dont think that this particular incident will be used as a kind of justification as we heard in his remarks you know he intends to go on to members and then go on elsewhere reaching up to the iraqi border but i think that he will face some very very huge monumental challenges because even in a free and as i said turks are encountering such difficulty. Will be a different story that could threaten a potential showdown with the u. S. I dont think turkey is ready for that so i think that the turks are in a somewhat difficult position but. It has climbed the ladder of escalation and i think the problem he faces is who can bring him down allow him to withdraw at the same time saving face its quite a big predicament i think which he faces. The south korean president says he is willing to accept an invitation to visit pyongyang from the north Korean Leader when the conditions are ready its potentially sets up the first meeting between koreas leaders in more than a decade now the invitation was delivered by kim jong sr was attending the Winter Olympics in south korea she is the first member of that north koreas ruling family to visit the south since the one nine hundred fifty s. She met with president moon for a three hour talks and the Opening Ceremony of the winter games also hinted at thawing ties between the two states with both teams marching together. And while Media Attention focused on the v. I. P. Section at the Opening Ceremony it was revealed that not everyone was too happy about the unified korean team u. S. Vice president mike pence made headlines after not standing up as the korean team marched to during the ceremony reports say he was one of only a few who remain seated and did not applaud pence later explained that he came to playing chang to cheer u. S. Athletes but still the recent friendlier relations between the two koreas are widely seen as a breakthrough thats after the countries held their first talks in two years Hong Kong City universities chief joseph chang a Political Science professor believes the president ial invitation is a major step forward this is a small brick through president moon also korea understands that his people would like to see the escalation of tension in the Korean Peninsula the conditions normally will be cessation of all Nuclear Powers and. Miss out tests on the pa all of north korea and north korea in turn on a terminate all last scale military exercises on the power of south korea and and the United States and while the two koreas were able to march under a single flag olympic athletes from russia from the way our team as its known entered the Opening Ceremony under a neutral flag although the russian flag was banned by the International Olympic committee it still found its way into the stadium genco explains. No russian flags at the Opening Ceremony nations parade chang the i. O. C. Said some very strict rules and promised no excuses for anyone whod violate them so who would have thought the russian tricolor would still make it into the ceremony all thanks to a blogger by korean t. V. Just as team france were walking into the arena a russian flag i can well while the zero eight our team were carrying the white a live big flag many russian flags flashed around the arena at the stands but it turned out that not only russians brought them there we spoke to one american fan who grabbed one too and i thought it would be nice to you know show a bit of support for them because theyve basically worked for years for this moment to represent their countries and now they cant and so i was kind of trying to sort of you know help them feel at home i was trying to sort of send a message that they should be included because the olympics is for all countries i dont exactly know the particulars of the doping thing i dont know what the right decision is really im just trying to show a sense of unity im trying to kind of put the politics aside im trying to support these athletes because we know for a fact that these athletes are clean theres no doubt about it but then theyre being punished for what others may or may not have done and so thats collective guilt and i dont like collective guilt i think when you have all so many verses beths athletes banned just before the games instead of you know just for the game so they cant appeal they dont actually have any they dont communicate directly what they did wrong but then all their best athletes are sort of banned this i think that is too much to be a coincidence. And saturday has brought the first olympic medal to the o. R. Team or olympic athletes of russia short track competitor to me on this thought off has earned a bronze which he dedicated to all those russian athletes who are banned from participating in the games. A British University has courted controversy with its stance on gender research that story much more still comes as r. T. International. Thats. What politicians do something. They put themselves on the line to get accepted over checked. So when you want to be president. Or somehow want to. Have to do like to be close this is what the full screen the more m. P. Could get. Interested in the logs in the. First six. You know welcome back this is our Team International psychotherapist and a gender specialist in the u. K. Is challenging a university which is blocking research into people who regret undergoing gender change james caspian claims the move by Bath Spa University is an attack on free speech. Has been extremely stressful to find myself embroiled in these proceedings which i think should be of great concern to anyone who values free speech and knowledge i deeply believe that the research i proposed is important to the well being of the transgendered community the research proposed by mr caspian was initially approved by academics back in two thousand and fifteen but was later dropped in december of two thousand and sixteen a High Court Judge has ruled in the universitys favor according to mr caspian the University Dropped the research because it feared there would be a backlash on social media r. T. Discussed the issue with walt hire who reversed his decision to become a woman ive been back now to my first gender for twenty five years have been married for twenty years you know when i discovered that. This holds that this whole transgender thing is built solely on feelings theres absolutely no objective proof that anyone is a transgender except by now and self identifying as a transgender is no bedikat proof that anyone is a transgender and theres no proof that anyone benefits from the surgery over the long term some people like myself feel like we had a good time while it lasted but when the truth rears its ugly head and you want your life back you want to live in reality and not in. You know surgically made transgender life i found out in my many years of working with transgender people that there is a groundswell of people be transitioning im working with them all the time now more and more letters from around the world from people who after five seven twelve maybe fifteen even twenty years they wanted to transition back calling the surgery and their gender change just pure folly and foolishness and totally unnecessary so they want to help the transition just as ive done we have to Bath Spa University to comment on its decision regarding mr costins research. Mr caspians Research Proposal was not refused on the grounds of topic but on the messages on trickle approach the university was not convinced the press would guarantee the anonymity of his participants and the confidentiality of data the researcher lost the first round of his court battle he set up a crown funding page to cover the Legal Expenses and mount a fresh challenge against the university that so far raised almost fourteen thousand pounds while higher again believe the university was politically motivated in its decision. I think its political absolutely i think its totally political are afraid of the old g. B. G. Which is so powerful it would probably overwhelm the university if they start studying this like james cass and wanted to do at the university what they would find is theres a vast number of people who are deep trance machining because they regret having changed their gender so i think theyre fearful of the truth coming out and this is their way of preventing research from being done. Theres a story straight out of the sewers rats are said to far outnumber parisian zz in the french capital over the years authorities have tested a variety of methods to try and improve the problem but now the citys resorting to quite literally revolutionary tactics. Q. But as for me ill be back in about thirty six minutes with a full look at your news watch martha international. Thats in American Interest to not see any russians die in terrorist attacks as it is in russian interest to prevent any terrorist attacks in the United States or elsewhere in the world so i dont think theres any dispute on that in congress and i think maybe some of the posturing is frankly political as opposed to substantive. And will make us manufacture consent to public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. When the final merry go round certainly the one. We can all middle of the room sick. I mean real news. Footage like this has become well known around the world. The Second World War was a human tragedy that left millions dead or injured. But who ever wonders how life may have continued for the victims. Victims to come out and volunteered for the front and was captured by the nazis who survived seventeen concentration camps and could barely move when he was eventually freed. But victors story didnt end there. He went on to take home four gold and two silver medals for gymnastics from the one nine hundred fifty two and in big games. The first soviet olympic team was made up of siege victims concentration camp prisoners and soldiers. Through sport and they prove that the human spirit can achieve greatness even in times of the complete failure of humanity. This is the story of the soviet unions first and then picked. After the creation of the u. S. S. R. In one nine hundred twenty two the country was politically socially and culturally isolated. It wasnt invited to take part in international events. The country lacked the resources to compete and needed to be completely rebuilt sports gulp it was. Yes q mislead younger students. In one nine hundred twenty the state decreed physical education to be an essential element in building a strong and healthy socialist society and it. Can. Act as a yack yack yack. Daily exercise became mandatory and the state invested heavily in free recreational facilities all over the country. Thats what a big. Feature is in it if you. Please whats the meat you messed up three of yet thats right. Despite its emphasis on developing athletic skills for decades a continuing ideological confrontation kept the u. S. S. R. From participating in the olympics. The one nine hundred fifty two hell thinking games would be its first. One of those first soviet champions is girliness even a. Possumus of course has a name with me philip but i was really cold in chriss roge the wonder which come in the hours lawsuit c. M. E. Upon us from the visit to sid does the water bill paul on money but even though cause im sure but have no so we had hoped but that each but the scaling in with the regular not for the fair always around avoid the starting if to. What the uppity weakest of the young star of our bed that said that our number were id never have to get there but courtship there with the body either what i said your shirt or a cold beer on your chin with a man is a safe bet that you by which the draft. Because. The good when you have a. Fatal crash old man me a dog and. Galina the minute you see us as a champion and as a miner of the eight hundred seventy two day siege of leningrad. Please yell not was do the work of not only when you were issued hill macomo sheep of google or a lot you sure you need new beauty full of all shoes new but otherwise. What can you afford to put up with the if you used a membership book on me i knew the going of. G. Will the. Spa bashir who do you mean by rushing down what they need to cut congreve moderate. Schildt wizard words urban is measured with that gator in your or in ash is your passion will pass will. Come in the summer a stylish ocean to show more than was she able to normally numb your serum or to rule of with him which could. Cause ocean with a glow and it was for the special deal you did you can love was the u. S. S. R. Second champion and another siege of leningrad survival. Papa showed you what it does also d. S. W. Do for a critter that. You knew. Fitted to a noise get away yeah fresh love a sim decision im not sure if my so that going to nibble at this idiot. That i promised i might not drive it in the. Big mistake its not going to find

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